Damn, I’m In My Own Novel

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 – We Arrived

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After arriving back at the inn, we decided just to sit at a table. We didn’t really know what to do in the meantime while we waited. 

Some of the regulars came to chat with us. 

“You two are really going to the academy huh?” 


“It’s going to be sad after your both gone.” 


Was he wishing for our death? 

A different person cut in 

“You both brought a lot of life here you know!” 

“Yeah, these past 2 months might have been the best months this inn has ever seen.” 

They were probably just being nice; we didn’t really do much except for work and sing. 

“Really?” Rio asked 

“Yeah, it’s been really nice having both of you here.” 

Ms. Cloudsly interrupted 

“Has it?” 

“Your songs have helped us more than you think Leo!” 

“You too Rio! You’ve helped us a lot more than you think just by being here!” 

“Yeah! Your personality is a bliss to see!” 

Rio looked down shyly and smiled 


I didn’t know what to say. This was probably the first time someone had been thankful for me being there. 

A few hours of me and Rio getting compliments later we had gone to bed. Were they genuine compliments? I had no idea, but at the very least I think it made me happy. 

The next day went by similarly, the regulars who didn’t talk to us yesterday talked to us today. It was embarrassing... But I couldn’t help but smile. 

The morning arrived. Rio and I would now be officially in the academy, we had woken up early, did our run and were about to eat breakfast. 

“Today’s the day, isn’t it?” 


“Are you two nervous?” 


“Haha, I cooked up the best breakfast for you two.” 


We quickly finished eating and were getting ready to leave. 

“Leo! Rio! Goodluck!” 

“Yeah! Goodluck!” 

The regulars had cheered us on. Why were they like this? We had only known each other for 2 months, but why were they so happy for us? I couldn’t understand it. In my previous world... 

“You’re finally leaving kid?” 


“Then get the fuck out already. Don’t come back.” 

“Thank you for everything. Goodbye.” 

“If you come back here, I’ll kick your fucking ass.” 

That was the memory I had when I was finally able to leave his house. I had somehow saved up enough money so I would be able to afford a cheap apartment... He had taken me in for 7 years, but I didn’t feel anything like this. 

Rio smiled and shouted 

“Thank you! We’ll try our best!” 

I put my arm around Rio’s head 


We left. 

It took us an hour, but we finally arrived at the entrance. We didn’t see anyone else there except for the guards. 

“We’re here for the academy.” 

We showed the paper to the guards, and they gave us an ID. This ID was very useful, especially in the high crime areas. If a student were to go missing, then the academy would use everything in their power to find that student. A few organizations had gone down in the past thanks to this. There were some other features too, but we wouldn’t need them for now. 

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“Don’t lose this, this is what confirms your identity as a student of Heavensward.” 

“What if we do?” 

“You’ll have to get a new one from your teacher or vice-principle.” 

“Do we need it to go inside?” 

“No, we have a device that confirms your identity if you lose it.” 

“This just stops the need to use that device.” 

“I see.” 


We headed inside and it was truly massive. Though I described it to be big, I never imagined it would be this big. 

“I’m nervous...” 

“Yeah, this place is huge.” 

“Yeah, it is...” 

“I hope we’re in the same class.” 


“Me too!” 

“I hope so too...” 

We walked for a bit before we reached a big board. There were a bunch of people gathered around it. This board had names written on it which told us what class we were in. It also had directions to each dormitory building. 

Rio had closed his eyes and clasped his hands together. Was he religious? I never knew. 

Looking at the board I found my name after a few seconds. 

“Class C.” 

I was in Class 1-C, this was the class that the main character of my novel was in. 


“We’re in the same class!” 

Rio jumped up and down with excitement and hugged me 


It looks like me and Rio were in the same class, maybe the vice-principle pulled some strings? But in any case, I was thankful. 

“Hmm, it looks like we aren’t in the same class, Leo.” 

It was Kathryn Vandersun, the princess. 

“Unfortunately, that seems to be the case.” 

Kathryn was in Class A, along with her brother, Ian Vandersun. 

We had a conversation for a few minutes before she headed to the Class A dormitory with Ian. 


“Goodluck to you as well.” 

I had looked to see the names of the rest of my classmates and there he was. The main character of my novel, Kazu Heardstone. There were a few other names I recognized but most of them seemed to be different. 


Rio and I entered the Class C dormitory. It really was huge. There were some other students in there too, I assume getting used to the building. 

“Wow... This is where we’ll be living Leo...” 

“Yeah. It’s pretty big.” 


Every student had their own separate room assigned to them. They weren’t separated by gender or class. Me and Rio went to go look for our room. 

“Wow... My own room... I’ve never had one before...” 

I smiled looking at Rio’s surprised but happy face. 

We finally found our rooms, mine was at the end of the hall. And Rio’s was right next to mine. Did the vice-principle do this too? Or was it just luck? 

“Get used to your room.” 


We entered our respective rooms, and they looked quite basic. 

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