Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Wisdom’s Might

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Terra Stars acted as the middle woman between her analysis system and Man. The content consisted of common knowledge, familiar to modern people, but revolutionary to a primitive tribe.

The first thing taught was how to bide time, teaching Man to bear the humiliation along with the rest of his tribe. The second lesson was expanding the population and how to train the army.

“The army? What is that?” Man asked, not know what it was.

“How did your tribe defeat the mammoth a few days ago? Teamwork is the start of the army.” Terra Stars explained briefly.

Man understood, nodding thoughtfully. He was a diligent and studious student. He listened to Terra Stars and rarely asks questioned, leaving most things to think about afterwards. Only in instances when completely foreign words are used did he ask more.

Time jumped forward with time acceleration, the time on Gaia flowed quickly. In the blink of an eye, twenty years had passed since the start of the alliance between the two tribes of Wild and Man. Man grew from a young teenager to a mature middle-aged man.

Mainly providing teachings in the early years, Terra Stars stopped influencing Man. Leaving him to put into practice what he learnt and think on it himself when trouble occurred.

“Warriors! We have endured humiliation for twenty years, the time for revenge has come!” In the central square of the Man tribe. Man stood atop a high platform with all the warriors of the tribe being gathered. They prepared to attack the Wild tribe.

For the past twenty years the Man tribes had always been subservient to the Wild tribes. Annual tribute of many resources brought them only twenty years of peace. In that time, Man had been following Terra Stars’ teachings.

Giving birth was encouraged. The cultivation of wild wheat, rice, potatoes, and other plants into crops happened. They domesticated wild boars, horses, bison, and wolves. The development of more advanced agriculture tools was always happening. He secretly trained soldiers and crafted weapons along with developing text and language.

After twenty years of development, the Man tribes expanded greatly. The population surpassed the Wild tribe and passed them in other aspects one by one. To reach this day, their day of revenge.

“Man! Development! Man! Development!” The soldiers below were shouting the new name of the tribe and Man’s name. In the twenty years he led he gained unprecedentedly high prestige within the tribe.

War between the two tribes finally broke out again after 20 years of peace. This time, the tide of battle was completely different. Although the number of fighters on both sides were equal, totaling about 2000 people. The old Man tribe had a real army, whilst the Wild tribe still had traditional hunting parties.

Complete domination. Not even Wild, knew as the best warrior could achieve anything. At this point, he was already past his prime. 20 years of lavish ways left his body hollowed out by wine and age. Only a few years remained for him at best.

The Development tribe won without spilling blood at all. But the process did not end without any. Once Wild was captured, he was immediately executed by Man’s orders. Taking the rest of the Wild tribe into their tribe as part of the tribe or prisoners.

On Gaia, there was only one tribe left. Development tribe completing the unification of humans. Man ascended to a throne under everyone’s blessing. A country by the name of “Babylon” was born. Cities begun to form. After the first city was built, Man personally named it “Great Development City”.

The nation’s name was slightly influenced by Terra Stars having fun, there was some truth to the name.

With the progress of the country, many years had passed for Man’s life. With the limited medical technology of this era, Man approached his death. In his remaining time, he continued to work on the improvement of productivity, and the development of various parts of civilization.

With only embers remaining of his life, Man broke his silence towards his teacher. He kept shouting the words “World Teacher”. The name Man used for Terra Stars. Moving her invisible avatar in the realm to in front of Man, Terra Stars manipulated the air to shape around her silhouette.

“Teacher!” Man cried with joy, an aged old man with bright eyes with a childish gleam to them. His excitement brought him great strength, suddenly sitting up from his sickbed. Tears rolled down his wrinkled cheeks.

“Teacher, I have done it, the things you taught me.” Man said excitedly, unfitting for a king in his twilight years.

“I saw. You did a good job.”

Seeing Terra Stars’ response form in front of the silhouette of air, Man smiled.

“What else do you wish for?” Terra Stars asked.

“I have nothing to wish for, the only concern…” Man looked outside the house before continuing.

“The future of this country. With so many children, I don’t know who to choose as the heir…”

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Terra Stars understood. Outside the room, Man’s family was huge. As he encouraged childbirth during the age of tribes, Man led by example. With dozens of wives, he sired many children. There were dozens, many were good characters with wisdom. The choice of the next ruler was difficult to make for Man.

Knowing Man’s children, Terra Stars looked out and recalled the dozens of children. Nineteen daughters, twenty-five sons, with ten of these children being too young to judge. As Man judged, among the candidates all of them had their own advantages and none of them were incompetent.

This was the result of so many years of Man’s efforts, cultivating future generation and teaching his own children. Terra Stars’ gaze swept over the children all around the city. Checking them one by one, only to turn to the analysis system for help.

“System, who is the most suitable to become the next ruler of Babylon?”

A few brief moment passed and the data panels in her mind increase again with two results. First choice is Benigno Babylon, Man’s first son, he was generous and benevolent. Second choice was Ethan Babylon, Man’s seventh son, he had resilience, strength, and high prestige.

She frowned at the results, Terra Stars was not satisfied. Having a new thought, she inquired anew. “What is the best choice to inherit the throne, who can be most beneficial to the development of Gaia’s technology?”

As anew as the question, the panel changed in her mind. The first option remained the same with Benigno Babylon. But the second has changed to Kai Babylon, Man’s eleventh son, he had a thirst for knowledge beyond others.

A satisfactory result appeared. Terra Stars glanced at Kai. She found him calmly staring into the sky as he juggles a stone. She found him interesting and decided which option to go with.

“Kai” Her choice formed in the air before Man.

Seeing the name Man was surprised. Kai was his eleventh son, although he was thoughtful, he was young. Only ten years old now. But his surprise faded, and his doubts disappeared. A message from the World Teacher was always deeper than he could see.

Man had Kai summoned. The young boy arrived shortly after. Kai looked small and unremarkable compared to his brothers, the point of note was there were bright eyes that briefly glanced at Terra Stars’ silhouette. Kai greeted his father and visibly struggled to resist turning to stare at the letters in the air along with the figure of air.

“Kai, World Teacher will teach you from now on, you will be my successor.” Man told the boy, he understood a little of what his teacher saw in the boy.

“World Teacher?” Kai looked puzzled as his eyes repeatedly drifted towards Terra Stars. Intrigue filled his bright eyes as a trace of confusion mixed. Becoming the next ruler was something he would only dream of. The air shifted between father and son, a line of text appeared.

“Kai, I will teach you from now on.”

“Thank you, World Teacher!” Kai replied with a keen mind to understand the situation. With both father and son understood the situation Terra Stars left, the air returning to normal as quickly as it took form.

Kai looked to Man with some confusion and asked, “Father, that was…?”

“That was the spirit of the world, from the heavens. I didn’t have the right words when I first named it. The World Spirit, my teacher.” Man pointed to the sky with a look of respect and devotion.

“Heaven? Spirit?” Kai partly understood but couldn’t understand completely.

Man’s era came to an end, his successor was his eleventh son, Kai Babylon. From the era of danger to the peace of today, the first ruler of the Babylon Kingdom Man was widely respected. Some people called him “The king of man”

When he named his successor, his fame and prestige shielded the beginning of Kai’s era. In the era of peace and development, the thirst for power was low making the changing of eras smoother. Kai became the crown prince at eleven years old, too young to preside over everything, various affairs were managed by the elderly.

He did not have much ambition, so he accepted their position. Spending most of his time following Terra Stars’ guidance to study. Although she only slowed the world for a few minutes at most, Kai spent a lot of time digesting the lesson and recording his thoughts and ideas.

Terra Stars had noticed Kai’s talent greatly surpassed that of Man. Absorbing knowledge like a sponge with a strong will to learn, he was a greater student. He quickly became capable of drawing a conclusion from different things, inferring a range of ideas.

After a year of jumpy teaching, Terra Stars could tell Kai was a true researcher. If he were from Earth he would become a scientist. She was surprised when he noticed the planet constantly grew. Truly a jade in the rough that already showed its beauty. The more she taught, the more times she was surprised.

Compared to Man who she only taught in his late teen years. Terra Stars taught Kai until he reached adulthood at eighteen years of age. The age when Kai began governing fully. During those eight years Babylon changed a lot. Under the indirect push of Kai, it shifted from the tribal era to completely enter the feudal era.

Text and language developed further to the point of simplicity and ease of use. With language the government was formalized. With the stability and governing body enabled with the modern ideas from Kai, the population exploded. It broke the 100,000 mark for the first time. Cities were raised one after another as Babylon spread across the lands. The Great Development City remained the largest one, as Babylon’s capital city.

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