Danmachi: Reincarnation With System

Chapter 6: 026-035

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Chapter 26

After entering the guild building, Sirius started looking around the reception for Eina.

He had some free time and remembered his promise to Eina.

Also, he needed her help to find a suitable place to sell all the drop items.

He looked around his surrounding for the half-elf clerk but found none.

When he was about to go to the reception for inquiry, he found a familiar human clerk nearby.

She has pink hair and pink eyes and was wearing the Guild uniform.

If he remembers correctly, she should be one of Eina's colleagues.

"Hello, miss clerk, do you know where miss Eina is?" Sirius walked in the pink-haired clerk's direction and politely asked.

"Eh? Who are you? Why are you looking for Eina, young man?" The pink-haired guild employee was surprised by his question and asked curiously.

"My name is Sirius, a new adventurer! Sirius briefly introduced himself. Miss Eina is my advisor."

"Oh! You're the guy that joined Loki Familia with Eina's help." The pink-haired quickly recognized him after the introduction.

"Yeap, that's me! So, can you please tell me where miss Eina is?" Sirius quickly brought back the topic.

After seeing his impatience, the pink-haired clerk chuckled and couldn't help herself from teasing the young boy, "Hehe, don't be so impatient, young man! Of course, I can understand your situation since my friend Eina is so beautiful."

Sirius was slightly embarrassed after hearing her tease but quickly recovered his senses.

No matter what, he could never admit such a fact.

"Please don't tease me, miss clerk!" Sirius quickly retorted.

"Okay, then! Also, stop calling me miss clerk. Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Misha Flott, one of Eina's friends. So, if you want any juicy information related to her, you can contact me."

The pink-haired guild employee named Misha didn't forget to tease him at the end.

Sirius was obviously moved by her condition but still shook his head in rejection.

He didn't want to be seen as a pervert after all.

"Please stop teasing me! I'm not here for that kind of stuff. Can you please tell me where miss Eina is? If not, then I'll go ask someone else."

Sirius slowly walked away in a demonstration, making Misha stop him in his steps.

"Okay, okay, geez, can't you take some joke? Eina went to the supervisor's office to report something. She'll be back after a few minutes." Misha hurriedly gave him the expected answer.

"Is that so? Thank you for the info, miss Misha?" Sirius was happy to hear the news and didn't forget to thank the pink-haired in front of him.

"No problem, young man! Just call me by my name! And, please drop the formalities. Besides, eh, what's your name again? Ehe, I forgot it…." Misha stuck out her tongue and showed a cute expression.

"..." Sirius gave her a deadpan expression. He didn't know whether this was teasing him or not.

"Well, I'll reintroduce myself. Please try to remember!"

"My name is Sirius Starr, a new adventurer from Loki Familia."

Even though he complained internally, Sirius still honestly reintroduced himself.

"Well, Sirius, why don't I take you to Eina's office? You can wait for her there." Misha giggled and asked for his opinion.

"Really? I'll take you on that offer, Misha!" Sirius had no reason to refuse such a good thing.

"Hehe, it's no big deal. It sounds a lot better if you call me by my name. Then, please follow me" Misha looked pleased and led Sirius to the staff room.

After entering Eina's office, Misa says, "Well, this is Eina's place. You can take a seat and wait for her patiently. I am still on duty, so I'll take my leave. Have a good time with Eina, Mr. Sirius!"

Misha didn't forget to tease for the last time.

"Well, I'm also glad to meet you, Misha! If you could stop teasing me, that would be even better!" Sirius couldn't help himself from complaining.

"Hehe…" Misha just stuck out her tongue and cutely left the place.

Sirius took a seat and patiently waited for Eina's arrival.

The room was nothing fancy—just a typical office with a table and chairs, a bookcase, and a drawer.

There was a window on the side, showing the scene from the outside.

After a few minutes of waiting, a slender half-elf beauty wearing a guild uniform opened the office door. She is the person Sirius was waiting for, Eina Tulle.

"Good afternoon, miss Eina! You look beautiful as usual." Sirius greeted her and praised her looks. Even if it was the third time they met, he gave her a feeling of being friends for a long time.

"Oh! It's you, Sirius! Thank you for the praise. I didn't expect you to visit so soon. Are you ready to accept some lessons?" Eina also noticed his presence and walked over with a smile.

"After all, I don't want to make you wait for a long time, miss Eina. I'm sorry for taking your time."

To be honest, Sirius didn't want to take any class, but he endured the uncomfortable feeling for the sake of his life and nodded positively.

He needs to learn more things about the dungeon. After all, he had heard the famous quote; knowledge is power.

"Hehe, don't worry about it! This is my job and the guild will properly compensate me for this type of work. Also, I've registered myself as your advisor. So, don't regret it later, alright?"

Eina quickly reassured him and couldn't help herself from teasing him.

"Anyway, I still want to thank you for all your help, miss Eina." Sirius solemnly looked at her and said.

His serious expression with a bit of childishness poked the maternal instinct of the half-elf clerk.

But she quickly managed to control her expression and gave him a warm smile, "Alright then, I'll reluctantly accept your thanks."

Due to her beauty, Eina is popular with her coworkers and adventurers and is often flirted with.

However, she doesn't like normal adventurers due to how reliable they seem, a quality that intimidates her.

Instead, she has come to prefer young and immature men who are relatively normal and can awaken her protective instinct.

And right now, Sirius perfectly fits into all three categories, catching her off guard.

"Ahem, then Sirius, I have some free time now. Do you want to start your lesson?" The embarrassed half-elf quickly tried to change the topic.

"Well, I'm ready whenever you are, miss Eina!" Sirius nodded in affirmation.

"Ahhh, please stop calling me so formally, Sirius! You're making me feel old. I'm only a year older than you." Eina glared at the blond boy making him break out in cold sweat.

"Never ask a lady her age!' Sirius mentally agreed with this statement.

"Okay, then, Eina! Well, I was waiting for you to say this. It's also tiring for me to be all formal." Sirius quickly agreed to her condition and teased her in the end.

"Hehe, you little rascal! And here I thought you were a polite young man." Eina chuckled helplessly and replied. Her last impression of a polite boy quickly disappeared.

"Well, you allowed me to be a rascal after all." Sirius weakly retorted but got a glare in response.

"Well, enough chitchat! It's time to start our lesson! Call me teacher during the class, okay?" Eina quickly got into her teaching mode.

"Understand! Eina-sensei!" Sirius agreed to her condition.

"Well, let's begin with the introduction of dungeon…."

Afterward, Eina earnestly started teaching essential knowledge and information related to the dungeon, primarily focused on the upper floors.

After all, she would never expect him to visit the middle floors and below so soon.

Her lessons mainly focused on the monsters and the terrains. She taught Serius various ways to remain safe in the dungeon.

She also gave him brief information about magic stones, dungeon materials, and drop items, ensuring he won't lose any money due to lack of knowledge.

After this, she told him some other essential facts and concluded her lesson in about an hour.

"Well, this is all the info you'll need as a beginner. So, do you have any questions?"

Eina quickly readjusted her glasses and asked. But only found the dazed boy staring at her.

"Sirius?" Eina soft called out his name, bringing the bewildered boy back to his senses.

"I'm sorry for dazing out, Eina! It was a lot of information for me to digest at once." Sirius sighed and gave her a helpless answer.

He thought the curse of school wouldn't follow him in this world, but who knew that he wouldn't escape from it even after going to another world.

Eina's lessons contained too much information, making it difficult for him to remember them all.

Eina also understood his difficulties and sighed. She knew that there was no way for him to master all this knowledge at once.

But, even so, she couldn't stop herself from doing so.

Because if something bad happens to him in the dungeon due to her carelessness, she will never be able to forgive herself.

Chapter 27

Even if her lesson was too much for Sirius to handle at once, Eina couldn’t stop herself from doing it this way.

“Well, I understand your situation, Sirius! Why don’t you come to me another day when you’re free so that we can review our previous lesson.”

Eina compromised after seeing his pitiful expression. She didn’t want to press him too hard; otherwise, the result would be contrary to her expectation.

“I’m very glad to hear that, Eina! I think I need some time to digest today’s lesson. I’ll visit you once I’m done with this.”

Sirius was thrilled to see her compromise and promised to visit her some other day.

“Well, don’t forget your words, Sirius!” Eina adjusted her glasses and reminded.

“Don’t worry, Eina! I’m a man of my words….”


Sirius was about to continue boasting, but suddenly his stomach started protesting in hunger.

“Ah…” Sirius was very embarrassed in this situation. His face started reddening due to shame.

So, he hurriedly covered his stomach with both hands, trying to reduce the noise.

“Pfft…There’s no need to feel so embarrassed, Sirius! Let me invite you to a meal. It’s your reward for not skipping the class….” Eina giggled and invited him to a meal.

“Eina, I really want to refuse your invitation out of courtesy, but I’m too hungry to reject such a good offer.” Sirius showed her an embarrassed expression.

“There’s no need for courtesy, Sirius! If you consider me to be your friend, let’s have lunch together!” Eina didn’t allow him to refuse and forced him to accept.

“Well, if you put it this way, I have no other choice but to accept. But, I still have a question!” Sirius quickly compromised after looking at her serious expression.

“Eh, what is it?” Eina asked him curiously.

“I’m wondering if this is a date invitation? If so, then you’re quite bold, Eina!” Sirius tried to look serious while saying this making the half-elf bewilder.

“E-Eh!? D-Date!? T-This is not a date! T-This is just a normal appointment, okay? Please don’t misunderstand!” Eina stammered and retorted with a blushing face.

She didn’t have such intention while asking him out.

“Pfft… I was just joking! Your panicked expression is so cute, Eina!”

Sirius’s serious expression crumbled instantly, and he couldn’t stop himself from laughing out loud.

After Eina heard his laugh, her expression chilled down.

“Humph! Don’t joke about such a topic! I never expected you to be a naughty type, Sirius!” Eina gave him an angry stare making him stop laughing immediately.

“I’m sorry, Eina! Don’t be angry! Please forgive me for my mistake!” Sirius honestly apologized after seeing her angry look.

Eina looked at his heartful apology and quickly dispelled her anger.

In truth, she felt some heartbeat when Sirius asked her the question. After all, she has no experience in romance.

“Fine then! Let’s leave this place and head out for lunch!” Eina tried to change the topic, and Sirius also followed her action.

“Okay, Eina! I’ll follow your lead!” Sirius nodded.

Then, Sirius and Eina both left the office and headed outside.

It was afternoon, and a few people were in front of the reception hall.

They quickly passed by the counter and met with the human clerk, Misha.

Eina informed her pink-haired friend of her departure and received a teasing glance from her.

“I understand, Eina! Have a good time with your new boy…friend!” Misha didn’t forget to tease her serious half-elf companion.

The blushing half-elf beauty didn’t respond to her tease but dragged Sirius out of the building.

After walking down the main street for some time, the embarrassed half-elf finally managed to calm down and released Sirius’s hands.

“I’m sorry for that, Sirius. My friend, Misha, always teases me. So, please don’t misunderstand, okay?”

Eina didn’t forget to remind him. She had a serious expression making him want to bully her more.

“Eina, you are too serious! I can obviously see the playful attitude of Misha.” Sirius didn’t want to make her further angry, so he honestly explained.

“Eh, it’s better then… So, where do you want to go for lunch?” Eina chuckled sheepishly and tried to change the topic.

“I’m fine with any place. The decision is in your hand, Eina!” Sirius said, making Eina ponder.

At this moment, Eina suddenly caught sight of a cafe nearby.

“Look there! It’s a cafe! Why don’t we go there for lunch?” Eina quickly made the decision but still asked for his opinion.

“Sounds good, Eina!” Sirius nodded to her proposal.

“Let’s go then, I’m also starting to feel hungry!” Eina said while walking toward the cafe with Sirius.

They entered inside and found a place to sit in the corner.

The cafe looked neat and clean with few customers at the moment.

Not long after taking their seat, a young cat woman wearing a waitress uniform came to their side for an order.

“Guests-nya! Can you tell me your order-nya?” The cat-woman didn’t forget to add a unique suffix to her words. It is a common thing special to cat people.

“Well, is there any specialty?” Eina didn’t find any menu nearby, so she simply asked the waitress for her opinion.

“Of course, there is-nya! Our apple pie is one of the best in Orario-nya!” The cat-woman also didn’t forget to advertise her working place.

“Well then, I’ll have a cup of black tea and an apple pie. What about you, Sirius?” Eina quickly gave her order and asked the boy.

The cat-woman skillfully wrote Eina’s order in a paper and looked at the blond youth.

“I’m feeling very hungry, so please give me two plates of apple pie. Also, I would like to have a cup of coffee please.” Sirius didn’t waste any time giving his order.

“I’ve written down your orders-nya! Please sit down and wait for it patiently. I’ll be back real soon-nya!” The cat-woman also wrote his order.

“Thank you, miss waiter!” Sirius didn’t forget to be polite, making the cat-woman smile.

“It’s no problem-nya! This is my job after all-nya!” After saying this, the cat-eared waitress left their place, leaving Eina and Sirius some ample time alone.

They looked at each other, feeling unaccustomed to the sudden silence.

Eina was getting more nervous, so she decided to end the silence.

“Well…Sirius, since you managed to join Loki Familia successfully, how do you feel? Also, you must have been to the dungeon today. Is everything okay?”

Eina had no idea how to start a conversation, so she picked up some formal topics.

“Well, Loki Familia is a great place for newcomers. Every member of the familia is nice and treats me well.” Sirius had a smile on his face while saying this.

“I’m glad to hear that, Sirius. Let me congratulate you again for joining a suitable familia.” Eina was pleased to hear his words.

“Hehe, thank you, Eina! And about the dungeon, I went in with a level 4 senior of my familia. I had a good time exploring the dungeon and fighting monsters thanks to his presence.” Sirius didn’t forget to mention Raul while saying this.

He didn’t want her to know about his deeper dungeon exploration. Otherwise, he will only get an earful of reprimand.

“Well, if you’re with a level 4 adventurer, it should be fine. I won’t have to worry about your safety!” Eina was relieved to hear this.

“Thanks for worrying about me, Eina!” Sirius felt warm to see her worries. Having someone care for him is truly a heartwarming feeling in this world.

“Well, let’s not talk about such a topic anymore.”

Eina shook her head and tried to change the topic, “Just looking at your equipments, I can see that your seniors treat you well.”

“Hehe, after all they’re very impressed by my talent.” Sirius boasted in a half-joking manner making Eina roll her eyes.

“Okay…Please stop flattering yourself, Sirius! Try to keep a low-profile while you are weak, understand?” Eina didn’t take his words seriously and warned him.

She didn’t want anything wrong to happen to him because of carelessness.

“I get it, Eina. Thank you for your concern!” Sirius replied with a warm smile.

“Well, enough about me! Why don’t you tell me something about yourself, Eina?” Sirius changed the topic.

“Eh? Are you curious about me? Don’t tell me you fell in love with me, Sirius?” After being teased so many times before, Eina also wanted to return the favor.

“Well, it has not yet reached the point of love. I just have a very good impression of you.” Sirius seriously thought for a while and gave an answer making the half-elf flustered.

“Eh-Ehhh! Why are you saying something like this all of a sudden!?” Eina retorted shyly. The serious half-elf has no defense against such words.

“Also, I would love to hear your thoughts about me, Eina!” Sirius didn’t stop his offense and asked another question making the half-elf girl more panicked.

“I-I don’t k-know! H-How could I guess when we have only met a few times!” Eina stuttered and answered. The serious half-elf had no idea that this was a joke and replied honestly.

“Hehe, I was just teasing you, Eina. Don’t be so serious!” Sirius couldn’t stop giggling after seeing her gaffle.

But after hearing his giggle, the expression on Eina’s face suddenly turns dark.

“Humph! It was not funny, Sirius! Don’t play with my feelings, scumbag!” Eina pouted and complained.

“Why am I a scumbag now? By the way, what I said before was my true thoughts…Well, it looks like the waiter is back with our orders.”

Sirius found the cat-eared waitress coming to their table and hurriedly ended his words.

Eina wanted to ask what he meant, but the waitress gave her no chance to speak.

“Here are your orders-nya! Have a good time together-nya!” The cat-eared waitress gave them a teasing glance and left their place with a giggle.

“It looks the waitress misunderstood our relationship, Eina!” Sirius mentioned this while Eina was confused about his words before.

“Humph! Whose fault do you think it is?” Eina pouted and complained.

“Okay, okay… don’t be so angry please! Also, let’s have our meal before it gets too cold.” Sirius quickly apologized and suggested.

“Sigh, fine then… I don’t argue with you on meal!” Eina sighed and compromised, making Sirius smile in return.

After this, they silently started eating. Eina ate her meal slowly and gracefully while Sirius quickly ate his part in a usual way.

After some time, they finished their meal and drank the last sip of their drink, feeling happy and contented.

“The apple pie is delicious! It truly lives up to its words as one of the best in Orario, right? Sirius?” Eina exhaled in satisfaction and asked.

“You’re right, Eina! I have never eaten an apple pie so delicious before. This dish was worth coming to Orario!” Sirius didn’t forget to exaggerate.

“Hehe, don’t be so eaxggerated! I’ll go an check out! After all, this is my treat!” Eina stood up from her seat.

“Well, I would like to say some macho stuff at this moment, but I don’t really have that much money. So, thank you for the meal, Eina! My favorability of you increased by 1.” Sirius accepted her offer and teased her in the end.

If possible, he would also like to pay for the meal, but he has no money. So, he should accept her offer and escape any more embarrassment.

“What does that even mean? Well, you can leave the cafe. I’ll be there soon.” Eina looked confused and went to the counter to check out.

Sirius followed her instruction and left the place under the teasing glance of the nearby people.

After checking out, Eina also left the cafe and joined Sirius.

“Do you have anything else, Sirius? If not, I will head back to my work.” Eina looked at the sky to determine the time and asked him.

“Well, I have a few drop items on me. Do you know a good place to sell them?” Sirius asked for her opinion.

“Hmm…drop items huh? Why don’t we go to the Dian Cecht Familia? They post a lot of quest in the guild for drop items after all.” Eina seriously thought for a while and gave her opinion.

“Then, please lead the way, Eina! I’m new to the city after all.” Sirius accepted her advice and asked her to lead the way.

“Hehe, I have some time to spare. I’ll lead you there real quick, Sirius!” Eina giggled and nodded.

After saying this, she led Sirius through some streets and quickly stood in front of a building made of white stone.

The building was engraved with the Dian Cecht Familia symbol.

Their emblem is a ball of light and a herb.

“Well, this is the place, Sirius! You can go and sell your drop items inside. I’ll take my leave!” Eina briefly introduced this place and asked for leave.

“No problem! I had a great time with you Eina! See you in a few days, bye!” Sirius said.

“Hehe, I’ll be expecting your arrival, bye!” Eina giggled and replied.

“Bye, Eina! Please stay safe on the way back!” He didn’t want to waste her time anymore.

“Hehe, don’t worry! See you later, Sirius!” Then, with some giggle, the half-elf left the place.

Eina had a good time with Sirius and was in a better mood.

Sirius looked at her leaving figure and retracted his gaze back to the building in front of him.

Without any hesitation, he entered. He wanted to sell the drop items and escape from poverty quickly.

“Well, let’s not talk about such a topic anymore.”

Eina shook her head and tried to change the topic, “Just looking at your equipments, I can see that your seniors treat you well.”

“Hehe, after all they’re very impressed by my talent.” Sirius boasted in a half-joking manner making Eina roll her eyes.

“Okay…Please stop flattering yourself, Sirius! Try to keep a low-profile while you are weak, understand?” Eina didn’t take his words seriously and warned him.

She didn’t want anything wrong to happen to him because of carelessness.

“I get it, Eina. Thank you for your concern!” Sirius replied with a warm smile.

“Well, enough about me! Why don’t you tell me something about yourself, Eina?” Sirius changed the topic.

“Eh? Are you curious about me? Don’t tell me you fell in love with me, Sirius?” After being teased so many times before, Eina also wanted to return the favor.

“Well, it has not yet reached the point of love. I just have a very good impression of you.” Sirius seriously thought for a while and gave an answer making the half-elf flustered.

“Eh-Ehhh! Why are you saying something like this all of a sudden!?” Eina retorted shyly. The serious half-elf has no defense against such words.

“Also, I would love to hear your thoughts about me, Eina!” Sirius didn’t stop his offense and asked another question making the half-elf girl more panicked.

“I-I don’t k-know! H-How could I guess when we have only met a few times!” Eina stuttered and answered. The serious half-elf had no idea that this was a joke and replied honestly.

“Hehe, I was just teasing you, Eina. Don’t be so serious!” Sirius couldn’t stop giggling after seeing her gaffle.

But after hearing his giggle, the expression on Eina’s face suddenly turns dark.

“Humph! It was not funny, Sirius! Don’t play with my feelings, scumbag!” Eina pouted and complained.

“Why am I a scumbag now? By the way, what I said before was my true thoughts…Well, it looks like the waiter is back with our orders.”

Sirius found the cat-eared waitress coming to their table and hurriedly ended his words.

Eina wanted to ask what he meant, but the waitress gave her no chance to speak.

“Here are your orders-nya! Have a good time together-nya!” The cat-eared waitress gave them a teasing glance and left their place with a giggle.

“It looks the waitress misunderstood our relationship, Eina!” Sirius mentioned this while Eina was confused about his words before.

“Humph! Whose fault do you think it is?” Eina pouted and complained.

“Okay, okay… don’t be so angry please! Also, let’s have our meal before it gets too cold.” Sirius quickly apologized and suggested.

“Sigh, fine then… I don’t argue with you on meal!” Eina sighed and compromised, making Sirius smile in return.

After this, they silently started eating. Eina ate her meal slowly and gracefully while Sirius quickly ate his part in a usual way.

After some time, they finished their meal and drank the last sip of their drink, feeling happy and contented.

“The apple pie is delicious! It truly lives up to its words as one of the best in Orario, right? Sirius?” Eina exhaled in satisfaction and asked.

“You’re right, Eina! I have never eaten an apple pie so delicious before. This dish was worth coming to Orario!” Sirius didn’t forget to exaggerate.

“Hehe, don’t be so eaxggerated! I’ll go an check out! After all, this is my treat!” Eina stood up from her seat.

“Well, I would like to say some macho stuff at this moment, but I don’t really have that much money. So, thank you for the meal, Eina! My favorability of you increased by 1.” Sirius accepted her offer and teased her in the end.

If possible, he would also like to pay for the meal, but he has no money. So, he should accept her offer and escape any more embarrassment.

“What does that even mean? Well, you can leave the cafe. I’ll be there soon.” Eina looked confused and went to the counter to check out.

Sirius followed her instruction and left the place under the teasing glance of the nearby people.

After checking out, Eina also left the cafe and joined Sirius.

“Do you have anything else, Sirius? If not, I will head back to my work.” Eina looked at the sky to determine the time and asked him.

“Well, I have a few drop items on me. Do you know a good place to sell them?” Sirius asked for her opinion.

“Hmm…drop items huh? Why don’t we go to the Dian Cecht Familia? They post a lot of quest in the guild for drop items after all.” Eina seriously thought for a while and gave her opinion.

“Then, please lead the way, Eina! I’m new to the city after all.” Sirius accepted her advice and asked her to lead the way.

“Hehe, I have some time to spare. I’ll lead you there real quick, Sirius!” Eina giggled and nodded.

After saying this, she led Sirius through some streets and quickly stood in front of a building made of white stone.

The building was engraved with the Dian Cecht Familia symbol.

Their emblem is a ball of light and a herb.

“Well, this is the place, Sirius! You can go and sell your drop items inside. I’ll take my leave!” Eina briefly introduced this place and asked for leave.

“No problem! I had a great time with you Eina! See you in a few days, bye!” Sirius said.

“Hehe, I’ll be expecting your arrival, bye!” Eina giggled and replied.

“Bye, Eina! Please stay safe on the way back!” He didn’t want to waste her time anymore.

“Hehe, don’t worry! See you later, Sirius!” Then, with some giggle, the half-elf left the place.

Eina had a good time with Sirius and was in a better mood.

Sirius looked at her leaving figure and retracted his gaze back to the building in front of him.

Without any hesitation, he entered. He wanted to sell the drop items and escape from poverty quickly.

After entering inside, Sirius found a silver-haired woman sitting on the counter. She looked lovely and exquisite, like a doll.

She looked to be around his age and had beautiful purple eyes. But, her expression seemed to be stoic and expressionless.

When he walked over to the counter, the girl immediately noticed his arrival.

“You look like a new face. What do you need, our new customer?” The silver-haired girl asked.

“Well, Eina recommended this place to me….” Sirius told her about how he got here.

“By Eina, you mean the guild employee, right? In that case, what business do you have?” The girl nodded in recognition and inquired.

“Well, I have some drop items that I would like to sell. But first of all, can you introduce this place, miss….” Sirius quickly told her his intention and was interrupted by the girl

“Amid, Amid Thesanare! You can simply call me Amid.” Amid quickly introduced her name and continued, “This is a pharmacy run by Dian Cecht Familia. And, I’m the captain and head doctor of the familia.”

“Well, I see. Nice to meet you, miss Amid!” Sirius greeted her.

“Anyway, before starting our business. Please yourself, Mr. Customer! Depending on your familia, I’ll have to act accordingly.” The silver-haired girl named Amid reminded him.

“Well, I see. My name is Sirius Starr, I’m a new member of the Loki Familia.” Sirius briefly introduced himself.

“Alright! Then, Mr. Sirius, please show me your drop items. I’ll calculate their worth and give you a premium price. After all, Loki familia is one of our regular customers.” Amid asked him to show the drop items.

“Uhm…don’t you need any verification, miss Amid? What if I was an imposter and pretended to be one of Loki Familia to swindle your money?” Sirius couldn’t stop asking.

After hearing this, Amid chuckled and gave him a meaningful smile, “Hehe, in that case, I wish you good luck, Mr. Sirius! I hope you can escape from Loki Familia’s retaliation.”

“Ummm, I was just joking, miss Amid! You look scary with that smile.” Sirius felt danger hidden in her smile.

“Well, enough joking around! Please show me your drop items. I need to evaluate them.” The silver-haired beauty urged him.

“Alright, here you go!”

Sirius quickly handed her the items and materials in his backpack.

Amid received them and carefully started examining them to determine their worth. She still had the same expressionless face as before

The wait was not too long. Amid quickly finished her estimation and told him about it, “There are not a lot rare drop items. Nonetheless, according to my estimation, everything here is worth about 99,700 valis. As a reward for being a new customer, I can pay you 100,000 valis for these items. How about it?”

“It sounds like a good offer. As a new adventurer, I have no idea how much they are worth. But, I trust your judgment, miss Amid!” Sirius felt the offer to be good and said.

“Hehe, sweet talker! Don’t worry though, there is no loss for you in my offer.” Amid chuckled and reminded him.

“I’m delighted to hear your affirmation. Then please, I’d like to sell them immediately.” Sirius accepted her offer and sold his items.

“Alright! I’ll get you your money real soon….” After saying this, Amid opened a drawer and took out some golden valis. She carefully counted the amount and put them in a small pouch.

“Here you go! There’s the exact amount here. You can check if you want!” Amid handed him the money bag and reminded him.

“No need. I don’t think miss Amid is that kind of person who will swindle my money.” Sirius took the money pouch without hesitation and praised the girl in front.

“I’m glad to hear that, I guess….” Amid gave him a brief smile and returned back to her expressionless state.

“Then, I’ll take my leave, miss Amid!” Sirius said.

“No problem, Mr. Sirius. Please don’t forget to visit our shop in the future.” Amid didn’t forget to advertise her business.

“I’ll keep that in mind, miss Amid! Bye for now!” Sirius replied.

“I hope to see you here again, Mr. Sirius!” Amid waved him goodbye.

After that, Sirius quickly left the pharmacy and headed back to his familia residence.

Raul said that there was a meeting in the evening.

He didn’t want to be absent from such an important meeting.

That would give everyone a bad impression of him.

(This was just an extension of the previous chapter. Sorry for it being too short.)

The labyrinth city of Orario,

As the adventurers returned from their dungeon trip, they started chatting and shouting out loud on the streets.

The energetic adventurers quickly filled many nearby restaurants and taverns, and they started ordering various foods and drinks, making the atmosphere lively and noisy.

Street lamps were placed along the side of the roads and lighted up to illuminate the way.

Sirius skipped past these facilities and hurried back to his familia residence.

He spent some time before familiarizing himself with his new surroundings.

Therefore, it was almost getting late.

The dusk was soon approaching. Sirius didn’t make any detour and quickly headed straight for Twilight Manor.

When he arrived in front of the gate, he found Raul nearby.

“Hey, Sirius! You are here on time!” Raul approached him and greeted him. He still had a supporter’s backpack behind.

“Raul! I didn’t expect to see you here. And, of course, I don’t want to be late for the meeting.” Sirius also returned the greetings and started talking.

“Well, I understand how you feel. By the way, here’s your share of the money from magic stones. They were worth around 80,000 valis. There are 40,000 valis in the bag.” After saying this, Raul threw him a small pouch of money.

“Thanks! I appreciate your help.” Sirius didn’t forget to thank him.

“No problem! We are part of the same familia after all. Also, let’s go inside. You don’t want to be late for dinner, do you?”

After saying this, both of them entered the gate. Sirius didn’t forget to greet his friend Simon at the entrance making the other party feel a bit complicated.

When they arrived, there was still some time left before dinner.

All members of Loki Familia were freely moving around, eagerly waiting for dinner to start.

When the others noticed Raul and Sirius’s arrival, they greeted them with a smile and started teasing both.

They mainly teased Raul with some of his black history, while Sirius just suffered unnecessary trouble.

For adventurers, teasing their friends is a good way to relax mentally. After all, it is dangerous for them to keep bottling up their frustrations.

Sirius quickly left his spiky-head senior after politely saying goodbye to the others and headed back to his room.

He put his money bag inside a drawer, carried a change of clothes, and went to the bathhouse.

After fighting in the dungeon for such a long time, Sirius was sweaty and dirty.

Loki Familia has its own bathhouse, separated into male and female sections. Therefore, there is no chance for him to encounter a lucky event.

The most one can do is chat with girls across the wall about various dungeon-related topics.

Sirius took his bath in silence, trying hard not to focus on the muscular bodies around him.

After all, as a normal man, Sirius didn’t want to attract the attention of some guys with abnormal sexual orientation.

He didn’t want to fall into the abyss while there were so many beautiful girls of various races.

[A/N: If any gay people are reading this story, sorry for this. This is just a joke. I don’t mean any offense.]

It would be a pity for him not to focus on them instead of looking at these muscular men.

The canteen area on the second floor of Twilight Manor,

After seeing the presence of every core member of her familia, Loki stood in a conspicuous position and raised a wooden mug.

“Everyone! Tomorrow, Loki Familia will set off on another expedition. Tonight, I won’t say anything serious, but just a single thing. No matter what, please come back alive for me!” Loki looked very serious while saying this making everyone around the scene happy and excited.

“OH!!!” xN

At the end of Loki’s speech, everyone gave her thunderous applause and raised their mugs in cheers.

The scene was soon drowned in a noisy atmosphere.

After all, this is the last day for these people to drink. There is no chance for them to do so inside the dungeon.

But, the big three of the familia obviously thought about this problem. They arranged for some people to supervise them to ensure they won’t get drunk.

After all, they don’t want to start their expedition with a bunch of drunk people.

The gigantic wooden table in the middle of the room was enough to accommodate many people.

Sirius sat near Raul, surrounded by many second echelons of Loki Familia, such as cat-eared Anakitty, beautiful elf Alicia, Line, Elfy, etc.

‘Wait for a second! Why are there so many girls near me….’ Sirius quickly discovered something incredible.

The male to female ratio in Loki Familia was too extreme than he expected.

But after thinking about his lesbian goddess, he easily accepted this situation.

It’s incredible how Loki can attract and persuade many talented and beautiful girls in her familia.

This has created a situation in Loki Familia where male recruitment is often less than that of females.

‘Hah! Loki is truly a gentleman in heart!’ Sirius had nothing else to say about his goddess.


Loki, who was drinking juice under the supervision of Riveria, sneezed suddenly.

“Well, who’s talking about me behind my back?” Loki complained.

“Who has the time to think about such a perverted goddess….” Riviera gave her a blank expression.

“Wooo… Mama-san is scary! I want to drink some wine to ease my fears!” Loki started complaining, making a tick mark appear on Riveria’s head.

“If you dare say that name again, I’ll smack your head with my staff!” Riveria silently took out her wand in a demonstration making the red-haired goddess terrified.

“P-Please put your staff back, Riveria! I won’t dare say it again! Please forgive me!” Loki quickly compromised under threats and promises.

Riveria didn’t take her promise seriously. This was obviously not the first time this kind of thing happened.

“Please make sure to remember this….” Even though she said so, Riveria still honestly put back her staff. She didn’t want to disrespect her deity if possible. Still, her goddess always manages to piss her off, making her helpless.

After all, in Orario, there are very few people who are disrespectful to the gods, especially adventurers.

But obviously, Loki doesn’t count on that list because of her unruly behavior.

Dinner time was soon over, and people started cleaning up the scene.

You are reading story Danmachi: Reincarnation With System at novel35.com

Every member of the familia except the core ones left the room one by one.

Soon, there were only core members of Loki Familia inside the dining room.

At this time, Loki, who was finally allowed to drink her wine, suddenly remembered something and started looking around.

Her eyes stopped in the direction of a particular blond-haired newcomer trying his best to remain low-profile.

A mischievous smile appeared on the goddess’s face, and Loki picked up her wine bottle and walked in his direction.

Sirius used this time to have a good discussion with his seniors and establish a friendly relationship when suddenly, he felt someone from behind hugging his head.

He didn’t find any soft feeling in the back of his head, so he complained, “Hey, brother! Why did you hug my head all of a sudden? As men, we should try to keep a certain distance from each other, alright?”

Sirius said something extraordinary without even looking back, making everyone around stunned.

But, they soon recovered their senses, and most looked at him with gloating expressions.

Sirius quickly felt something wrong with the atmosphere and turned around.

In front of his face was a red-haired goddess with a dark smile on her face.

Sirius started sweating in nervousness and tried to say something to remedy this situation, but the goddess interrupted him.

“Hehe, my boy! What do you mean brother? Are you saying that I’m not feminine enough?”

Loki tried to sound as gentle as possible while asking this, but Sirius felt that if he answered it wrong, he might end up in big trouble.

“I’m sorry! I thought Raul was behind me. I didn’t mean any offense to you, goddess!” Sirius spare no time to apologize, easing Loki’s expression.

At the same time, Sirius was very panicked mentally.

If there was Internet in this world, he would like to ask his online friend for some advice!

What do I do when I offend my goddess? Urgent Answer!

Loki was satisfied with his answer and decided to spare the boy.

After all, she wants to maintain a kind and tolerant image in front of her familia if possible, even though most of them don’t think so.

“Well, I’ll forgive you this time.” Loki’s answer reassured Sirius, but her following words surprised him.

“And, I heard that you went to the dungeon for the first time with Raul and got a good harvest. So, why don’t I update your status tonight? I want to have a good look at your progress.” Loki said with a mouthful of alcohol.

Although Loki asked for his opinion, she still grasped his neck, forcing him to agree. Such behavior can show how willful she can sometimes be.

In the case of most adventurers, their first status update is usually after a long period of battle and training.

It could be some days, weeks, or even months.

After all, Falna is only a means to unleash the potential of an adventurer’s body, not empower them directly.

If an adventurer doesn’t train and battle hard, there will be no substantial progress on their status board.

Hence, for most adventurers, getting stronger in a long and arduous journey filled with sweat and blood.

In the case of talented ones, this process may be shortened, but still, they need to practice and fight hard every day to make some progress.

This has even become common sense for all adventurers throughout the ages.

Therefore, Loki has such a high expectation for Sirius’s rare growth-related skills.

After all, she knows how buggy and powerful this skill can be.

With this skill alone, Sirius can become stronger faster than anyone else in the history of Orario without any side-effect.

“Ugh, goddess Loki….” Sirius wanted to say something, but the red-haired goddess interrupted him.

“Don’t be so formal, boy! You can call me by name directly like other core members of my familia.” Loki gave him permission to call her directly, surprising everyone nearby.

All of them can see that their goddess attaches great importance to this newcomer, even giving him some privilege like that.

In Loki Familia, only the core members are allowed to call her by name. Even if Loki tried to ease this rule, everyone in her familia opposed it.

This is primarily for the big three of her familia. They wanted their goddess to be well-respected and not underestimated, even though her usual behavior often destroys her image.

Therefore, in the familia, calling the goddess by her name is a privilege granted to only core members.

The people nearby looked in the direction of the big three and were surprised to find no objection from them.

“Loki… don’t you think it’s a bit hasty to update his status so soon?” The nearby cat-woman, Anakitty, raised her doubts.

Anakitty has long black hair and a tail. She wears a black and white outfit along with dark brown boots. She keeps her sword in a black sheath on her left waist.

Loki didn’t hide her voice; therefore, everyone in the room could hear her voice. They also looked at her in confusion.

They were already surprised when she granted the newcomer privilege to call her by the name, and now her actions confused them even more.

Why does Loki attach so much importance to the new kid?

Their mind was filled with such questions.

And, how much progress can the kid make in a single day? At most, there might be some progress in the five basic stats due to being a beginner.

The red-haired goddess squinted her eyes and answered meaningfully, “Hehe, don’t worry too much, Aki-nyan! After all, the situation of this kid is a bit special….”

“Who is Aki-nyan!!” The cat-eared Anakitty was instantly angry with the nickname.

The dwarf top executive, Gareth, was sitting next to the pallum captain, Finn.

They also heard what Loki said and started discussing.

“Loki probably wanted to verify something….” Gareth said to his pallum friend.

Finn nodded casually and replied, “After all, the kid’s skills are a bit too outrageous….”

Both of them had seen detailed information about Sirius’s skills. Therefore, they’re well aware of their goddess’s intention.

But, that doesn’t stop others from being curious about the new boy.

Tiona, the youngest twin of the Hiryute sisters, saw them muttering to themselves.

Tiona has medium-length black hair and brown eyes. Like all Amazonesses, she wears revealing clothing, wearing only a strip of cloth around her chest and a pareo around her waist.

“Eh? What are you guys talking about? Gareth-san? Finn-san?” Tiona couldn’t stop herself from asking.

[A/N: I will use Japanese suffixes in the future. Please don’t mind.]

The nearby people also perked up their ears to listen to them.

Gareth and Finna smiled helplessly and decided to give them some hint.

Finn looked at everyone mysteriously and said, “Well, our newcomer possesses a very rare and powerful skill. Loki just wanted to verify its effect.”

Nobody was satisfied with such a vague answer, and their curiosity was further piqued.

“Eh? Rare skill!? Is it really that powerful?” The curious Tiona asked for more information.

“Yeap, it’s even more powerful than you can imagine. I’ve never seen anyone possess such a rare skill. Sirius will definitely become a powerful adventurer in the future.”

Finn didn’t disclose Sirius’s information and vaguely hinted at everyone around. After all, information about his skill was top secret.

Although he didn’t outright say anything, Finn’s hint still surprised the core members of Loki Familia.

“Captain has such a high expectation for that kid?” The older twin sister, Tione, muttered to herself. As an admirer of the Captain, she took his words seriously.

Tione has dark green eyes and long brown hair. As an Amazoness, she wears revealing clothing and has sky blue earrings on her ears.

Although she expected Loki and the big three of the familia to have high expectations for the boy, she never expected it to be so much.

Now that her beloved Captain admitted this himself, her previous perception of the boy was ultimately overturned.

The same goes for others like Ais and Lefiya. Both of them felt the same way as Tione.

Ais looked at the blond youth harassed by their goddess with growing curiosity in her heart.

She wanted to know what was so special about the boy.

“Humph! I’m done eating. I’ll go out first.” Bete, the werewolf of Loki familia, snorted and stood up. He didn’t want to participate in such meaningless chitchat.

Bete has gray-colored hair, along with amber eyes, as well as a sleek tail. He has a blue tattoo on the left side of his face and a muscular physique.

But, he didn’t forget to look at Sirius a few more times due to the Captain’s words before leaving the room.

No one was surprised by Bete’s behavior. They were used to this tsundere wolf and continued their discussion.

“Hey, Captain! Can you tell us what effect his skill has?” Tiona pestered the pallum Captain for more information.

“Well, It’s a secret for now. And, it’s very inappropriate for me to disclose his information without permission, understand?” Finn reminded the younger Amazoness sister. Sometimes he was very helpless with Tiona’s liveliness.

“Humph! The Captain is just a meanie! If you don’t want to tell, don’t make some excuses.” Tiona was angry and complained, making the older twin dissatisfied.

“Tiona! Don’t speak ill of the Captain!” Tione, the older twin, glared at her sister angrily.

The liveliness there didn’t affect the communication between Loki and Sirius.

After thinking for a while, Sirius agreed to update his status. He didn’t want to suffer from any more harassment from the red-haired goddess.

Then, he sighed and leaned back, feeling the goddess’s chest.

‘Well, I can feel her firm ribs….’ Sirius thought painfully.

After leaving the dining room, Sirius walked along the corridor and looked at the tall towers above his head.

The sun had long disappeared into the horizon, and the sky was full of glittering stars and moon.

After seeing this scene, Sirius felt the peace of mind and looked outside Twilight Manor.

The streets were full of dazzling lights, and the atmosphere was vibrant.

After staring outside for a while, Sirius headed toward Loki’s room after asking a senior for the way.

Loki is really careless sometimes. After he agreed to update his status, the goddess ran off to drink some more wine without giving him any instruction.

But no matter where she goes, she should return to her room in the end.

Thinking like this, Sirius walked to the top floor of the central tower of Twilight Manor.

After climbing a spiral staircase, he came in front of a room.

He hesitated for a moment, then knocked on the door.

There was some rustling noise coming out of the room, and the red-haired goddess opened the door after some time.

Just as he expected, Loki was in her room after all.

“Oh, you’re here!” Loki greeted him with a smile.


When the door was opened, Sirius looked at the scene inside speechlessly.

There were piles of trash and wine bottles scattered all around the room.

If he remembered correctly, yesterday, the room was pretty neat.

What happened to make it look like this?

“Quickly come inside, kiddo! My room is a bit messy, but I’ll just ask Riveria to clean it up before leaving for expedition tomorrow.” The goddess dragged him into the room while saying this.

‘Riveria-san, I have a little more respect for you.’ Sirius thought while being dragged inside.

Loki was unaware of his thoughts and asked him to lie on her bed. She grabbed a nearby chair and placed it beside the bed.

“Before I start, tell me how your first dungeon exploration was? Was there any danger?” Loki took out a needle, poked the tip of her index finger, and used it to trail behind his back.

“Well, the monsters on the upper floors are pretty weak, so there was nothing particularly dangerous!” Sirius answered her after thinking for a while.

“Is that so? Speaking of which, how many floors did you explore with Raul today, Sirius?” Loki didn’t forget to ask while doing her work.

“Hmm… Up to the seventh floor!” Sirius honestly answered her.

“Oh? Seventh floor huh… Eh? The seventh floor?” Loki was very surprised after hearing this. After all, Raul didn’t mention anything about it before.

The dungeon starts to get difficult beginning from the fifth floor, especially for newcomers.

Even the previous most talented member of her familia, Ais, didn’t go that far in her first dungeon exploration.

“It’s an incredible feat, kiddo! By the way, did Raul make a move during this time?” Loki didn’t forget to ask for confirmation.

“No! I am responsible for battle, while Raul was acting as my supporter.” Sirius truthfully answered, making the goddess smack her lips in surprise.

“Tsk, tsk… It looks like I underestimated you, kiddo! When you said you have experience with some monsters, I thought you were just bragging….”

Loki didn’t forget to mention this topic making Sirius helpless.

Why doesn’t anyone believe the truth these days?

Sirius didn’t know what to say.

“Alright! I’m done updating your stats. I’ll quickly write it down, wait for a second!” Loki suddenly said this, making him a bit interested.

“Okay!” Sirius nodded and eagerly waited for her.

Loki grabbed a quill pen and started translating the hieroglyphs on Sirius's back into readable language.

While translating, she also read the data on the status panel.

Although she was very surprised to see his progress, she didn't show any obvious expression on her face due to prior expectations.

[Name:] Sirius Starr

[Level:] Lv1


STR: I0 -> G202

VIT: I0 -> H198

DEX: I0 -> G252

AGI: I0 ->G248

MAG: I0 ->E466

[Development Abilities:] None (Options for next level-up)


"The Arrival of Silver Star!"

"Stellar Magic"

"Earth Magic"


"Stellar Affection"

"Heart Of Gaia"

In this world where gods and people coexist, there is an abstract concept called 'vessel/container' in a mortal body.

Those with a falna can gather excelia to raise their status and grow stronger.

An adventurer can fill the 'vessel' inside them with excelia gained through battle and training.

There are two types of excelia. The regular type is used by Gods to improve upon their followers' status other than level. Examples of this are unlocking certain development abilities that can be chosen to be obtained when leveling up or to raise an adventurer's basic abilities.

The second type is called 'high-quality excelia'. Gods use it to level up their followers after enough has been accumulated.

High-quality excelia is gained by accomplishing things that even the Gods would be impressed with, such as defeating stronger opponents.

After an adventurer levels up, their strength increases greatly in all directions.

According to common sense, the level gap is a nigh insuperable barrier. A lower-level adventurer may stand no chance against a higher-level one excluding some special circumstances.

But there is one more thing to mention.

The excelia-carrying limit of a mortal container is not the same for everyone. It differs from person to person based on their innate talent.

Also, not everyone has the chance to raise their basic stats above S-rank because of a lack of time and aptitude.

Four of Sirius's basic stats are at rank G, whereas the magic stat is impressively at rank E.

This should be the effect of his Skill that increases his mental capacity.

After all, magic and mental energy are somewhat related to each other.

Sirius received his status parchment and looked at it in satisfaction.

After all, more than 1300 points of increase in basic stats are very impressive for newcomers.

His progress speed is many times faster than most newcomers.

If we compare the rate of improvement of a newbie adventurer to a car, then Sirius's one should be a rocket.

"If you keep growing up at this pace, maybe you will be able to fill up your basic stats to the limit. I guess Ais's record of leveling up in a year is about to be broken." Loki could already imagine such a thing happening.

"And, there's an additional development ability in the options. It's called 'Quick Casting' huh?" Loki remembered something and reminded him.

After every level-up, Sirius has two options to choose development abilities: a standard one and a special one.

Standard ones are the development abilities found in this world.

Whereas special development abilities are something unique to him.

"It's useless for now!" Sirius didn't pay much attention to them. For development ability, he first needs to level up after all.

Loki chuckled and messed up his hair after hearing this.

"Stop that! And, this is my first day in the dungeon. I'm afraid my rate of progress will slow down significantly in the future." Sirius gave his opinion after thinking for a while.

"Stop pretending, kiddo! I'm sure you are bursting with excitement inside your heart. After all, you have become stronger than before…." Loki didn't believe his words and teased him. With such skills, she believed he would surpass everyone in the future.

Sirius was starting to get numb to her harassment and ignored her words. He didn't want to be arrogant after all.

"And don't forget to destroy that parchment after you are done!" After some time, Loki reminded him.

Sirius's status was meant to be a secret for the time being, after all.

Sirius was ready to leave this place and nodded in agreement.

"Alright!" After saying this, Sirius tore the parchment into multiple smaller pieces and left the messy room.

He wanted to quickly get away from here.

After returning to his room, he changed into his night outfit and lay on the bed.

After all, he wants to recharge his energy for an adventure tomorrow.

Twilight Manor,

Early in the morning,

Sirius was awakened by the noises coming from the outside. It was too loud, making him unable to sleep.

His room is on the middle floor next to the family's second echelon of the familia, such as Ais and Lefiya.

Because of his talent and potential, Finn arranged his room closer to them, hoping to establish a good relationship. The pallum captain is pretty considerate.

At the moment, all the expedition team members were gathered in the courtyard. The atmosphere was lively, and everyone talked about the upcoming expedition.

As the familia's goddess, Loki stood next to the captain, who was busy giving a pre-expedition speech.

Almost everyone on the expedition team was present, and some were preparing for the expedition.

This kind of scene was nothing unusual in Loki Familia. A similar scene happens almost every month in the manor.

Powerful familia are obliged by the guild to raid the dungeon every once in a while. After all, the city's safety depends on the containment of the monsters inside the dungeon.

'When the expedition starts, there won't be many powerful seniors aboveground. I guess the manor will be a bit deserted afterward.' Sirius thought while quietly watching this scene out of his window.

As a new level 1 adventurer, there is no place for him in this expedition.

Therefore, nobody came to bother him while he was asleep.

He still had his night dress on while peeking out of the window, making him look like a teenager just out of bed.

Although Sirius was not a part of the expedition, he still wanted to bid them goodbye.

Therefore, he changed his clothes and walked out of the room after washing up.

When he was down, the expedition team had already set off. But, he could still see their leaving figure out of the gate.

Without wasting any more time, he ran to the gate and shouted, "Everyone! Please stay safe!"

His shout attracted their attention, and they waved him goodbye in return.

Sirius stared at them for a while and went to the canteen room on the second floor.

Unfortunately, there was no one in the canteen.

Sirius remembered something Loki said yesterday.

Most of the chefs in Loki Familia are relatively strong female adventurers. Therefore, they will also join the expedition as logistics.

During this time, Loki asked him to eat outside like everyone else in the familia.

Sirius helplessly shook his head and decided to go out for breakfast.

On his way outside, he encountered the goddess of his familia.

"Yo, Sirius! Are you going to the dungeon so soon?" Look asked after finding a long spear on his back and a medium-sized backpack.

"Yeah. But before that, I need to find a place to have breakfast." Sirius casually answered.

The more he gets along with Loki, the less restrained he becomes.

Initially, he paid attention to honorifics while talking to her, but not anymore.

It has only been two days since they met, and his psychology has a subtle change.

He also doesn't resist such change.

"Hehe, good to hear. Work hard, and try to catch up with Ais and the others soon. I have high hopes for you…." Loki praised him before continuing on.

"Also, while you are exploring the dungeon alone, try to pay more attention to your surrounding. Don't go too deep, and don't trust others casually." Loki didn't forget to give him some reminders.

"I understand. Thanks for the reminders, Loki~" Sirius sincerely thanked her. No matter how unruly her usual behavior is, she is earnest about important issues.

"Hehe, I'm glad to see that. *yawns* I still have a hangover from yesterday, so see you later!" After saying this, Loki yawned tiredly and headed toward her room.

After looking at his status yesterday, Loki was not worried about his safety in the dungeon.

With such high stats and skills, monsters on the upper floor pose no threat to him.

As long as Sirius doesn't run off to the middle floors like a fool, there is nothing dangerous.

After bidding goodbye to the red-haired goddess, Sirius walked out of the gate and headed toward the western street of Orario.

Most of the taverns and pubs are located on this street. These places also serve food items along with some drinks.

Along the way, Sirius found many adventurers walking on the street with similar ideas to him.

For breakfast, Sirius wanted to go to the famous 'Hostess of Fertility.'

The sun had already risen, so many shops and taverns along the way were opened and ready for business.

After searching for some time, Sirius finally found his destination.

Hostess of Fertility!

The Hostess of Fertility sits on a brick-lined street. It is a two-story building made of stone.

Sirius wanted to visit this famous place after coming to Orario.

As for the possibility of being stared at by a certain goddess, Sirius simply ignored it.

After all, as a potential newcomer to Loki Familia, he will meet goddess Freya sooner or later.

There is no use escaping from the beauty goddess. It will serve no other purpose except to increase her curiosity.

There is also a chance that his otherworldly soul may fail to attract her attention.

The odds are pretty slim, but Sirius still wanted to be optimistic.

After all, he has no confidence in ignoring her charm.

Thanks to his unique skill, "Stellar Affection," he may be somewhat resistant to her charm but not completely immune.

After all, even some gods are unable to ignore her allure. Not to mention him as a mortal.

Anyway, Freya should be pretty restrained in dealing with him, thanks to his familia.

Unless she wants to drag both Loki and Freya Familia into war.

Sirius thinks that he is not worth so much trouble, right?

When he was in front of the door, Sirius looked at the store symbol for a while and entered.

Like most other places, 'Hostess of Fertility' opens its door at the busiest time in the morning. Although there were not many customers inside.

Well, the reason for this may be the high cost.

Anyway, this place will be pretty full in the evening. Also, it's better for him to eat his meal in a quiet place.

A tall and burly woman wearing an apron was sitting on the counter. She was taking some orders and relaying them to the back kitchen.

Sirius quickly recognized her.

She is the tavern owner, Mia Grand, commonly known as Mama Mia. She is also the former captain of the Freya Familia.

After noticing his arrival, Mama Mia quickly greeted him.

"Welcome to my tavern, boy! What would you like to order?"

Sirius approached the counter and asked, "Well, do you have any recommendations for breakfast?"

Mama Mia smiled after hearing his question and confidently replied, "Of course! We have bacon, omelet, fruit salad, bread, milk, and drinks as well. Do you want them all?"

"Cough, cough, No! I can not eat so much food." Sirius hurriedly rejected her offer. He didn't want to waste food.

"I'll have bacon, omelet, fruit salad, and a glass of milk please!" He quickly gave his order.

"Don't you want any alcohol, kiddo?" Mama Mia asked curiously.

"Nope. I don't want to get drunk so early." Sirius shook his head and rejected her offer. Besides, he didn't like alcohol very much. He only drank them on some special occasions.

"Heh, how can an adventurer not drink? You are a newcomer, so you haven't understood the life of an adventurer. When you come here tonight, I'll give you a drink, understand?"

Mama Mia didn't give him any chance to speak and went to the back kitchen with his orders.

"..." Sirius didn't know how to complain.

How many adventurers has she cheated to be so skillful?

It is a miracle that this tavern can have a good reputation.

"Well-nya, please take your seat, guest! Mama meow has no malicious intent. She just wants everyone to relax and enjoy their drink. Please don't mind-nya!"

When Sirius was standing in front of the counter, a cat girl approached him.

She has brown hair and eyes with cat ears and a tail of the same color. She was wearing a unique uniform of this tavern.

Sirius quickly recognized the girl. Her name is Anya. Although, he forgot her last name.

Anya gently pushed him to a vacant seat with a lovely smile on her face, making him unable to get angry.

Sirius now understands why this place has such a good reputation among adventurers.

They are very skilled in their work.

"Guest, your order will soon arrive-nya! So relax in the meanwhile-nya!"

There were not many customers in the tavern. So, Anya decided to accompany him for some time.

She's definitely not trying to be lazy…

The other waitresses were busy cleaning up. She didn't want to join them but needed a reasonable excuse to skip work.

Sirius didn't overthink her presence, thinking she may be attracted by his handsome face.

Well, there may be some reason for it, but mostly she wanted to be lazy in her work.

Sirius had nothing to do while waiting, so he enjoyed talking with the brown-haired cat-girl.

Anya was also enthusiastic during their communication. After all, he was her excuse for reasonably skipping work.

If a guest asks her something, she should at least give him a reply, right?

Also, Sirius was a young and handsome man, and Anya didn't mind chatting with him.

If it was a rough-looking man, she wouldn't even waste a second with him.

No matter how weak she looks, she is a level 4 adventurer. It's not that easy to bully her!

Therefore, appearance is significant in life.

'I'm so smart-nya! Now, I have a good reason for skipping work!' Anya felt proud of her idea and giggled inwardly. Her tail was shaking here and there in excitement.

"By the way, let me introduce myself-nya! My name is Anya Fromel. I'm a waitress at this place-nya!" Anya remembered something and introduced herself.

"I'm happy to meet you, Anya-san! My name is Sirius Starr, a new member of Loki Familia." Sirius didn't forget his manner and also introduced himself.

He finally knew her full name, Anya Fromel.

While talking with her, he noticed that she added a suffix at the end of her sentences, making it attractive.

She sounded just like a kitten, constantly meowing.

In such a short time, his mind was full of words such as meow, mew, nya, nyan, etc...

Most cat people speak in this way.

Suddenly, he thought of an exciting idea and asked her, "Well, Anya! Please repeat what I am about to say…."

"Nya?" Anya was confused by his sudden request but still nodded. She was also curious about what he wanted to do.

“Nyanyame nyanyajyuunyanya-do no nyarabi de nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyanynaku nyarabete nyaganyagame.” Sirius remembered something from his previous life and recited them.

[A/N: It translates to: I have been watching these seven 750cc motorcycles (nanahan) which are noisy like horses and are placed beautifully at an angle of 77°.]

“Nyanyame nyanyajyuunyanya… nyan,nya,nyan…” Anya started repeating his words without hesitation. She spoke faster than she could think.

However, her brain soon came to a halt, and all she could recite was nyan and nya.

The constant meowing sound also attracted other people's attention in the tavern.

They wondered if the brown-haired cat girl finally had a mental breakdown. Even though she looked adorable with a dazed expression.

Although Anya was dizzy and confused, she could still remember whose fault it was for making her like this.

Sirius smiled after seeing her realization. Anya may be stronger than him, but she was no match for him in terms of wits.

"Meow! You tricked me-nya!" Anya tried to show a vicious expression like an enraged kitten.

“Hehe, I’m sorry, Anya-san! I couldn't stop myself from teasing you…." Sirius quickly apologized just in case. Although her angry look was cute, he didn't want to suffer for nothing.

After all, an angry kitten may bite you if you tease her too much.

Just when he was about to start coaxing her, another voice sounded from behind, startling them.

"Okay, Anya! Stop wasting time and go back to work. I don't want to see you lazing around again!" The voice was a bit cold and serious.

Sirius turned around and found another waitress behind him.

The girl was an elf with sky blue eyes and green hair. She was wearing the uniform of this tavern.

Sirius was quick to recognize her, Ryuu Lion, former adventurer of the Astraea Familia.

Ryuu had a calm and stoic expression, preventing anyone from approaching her.

She may also behave this way because of her race.

After all, elves are known for being proud and rigid.

Speaking of elves, they give everyone an impression of being proud and serious. They especially dislike it if a person touches them without permission.

But if one can befriend them, they'll show them their kind and helpful side.

Most elves are handsome and beautiful people. Therefore, they are very famous worldwide.

The elven race is something people yearn for and respect.

"Meow!? When did you arrive, Ryuu-nya! I never noticed your presence." Anya steps back two steps in panic.

"And I was not lazing around. I was just introducing this place to our new customer, right? Sirius?" Anya calmed down and tried to make an excuse.

"Try saying that to Mama Mia! Look, she's there!"

Ryuu put Sirius's order on the table indifferently and pointed at the counter.

Anya followed Ryuu's gesture and looked at the counter. She found Mama Mia giving her a threatening smile.

Anya shuddered after seeing that smile and quickly compromised.

"Meow… I'll go back to work-nya!" The panicked cat-girl hurriedly returned to work.

Anya didn't want to taste Mama Mia's iron fist after all.

Ryuu watched the depressed Anya leave indifferently. This was not the first time such a thing happened.

The two cat-girl of 'Hostess of Fertility' often try various ways to skip work.

If Mama Mia was not present, they would never want to work.

She found another black-haired cat-woman sneaking around to skip work nearby. Luckily, Mama Mia didn't discover her yet.

Sirius also looked there and recognized her, Chloe.

Ryuu sighed, feeling tired mentally.

These two cat-girls often uncover new ways to be lazy. Anya is kinda dumb, whereas Chloe usually gets carried away and reprimanded by Mama Mia.

"Guest, sorry for the disturbance. Here's your meal! Have a good time!" After saying this, Ryuu walked away from his table. It was still ger working time after all.

"Thank you, elf-san!" Sirius thanked her and started eating.

The food was good-looking and was very delicious.

After finishing his meal, Sirius was energized to explore the dungeon.

After ten minutes, Sirius walked out of 'Hostess Of Fertility' with a helpless expression.

"The food is so expensive here. It cost 3000 valis just for breakfast…." Sirius couldn't stop himself from complaining after paying such a high price.

It's not that Sirius couldn't afford the price; he feels it was not worth so much money.

Your low-level everyday adventurer could never afford to eat here daily.

After all, an ordinary level 1 adventurer earns around 5,000 to 15,000 valis daily from dungeon exploration.

So, it is a luxury for them to eat at this place.

'Luckily, Syr was not there. At least I managed to avoid Freya's sight for the time being.' Sirius thought while walking down the streets. He was not ready to meet the beauty goddess.

Along the way, he found many adventurers in their gears carrying various bottles of potions and medicines.

Looking at them, he felt a bit out of place.

Did he forget to buy something?

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