Danmachi: Reincarnation With System

Chapter 7: 036-044

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Chapter 36

Sirius realized what he had overlooked. He forgot to buy potions.

After seeing the adventurers on the street, he remembered it.

So, without any further ado, he made a detour to buy some potions.

After all, potions are life-saving consumables. As a new adventurer, he won’t feel at ease without them.

10 minutes later, he arrived in front of a familiar white building with Dian Cecht’s symbol.

Dian Cecht Familia is well-known for its pharmacy and medical service.

They sell and provide various potions and healing services. They can also make custom prosthetics for their customer.

The only downside is that the cost of their service is often very high.

Nonetheless, Dian Cecht Familia still has an excellent reputation among the adventurers.

After all, nobody is foolish enough to offend a doctor who may save their life in the future.

And Amid Teasanare from this familia is a famous healer in Orario.

Her unique magic, ‘Dia Fratel’, is top-class healing magic capable of healing anything such as wounds, stamina, status ailments, and curses in a 5-meter radius.

After all, her alias ‘Dea Saint’ was not given without reason.

After entering the pharmacy, a staff girl from the familia greeted him.

“Hello, guest. What can I help you with?” The pharmacy staff asked him politely.

As one of the best pharmacies in Orario, Dian Cecht Familia also employs some workers in their place.

Amid is mainly responsible for business negotiations, while other members of her familia do the rest of the trivial tasks.

Sirius thinks Amid is the main reason for Dian Cecht Familia’s current success.

Amid is also an accomplished adventurer and skillful negotiator despite being a doctor. She is a capable leader in charge of her familia.

“Well, I want to buy some potions.” Sirius felt weird about why he didn’t find any staff yesterday but answered politely.

“Then please go to the counter, guest. Amid-san is responsible for the business.” The staff girl nodded and instructed him.

“Thank you. I’ll go there.” Sirius nodded and went to the counter.

He found familiar silver-haired beauty with an expressionless face.

Amid also detected his presence and recognized him.

“Oh, you are the guy from yesterday. What business do you have today, mister? Or should I call you by your name directly?” Amid politely asked. She didn’t want to be rude to her customers.

“Please call me by my name directly, Amid-san.” Sirius allowed her to drop the formalities.

“Today, I’m here to buy some potions.” Sirius didn’t want to waste any time and got straight to the point.

“Okay, what type of Potion do you want? And how many?” Amid nodded and questioned him.

“Well, I’m a new adventurer. So, can you tell me their price and effects?” Sirius rubbed the back of his head and requested. He wanted to hear more information.

“Alright, Sirius! Ordinary Potion cost 500 valis. It can help you recover some health and stamina but it is useless for serious injury.” Amid started her explanation.

“Next one is an Elixir. It is very expensive and can cure all wounds and status ailments in general, though it can’t regenerate lost body parts. They cost at least 500,000 valis.” Amid paused for a second and continued talking.

“Then there are Magic Potions costing anywhere around 5,000-20,000 valis depending on the quality. Drinking one can quickly help you recover your mental energy.”

“There’s also a stronger version of Potion called High Potion. Unlike a normal potion, it can clot blood, and save someone with deep gashes, broken bones, and other severe injuries. They cost 10,000 valis per one.”

“And lastly, we also have a special Dual Potion that restores both health and mana. We are not the producer of this type of potion. So its price is 50,000 valis per vial.” Amid finished her introduction and waited for his order.

“Thank you for the introduction. I would like you to buy 3 High Potions and 3 High Magic Potions then, Amid-san!” Sirius thought for a moment and decided to make a big purchase.

It was his second time in the dungeon, and there was no one to accompany him this time. So, he should be well-prepared.

Amid briefly smiled after hearing this and started processing his order. Her mood was better after a successful business.

After some time, Sirius sighed and walked out of the pharmacy. He put the potions in a special compartment of his backpack.

Most of his earnings from yesterday were spent on buying the Potion.

He didn’t regret his decision, but he needed to make extra money to cover their expense.

Therefore, Sirius quickly went to the dungeon to earn some money.

Sirius was already familiar with the first few floors. Therefore, he wasted no time and took the shortest route toward the next floor.


Various roars of monsters resounded throughout the interconnected passageway of the dungeon.

Suddenly, a monster emerged from the dungeon wall and ambushed him.

Sirius responded quickly and grabbed his spear to stab the attacking monster.

The green-skinned monster died instantly after the stab and disintegrated into black ashes, dropping a magic stone.

The next moment, four more goblins emerged from the wall and attacked Sirius.

Sirius skillfully handled his weapon and quickly eliminated them.

After flicking his spear, Sirius looked at the dropped magic stones and sighed.

“Alas, it’s so troublesome to pick up magic stones. It’s a waste of my time…” Sirius complained while picking them up. He already started missing Raul.

Raul was a good supporter. Strong, honest, and easy to get along with!

“It’s almost been an hour since I entered the dungeon. I should be on the sixth floor now….” Sirius muttered while judging his situation.

The next moment, a group of dark humanoid monsters materialized from the dungeon wall confirming his guess.

The monster had long arms with three claws that were sharp like knives.

Sirius quickly recognized them, War Shadow.

They are the strongest monster on the 6th Floor.

Along with Killer Ant, they are known as “newbie killers” for killing a lot of newbie adventurers.

If several of them attacked him at once, even he would feel some trouble.

But that’s only in close combat. After all, he’s not only a warrior but also a mage.

“Center of Earth!”

Sirius didn’t hesitate to use his magic to summon a Stone Pillar and applied a geo shield to him.

A rock pillar emerged from the ground and struck two unsuspecting war shadows.

Sirius quickly grabbed his spear and fought the remaining ones.

The rock pillar also sent out some shockwaves, making the monsters unable to stand correctly.

Under his skillful operation, all the monsters were eliminated, leaving behind their magic stones and some drop items.

While picking up the spoils of his battle, Sirius also noticed his abnormal luck.

Yesterday, Raul was responsible for picking up the drops, so he didn’t care much about it.

But today, he had to admit that he was very lucky.

He learned from his seniors that the chances of drop items are meager.

But, this is not the case for him. His chance of getting drop items is obviously very high.

In his previous life, many otakus often referred to spearmen as an unlucky profession.

After all, many spearmen in the Type-Moon series have the worst Luck of E.

Fortunately, he didn’t inherit such lousy luck from his profession.

Sirius also collected some drop items from the previous floors, almost filling a compartment of his backpack.

‘Maybe, I can get rich picking up drop items?’ Sirius pondered in the process.

Drop items are rare and expensive.

Their value on the upper floor is usually above 1,000 valis.

So, what about the middle floors?

And the deeper floors?

Some craftsmen even spend millions of valis to buy rare drop items and materials from lower floors.

The lower you go, the more expensive drop items will be.

With such beautiful dreams, Sirius soon entered the eighth floor. The monsters on the seventh floor were not enough to stop him.

Chapter 37

From the seventh floor to the eighth floor, the scenery changes drastically.

The amount and size of rooms increase, and the length of the hallways becomes shorter. Also, the ceiling changes height from three to four meters to nearly ten meters above.

Moss covers the brown-colored walls, and the ground below becomes a short grass plain. The strong light from the phosphorescence above illuminated the way similar to the sun.

There are no new monsters. However, monsters from the 1st-7th Floors reappear in a stronger state.

Since their attack method and weakness are the same, Sirius can use the previous way to battle them.

Although formerly weak monsters like goblins and kobolds have become stronger, that doesn't mean that Sirius can't handle them.

It would only be a little challenging after all.

Therefore, he efficiently managed to cross both floors and came to the more special tenth floor.

The reason why the tenth floor is unique is that the environment is a bit foggy.

The 10th-12th Floors keep the same structure as the 8th-9th Floors. However, the light from above becomes reminiscent of morning mist.

Although the fog was not deep enough to completely block his vision, it still made his view hazy and blurry.

The unreasonable mist that cannot be dispelled shrouded the entire dungeon floor.

His vision became wider after walking through the passageway linking the ninth and tenth floors.

What caught his eyes was a spacious space full of endless grasslands.

The range of his visibility was within a radius of ten meters. Therefore, he could see many dead trees with withered branches.

"The Natural Dungeon Arsenal…" Sirius muttered while looking at his surrounding.

He also heard that monsters on the 10-12th floor use landforms such as trees as weapons.

Although those branches are dead, their hardness is comparable to some low-level adventurer weapons.

This is the tricky part about the 10-12th floor.

The conscious dungeon deliberately supplies these things to the monsters as natural weapons.

And the foggy terrain provides an excellent cover for an ambush.

Therefore, even a weak monster can deal a fatal strike to an adventurer if they are careless.


There was no time for him to adjust.

With a roar, a huge black shadow gradually emerged out of the fog with glowing scarlet eyes.

Sirius quickly recognized it, orc.

They are huge pig-headed monsters that can reach three meters in height and wear old hide at their waist as a skirt.

Orcs also possess enough strength to compete with level 2 adventurers.


The bloodthirsty orc stared in his direction, looking like a hunter finding its prey.

Then it immediately sprinted out with a loud bang, trying to grab a nearby branch as a weapon.

"Don't think about it!" Sirius discovered its intention and naturally didn't allow it.

"Center of Earth!"

Before the orc could grab the branch, a dark-gold rock pillar rose from the ground.

Although the pillar was smaller in width than the orc, it easily blocked the orc and knocked it off the ground.

The orc wailed in pain and tried to stand up.

Sirius took the chance to apply a shield to himself and dashed toward the injured orc.

He wanted to take this opportunity to strike down his enemy.

Sirius grabbed his spear tightly, focused on his opponent's weak points, and sprinted in that direction.

When the orc was about to stand up, Sirius approached it and attacked it. His spear tip slashed across its body, leaving behind a deep wound reaching to the bone.

Since he was in a combat state, his skill "Heart Of Gaia" empowered some of his basic stats, making it easier for him to fight this monster.

"Heart Of Gaia"

·Increased strength and durability when entering combat state.

As for what state is defined as combat, it depends on his own subconscious judgment.

In such moments, his strength and durability are strengthened by this skill.

The injured orc fell to the ground with a thud sound. Green blood was seeping out of its wound, and the orc cried out in pain.

It struggled to stand up but was unable to do so due to the injuries.

The previous attack also injured one of its legs, making it incapacitated.

It was only a matter of time before it died under his spear.

So, It didn't take long before the orc's body disintegrated into black ashes, leaving behind a crystalline object.

'Whew, it's my first time fighting against such a big monster. Although, I used magic to defeat it… still who made magic a part of my strength? So it's easy~' Sirius bent down to pick up the orc's magic and thought shamelessly.

He tended to expose some of his pompous characters when no one was around.

But, he still kept his guard while looking around for more enemies.

After all, the dungeon won't allow an adventurer to rest after the battle. More and more monsters will appear to stop them in their steps.

It means - a constant battle!

There is only one way for the adventurers to avoid such a situation.

Either retreat or go forward!

The constant harassment from the monsters will only stop after leaving the 10th-12th Floor.

However, Sirius was not afraid of such harassment.

It just so happened that his money was running out. Monsters that come in one wave after another are nothing but piles of valis to him.

Although picking up the drops was a bit troublesome, he still felt that this was a big gift from the dungeon.

The eleventh floor had a similar structure to the tenth floor.

The grasslands were thicker, and the dead trees were scattered everywhere.

All of a sudden, black shadows surrounded Sirius in all directions.

Sirius quickly noticed monsters with scarlet glowing eyes staring at him with undisguised hostility.

"ROAR!!" They started roaring in a hoarse voice, making him tense and nervous.

"Are you kidding me? The second time I explored the dungeon, I encountered a "monster party'???" Sirius was dumbfounded after realizing his situation.

Chapter 38

What Sirius and Raul's encounter before was not really a 'monster party.' After all, only 20 killer ants barely qualified as a 'monster party.'

He thinks the dungeon made a mistake before because now more than 30 strong monsters surrounded him, which is undoubtedly a qualified 'monster party.'

Sirius was tensed and ready to fight after hearing roars from every direction.

The monsters were getting closer and closer.

He took a deep breath and glanced at the passageway where they blocked the way.

Then, with no other choice than fight…

"Center of Earth!"

First, he applied a shield to himself and summoned multiple rock pillars from the ground.

The road to the passageway was instantly cleared, and the monsters blocking his way were thrown off the ground by the pillars.

At the same time, a dark gold geo shield shimmering with faint light surrounded his body.

Reality is not a game. Therefore, it is naturally up to his decision how many rock pillars to summon.

The strength of his shield is also determined by the output of mana.

As for chant?

Well, it's only for the show. In fact, Sirius can instantly release his magic without any chant.

The reason why he chants is to look cool and handsome. After all, instant magic lacks a certain feeling of being a mage.

Also, if someone outside learned the special nature of his magic, there would be some trouble.

Therefore, Sirius always chants his magic to avoid such trouble.

Also, he can give his enemies a fatal strike in case of misinformation.

Now back to the battle…

Thankfully, Sirius didn't spend too much mana before. So, his body had more than enough supply of it.

Although he released multiple rock pillars before, he could still use other magic.

As for physical strength, Sirius had already drank a health potion and was in good condition.

Next, he only needs to reserve some energy for a retreat and go all-out in the battle!

"Illuminate the sky(Orionids)!"

A high-pitched chant came out of his mouth.

In the next moment, a virtual starry sky appeared above him.

His entire body was engulfed by stellar brilliance, and a cluster of faint blue flame arose from his body and started leaking out.



A loud explosion occurred, with the flames spreading out instantly. The flames showed their deadly nature by instantly devouring everything in their way.

The explosion also temporarily dispelled the surrounding fogs and revealed the devastating scene. All trees and vegetation on the explosion site were burnt and melted.

Even the shield on his body was flickering due to heavy damage and finally dissipated after the explosion subsided.

"Let's see how you can stop me!"

Sirius flexibly rotated the spear in his hand and took a stance. Then, he made a provocative gesture and dashed toward the remaining enemies.

In a dungeon, time always flies by…

Adventurers encounter monsters and fight them for hours without being aware of the duration.

When Sirius walked out of the dungeon with a backpack full of magic stones and dropped items, it was almost dusk, and half of the sky was red.

He exchanged his magic stones for valis at the same guild headquarter. Unfortunately, he didn't see Eina or Misha at the reception. So, he quickly left the building and headed home.

He made more valis than yesterday. After all, he explored deeper floors than before. There is also no need to split his earnings.

The magic stones of large monsters like orcs were more valuable than Sirius expected.

Excluding the drop items, Sirius made approximately 100,000 valis on his trip to the dungeon today.

'Do I need a supporter? I feel that I can have a lot less trouble with a supporter….' Sirius thought while walking on the streets.

But after seriously thinking for a while, he rejected this idea.

Not to mention the issue of trust, whether they can keep up with his rhythm is another matter.

If a supporter is not qualified enough, Sirius must waste more time taking care of them.

Usually, professionally hired supporters have some kind of bad things in their lives or are poor and weak.

'There's no need for an outside supporter at the moment.' Sirius concluded and headed toward his familia residence.

Before returning, Sirius didn't forget to buy a few sets of attire from various clothing stores.

Even if he becomes an adventurer, that doesn't mean he won't enrich his wardrobe.

After all, he can't just wear a single piece of clothing daily.

After earning some money, it was time for him to improve the standard of his life.

It was almost dark when Sirius arrived at Twilight Manor. He greeted the gatekeepers and returned to his room with newly bought clothes.

After a day of fighting, he was a bit dirty and sweaty. He decided to take a bath to clean himself.

After a comfortable bath, Sirius changed into new clothes and came out of the bathhouse. He ran into a few familia members who stayed out of the expedition. They were ready to go out for dinner.

They also invited him to have dinner together. But he politely refused when he heard that the place they were going to was 'Hostess of Fertility.'

He didn't forget Mama Mia's words in the morning. She would definitely give him a lot of alcohol.

He will never accept such an offer unless he wants to get drunk.

There's no doubt that when he arrived at that place, a certain black-hearted dwarf tavern owner would frantically give him bottles of wine with an irresistible smile on her face.

However, things don't always go as planned…

"What? You guys are going to Mama Mia's place? Why don't you call me on such an occasion?"

Loki instantly appeared behind him and joined their conversation.

At the same time, she also put her arms around his neck and patted his shoulder casually.

"Sirius, join us as well! Mama Mia's place is the best tavern in the whole of Orario! You will definitely regret not visiting them once." Loki exaggerated a little.

"Actually, I already went there this morning…." Sirius was about to refuse her when Loki intercepted.

"Yoshi! Our destination is the most popular pub on the west street! Loki Familia, let's go!" Loki raised her right hand and shouted, making everyone excited.

"Uh… I don't really want to go…." Sirius wanted to say something, but the others ignored his cry.

"OH!!!" They raised their voice in agreement.

"..." Sirius was very speechless at the moment.

In such a situation, there is no need for any explanation. He was sure that someone would drag him out of the manor on Loki's behalf if he refused any more.

The sky was already dark.

Orario West Street,

It was crowded with people returning home from work and adventurers coming out of the dungeon.

At the entrance of Hostess of Fertility,

"Mama Mia! I'm here for the drinks!" Loki shouted to the owner of the tavern.

Mia Grand, the one mentioned by Loki, heard this familia voice and smiled. After all, Loki Familia was one of their biggest customers.

However, when she turned around and found a familiar blond youth next to the red-haired goddess, her smile became even brighter.

Sirius was feeling very depressed at the moment.

'I want to go home….' Sirius doesn't want to get drunk.

Chapter 39

Sirius didn't know when he lost his consciousness. When he awoke, he first saw the familiar ceiling of his room.

"I feel so sick…." Sirius gently rubbed his tired eyes and expressed his most genuine thoughts at the moment.

The playful goddess, who knew he was not good at drinking, along with the dwarf pub owner, ordered so many drinks for him.

There was no way for him to retain his consciousness after drinking so much alcohol.

The goddess of his familia is such a black-bellied woman!

'Loki is unreliable in such things….' Sirius sighed and started to wash up.

After having breakfast at a nearby restaurant, he had no intention to continue dungeon exploration for today.

The previous two expeditions made him aware of some problems.

He lacked sufficient means of attack.

The most fearful thing for an adventurer is to be surrounded by monsters and unable to escape.

Although with his ability, he can break through a monster siege forcibly.

But, that came with an increase in physical and mental consumption.

"The Arrival of Silver Star!" is very powerful. But it equally consumes his stamina and mana.

Unless as a last resort, when he is forced into a disadvantaged situation, Sirius thinks that using such powerful magic to clear the field is a bit overkill.

Because he could have handled the situation better with different abilities, like his other two magic…

If he had developed his 'Stellar Magic' properly, he would have many more options on the battlefield.

Also, his 'Earth Magic' needs more growth to add more of Zhongli's skills.

If he can develop powerful magic as 'Planet Befall,' it will become one of his killer moves.

It would also be cool if he could drop a virtual meteorite into his enemies during combat.

Also, the additional effect of petrification is very good crowd control. However, some monsters may resist the effect.

Anyway, he can easily defeat the petrified ones.

Now, back to the topic…

To develop his other two magic systems, Sirius decided to go to Loki Familia's library and spend some time reading.

Since he decided to base his 'Stellar Magic' on astrology, he needed to understand the topic well.

For current Sirius, astrology is a very familiar and unfamiliar topic.

He knows basic cosmic knowledge from his past life but doesn't understand them in detail. To properly develop his magic, he needs to delve deep into astrology.

Therefore, he came to the library hoping to find some suitable books on astrology.

Sirius lightly walked into the corridor and came before the library's entrance.

As a top faction of Orario, Loki Familia has a large collection of books and information.

The library in front is where a normal familia member can freely read anything inside.

After entering, Sirius found many bookshelves full of different books.

There was a scent of wood and ink in the library. Also, a large bookshelf was placed in the middle of the room.

The library consists mostly of various dungeon-related books and materials and is classified according to occupations, such as mages.

There are also many ancient stories and lores collected by the willful goddess or anyone else in the familia.

Everyone in Loki Familia thinks these books are the common property of the familia. There are also various magic-related books in the library.

Sirius searched the books one by one and looked for the ones he needed.

All books in the library are organized properly. Therefore, Sirius didn't have to rummage through every book to find the one he needed.

After coming to the place meant for miscellaneous books, Sirius resumed his search.

After a few minutes of searching, he finally stopped in front of a bookshelf.

He looked at the title of some books on the shelf and smiled.

Secrets of Astrology!

Stars and Magic!

XXX Cosmic Theory!

In fact, the title of these books is not like this, but the general translation is marked below each book.

Sirius picked all these books in one breath, walked to a wooden table, and placed them above it. He was ready to start his study session.

Before that, he quickly noted the previous locations of these books.

It won't be funny if he can't put them back in their right place after reading.

According to the classification, these books are strange and miscellaneous books that Loki bought from some passing merchants.

In addition to books on astrology, there are many collections of heroic tales circulating within the continent. But, Sirius ignored these stories and started reading.

Is this good luck? Or perhaps Loki has some foresight?

All of these books were genuine and contained very detailed astrological knowledge.

They are not the kind of useless garbage written by some unscrupulous author to make money.

Even some of the theories looked legit. They were the study notes of some famous astrologers and scholars in the past. These notes are genuinely helpful to him.

Sirius temporarily slowed down the pace of his dungeon raid to study and develop magic.

On the first day, he did nothing else but read books in the library. He even ate his meal in a hurry.

But on the second day, he decided to continue dungeon exploration.

After all, he needs some proper exercise.

Reading books can indeed help him develop his magic faster, but it can't increase his basic stats.

The only way to improve his five basic stats is to train hard and battle powerful monsters. There is no other way around it.

Without shedding enough sweat and blood, there is no way for him to become stronger.

Therefore, he resumed his dungeon exploration to level up faster.

At night, he would go to the library and study astrology and magic-related books.

And on the day, he would enter the dungeon and have a hearty battle. He would also try out some magic in development.

Such a combination of reading and exercising made his days very fulfilling. It was unlike his past life, where he had no clear view of his future.

Day after day and night after night rotated, and nearly half a month has passed like this.

It was early in the morning.

Sirius looked at the piles of 'drop items' that were almost half his height in the corner of his room and was lost in thought.

Needle Rabbit's Tusk, Killer Ant's Claws, Blue Papilio Wings (in a bottle), Purple Moth Wing (in a bottle), War Shadow's Finger Blades, Goblin Fangs, Kobold Nails, etc.

A lot of rare drop items were in there.

These were the accumulation of his dungeon raid after more than half a month.

"I have to sell them all… They take too much space in my room…." With one hand on his chin, Sirius determined the fate of these items.

Besides, these items are worth a lot of money. Not selling them would be a huge waste!

He would only be upset if he couldn't sell them for good prices.

Sirius never thought of hoarding these items. They are not very useful to him.

Therefore, whenever he came out of the dungeon, he had the idea to sell them but kept postponing.

Over and over, and it's been delayed until today.

The sky was clear blue, and the breeze was nice and comfortable.

The rising sun illuminated the streets of Orario, and the buildings were successively dyed red by the light.

Inside Twilight Manor, Upper Floor,

This is the conference room used to discuss various tactics and combat strategies.

At the moment, only the goddess Loki was present in the room. This was supposed to be a meeting place for the leaders of Loki Familia.

"It's almost been two weeks… The expedition should be over by now. They are coming back soon, right?" Loki looked at the tall tower of babel and muttered.

It was a rare moment for the playful goddess to calm down. Her expression didn't have any casualness, and she looked quite temperamental with her serious face.

She was thinking about her children who went on an expedition two weeks ago.

Expeditions are a regular activity for Loki Familia.

Every time the funds in the familia are insufficient or about to run out, the children of her familia will go deep into the dungeon for an expedition and try to get rich rewards.

Although behind such rewards, there are also massive risks.

But Loki believes in her children's potential and is relieved of their safety, especially the big three of her familia. She is very confident in their leadership.

However, there are also certain chances of death for other people. Loki felt very sad whenever she heard the news of her children's death.

'I hope no one dies in the expedition.' Loki shook her head and tried not to think this way.

'During the expedition, I can't see my beloved Ais-tan, can't get any comfort from my mommy elf, and can't even tease other girls of my familia. I'm so bored' Loki was feeling very bored during this time.

For the playful goddess, this kind of life is simply mental torture.

Fortunately, there is Sirius to tease at home.

Bringing him to 'Hostess of Fertility' for a drink was one of Loki's few pleasures during this time.

'Speaking of Sirius…' Loki noticed a blond-haired youth had walked out of the gate below her field of vision. She narrowed her eyes and thought of something exciting and chuckled.

Her smile looked playful and a bit wicked, and there was some inexplicable meaning hidden in the smile.

"When the expedition is over and they return and discover the changes in Sirius, it will definitely surprise them, right? Ah… I look forward to their wonderful reactions~"

Loki giggled and remembered the situation where she updated Sirius's status yesterday.

[Name:] Sirius Starr

[Level:] Lv1

You are reading story Danmachi: Reincarnation With System at novel35.com


STR: G202 -> SS1008

VIT: H198 -> SS1006

DEX: G252 -> SS1001

AGI: G248 -> SS1001

MAG: E466 -> SS1999

[Development Abilities:] None (Options for next level-up)


"The Arrival of Silver Star!"

-Starfall (A/N: These are the extended magic. I will list them separately from the next update.)

"Stellar Magic"

-Heavenly Body Magic

-Astral Confine

"Earth Magic"

-Center of Earth

-Planet Befall


"Stellar Affection"

"Heart Of Gaia"

In addition to five basic abilities that all exceed S-rank, there is four extended magic in the status.

After a period of research and study, Sirius has developed some of his magic.

Although Loki tried to overestimate his growth rate as much as possible, she still underestimated his talents.

'Looking back, it feels very unreal.' Loki was lost in her thoughts.

It has only been half a month, and Sirius had already broken through the limit of basic ability value required for level-up.

However, there is no chance to level up.

One is because of a lack of outstanding achievement required for the upgrade.

The upper-layer monsters pose no threat to him anymore. No matter how many, they are nothing but experience points for him.

Such a battle does not qualify as a great achievement. Therefore, Sirius had no chance to level up.

What adventurers need to level up is high-quality excelia gained only after doing something outstanding that even the gods admit.

Defeating stronger opponents and gaining enough high-quality excelia to overflow one's container is the condition for level up.

This is one of the reasons for not leveling up, and the other is that Sirius is far from reaching his utmost limit of level 1.

Looking at his status, the max limit of his five basic stats should be SSS1999.

His magic stats somehow verify this conjecture.

Therefore, his other four basic abilities should also have similar limits.

Both Loki and Sirius believe this and decided to raise the basic stats to the maximum before upgrading.

After all, a better foundation means a better future.

The red-haired goddess located on the upper floor of Twilight Manor sighed and chuckled in an expectant tone, "I have more and more expectations for the future~"

The location is between the division of North and Northwest street.

Sirius was walking deep into the alleyway with a backpack full of 'drop items' on his back.

The houses were arranged randomly, with small passageways and a terrible atmosphere.

It was very dark and humid. Sirius didn't like such an environment.

But in such a place, there is a smithing familia.

[Goibniu Familia]

Goibniu Familia is a smith-type Familia that handles the production and maintenance of various adventurer's equipment such as weapons and armors.

Even though they're not as large as the Hephaestus Familia, their skills are around the same level. They are a simple and resolute familia.

Most of them are commissioned to make custom weapons for affordable prices. Therefore they have many loyal customers, including the Loki Familia.

The Goibniu Familia Home is also known as the Three Hammer Forge.

Sirius came to the door and found that it was wide open.

"Excuse me, is anyone inside?"

After a bit of hesitation, he walked inside and shouted. This place matched his description of a smithing familia.

The room next to him was dark and warm. There were various weapons and equipment around him.

Some blacksmiths were working around the fire, using their tools to carve various intricate details in the metal. They were devoted to their work.

After hearing his call, someone immediately walked out of the room. He wiped his sweat with a towel and approached Sirius.

There was a scorching breath on his body and some scents of metals.

He looked like a blacksmith who spent a long time around the fire.

"Welcome to Goibniu Familia! Do you have any commission for us? We are experts in designing custom weapons for our customers!"

The man wiped his sweat and greeted him. He knew that the boy was a new customer.

He also hinted in his words that their Familia does not sell finished products.

"Well, I'm not here to buy weapons. I'm from Loki Familia and here to sell some drop items. Do you buy them?" Sirius also heard the hidden meaning and explained his purpose.

"Loki Familia, huh? Are you a newcomer?" The man looked at Sirius suspiciously. He had never seen the boy in Loki Familia.

Regarding the relationship, Goibniu Familia and Loki Familia are allied families that have established long-term cooperation.

Simply put, Goibniu Familia must prioritize building weapons for Loki Familia.

In the same way, Loki Familia must also prioritize selling treasured items from the dungeon to Goibniu Familia.

Both familia are in a mutually beneficial relationship.

This kind of relationship is also reflected in daily life.

For example, Goibniu Familia provides various discounts to Loki Familia when purchasing and repairing weapons, equipment, etc.

This is why Sirius chose to come here to sell his drop items.

After all, he is also responsible for maintaining a good relationship between the two familia as a member of Loki Familia.

(A/N: I'm suffering from a severe stomachache. So, sorry for the irregular uploads. I will try to upload at least 1 chapter a day until I get better. Thank you! )

When the guy from Goibniu Familia heard that Sirius was here to sell rare ‘drop items,’ he was not in a hurry to confirm the authenticity of Sirius being a member of Loki Familia.

He took Sirius to a nearby hut from the workshop.

The hut looked bright and neat compared to the rough stone-built workshop with a bad environment.

He guessed that Goibniu Familia used this place for entertaining guests.

“Well, can I take the liberty to ask what kind of drop items you wish to sell? Also how many?” The man placed the towel on a hanger and asked Sirius seriously.

After all, acquiring drop items for a smithing familia is not a trivial matter.

They can use these drop items as raw materials for forging various weapons and equipment. Therefore, he needs to treat this matter seriously.

Drop items for blacksmiths are the same as seedlings for farmers.

“I want to sell all drop items in my backpack, except Blue Papilio Wings and Purple Moth Wing. Also, here is my familia badge.”

After hearing this, Sirius put his backpack on the table, took out an identification badge from his pocket, and handed it to the man.

When an adventurer joins a prestigious familia, they will receive a small token that can be used for identification.

After all, showing your status to a complete stranger for identification is not a good option.

Therefore, token identifies their membership to a certain familia, bringing some convenience in the process.

This kind of identification is usually in the form of a badge.

For example, almost every member of Ganesha Familia engraves badges on their clothes as deterrence.

No adventurer will take the initiative to provoke members of Ganesha Familia for no reason.

Because the Ganesha Familia is entrusted by the guild to maintain the city’s rules and order. They can be called ‘the police’ of Orario.

Each member of their familia takes this responsibility seriously.

Therefore, offending them for no reason is not very good for adventurers.

Anyway, back to the topic.

After Sirius joined Loki Familia, he also got such identification.

The badge was half the size of his palm and made out of unique materials that are very hard to fake. There was also a clown logo engraved on it.

Inside Loki Familia, he doesn’t need to show his identity. Therefore, he usually kept the badge close to his pockets.

The man took Sirius’s identification and checked it. After determining its authenticity, he returned it to Sirius.

It was straightforward for him to determine the truth. After all, such badges are made from extraordinary materials which are hard to counterfeit.

Therefore, Sirius is undoubtedly a member of Loki Familia.

“I see… But, sir, are you sure you want to sell so many drop items?”

After verifying his identity, the man’s attitude was a lot more kind, but he couldn’t hide his surprise while looking at the backpack full of drop items.

“Yes. Except for Blue Papilio Wings and Purple Moth Wing, everything is for sale.” Sirius nodded.

“Then, please wait a moment. We need to confirm the quantity of these drop items.”

The man took out all the small bottles containing Blue Papilio Wings and Purple Moth Wings from his backpack, then called out a few of his companions from the workshop and started counting the drop items.

Blue Papilio Wings and Purple Moth Wings are not sold here because they are not needed here.

The powder secreted from Blue Papilio Wings can heal others, whereas that of Purple Moth Wings causes poison if covered multiple times.

These materials have nothing to do with smithing, so Goibniu Familia may not accept them.

After a few minutes, the man had sorted out the drop items and came to Sirius with a piece of parchment.

“Guest, according to the current market price, all of these drop items are worth around 1.2 million valis. What do you think?”

“I have no opinion….” Sirius didn’t mind.

The price is about what he expected.

After all, most of these drop items are from upper floors. It’s already a bargain for him to get such a reasonable price.

“Then, here is your 1.2 million valis. If you have such business again, please don’t forget to come to us.” The man called someone from his familia and soon prepared the total amount of money.

Sirius took the large sack of money and stuffed it into his backpack.

“Well, goodbye. I’ll see you next time if I have any business.” After saying goodbye to Goibniu Familia, Sirius walked toward Northwest street.

He still has a lot of Blue Papilio Wings and Purple Moth Wings in his backpack. This kind of stuff naturally needs to be sold to professional people.

In front of a huge building on Northwest street, the door was engraved with the symbol of a ball of light and a herb.

This was Dian Cecht Familia’s Pharmacy.

Sirius once again visited this familiar place.

“Good morning, Sirius-san. Are you here to buy potions again?”

The one who came forward to greet was still the familiar human girl named Elvie.

She was also the one who received him when he came here for the second time.

In the past two weeks, Sirius can be regarded as a frequent visitor to this place. Therefore, he is familiar with this girl.

He often comes to this place to buy some potions and elixirs.

Not only this place, but he also visited the Blue Pharmacy to buy some potions and elixirs.

It doesn’t matter if he didn’t use these potions, but he has the habit of hoarding such useful stuff.

Maybe it’s a habit formed from playing video games in his previous life.

Commonly known as - hoarding supplies!

For example, the value of the potions may double after three years.

It’s not that Sirius has never encountered such a thing in his previous life, and he even made some profit from it.

The potions have a very long shelf life, so it’s not a complete loss of money.

“Good morning Elvie. I’m not here to buy potions today. I’m here to sell some drop items. Is Amid inside?” Sirius familiarly greeted her and asked.

He also realized that the name Loki Familia was useful more than he imagined.

As a member of Loki Familia, Sirius received various discounts on his purchase from Dian Cecht Familia. The silver-haired Amid always accompanied him in his business.

“Amid-san? She should still be working. Please wait a moment, I’ll call her.” After hearing his intentions, Elvie was surprised and gave an appropriate reply.

The potions and elixirs of Dian Cecht Familia are almost entirely handled by Dea Saint. Everything from purchasing materials to making the finished product must go through her hands.

Sirius also knows about this. Therefore, he directly asked the clerk about Amid’s whereabouts.

He must go through the guild’s cumbersome process to sell his stuff if she's not here.

The guild also has facilities for buying drop items. But they often charge a certain fee as middle-man.

When Sirius heard that the silver-haired beauty was still in the shop, he sighed.

‘Poor Amid, she is always at work or on the way to work….’ Sirius thought while watching Elvie leave.

It was tough for Amid to handle the entire familia business on her own.

After a bit of waiting, a silver-haired girl walked down from the second floor. She looked a bit tired and exhausted.

After looking around, the girl found Sirius waiting for her in front of the counter.

“Hello, Sirius-san! Long time no see….” Amid greeted him with a shallow smile.

“We haven’t seen each other for only a few days, right? Anyway, I’m glad to meet you. Amid-san!” Sirius also returned the greeting with a chuckle.

“A few days is still a long time for an adventurer… especially for someone like you who treats the dungeon as a place to exercise every day.” Amid teased him with a meaningful smile.

“And, please show me the drop items you want to sell!” Amid didn’t forget about her business.

“Ah, Here you go!” Sirius quickly gave her all the drop items in his backpack.

“Amid-san, I need to go to the dungeon for a living after all.” Sirius didn’t forget to justify himself.

Amid observed the items and gave him a meaningful glance, she knew a thing or two about his secrets.

“A new adventurer going to the sixth and seventh floor for a living? Sirius-san, your lifestyle is unique indeed….”

Sirius was feeling a bit embarrassed after being exposed by her. He felt that the silver-haired girl guessed some of his secrets.

After all, she was one of the few people in regular contact with him.

Before leaving for the expedition, Tiona also accidentally leaked something about a newcomer to the silver-haired healer. Amid clearly remembered everything Tiona said.

Coupled with his frequent visit to her pharmacy, it was easy for her to associate these two points.

After all, Sirius has only been an adventurer for half a month, but somehow he was able to go to the sixth and seventh floors and return safely.

This kind of behavior was akin to suicide in her previous cognition.

No matter how she thought, she couldn’t understand how he could get some many drop items when the main force of the Loki familia was out on an expedition.

But as a qualified businesswoman, she doesn’t want to get to the bottom of her customer’s secrets. After all, that kind of behavior may worsen their relationship.

She only felt slightly surprised and quickly put this matter in the back of her head. After all, she still has some business to do.

“These drop items are of good quality. I can buy them at the market price. Do you want to use valis or potions as payment, Sirius-san?” Amid asked him for his opinion.

“Give me the potions, Amid-san. I don’t have any shortage of money for the time being.” Sirius didn’t want to carry an extra bag of money. Besides, potions are relatively light and valuable stuff.

“I understand! Give me a second!” Amid nodded and turned around to rummage her drawers for some potions.

Soon, she handed him two boxes of potions.

“Here are ten High Potion and ten High Magic Potion. Are you okay with this deal?” She didn’t forget to ask for his opinion.

“Also, the price of the former is 10,000 per vial whereas the latter is 20,000 per vial.” Amid also mentioned their prices.

Their total worth is about 300,000 valis, about one-fourth of his harvest from Goibniu Familia.

Doctors and healers are indeed a very lucrative profession in this world!

With some reputation, they can quickly become rich!

‘Speaking of which, is there a wild legal rich semi-loli girl standing in front of me right now???’ Sirius suddenly realized something.

In terms of size and appearance, Amid is very petite. She is only 149 cm tall and can be qualified as a certified loli.

Fortunately, she is seventeen years old and considered to be an adult in this world.

Suddenly, Sirius thought of a bold idea as a joke.

“Sirius-san?” Amid felt some malicious intent and asked him.

“Huh, what’s the matter, Amid-san?” Sirius quickly recovered his senses and replied subconsciously. He promptly threw the previous idea out of his mind.

“I feel like you were thinking something very rude just now….” Amid looked at him suspiciously.

“Really? It should just be your illusion, right?” Sirius gave her an innocent expression and answered seriously. He didn’t want to be misunderstood by her after all.

Amid felt a bit confused. She definitely felt some kind of vague malicious intent toward her. She was pretty confident in her feelings.

But after looking at his expression, she hesitated for a while. She found no sign of lying on his face.

‘Maybe I’m oversensitive….’ The girl started having such thoughts.

“Well, never mind then. Do you have anything else?” Amid shook her head and tried to change the topic. Ultimately, she believed in him, thinking it was just an illusion.

Sirius collected the boxes of potions and answered her.

“Nope. Thank you, Amid-san! I will visit you again if I have something to sell.” Sirius was ready to leave the store.

“Okay. Then I wish you a safe journey!” Amid replied with a smile. She looked forward to his next visit.

After leaving the pharmacy, Sirius returned to his room to put away the sack of money, packed up his backpack with some potions, and headed toward the Adventurer’s Guild.

‘If I want to level up my current stats, there are two optimal choices….’ Sirius thought while walking toward his destination.

‘I will either have to go to the middle floors to kill multiple monsters with the potential of level 2… or just defeat an irregular monster on the same floor. Any of these conditions are enough for me to level up.’ Sirius thought about his options for an upgrade.

‘Anyway, my next goal is the middle floors….’ He soon came to this conclusion.

During this time, he didn’t explore the middle floors because of his research and study. He wanted to develop some magic to make up for his shortcomings.

After finishing them, it was time for him to go to the middle floors.

The above conclusion is also the result of his and Loki’s discussion about his upgrade.

With Loki’s many years of experience as the main god of her familia, he can guarantee her credibility.

Next, he needs to collect enough information about the middle floors and make sufficient preparation for his upgrade.

Chapter 43

Guild Headquarters, Adventurer Streets,

The guild was full of people in the morning.

Many adventurers went in and out of the guild from morning to noon because of dungeon activities.

Some people come here to discuss plans with their team and advisors.

And others come to take a look at the massive noticeboard in the reception. After all, it contains all sorts of dungeon-related information.

For example, some advertisements for new adventurer-related products, purchase requests for specific drop items or dungeon material, and various helpful rumors about the unconfirmed sightings of some powerful monsters in the dungeon.

The noticeboard also has some warnings about some abnormalities found in the dungeon.

These pieces of information are essential to the adventurers. After all, these details often determine whether someone can get out of the dungeon alive.

Thus, most adventurers do not slack off while gathering information.

Therefore, there were many people of different species in the guild headquarters. The atmosphere was a bit noisy and crowdy.

Sirius also arrived here but did not go to his advisor immediately. He walked towards the bulletin board and looked at it.

[Missing Person Notice!...]

The most conspicuous notice at the top was a search request for a missing adventurer.

Sirius sighed and shook his head. He knew there was little chance of survival for the adventurer listed above.

The reason for issuing such a request was probably to leave some memory behind or deceive themselves into believing their friend was still alive.

Sirius skipped past many useless advertisements and read some important announcements.

There were purchase requests from various large families for different rare and risky items found on some particular dungeon floors.

There were also many inquiries about some abnormal situations in the dungeon.

All in one, the notice board covered every aspect of the dungeon.

At the bottom, there were also some rumors.

Due to a lack of verification, the guild often puts them at the bottom of the board.

Whether an adventurer believes it or not depends entirely on their choices.

[Many adventurers heard some beautiful singing coming from the lower floors. There may be some rare demi-human monster in there.]

[Some adventurers found an unexplored area in the middle floors. Interested people can follow the route below.]

[There are some bizarre sights on the upper floors. A star-like radiance engulfs the floor, accompanied by a strong tremor. Please pay attention!]

'Well, something strange seems to be at the end….' Sirius thought while touching the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

'Why do I feel like I'm the cause of this incident?' Sirius didn't know what to say.

He often tinkered with his magic on the upper floors during this time.

During his test, he used various magic such as 'Starfall,' 'Planet Befall,' and 'Heavenly Body Magic.'

'Ahem, let's forget this one. But, a song coming out of the lower floors, huh….' Sirius could more or less guess the reason.

It must be one of those Xenos in the dungeon.

In this period, these wise monsters should be hidden and covered up by the higher-ups in the guild, especially the main god Ouranos and sage Fels.

Almost every adventurer who saw such a strange rumor would laugh it off.

He slowly scanned the entire bulletin board from left to right and excluded some useless information.

Finally, he managed to find something worthwhile.

[Some adventurers found a rare black wyvern on the middle floors. It is suspected to be an irregular monster, so only adventurers above level 3 are advised to crusade against it.]

The 13th-24th Floors are known as the Middle Floors.

Irregular monsters are one of the abnormalities in the dungeon.

Inside the dungeon, some unusual monsters are occasionally born with unique talents.

They can devour magic stones to become stronger!

That's right! Some monsters can devour the same magic stones collected by the adventurers and used as a core of life by other monsters.

Because of this extraordinary talent, these monsters will attack not only the adventurers but also their kind.

Hence, they are called irregular monsters.

They do not have any preferred species of monster. Therefore, the only criteria for determining their identity is whether or not they have the unique ability to devour magic stones.

But, there is one thing to confirm without exception.

On the same floor, irregular monsters all have unrivaled strength.

And the longer they survive, the more terrifying their strength becomes.

"It's actually an irregular wyvern? I'm so lucky…." Sirius muttered with some chuckle. He was thinking of some suitable opponent for level-up and didn't expect to find one so soon.

According to the notice, the black wyvern should have been born recently, and its strength has not grown to its full potential.

Otherwise, there won't be any witnesses left to report the scene.

After all, irregular monsters are not a joke. They can easily wipe out a part of low-level adventurers.

Sirius carefully ready the whole notice and quickly determined his next goal.

He left the notice board and started looking for his advisor.

After some time, he found her in the office room accompanied by a pink-haired girl. The door was wide open, and he could look at their figure from the outside.

When Sirius was hesitating whether to enter or not, he heard their conversation.

"Ahhh, Eina! Today's work is so tiring!! Why do these adventurers always come and ask me some useless questions… It's so annoying!!!" Misha, the pink-haired human, started complaining. She looked very annoyed.

"Misha, don't say such things! Also, we are still at work, so don't waste your time complaining!" The half-elf Eina adjusted her glasses and reprimanded her pink-haired friend. However, she didn't deny her friend's words.

After all, many adventurers often linger in the guild hall to talk to the beautiful staff in broad daylight. It was hard for them to maintain a polite expression in such situations.

But, one must not say certain things out in public. After all, sometimes words are stronger than the sword.

They should discuss this topic privately.

Or else they will have a bad reputation in the guild.

Eina didn't want someone to hear their discussion and spread some nasty rumors.

Therefore, she wanted to shut her friend's mouth just in case she spoke something outrageous.

"Hey, Eina! Don't be so serious. You won't be able to find a boyfriend like this in the future…." Misha vaguely felt her friend's care and teased her with a smile.

After speaking this, she sighed and acted like she was doing this for Eina's sake.

In this regard, Eina adjusted her glasses and gently looked at her with a motherly gaze.

"So that's why you are so lazy at work? Beware of your salary being deducted…." Eina didn't forget to threaten her pink-haired friend.

"..." With just one sentence, Misa was rendered speechless.

Eina watched the sullen Misha obediently return to work and regain her focus.

'It's okay, I still have some time. After all, I'm only seventeen years old. I can find a suitable boyfriend in the future~' Eina sighed and comforted herself internally.

'It's best to find a handsome younger partner so I can take proper care of him.' Eina couldn't help but have some fantasies.

However, as time passed, her ideal partner's image soon overlapped with a familiar blond-haired youth.

'Why the hell am I thinking about Sirius….' Eina blushed and shook her head to get rid of some unhealthy thoughts.

Even though Eina tries her best to maintain a serious demeanor, she is also an inexperienced young girl. She is also interested in topics related to love and romance.

Suddenly, Misha interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey, Eina! There is a handsome boy outside…." Misha quickly found Sirius outside the room and notified her friend. She knew her friend was his advisor.

Eina turned around and found a familiar blond-haired youth standing outside.

Isn't he the boy she was thinking about?

Chapter 44

When Sirius walked away from the notice board, he wanted to find a familiar guild employee to help him gather information about the middle floors, especially the black wyvern.

After all, there is no way to obtain such information without an official channel. The information he required is meant for higher-level adventurers, just like there is no detailed information about the middle floors in the adventurers' handbook.

So, if a new adventurer wants to obtain them, they can ask senior adventurers in their familia or purchase them directly from the guild.

Adventurers' guild is not a charitable organization. Therefore, they operate many similar financial and economic operations to keep the guild running smoothly.

Adventurers' handbook is just a newcomer benefit out of purely humanitarian intention. The guild won't do another loss-making business if there is no significant impact on the overall situation.

When Misha addressed him, Sirius quickly entered the room and greeted them.

"Good morning, Misha, Eina! Long time no see." Sirius approached them with a smile.

"Good morning to you too, Sirius? Now that you mention it, I haven't seen you for almost half a month." Eina dispelled her previous unhealthy thoughts after looking at him and suddenly remembered something.

"Oya? Sirius, are you avoiding us on purpose?" Misha looked very interested after hearing this and started teasing him.

"No, no! I was busy with something else the past two weeks. I just didn't have time to meet you, Eina!" Sirius shook his head and cleared their doubts.

"Really? Are you not trying to escape from my lessons?" Eina looked at him suspiciously.

"Nothing like that. Besides, I also spent some of my time learning about the dungeon just as you advised. I have fully digested your previous lessons. So, there is no need for another one." Sirius didn't want to take another class.

Eina is very good and capable but has a bad habit of overdoing certain things.

"Well, I'm glad to hear this." Eina was happy to hear this. She was glad to see him accept her advice.

Misha listened to their conversation and intervened, "Why are you two so familiar? Are you dating each other?"

Misha was amazed to see the friendly atmosphere between the two.

Just a few minutes ago, she was joking that her half-elf friend might not be able to find a boyfriend, but she was slapped in the face moments after.

She didn't expect the serious Eina to step ahead of her in romance. Misha has yet to find a suitable partner for herself.

So, didn't she look like a clown in front of Eina before?

Misha was shocked and wanted to know more.

When Eina heard the surprised voice of her pink-haired friend, she was a bit speechless.

"Let's not say why you need to know such private information, but Misha, don't you think you misunderstood something?" Eina glared at her friend.

"Misunderstand? Eina, isn't this guy your new boyfriend?" The pink-haired girl also realized this but still wanted to tease her friend.

"No, not at all. Why are you talking about such nonsense again? Stop it, or I will get angry." Eina blushed a little and scolded her friend.

"No, please don't be angry, Eina! I'm sorry, I was wrong. I misunderstood your relationship." Misha quickly apologized for her mistakes. She didn't want to make her friend very angry.

After all, angry Eina is very scary. Misha knew very well about this.

Sirius looked at their conversation with interest. He didn't mean to interrupt them anytime soon.

When she heard her friend's apology, most of her anger dissipated. Eina calmed down and looked at the blond boy beside her.

"Sorry, Sirius, for letting you see such a joke…." Eina didn't want him to misunderstand either.

"No problem. I would be glad to see more of such wonderful misunderstandings~" Sirius told her his honest feelings.

There are often a lot of ridiculous misunderstandings in anime.

Sirius has seen this kind of situation many times and will not reject such things if they happen to him.

"Nope… and it's not a wonderful misunderstanding!" Eina pouted and complained.

"Talking about you Sirius, you had no news for half a month. I almost thought you were dead." Eina didn't forget to get back to her business.

"Hey! Even if you are angry, you don't have to curse me like that, okay?" Sirius complained in surprise.

When Eina heard his words, she raised her chin and gestured for him to look at the bulletin board.

"It's not a curse, but a fact. Whether it's a rookie adventurer or an advanced adventurer, I have seen a lot of people go missing almost every day. The missing notice on the board was just updated yesterday." Eina didn't forget to remind him of the dungeon's horrors.

After listening to her, Sirius once again had a clear understanding of the dangers related to adventurers' profession.

He is quite extraordinary as a transmigrator.

Because of this, he knows the dungeon better than most other adventurers and has a more cautious attitude towards it.

If not for carefulness, Sirius would have already rushed to the middle floors instead of holing up in the library to read some books.

"Let's get back to business. Do you need any help, Sirius? I will do my best to help you as your advisor." Eina got straight to the point and asked him.

Misha also quieted down after hearing this. She didn't want to interrupt her friend's work.

"Well, about this… I want to purchase information on the middle floors as well as the details about the black wyvern mentioned on the notice board." Sirius didn't know how to say this.

"I understand. I'll help you right away… wait, what did you just say? Middle floors???" Eina was about to reply subconsciously. Then she realized something incredible.

She initially thought he was only asking for some rookie-related stuff and even prepared to give him some advice.

But she couldn't keep her calm when she carefully heard his words.

She stood up and slammed the table in excitement.

"Sirius, you are just a level 1 adventurer. Why are you asking about the middle floors? Don't tell me you want to explore the deeper floors?" Eina frowned and looked at him suspiciously.

If he answered yes, she would do her best to rid him of such dangerous thoughts.

It's not just about her responsibilities but also about her character.

Eina didn't want to see a promising young man like Sirius lose his life in the dungeon due to some recklessness.

As his advisor, Eina can not tolerate such things.

Now, Eina can see some signs of such dangerous thoughts in him.

"Cough, cough! You are making a fuss, Eina-san! Do you think I'm so reckless?" Sirius hurriedly tried to explain himself.

"Maybe…" Eina didn't look so convinced.

"..." Sirius was rendered speechless.

Convincing her was indeed a challenging task.

Looking at the situation, he had to use some extraordinary means to get the information.

"It's not what you think, Eina. You see I have a friend… and she asked me for this…." Sirius cleared his throat and started using the classic line - I have a friend.

"She is very interested in the irregular black wyvern on the 15th floor. Her strength is good enough to fight against it."

"Therefore, she asked me to purchase information about the monster from the guild. I'm merely accompanying her to the middle floors. With her company, there won't be any threat to my life!" After saying this, Sirius looked at Eina with sincere eyes.

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