Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: What happened after

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Chapter 17

this is a fictional story by realTensai

When I woke up, I was no longer in the dungeon, but in a small room. So I survived. After giving free rein to the cosmo energy, I could do nothing but watch. I had to watch how the cosmo energy used my body and ran completely wild. It just wanted to kill!

All the time I felt the malice, yet my own will was too weak to suppress it. I did not care what would happen. With this tremendous power, I could defeat the ice dragon, still the price was too high. My body was no longer mine. The feeling of having no control at all over oneself and just wanting to destroy everything like a madman was hell. I almost killed Jane!

At the last second, I managed stopping the will of the cosmo energy. But I knew very well that if I gave free rein to the cosmo energy again, I would never get my body back. No matter how strong I would become if I did it again, the cosmo energy would control my body forever, and that would be my death.

After I made my decision to never let it come to that again, I thought about where I was here in the first place. I was wrapped in bandages, though it did not look like a hospital room. When I tried to move, I felt a sharp pain all over my body. I was probably still not fully recovered. So that’s what happens when I overuse my cosmo energy.

Only now did I realize what a tremendous hunger I had. I did not know how long I was unconscious, but I certainly couldn’t eat anything during that time, so I was even more hungry now. In pain, I forced myself to get up from the bed to find out where I was. Slowly and cautiously, I went to the door, while I constantly leaned on something.

After I opened the door, immediately a delicious smell trickled my nostrils. Someone was cooking here! Following the smell, I arrived in the kitchen. The door was open, so I entered, but then I saw someone. It was a woman with short blond hair, who, instead of an apron for cooking, was wearing a white coat.


After I called her name, she noticed me. Surprised, she looked at me, but then she smiled in relief.

“So you finally woke up, Damion.”

Hundreds of questions arose in me. So we were at Jane’s home. Did that mean she saved me? I had tried to kill her. Why would she do that?

“I see you have many questions, but let’s eat first. You must be hungry, right? We’ll have plenty of time to talk later,” she replied as she continued to prepare the food.

Without answering, I just went to the table and sat down on a wooden chair. Some time passed, and the meal was ready. It was a soup with meat and vegetables, served with bread. Since I could not suppress my hunger further, I immediately grabbed it. Like a wild beast, I started eating the delicious soup while neglecting my table manners. It did not seem to bother Jane, because she just sat there in peace and ate.

Some time passed, and I had largely satisfied my appetite. Now it was time to find out what had happened. “Tell me what happened after I fainted for the second time.”

Without hesitation, she began her explanation. After the ice dragon was defeated, we were the last two to survive. Jane was badly injured, and I was unconscious, so we stayed in the boss’s room for a while. However, there the first problem started immediately. Apparently, my body was destroying itself.

Jane explained that my condition deteriorated all the time, yet she did not know why. Desperate, she took blood from me and with her weapon prepared a poison to stop my cosmo energy flow. It was only a guess, but her feeling told her that the cosmo energy was the problem.

She was completely right.

After she put the poison in me, my condition improved immediately. She could not have known it, but until that moment, the cosmo energy was still in control of me. All the time I was fighting against it to get my body back. After she put this poison into me, my condition improved because the cosmo energy in me stopped for a short time. My subconscious took advantage of this moment and took control again. It was just a coincidence, but if Jane had not done that, I would possibly be dead now.

After my condition did not deteriorate any further and Jane had enough time to treat her wounds, she did something that I didn’t even know was possible. Since in the condition we were in at the time, we would not have been able to run the whole dungeon back again, Jane contacted the guild. She did this with a device that worked similar to a telephone, but it’s controlled by a rune and cosmo energy. She explained our situation and called for a capable team to pick us up and collect the cosmo crystals from the dungeon.

“Wait, does that mean we could collect all the cosmo crystals?!”

I hastily interrupted her explanation.

“Yes, although we had to turn some in to pay for the salvage team, we could keep more than enough. Since the two of us were the only ones to survive, the rest were ours. You can have your share later,” she explained nonchalantly.

Thank god! The cosmo crystals were the only reason I had participated in the first place. If we had not got them, all the work would have been for nothing. Jane continued with her explanation. After we were safely out of the dungeon, Jane took me to her place for treatment. My condition was poor, but not life-threatening. She managed to bring me back to health, yet I did not wake up. Only after three days, so today, I woke up.

It was obvious that she had only mentioned the most important things, but I also knew that she still wanted to say something. During her narration, she did not mention the subject, but I knew she still had questions. I took a deep breath and got ready to answer her question.

“I know you may not want to answer this question, but I still want to know. Damion, what are you? This may sound sounds strange, but what you did in the dungeon was not normal. That immense surge of power wasn’t human. However, it seemed like you weren’t yourself anymore. You even tried to kill me.”

With a serious face, she asked me these questions. It was obvious that she wanted to talk to me about it, but I still had to prepare myself properly. I owed her an answer, but how much could I tell her? She is still a scientist, so I have to be careful. No, that’s not true, it’s just prejudice. She has done enough for me to trust her. When I was unconscious in the dungeon, she could have just killed me and kept all the rewards for herself.

I had also tried to kill her, so that wouldn’t have been so absurd. But instead, she healed me and saved my life. She even went so far as to nurse me in her apartment. I could trust her.

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“I was a slave of a scientist and served as a test subject. He compulsively tried to inflict cosmo energy into me. After endless torturous experiments, I succeeded in absorbing the cosmo energy from the environment. I became the first person who could use cosmo energy from the environment for myself. Thus I have infinite cosmo energy, but there is a limit to how much I can control at once. In the dungeon, I exceeded this limit and so the cosmo energy inside me took control over me. I know this is hard to understand, but this is the truth about my abilities,” I explained everything to her. However, I did not mention that I am originally from another world. It did not matter at the moment. Also, I swore to myself that I would never mention that again.

Jane seemed more shocked than expected. But something about her look didn’t fit. She seemed angry somehow, as if she had remembered something bad.

“What was that scientist’s name?” she asked icily.

I had to think for a second before I remembered, “I’m not sure, but I think it was Theo Handerson. But why do you ask?”

She ignored my question and now seemed even angrier.

“So it really was him. That bastard seems to have achieved his goal. Was it worth it?! You sacrificed everything for it!” Jane seemed to be talking to herself, but she could not hide her hatred.

So she knows him.

“How do you know him?” I asked seriously.

I did think that I could trust her, but depending on what connection she had with him, I would have to change my mind.

“Don’t worry, I know him, but I have absolutely nothing to do with him. He was a member of the council of Utopia, but they banished him after he performed experiments on his own family that led to their deaths. He was a terrible man who only lived for science. This man was willing to use any means just to achieve his damn goal. That monster even went so far as to sacrifice his family! I never want to end up like him!”

Wow. I would not have thought that the scientist had such a past. It was clear to me that he was an absolute psychopath, but that he experimented on his own family is really unforgivable. Someone like him deserves more than death. I should have made his death even more painful!

There was a long silence between us, in which we both processed the information. Jane seemed to have calmed down a bit. Although she said she had nothing to do with him, I didn’t quite believe her. Her reaction was much too extreme. But then she started talking again.

“I’m really sorry about what happened to you, Damion. I know that you will never forget that pain, but I want you to know one thing: not every scientist is evil. Most scientists act to create a better world, but in the process, some lose their way. On behalf of all cosmo scientists, I apologize to you. Please forgive us!”

She bowed her head and apologized.

Now I was unequivocally sure. Jane was good. There was no hidden agenda or ulterior motives hidden, you could feel the sincerity. I could trust her.

“It’s okay. You don’t need to apologize. Everywhere there are good people and bad people.”

She raised her head again before continuing to speak. “How did you escape him, anyway?”

“I killed him.”

“I see, so he’s dead now.”

I could not decipher Jane’s expression at that moment. It was a mixture of the most different emotions, but for a brief moment, you could see a bit of sadness.

After we had finished eating, Jane led me to my share of the reward. It was two enormous bags full of cosmo crystals. The bags were about the size of garbage bags. It was hard to hide my joy from such a treasure. Because of these cosmo crystals, I never had to eat any disgusting beasts ever again. Is that the One Piece?!

“What are you going to do now?” asked Jane.

“Going home,” I answered simply.

She just shook her head before saying, “That’s not what I mean, you idiot. I mean, what are you going to do next? Are you going to go right back on the next quest?”

I hadn’t really thought about that yet. But no, I’m not going to take another quest. I think it’s about time. I had become strong enough and even collected a lot of money. Now nothing stood in my way.

“No, I’m not going to take on a new quest. I will probably stop being an adventurer. My next destination is the land of the cosmo scientists, to be more precise, the capital Utopia. There is something I have to do there!”


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