Danmachi: Reincarnation With System

Chapter 8: 045-055

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Chapter 45

Eina looked at his seemingly sincere eyes and didn't find any traces of sincerity.

All she saw was a looming recklessness trying to deceive her.

"...Really?" Eina sighed long and made it clear that she didn't fully believe his words.

"Of course. You can trust me." Sirius patted his chest in confidence.

"Then, Sirius, if your friend is a higher-level adventurer, can you tell me her name? An alias will also do fine." Eina adjusted her glasses and asked him.

When Sirius heard her inquiry, his mouth twitched indistinctly.

He just made a friend out of the blue. How could he possibly name his friend so suddenly?

A lie can't be covered by another lie. As it stacks up one after another, things get increasingly complicated.

Sirius understood this point but had no other choice now. If he doesn't answer immediately, Eina will get even more suspicious.

'...Wait a sec. I do have some strong friends….' Sirius quickly thought of something.

It's not that he had no higher-level friends. During this period, he expanded his social circle in the city.

If nothing else, there are still a few level 4 acquaintances.

Sirius didn't waste too much time thinking and quickly decided what to say next.

He approached Eina and whispered into her ears, "Well, for some reason, it's inconvenient for me to reveal the other party's name. As for her title, she is called 'Tyrant's Eye.' She is a very powerful adventurer."

"Tyrant's Eye??" When she heard of such a

Chuunibyou-style title, Eina couldn't help but have a few question marks on her head.

Although this alias might sound a bit weird, it fits in line with the god's inexplicable sense of naming.

Now, Eina wasn't sure whether he was lying or not.

After all, Sirius is a member of the powerful Loki Familia.

With their connections, it is not unacceptable for him to get acquainted with some powerful adventurers outside of the family.

"...Well, let me confirm once again. Is your friend really a powerful adventurer? Can she guarantee your safety?" Eina had no choice but to believe in his words and asked.

"Of course. With such a cool title, my friend is a real deal. There will also be some seniors from my familia as supporters. It's very safe and secure. So, don't worry too much, Eina!" Sirius tried to dispel her worries.

He also sensed her tendency to believe, so he quickly helped her conclude.

"Didn't the main forces of Loki Familia go to the expedition? How can there be some seniors to take you to the dungeon?" Eina quickly caught the loopholes in his words and looked at him suspiciously.

"...Well, some level 2 seniors are left behind to guard the residence. I'm taking some with me…." Sirius quickly gave her the answer.

He felt bad for lying, but he had no other choice.

A lie indeed needs to be covered by more lies.

"..." Eina was speechless after hearing his swift reply.

She instinctively felt something was off, but with his perfect and reasonable response, she had no choice but to agree.

"...okay, I'll give you the information…." Eina sighed and turned around. She started rummaging through piles of documents on her table.

She quickly gave him information about the middle floors and the suspected irregular monster without letting Sirius wait for too long.

"Sirius, since you have decided to follow her to the middle floors, allow me to say something. Please cherish your life and don't take any risky adventures!" Eina looked serious while saying this.

Sirius was the first rookie she was in charge of. Eina didn't want to see his missing notice on the bulletin board after a few days.

"Eina, I'll remember your words…." When he heard her concern, he nodded in agreement.

But whether he will follow them or not is up to fate itself.

'Eina, adventurers who don't take risks will never become stronger….' Sirius understood this point very well.

He naturally cherished his life very much, but no one knows whether he would have an in the future? It's out of his control.

Sirius can't see through destiny. Therefore he won't make any guarantee about this kind of thing.

After receiving the documents, Sirius swiftly left the guild.

He checked them up while walking down a sparsely populated alley.

He chose this way to avoid bumping into others while he was busy checking out the information recorded in the documents.

"If I want to go to the middle floors, I must have a sufficient amount of potions, whether it is health or magic potion."

"Fortunately, I have stockpiled a lot of them from Amid. It should be enough for my trip. But…"

"Teammate, huh… I don't know whether the other party will accept my invitation…." Sirius muttered and sighed while looking at the sky.

Team action is common among adventurers, especially when going to deeper floors. Solo adventurers won't last very long on lower floors, after all.

It is not a matter of personal ability but a problem that cannot be solved alone.

Therefore, he also wanted to find someone to form a team to explore the middle floors.

He had some candidates in his heart, but he could not guarantee whether the other party would accept his invitation.

As for the seniors left in his familia, he could not ask them for such a thing.

After all, they have the job of guarding the residence while the others are out on an expedition.

Even though Loki might agree to his request, Sirius quickly gave up this idea. He didn't want to add more trouble to them.

"Oya, I heard something interesting…." Suddenly some footsteps came from the depth of the alley, followed by some teasing voice.

The voice was kind of sloppy, mixed with some ridicule.

A few seconds later, a human appeared from the other side of the alley carrying a big sword on his back.

The guy habitually put his hands inside his pockets, acting as a standard gangster.

"My friend, I couldn't help overhearing your muttering. Are you looking for some people to form a team? Why don't you consider us then?" The guy gave some signal, and five more people appeared beside him.

Sirius didn't know where these guys were hiding around. He even saw a guy coming out of a wooden box.

"Am I being ambushed in the alleys by some gangsters? You guys are too professional, right?" Sirius chuckled and commented on their appearances.

The guy talking before saw Sirius in a good mood and felt insulted.

They are gangsters, not some comedians!

Even though Sirius called them professional gangsters, his expression had not an ounce of fear.

"Stop talking nonsense, boy! Hand over all your money, or else we will make you look good!" The man became angry and started threatening. His friends also started surrounding Sirius.

"Let me put these documents aside first…." Sirius ignored their threats, sorted out his documents, and tucked them under his arms.

"Now, let me return your greeting…." Suddenly Sirius sharpened his eyes and dashed at the gangsters.

His next actions were swift and ruthless as a lighting bolt.

Sirius sprinted toward the talking guy and swept his leg to make him off balance. Then, he raised his elbow to strike the man's chest.

At this moment, the guy's companions also reacted.

Because of numerical advantage, they did not choose to run away but gritted their teeth and decided to fight.

But, it didn't take too much time and effort for Sirius to clean them up.

After some time, he clapped his hands and walked out of the alley.

However, halfway through, he could not help but look at the figure standing before him.

"...Well, I'm sorry for letting you see such a joke, Ryuu-san!" Sirius greeted the other party with a smile.

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Chapter 46

Sirius stopped at the alley's exit and looked at the figure standing before him.

"Sorry for letting you see such a joke, Ryuu-san!" Sirius patted the back of his head in embarrassment.

A familiar elf girl was standing in front of him with two paper bags in her hands.

She had beautiful green hair with fairy-like facial features.

She wore a green maid outfit with a white frilled headband, matching white apron, and a pair of brown boots over black leggings.

Her sky blue eyes stared at him with some curiosity. After all, she had witnessed his fight with the gangsters before.

"No, Sirius-san, you are mistaken. I just heard some noises coming out of the alley and wanted to check out…." Ryuu explained the reason for her arrival.

"Accidentally encounter, huh…." Sirius repeated this word and looked at her chest, which was tightly covered by clothes and holding two paper bags in one hand.

The other hand clenched an unsheathed katana.

When Sirius saw this, he immediately knew what the elf waitress wanted to do before.

'She should want to protect me before….' Sirius thought while looking at Ryuu strangely. Thankfully he didn't give her a chance to reverse play damsel in distress. Otherwise, he would be too embarrassed in front of her.

"..." Ryuu didn't know what to say after seeing his gaze.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

"Well, the weather sure is nice today…." Sirius gave a dry laugh and tried to break the silence.

"Um…" The green-haired elf waitress just nodded.

"Ryuu-san, why are you here? Did you buy something before?" Sirius could only ask this question.

"The tavern ran out of some stuff. So, I came out to buy them, mostly ingredients and spices. Because of the customers, only I can go out shopping." Ryuu explained her purpose concisely.

"...While I was walking on the road just now, I happened to see you surrounded by a bunch of thugs. I was worried about you and wanted to help, but it looks like you don't need my assistance, Sirius-san. You're getting stronger very fast…." Ryuu gave him a deep look making him a bit embarrassed.

Her explanation was perfectly reasonable.

In the past two weeks, Loki often dragged Sirius to the Hostess of Fertility for a drink. Therefore, he was very familiar with the people there. They can be considered friends to a certain extent.

Correspondingly, Ryuu and the other waitress in Hostess of Fertility also know something about him.

He is a rookie who only became an adventurer half a month ago.

Usually, new adventurers take their sweet time to get stronger. It was almost a turtle pace.

Ryuu didn't know about Sirius's skills. When she saw him surrounded by some bad people, she wanted to help him out.

However, when she just grabbed her short sword, she witnessed him effortlessly defeat those gangsters.

It was amazing for a newcomer to be so strong at this stage.

"Fast? Maybe…" When he heard her answer, Sirius sighed.

The improvement speed of his stats is impressive, but he is still catching up to his peers.

It was kind of late for him to become an adventurer at the age of 16.

Many others received falna when they were young and had a head-start on him. They also have more experience dealing with monsters in the dungeon.

Sirius had to wait until adulthood to join a familia. It was an unavoidable situation.

If he had joined earlier, he might have become a level 10 adventurer by now.

'It's still not too late. I can catch up to them….' Sirius shook his head to remove some depressing thoughts and tried to focus on the present.

When he turned around and looked at Ryuu, suddenly he thought of a good idea. The corner of his mouth raised into a smile, looking at her.

"Speaking of which, Ryuu-san, you were once an adventurer, right? And a powerful one at that, right?" Sirius tried a roundabout way to ask.

"Sirius-san, what are you trying to say?" Ryuu frowned slightly after hearing his words and stared at him.

"Wait, don't be angry, Ryuu-san. I got some news from Loki and didn't mean anything bad. Strictly speaking, I would like to ask you for a favor…." Sirius quickly tried to correct himself when he saw her worsening expression.

He expected her to be oversensitive to such topics.

However, he had already figured out how to fool her and invite her as his prospective teammate. After all, Ryuu is a powerful adventurer who can guarantee his safety on the middle floors.

Even though adventurers should take some risks to become stronger, it doesn't mean one has to be completely reckless. He wanted to find some strong backup just in case of an accident.

"Goddess Loki…" When she heard this name, the doubts that aroused in Ryuu's heart were quickly dispelled.

She thinks Sirius is not bad because he has natural charm and affinity. Plus, conversations with him are often knowledgeable and exciting.

He is undoubtedly a good friend if she ignores some of his occasional nasty thoughts. Therefore, Ryuu is naturally willing to believe him.

What's more, Loki is such a cunning goddess. If it's her, then maybe she already knew about her situation.

"Achoo!" Loki, who was in her room, sneezed suddenly.

She rubbed her nose and murmured, "Who is talking about me?"

"I understand. But, if you want help, why are you looking for me? In terms of relationship, shouldn't you be closer to the two cat girls?" Ryuu softened her eyes and asked in confusion.

After all, Sirius had a better relationship with the two catgirls in Hostess of Fertility. He often teases and chats with them in the tavern.

"Well, those two hate dungeon very much for some reason. I don't think I will be able to invite them successfully…." Sirius scratched his head and truthfully answered.

When Ryuu heard this, she asked her doubts, "Dungeon? Excuse me, what help do you exactly need, Sirius-san?"

"Well, I need some help with dungeon exploration and level up. You can understand it like that…."

Nobody was around except for some fainted gangsters, so Sirius started explaining to her in detail.

After about ten minutes…

"That is to say, Sirius-san, you wanted to battle against an irregular black wyvern on the middle floors to fulfill the conditions required for level up? That's why you need to team up with some powerful adventurer to guarantee your safety, right?" Ryuu had a hard time maintaining her calm.

After hearing his explanation, Ryuu felt somewhat ridiculous. Her previous experience made her doubt his words.

"Well, that's right…." When Sirius looked at her calm appearance, he couldn't help but praise her vision. He thought that she would not believe his words.

"I see. Sirius-san, is this the end of your jokes? If so, then excuse me for leaving. The store is still waiting for my delivery." Ryuu made it clear that she didn't believe his explanation.

After just half a month of becoming an adventurer, Sirius somehow wants to form a team to explore the middle floors and single-handedly defeat an irregular black wyvern whose potential is at least the top of level 2.

No matter which three of these reasons are picked out on a rookie adventurer, they are outrageous, not to mention concentrated on a single person all at once!

Therefore, it's evident that a veteran adventurer like Ryuu would think he was joking.

"..." Sirius was very speechless.

He thought before that Ryuu believed in his words with such a calm expression.

But that was just a pretense. Ryuu didn't believe a single word of him.

He felt kind of deceived even though he knew it was his fault.

When the elf girl wanted to leave, Sirius panicked and hurriedly grabbed her hand.

"Wait, Ryuu. I'm not joking." Sirius forgot that elf usually hates such a sudden physical contact.

But, Ryuu strangely didn't have any unpleasant feeling when he grabbed her hands, making her a bit bewildered.

"Are you serious?" She shook he head and asked him for verification.

"Yes. I'm not lying to you, Ryuu. Please believe me." Serius met eyes with her and expressed his sincere emotions making her heart a bit agitated.

Aware of her rapid heartbeat, Ryuu turned around and escaped his gaze.

After calming down, she looked at him and answered, "Okay then…I will try to believe you once, Sirius-san. What about the time and details?"

Ryuu decided to believe in him for once. After all, she can confirm whether he is lying or not inside the dungeon.

With such things in mind, she accepted his invitation to team up. It was definitely not because she was too flustered by his gaze.

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Chapter 47

It was soon nighttime. The sun had already set, and the moon was shining brightly in the sky.

Even with such a bright moon, various lights coming out of magic lamps filled the labyrinth city, making the scene very beautiful.

The tower of babel overlooked the entire place as usual in the middle of the city.

At the northern entrance of the tower, there was a lack of people around, making it a bit silent.

To cope with the difficulty of exploration tomorrow, most adventurers head home immediately to recuperate.

Therefore, this place is often empty at night, maintaining the original silence.

Sirius carried his spear and a slim adventurer's backpack, leaned on the wall, and raised his head to look at the bright stars in the sky. He felt relaxed and comfortable looking at them.

He was waiting for his teammate in this place.

Unlike his usual habit of exploring the dungeon during the day, he took some rest in the afternoon this time and got up in the middle of the night to enter the dungeon.

If possible, he would also like to explore the dungeon during the daytime, but considering the special status of his teammate, he had no other choice.

Suddenly, some footsteps sounded behind him, breaking the tranquility of this place. A figure wearing a green hooded cloak was standing beside him.

The length of the coak reached her waist, but it was not enough to cover her whole body. Sirius could vaguely see that the other side was wearing shorts and boots covering half of her thighs, highlighting her slender and beautiful legs.

A long wooden sword and two small swords lay at the hem of her cloak.

Ryuu, wearing her adventurer's battle suit, came to his side and her clear blue pupils shone with some brilliance under the hood.

It wasn't until she got closer that Sirius could see her beautiful face under the hood.

"It's a big change, Ryuu-san. I almost couldn't recognize you. You're like those thieves in adventure tales~" Sirius couldn't help but praise her.

"Even I will get angry if you compare an elf to those cunning thieves, Sirius-san." Although she said so, Ryuu looked very calm.

"Well, sorry sorry. So how about an elf ranger then? It sounds much better, right?" Sirius rubbed his nose in embarrassment and quickly changed her title.

"..." Ryuu gave him a blank stare.

After a bit of teasing, they entered the gate to the dungeon.

Although the tower of babel is an important landmark of Orario, because of its particularity, the defense around this place is not too strict.

If one thinks carefully, one can understand immediately.

Goddess Freya lives on the top floor of Babel, whereas the dungeon entrance lies beneath the tower.

It would be hard for anyone to do something shady under such conditions.

Additionally, the entrance to the dungeon is open 24 hours a day to take care of adventurers coming out of the underground labyrinth. There is no concept of closing the door.

Sirius and Ryuu walked down the spiral staircase leading to the large hole in the ground. Adventurers often overcrowd this place during the daytime, but at this moment, there is nobody except them.

Ryuu looked at Sirius beside him and wanted to ask something.

"Sirius-san, why did you decide to enter the dungeon so late at night?" She had her doubts about it but couldn't help asking.

"Huh? I thought Ryuu-san would not want to enter the dungeon swaggeringly under the watchful eyes of so many people during the day." Sirius showed a surprised expression and answered.

"Sirius-san, you seem to know a lot about me…." His explanation made her a bit dumbfounded.

"About this… I know just a little bit…." Sirius stretched out two of his fingers, gesturing 'a little bit'.

Ryuu's blue eyes dropped slightly after hearing this.

She felt that he would only give her such ambiguous answers. Therefore, it isn't significant to talk about such a thing.

On the 13th floor of the underground labyrinth,


The violent roars of monsters immediately turned into vicious howls, followed by a series of death screams accompanied by the sound of some slash.

Sirius wielded his spear very fast and carried out a fast-paced battle with the monsters.

He sprinted at an incredible speed and slashed/stabbed his enemies between one or two movements.

Under his ruthless attacks, many hellhounds and almirajs were killed. They instantly disintegrated into a cloud of black dust, leaving behind their drops.

Even if more than ten monsters surrounded him, Sirius had no worry on his face. He took a fighting stance with his spear and dashed toward them.


A hellhound at the edge of the battlefield wanted to sneak attack him with a long-range attack, but Ryuu instantly killed it before it could spit out its magic flames.

Sirius was responsible for the frontal combat, while Ryuu was responsible for clearing out the remaining enemies.

Even though Sirius and Ryuu were in a team for a short time, they showed a moderately high tacit understanding. They had left the upper floors with some cooperation and came to the middle floors.

One of the reasons for their fast arrival was because of Ryuu's high level. None of the monsters on the upper floors pose any threat to her.

As a 'Second Class Adventurer' of level 4, it is effortless for her to clear the upper floors.

When his battle was over, Sirius often found that Ryuu had already cleaned up the surrounding enemies while quietly waiting for him.

He can see the absolute disparity brought by the level gap.

In Orario, level 1 adventurers are called 'Low-Class Adventurers,' and their number accounts for more than half of the total number of adventurers in the city.

If there is no strong leadership, the most they can explore is the 12th floor; if they explore deeper, it is purely seeking death.

The level 2 adventurers and above are collectively referred to as 'High-Class Adventurers.' After accomplishing a great achievement to level up, their strength ushers in earth-shaking changes.

In this class, level 2 adventurers are called 'Third Class Adventurers,' level 3-4 adventurers are called 'Second Class Adventurers', and adventurers above level 5 are called 'First Class Adventurers.'

Each level is a natural barrier trapping countless adventurers.

Without talent and effort, it is almost impossible for an adventurer to cross this barrier.

After seeing the death of its kin, an angry hellhound started accumulating flames in its mouth.

A large burst of fire overflowed from the gap in its mouth in just over two seconds. The monster quickly spits out the magic flames toward Sirius at a close distance.

Sirius looked at the incoming magical attack and decided to test something. He let the attack hit him.


A powerful explosion occurred in the place of contact.

When the hellhound saw its successful attack, it started howling in excitement. But, after the explosion subsided, Sirius walked out of the smoke unscathed.

"Jade Shield!"

A dark gold barrier around him prevented the previous explosion from harming him. Even though he cast it long ago, the magic was still active.

"Sure enough. As expected, I don't need any defensive equipment like 'Salamander Wool' or something like that…." Sirius commented while looking at his shield.

After two weeks of testing and development, Sirius could cast a shield separately. Now, he can attack and defend more comprehensively.

Ryuu, beside him, heard his muttering and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Sirius-san, ordinary people don't have such a long-lasting defensive magic…." Ryuu was very envious of such defensive magic.

Along the way, she was shocked after witnessing his strength. His strength was entirely beyond her imagination.

This kind of strength even made her wonder if Sirius was a level 1 adventurer.

And when Sirius used multiple magic, it shocked her even more.

If not for her mask, Ryuu was worried that she would be unable to maintain her calm and cold expression.

In particular, she witnessed the duration of his shield, which has not dissipated until now. It is rare and powerful defensive magic with such a prolonged duration.

"Huh? Ryuu-san, wouldn't it better for men to last longer?" Sirius couldn't help but tease her after hearing this.

"You should keep your perverted speech to yourself, Sirius-san. I heard you talking about this topic with Chloe before…." Ryuu gave him a blank stare making him a bit embarrassed.

"Hehe…" Sirius didn't think that the pure elf would understand his misleading words. Who knew that she was also infected by the atmosphere in the tavern.

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Chapter 48

Walking together in the middle of the night or maybe early in the morning with a beautiful elf girl. How do you feel?

Sirius can confidently answer this question.

'It's very tiring…in every sense….' Sirius thought so while walking.

From the 13th Floor, the walls, ground, and ceiling become made of bedrock. While the upper floors are just flat, circular mazes, the middle floors have a more complex layout, including intertwining upper and lower tunnels.

The light becomes darker, and the air seems to be moist. Vertical holes leading to the deeper floors appear randomly.

Rural people might think this place is located on the mountainside.

But the reality is not much different.

The dungeon terrain periodically changes on every floor.

From the standard labyrinth-style structure on the first floor to various wilderness areas, natural caves, etc., It looked like the dungeon was a small world on its own.

The deeper one goes, the change in the natural environment becomes more and more obvious.

Sirius and Ryuu are now treading down a cave way.

They were walking on a rocky pathway that stretched to the depths of the floor.

This way may lead them toward a tunnel, but such a long passageway is still a rare sight. They can see no end to the roadway.

There were some holes connected to the bottom floor that were meant to trap some careless adventurers.

The not-so-bright environment accompanied by occasional roars of monsters echoing from time to time can make anyone feel tense and depressed.

The monsters on the middle floors are different from the upper floors because they have the means of a long-range attack.

Some can spit out magical flames; others can throw stone axes, sharp blades, etc. Any of these attacks pose a great threat to a rookie adventurer.

When Loki and Eina heard that Sirius wanted to go to the middle floors for level-up purposes, they advised him to buy a 'Salamander Wool' to keep warm and for self-defense.

After all, hellhounds are notorious dog monsters that can fire magic flames from its mouth. It is one of the weaker monsters in the Middle Floors, but its flame has caused so many deaths that wearing Salamander Wool is required for most adventurers exploring the Cave Labyrinth.

'Salamander Wool' is created by imbuing a cloak with a Salamander's magic power. It protects against fire and the cold. It is a must-have item for adventurers going to the middle floors.

However, for Sirius, who has rare defense magic, this is not necessary.

After all, what kind of inferior product does he need with such a powerful shield?

If many monsters surround him, just apply a shield, drop a meteorite, and be done with it.

If one is not enough, then add another one.

'Although my attack is nothing compared to Madara….' Sirius sighed, thinking about when he could finally become strong enough to rival those characters.

At his current level, the most damage he can do is limited to 10 meters in area. With the increase in his level, maybe the effective range will increase.


While he was busy thinking about his future, a Hard Armored monster emerged from the dungeon wall and attacked him with its body.



In the face of the incoming attack, Sirius calmly cast his magic. He was surrounded by a cloak of Heavenly Body Magic, allowing him to move through the air at incredible speeds.

"Grand Chariot!"

After easily dodging the attack, Sirius placed both arms on each other, with the top hand having only the index and middle fingers spread out.

Seven Magic Seals are summoned in front of him and connect, creating a virtual constellation.

Each Magic Seal then releases a powerful light blast down on the monster, forming the same pattern on the ground before exploding.


In the next moment, pure white light drowned the entire field of vision, accompanied by a loud explosion sound.

The area within half a meter radius of the monster as the center was damaged beyond recognition.

As for the monster, it didn't even have a chance to survive such a powerful attack.

In the center of the explosion, there were only some scattered fragments of magic stones.

"Instant magic that doesn't require any chant and has such great power… No wonder you are so strong as a newbie. It's a miracle…." Ryuu covered her eyes to block the light and spoke in an inexplicably complicated tone.

"Yes, I think so as well. But don't you think the word 'miracle' is meant to describe the existence of magic?" Sirius shrugged his shoulders and agreed with her.

After two weeks of studying astrology, he was able to develop his heavenly body magic.

With Meteor, he can move at high speed while attacking at long-range with Grand Chariot.

Both of them are very useful magic. He is satisfied with their results.

If magic is not useful, then its existence becomes meaningless.

Some people might pursue power while others practicality. It depends entirely on one's opinion.

Now, Sirius can somehow understand why some people would rather give up learning more magic just to pursue a single one-time 'strongest' explosion magic.

Just thinking about it makes him a bit excited.

"It makes sense…." When Ryuu heard his reply, she couldn't disagree. She continued to follow him around the floor, battling more and more monsters.

After killing numerous waves of monsters, the two came to the end of the fourteenth floor and toward the entrance of the fifteenth floor.

Compared to other places, they can use this area to rest after clearing out the remaining monsters.

Although they could only rest for some time, it was enough to recover their energy.

After hours of continuous running and fighting, they were both more or less tired.

After some discussion, they decided to take a small break here.

The underground labyrinth is too big to imagine in terms of land area.

Even if a First Class Adventurer wanted to go back and forth between the depth of the dungeon and the surface, they would have to waste more than a day traveling alone.

Therefore, an adventurer needs to properly grasp the rhythm and take proper rest while exploring the middle floors.

Otherwise, if the fatigue accumulates to a dangerous level, it will inevitably turn into a dangerous situation. The dungeon will only reveal its hideousness at the most vulnerable time.

Moreover, Sirius's goal for the middle floors is an irregular black wyvern. Therefore, he needs rest to recuperate and adjust to the best state.

Sirius has not yet reached the point where he can solo powerful opponents with just one hp.

That kind of thing is only possible in the games, not in real life.

Anyway, the current him cannot do such an exaggerated thing.

After cleaning up all the monsters in the passageway, Sirius took out a picnic mat under Ryuu's strange eyes, placed them on the ground, and sat down casually.

"If you don't mind, how about sitting next to me, Ryuu-san? It's cleaner here." Sirius knew about elves' habit of cleanliness.

Sirius didn't notice her strange eyes and patted the position beside him and started rummaging through his backpack.

He took out some packaged bread, rice balls, boxed bento, and bottled drinks.

By the end of it, Ryuu was completely numb.

'Are you here for a picnic or to explore the dungeon?' Ryuu didn't know where to complain.

Which adventurer with a normal mind will carry such trivial things in their backpack while exploring the middle floors?

Is he weird, or is she out of tune with the time?

"Ahem, I ate my dinner ahead of time this afternoon and then rested for a while. I thought I would get hungry inside the dungeon, so I brought these items. Usually, I won't prepare such things…."

Sirius, who brought out all the things, finally noticed Ryuu's complicated expression, coughed, and tried to explain.

"This is not a problem, Sirius-san. I just don't know what to say. You really are a bit… unique… I guess…" Ryuu didn't know what to say. She didn't know where to start complaining.

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Chapter 49

Even though Ryuu was speechless, she still sat beside him on the mattress.

After all, sitting in a clean place is 100 times better than a dirty place, especially for a cleanliness-obsessed race like elves.

"Here, you can have them~" When Ryuu sat down, Sirius handed her share of the meal.

Ryuu was surprised by his actions, but Sirius had already stuffed the bento box into her hand.

"Sirius-san, I'm not that hungry…." Ryuu still wanted to maintain her modesty.

"It's okay. You can eat it later if you don't finish it~" But Sirius didn't give her any chance to reject.

"..." Ryuu was very speechless by his reply.

'I don't have the option of not eating, right?' Ryuu couldn't stop complaining in her heart.

If Sirius knew what was in her heart, he would brightly smile and answer yes.

While preparing before going out, he had already anticipated such a situation to a certain extent. Therefore, he especially prepared food for two people.

In this case, Ryuu would have no choice but to accept his care.

Otherwise, he can't eat a happy meal with a hungry, stubborn elf watching nearby.

That would be too embarrassing.

"Ryuu-san, just think of this meal as an energy supplement. We should search the place where black wyvern was spotted. You don't want to be hungry during that time, right?" Sirius tried to persuade her.

Since wyvern can fly, Sirius never thought he could find this monster so easily.

Under his reasonable explanation, Ryuu was a bit hesitant but was finally persuaded. She picked up her bento box and started eating.

"It's delicious…." Ryuu widened her eyes after tasting the food.

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment. I made them myself." Sirius was also proud of his cooking skills.

Thanks to his previous life knowledge, his culinary skills are better than most people in this world.

Now that even Ryuu affirmed this made him a bit happy.

Ryuu looked at his happy face and felt warm in her heart.

Male adventurers usually do not have any cooking skills. Most of them have the mentality of leaving such trivial things to women.

Ryuu had no opinion on this, but she was still refreshed to see someone breaking out of the norm.

Sirius will undoubtedly become a powerful adventurer in the future; Ryuu can confidently say this.

But someone as promising as him can still cook and do housework is a big plus in her opinion.

"I have some orange juice and fruit wine. Which drink do you prefer, Ryuu-san?" Sirius picked up two glasses of drinks and asked her.

He didn't know her favorite drink, so he packed up both juice and wine.

Of course, the alcohol concentration in the fruit wine is minimal. It only has a fruity smell and taste.

"...Orange juice, please…." Ryuu looked at the two drinks for some time and answered.

"Eh? I'm surprised. I thought you would choose fruit wine…." Sirius was a bit surprised but still handed her the orange juice.

"Why do you have this perception, Sirius-san?" Ryuu couldn't help asking.

"Isn't it weird for a tavern employee to not drink?" Sirius had a natural look on his face while saying this.

"..." Ryuu fell silent after hearing his explanation.

It was surprisingly irrefutable…

Sirius shook his to rid of some trivial matters and skillfully opened the bottle of fruit wine and took a sip.

The alcohol content is shallow in fruit wine so it won't intoxicate him. Usually, some alcohol addict adventurers buy this kind of drink to relieve their cravings inside the dungeon.

After all, it is very dangerous for an adventurer to get drunk in the dungeon.

Therefore, this kind of wine sales is surprisingly good in the city.

As for Sirius's skillful movement in opening the bottle, it was mainly credited to goddess Loki.

After being dragged out to drink so many times by the playful goddess, Sirius had no choice but to adapt and learn some new knowledge.

This experience is full of tears and vomits…

Both Ryuu and Sirius started chatting and enjoying their food. They did not have any nervousness like regular adventurers.

In other words, they temporarily put aside all tensions and worries.

Sirius ate his food normally without caring about his image. In contrast, Ryuu maintained graceful and elegant movements while eating her meal with skillful actions of her chopsticks.

After some time, Ryuu put down the wooden box and chopsticks and released a contented sigh of relief.

Suddenly, she noticed something on her side. She turned around and found Sirius looking at her with a smile.

"What's wrong, Sirius-san?" Ryuu asked.

"Uh…nothing. Do you want some more bread, Ryuu-san?" Sirius did not want to say that she looked beautiful at the moment and changed the topic.

"Thank you, but no need. I'm full." Ryuu politely refused his offer.

"Okay…" Sirius nodded in understanding.

A few minutes later, Sirius also finished his meal and lazily leaned against his backpack. He wanted to rest for some time and not make any movements.

Ryuu looked at his paralyzed figure, and her mouth started twitching.

She turned around to avoid looking at him. She was afraid that she couldn't stop laughing after seeing his behavior.

"Speaking of which, Sirius-san…" Suddenly, Ryuu remembered something and asked him seriously.

"Huh?" Sirius perked his ears to listen.

"After you defeat the irregular monster on the fifteenth floor, can I take some of your time?" Ryuu turned around and asked him expectantly.

"Of course… I also want to visit the eighteenth floor. It would be a pity not to go there." Sirius agreed easily.

"If it bothers you…." Ryuu never thought Sirius would easily accept her offer and couldn't stop speaking halfway.

"Isn't it just the eighteenth floor? That's not too far away. We can go there after I'm done with my goal…." Sirius looked into her eyes and gently smiled, making the elf a bit flustered.

When he heard her request, he could already somewhat guess her purpose. Therefore, he naturally won't refuse such a thing.

Additionally, the distance between the eighteenth and fifteenth floors is not too far away. As for safety, he had no problem in Ryuu's presence.

Ryuu didn't know what he was thinking. She felt flustered and surprised looking at him.

When their eyes met, Ryuu felt that he understood her. Her heart was beating faster due to some unfamiliar but pleasant feelings.

"Sirius-san…sure enough, you know something about me, right?" Ryuu pressed her hand to her chest to calm her rapid heartbeat and asked him.

"I don't know what you are talking about… I only know that Ryuu is a beautiful elven girl who is cold on the outside and gentle inside." Sirius tried to change the topic.

"Sirius-san. If you pretend to change the topic at this time, it will further confirm my guess." Ryuu gave him a brief smile.

"..." Sirius was rendered speechless.

Are the senses of elves so keen?

Sirius couldn't stop twitching his mouth. He didn't know what to say in this situation.

Nonetheless, he maintained a calm expression and shook his head.

"I don't know what you are referring to, Ryuu-san. How would I know if you don't tell me?" Sirius gave her an ambiguous answer like usual.

After all, it's not good for him to point out this kind of thing. It's almost like exposing Ryuu's mental scars, which will definitely lower her favorability toward him.

Sirius is not foolish enough to do such a bad thing.

Therefore, no matter how Ryuu thinks, Sirius will never admit to such things.

Ryuu looked at him with her clear blue eyes for some time and then withdrew her gaze, "Take it your way then…."

They rested for some more until low roars of monsters echoed in the cave. The two got up from the ground and started cleaning out.

"Look like our rest time is over…." Ryuu listened to the echoing roars and subconsciously made a warning gesture. She had already gripped her weapon.

"Indeed. The dungeon will not allow us to rest for a long time…" Sirius neatly put away the picnic mat, folded it, and stuffed it into his backpack.

Then, he grabbed his spear and entered a combat-ready state.

After the rest, he wanted to do some exercise to digest the food. And the monsters were the perfect punching bags, in his opinion.

He looked at his front and found a deep and dark mid-level entrance. Rugged rock walls were entending downhill with some dull phosphorescence shimmering dimly in the deepest depths.

The slightly earthly smell and hot and humid environment made the place look scarier than it was.

"Let's go to the fifteenth floor first. We can come back later and play with these doggos." Sirius gave his suggestion.

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Chapter 50

On the fifteenth floor of the underground labyrinth,

The surrounding is very quiet, and there are no monsters in sight nearby.

The light becomes darker, and the air seems moist, carrying an earthen smell.

The light sources above in the ceiling flickered like a campfire and dimly illuminated the place.

In such an environment, two people silently walked towards the depth of the dungeon floor.

"According to guild information, this area should be where the black wyvern was last spotted." Sirius carried his silvery-gray spear and read the marks on his map.

According to the map, this place was where the suspected irregular monster was last seen.

Although a whole day has passed since the monster was sighted, it should still be somewhere nearby, hunting monsters or adventurers. After all, it should not be afraid of anyone on this floor as an irregular monster.

"The information should be correct. There are some adventurers nearby…." Suddenly, he heard Ryuu's cold voice.

Compared to her previous outfit, Ryuu covered half of her face with a mask, and the hood of her cloak was pulled entirely down, revealing only a pair of clear blue eyes on her face.

When Sirius saw the crusade mission issued by the adventurers' guild, he knew he was not the only one involved in this incident.

Many adventurer teams who thought of themselves as strong, or wanted to gain some merit through this incident, also accepted the guild's commission and set off to the fifteenth floor.

It has resulted in a surge in the number of adventurers in this area.

To hide her identity, Ryuu had no other choice but to cover her face.

While they were talking, suddenly, a rough-sounding voice came from behind.

"Damn! Why are there so many people on the fifteenth floor? They are completely hindering our crusade mission…."

Sirius and Ryuu heard multiple sounds of footsteps gradually near them. They looked at the fork in the way behind.

When they turned around, a team of four armed adventurers walked out of the darkness with dark faces. They seemed depressed and frustrated.

They had some sort of black tattoos on their faces which added a bit of deterrence. They don't look like good people with such tattoos on their faces.

When the group walked out of the darkness, they were about to continue complaining but suddenly stopped after seeing Ryuu and Sirius in front.

The tall man among the group looked at the leisurely figure of Sirius holding his spear nonchalantly. His mind sank, and he quickly determined that this person was not easy to mess with.

Then, he looked at the masked figure beside the boy and felt even more dangerous. His instincts were warning him not to mess with her.

The tall guy immediately dismissed the idea of having a conflict with the two.

"Sorry for the disturbance. We'll leave immediately." The guy immediately dragged his companions back, leaving no chance for them to talk back.

Sirius and Ryuu watched them disappear into the darkness with confused expressions.

"Well…" Sirius didn't know what to say.

"Why did they leave so suddenly?" Ryuu was also puzzled.

Since the last group didn't notice their presence, Ryuu and Sirius could hear their complaints.

Unlike the puzzled Ryuu, Sirius immediately understood the man's intentions. That guy wanted to avoid having some conflict with them.

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"Nothing too serious. It's just self-protection." Sirius gave his opinion.

"Self-protection??" Ryuu was more confused after hearing this.

"Yes. Anyway, we should not be concerned about this. We have other things to do at the moment…." Sirius wanted to end this topic quickly.

Ryuu couldn't understand what he meant and could only bury her doubts deep inside.

However, after she discovered that Sirius had no intention of further explaining, she gave up her intention to talk.

Tap! Tap!

The two continued their search for the irregular monster, and the sound of their footsteps resounded throughout the passageway.

Suddenly, a roar came out of the ground.

"A minotaur?" Sirius tightly held his spear and looked at the monster that emerged from the depths of the darkness.

Many monsters often bring nightmares to the adventurers on the fifteenth floor. Since entering this floor, it was the first time Sirius had seen this famous monster.

After all, the most iconic monster in 'danmachi' is a minotaur.

Minotaur is a cow-headed humanoid monster with bronze-color skin. Despite having slow and simple movements, it is one of the strongest monsters in the Middle Floors.

The minotaur took a heavy breath, contracted its muscles, and sprinted toward Sirius and Ryuu's location.

The bull's head and the muscular body made it look scary and vicious as it sprinted toward them.

Unlike the usual level 2 monsters like hellhounds and almirajs, the minotaur's strengths are obviously better.


The cow-headed monster didn't give Sirius any chance to continue thinking and smashed the ground and ran wildly, swinging its heavy stone ax.

"Center of Earth!"


When the ax was about to hit Sirius, a dark-gold rock pillar emerged from the ground and blocked the attack. The attack slashed a small piece of the rock pillar, but it still withstood nonetheless.

Suddenly, a shockwave came out of the pillar and pushed the monster back a few steps.


Then, Sirius cast his magic to move at a fast speed and dashed toward the monster.

Ryuu looked at his figure and felt complicated.

Why does he want to rush toward a powerful level 2 monster when he is just a level 1 adventurer?

If she didn't witness his true strength, she would definitely think he was a higher-level adventurer.

However, before Ryuu could continue her thoughts, Sirius had already attacked the monster.



The sharp end of the spear slashed a deep wound on the minotaur's chest, causing blood to gush out. The attack's impact caused the monster also to let go of its weapon.

When Sirius took a few steps back, the disarmed minotaur started roaring in pain.

It viciously looked at its perpetrator and ferociously tried to punch him. Sirius narrowly avoided the attack and grabbed his spear to slash again.

After a few seconds of back-to-back fighting, countless wounds spread across the minotaur's body.

Typically, Sirius's strength is incomparable to that of a minotaur. Although he has a speed advantage against it, it would be useless if he couldn't injure it.

Human beings have never been a race known for their strength. They are known for their skills and wisdom.

They rely on skills and wisdom, using various tools and weapons to injure their opponents, defending against the attacks of their foes using armors, etc. These are some of human's proudest achievements.

Sirius was able to gain the upper hand in the battle thanks to his superior weapon.

As a backup weapon meant for the [Braver] Finn, his spear has sharpness and durability, second only to that of a first-class adventurer's weapon.

Although it is inferior to the current weapon in Finn's hand, it is undoubtedly a good weapon for a level 1 adventurer.

Thankfully there are no other spearmen in Loki Familia. Otherwise, no sane person would miss out on this weapon. It's a good spear.

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Chapter 51

In the face of an enemy whose overall strength was above him, Sirius had no hesitation in using all means necessary to take it down.

In one go, he launched violent offenses against the monster at a fast speed. The spear in his hand was swinging non-stop the entire time.

During the battle, Sirius didn't notice that his spear started to emit faint light from the handle, slowly spreading to the tip.

He only felt that his weapon was getting lighter and easier to use, just like an extension of his arm.

When the monster tried to punch him again, Sirius swiftly dodged its attack.

The scarred and wounded minotaur was full of flaws in Sirius's eyes. It was only one step away from death.

Therefore, Sirius didn't hesitate to give a final blow to the bull-headed monster. He took a deep breath and took a stance with his weapon.

"Goodbye, monster. It was a good fight!" With a loud bang, Sirius sprinted toward the monster and penetrated its chest with his spear.

"GRR…" A few seconds later, the minotaur disintegrated into black ashes, leaving behind its magic stone.

"Phew, I guess I can manage a minotaur without using my trump cards…." Sirius stepped forward to pick up the dropped magic stone. A faint blue halo appeared in his hand, and the magic stone swayed a little and automatically flew in his hand.

Thanks to his stellar magic, he is somehow able to use basic attraction and repulsion ability. But, he can only pick up smaller items like magic stones currently.

"Sirius-san, If other adventurers heard what you said, they would probably curse at you in anger." Ryuu heard his mutter when she approached him.

After getting surprised so many times in a single day, she was already numb to his abilities. Therefore, the fact that Sirius could leapfrog a monster much higher level than him brought no surprise to her face.

"Let's continue searching, Sirius-san. It's only been a single day, our target should not have gone far away. It must be somewhere nearby." Ryuu at her surroundings and commented.

They were already at the depths of the fifteenth floor, and if they went further in, they would reach the entrance to the sixteenth floor.

Their primary purpose is still to find the black wyvern and crusade against it.

As an irregular monster, although the black wyvern can move to other floors, it will not leave its birthplace for quite some time. It needs some time to hunt other monsters and devour their magic stones.

After all, the frequency of monster spawn on the middle floors is already quite impressive. The greedy irregular monster will definitely not resist such temptations to improve its strength.

"Okay. Let's do like you said." Sirius put the magic stone in his backpack and nodded in agreement.

Then, they resumed their search for the irregular monster. Sirius and Ryuu walked deeper into the dungeon floor.


After some time, a roar resounded throughout the passageway, making the dungeon wall tremble due to the vibrations.

After hearing such a roar inside the dungeon, many adventurers shuddered instinctively. A bad premonition emerged in their hearts, followed by the excitement of finally finding their goal.

"That must be the irregular monster!"

"Quickly, let's go and kill it. I don't want others to discover it first…."

Therefore, many adventurers ignored their survival instinct and ran toward the sound.

"Sirius-san, this is…." Ryuu could feel the monster's power just after hearing the roar. It was definitely a powerful monster.

"Ah, we can't be wrong this time. It's definitely the roar of the black wyvern. The sound is not too far away from our location. Someone must have discovered its traces. No matter what, let's go and check it out." Sirius nodded and expressed his opinions.

Even if others successfully crusaded against the monster, he had to check it out.

"Um…" Ryuu nodded because she had the same opinion.

Therefore, they didn't waste any more time and started running toward a dark tunnel. The roar of the monster was coming from inside it.

At the end of the long passageway, there was a vast cave.

The entire cave was spacious and made up of gray-white rocks, and the ceiling consisted of bedrock.

Some lucky or possible unlucky adventurer team might have found the black wyvern first because there were obvious traces of battle in the cave.

Sirius and Ryuu were a bit late to arrive. Nonetheless, they examined this place and followed the black wyvern's traces.

After their battle, the two different giant and ferocious monsters left behind some potholes. There might have been some infighting among the monsters.

There were also some scorched places in the cave due to the monster's attack. With no further hesitation, they walked deeper into the cave.


As Sirius guessed, an adventurer team arrived before them and followed the traces of black wyvern.

The adventurers searched everywhere and finally found their target at the top of a pile of boulders.

The monster had red eyes and black skin, covered in tough scales. It also had wings made of deformed membranes.

It looked similar to a dragon in appearance.

A wyvern is an elite dragon-type monster that measures 5 meters, including the tail. Their numbers are small and only occasionally discovered by some adventurers.

"We found the black wyvern!"

Their sounds disturbed the monster, and it turned around and looked at the team of adventurers with fierce eyes.

"ROAR!!!" After seeing the humans, it spread its wings and roared angrily.

The momentum of its roar scattered many smaller rock fragments and almost burst the eardrums of the adventurers.

Therefore, the adventurers quieted down and started preparing for battle. But, they had an ominous premonition in their heart.

The black wyvern was above 5 meters and had black skin instead of the usual pink. It had vicious red eyes, which indicated that it was irregular with potential far above ordinary monsters.

"Gulp… is this an irregular monster?" The leader of the adventurer team was a man with a scar on his face. He suppressed his fears and murmured.

He had never seen an irregular monster before and only heard some rumors about them. Therefore, he had no clue that it was so powerful.

They thought an irregular monster was just some large version of a monster, not too difficult compared to a 'monster party.'

This group of adventurers had previously encountered a regular wyvern and killed it quickly. Therefore, they underestimated the black wyvern, thinking that it was nothing dangerous.

But now, the team leader instinctively believed that the monster in front of them was powerful enough to wipe out their group.

Their team was composed of High-Class Adventurers of level 2 who had undergone sublimation. Hence, they have no problem dealing with a regular wyvern.

Due to this experience, they underestimated the difficulty of this task, fully knowing that it involved an irregular monster.

Their underestimation led to this situation.

The black wyvern spotted them, and they had no choice but to battle.

'We are definitely not a match for this monster… We miscalculated its strength….' The leader felt suffocated after seeing the irregular monster with his own eyes.

The black wyvern definitely has strength above level 2. Even if it is not a level 3 yet, it is infinitely closer.

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Chapter 52

After following the traces for a long time, Sirius and Ryuu walked to the end of the tunnel, and an intense light greeted them.

When they exited the tunnel, there were some cries for help.

"Help! Help!!!"

They saw a chaotic fighting scene between the black wyvern and an adventurer team. It looked like the adventurers were almost defeated. They were crying out for help.

There were many scorched places on the battlefield due to the monster's attack. The black wyvern hid inside the smoke and dust and attacked the adventurers.

One adventurer wanted to counterattack the monster with the blade in his hand but was immediately bounced back due to a lack of strength.

His blade even shattered due to the impact, unable to leave a scar on the monster's tough scales.

The adventurer was sent into the air and knocked against a pile of rubble, seriously injuring him.

Another scream was getting closer and closer to Sirius and Ryuu. After a few seconds, a scarred face man with many burn marks on his body approached them.

To increase the success rate of escape, the leader of the adventurer team, the scarred face man, ordered his teammates to escape in different directions.

When he saw a new group of adventurers in front of him, the man couldn't hide the joy on his face.

But when he saw only two people, all the joy disappeared and turned into despair. The cold hard reality slapped him hard in the face.


Although he was disappointed with their arrival, the man still warned Sirius and Ryuu of the incoming danger.

But immediately after he said this, a burst of flames appeared behind him.

The scarred face man was blown away by the attack and flew in a perfect parabola and landed beside Sirius and Ryuu.

"This uncle is unexpectedly a good person…." Sirius raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Initially, he thought that this person would 'Pass Parade.' After all, there are many incidents of an adventurer team transferring enemies to another group of adventurers and escaping.

But, Sirius never thought the scarred face uncle wanted them to run away.

'I should not judge a book by its cover….' Sirius warned himself internally.

"Sirius-san, are you sure you want to fight the black wyvern alone? This monster is completely incomparable to the previous minotaur. If a dozen minotaur gang up on this monster, they would stand no chance…." Ryuu watched the black wyvern from a distance and seriously warned him.

Even though dozens of minotaur may give some trouble to the black wyvern on the ground, it can fly…

Therefore, the minotaurs have no second result other than perishing in battle.

"Do you have any means to restrict its flight?" Ryuu asked him.

"Don't worry, Ryuu-san. It's a coincidence that I have two very powerful control magic to restrict its flight. You can assist me if I can't handle this black wyvern. I won't joke with my life after all." Sirius patted his chest and reassured Ryuu.

After hearing his words, Ryuu sighed and nodded.

"Please be more careful…." Ryuu could only pray for his safety.

"Don't worry; I will." After saying this, Sirius looked at the monster again and took a deep breath.

'Is this my adventure?' Sirius asked himself internally.

After a single look, Sirius knew that the black wyvern was very powerful. It was completely beyond him.

Even though he knew he had a little chance against it, Sirius couldn't stop his trembling hands. It was not because he was scared of the monster. The only thing he feels now is pure excitement.

When faced with a powerful enemy beyond himself, he wanted to defeat it with skills and courage. Sirius also had heroic dreams during his childhood in his previous life.

Although most of them were washed away by the current of time, some traces are still left in his heart.

Although he may not be a hero, he still wanted to try it.

He wanted to start his adventure!

Sirius took off his backpack, took out an expensive elixir worth 500,000 valis, and threw the bag toward Ryuu for safekeeping.

Sirius had been preparing for his level-up adventure for quite some time. He pestered Amid for a long time and finally managed to buy three elixirs at a discounted price of 1,200,000 valis.

He opened the vial and sprinkled the elixir on the scar-faced man in front of him.

"Remember, this elixir cost 500,000 valis. Don't forget to reimburse me…." Sirius reminded the man.

For high-level adventurers, half a million valis is still an acceptable amount.

The income from the middle floors is entirely above the upper floors. Therefore adventurers who explore them are way richer than those who only explore the upper floors.

Sirius was not worried that the scar-faced man would default on his debts. He can always ask his familia for help if push comes to shove.

Nobody in Orario would dare owe Loki Familia member and not pay it back.

They cannot afford the consequence.

The guy nodded in recognition, and Sirius walked past him.

He tightly held his spear and rushed toward the monster.


The black wyvern gave a harsh scream and dispelled all the smoke and dust covering the area.

After defeating and expelling the intruders, it wanted to scream in victory, although nobody was present.

Suddenly, it noticed something and looked at the new approaching enemy.

The monster narrowed its fierce eyes and fluttered its wings, looking like a lonely demon king waiting for its challenger.

As Sirius got closer and closer to the black wyvern, it finally saw the complete picture.

A puny human with a weapon?

Even though the monster had low wisdom, it was still offended by his enemy's behavior. Only a puny human was not enough for someone of its strength.

Therefore, the black wyvern opened its mouth full of numerous fangs and started gathering flames.

There was a raging flame in the depths of its mouth, and after accumulating for some time, it spits the fire out.


The cluster of flames flew toward Sirius.

Looking at the incoming attack, Sirius had no fear on his face. He had no intention of dodging this attack and kept accelerating.

The next moment, he softly recited his chant.

"Illuminate the sky(Orionids)!!!"

In an instant, a curtain of starry brilliance engulfed him.

It was only a short scene and the starlight dissipated in a blink of an eye.

A silvery-blue aura surrounded him, and some starlight flickered around his body.

A circle of silver halo emerged in the depths of his clear blue eyes, adding a sense of mystery to his eyes.


Just before the flames hit him, Sirius narrowed his eyes and increased his speed.


The dangerous cluster of flames hit the ground directly and caused an explosion.

The aftermath of the explosion spread dust and smoke around the area. Some flames were even spreading around the explosion site.

When the black wyvern saw the result of its attack, it roared in satisfaction. The monster thought its attack was so powerful that it didn't even leave behind the corpse of its enemy.

But a faint blue streamer was shot from behind it when it was about to turn around.

The attack maintained its pace and smashed the boulder in the middle into smithereens.

In an instant, a faint blue light flashed by the black wyvern.

The astonishing speed of attack sent the monster crashing to the ground. The nearby rocks and boulders were crushed into fragments, setting off a cloud of smoke.

On the other side, after the monster's hard scale blocked his attack, Sirius fell from the air, rolled over to the ground, and readjusted his postures.

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After adjusting his posture, Sirius quickly focused on his enemy on the ground.

In the dust-raised environment, a behemoth visible to the naked eyes spread out its wings.

With a flap of its wings, it dispelled all the dust and smoke covering the area. Sirius was able to view the entire body of the black wyvern.

The monster turned around and fiercely looked at him. The previous attack damaged its scale, and blood gushed from the wound, dripping down to the ground.

Although it was only a minor injury, the black wyvern felt unprecedented humiliation. As a powerful irregular monster, it was actually injured by a weak human.

The anger and shame of being attacked by an inferior creature filled the monster's heart.

Therefore, the black wyvern spread its wings and gradually flew into the air. It watched Sirius with a predatory look after gaining some height.


While the monster was flying up, Sirius also moved extremely fast. He held his spear and rushed toward his enemy, trying to stab it.

The irregular monster looked at the incoming enemy with a murderous expression.

Sirius's fighting spirit also aroused it, so it didn't intend to dodge. Instead, it dived down to counterattack.


Swish! Swish!


If Sirius is compared to a storm, then the black wyvern is a thick cumulus cloud that shrouds the storm.

Sirius's aggression theoretically should not cause any damage to the monster.

The behemoth, of height more than 5 meters, collided with a human, which seems insignificant in comparison.

Typically, it will only take a glance to determine the result of this battle.

But that's just common sense.

Sirius's all five basic stats have exceeded the usual limit of level 1. He also has powerful skills and magic. These various factors have allowed him to stand a fair chance against the black wyvern in a battle.

After all, skills and magic can never be judged by common sense. They are essentially a tiny miracle.


The sharp end of his spear and the thick scale of the monster collided and made a harsh clicking sound.

Sirius tightly held his silvery-gray spear and pressed the tip of his spear against the monster's shoulder, trying to avoid the opponent's vain attempt to bite him.

"Go down where you belong, you monster!!"


With a scream, Sirius used all his strength to penetrate the wyvern's defense. The tip of his spear cracked open the scale and injured the wyvern.

The black wyvern fell to the ground due to the impact. After falling down, it entered a period of rigidity and needed some time to adjust.

Sirius retreated a few steps back due to the reaction force, quickly readjusted his postures, and sprinted toward the monster.

He wanted to seize this golden opportunity to injure the monster while it could not fly.

'What is the most effective way to prevent a monster from flying?' Sirius narrowed his eyes and quickly thought of a solution.


Sirius vigorously swung his spear, and the spear's tip easily penetrated the monster's wings, leaving behind a deep wound gushing out with blood.

The monster roared in agony and started attacking everywhere like a berserker.

Sirius quickly backed a few steps away from the enraged monster.

'After breaking a wing, it should be unable to fly. Then, I can use my magic to control the monster's movements.' Sirius planned his subsequent actions.

While playing games in his previous life, he often released some crowd control skills and added various debuffs to his enemies to increase the hit rate.

It is a commonly used method in various online games.

Therefore, Sirius took a deep breath and ignored the painful and angry roar of the black wyvern. He grabbed his weapon and resumed his attack on the monster.

Abdomen, back, limb joints, wings, etc. Sirius focused on attacking all of the monster's weak points.

The fight was intense and high-speed. The black wyvern won't allow Sirius to injure it so easily. Therefore, the battle was very fierce and exciting. Sirius had to make sure to avoid the monster's attack. Otherwise, a single attack would cripple him.

The spear cracked a scale every time a white light flashed, and blood gushed out from the injuries.

As time passed, more and more wounds appeared on the black wyvern's body, further stimulating its ferocity.


The black wyvern couldn't prevent the puny human from injuring its noble body. Its eyes started glowing red in anger.

After taking a step back, the monster started gathering flames in its mouth like crazy. It didn't care about the damage and began spurting flames out.

With the monster as the center, a wave of fiery hot flames erupted everywhere.

Sirius had no choice but to avoid such a large-scale offense. After all, he didn't want to get roasted by the flames.

'But, this is enough. It can't fly with injured wings….' Sirius quickly thought about his following actions.

"Astral Confine!" Sirius wasted no time in casting his new magic.

A blue halo appeared in his hand. At the same time, another similar halo appeared on the monster's side. Afterward, dozens of bright dots appeared out of thin air and started constructing a three-dimensional magic circle.

All the bright dots were connected, forming a virtual constellation.

When the last dot was connected, the magic was finally completed.

With the constellation as the center, everything within a ten-meter radius was shrouded in a starry brilliance.

Then, everything within the light began to retract.

Waves after waves of white light fluctuated, and everything touched by the lights started shrinking and squeezing towards the center.

The gravel, air, black wyvern, and undissipated flames were all restricted and imprisoned by the magic and pulled toward the center of the constellation.

After seeing the effect of his newly developed magic, he couldn't help smiling.

However, it's not over yet!

"Hah!" Sirius took a deep breath, and the mana inside his body started boiling in excitement. The silvery-blue starry flames responded to his will and wrapped his body.

'It's finally time to test this magic….' Sirius thought with a grin on his face.

The next moment, he shouted out loud and activated his killer move.

"Planet Befall!"

The dungeon cave made up of gray rocks suddenly lit up.

Responding to his voice, a huge magic circle appeared at the top of the cave, covering almost half of the ceiling.

The golden bright magic circle almost illuminated the entire cave. The outer ring materialized first, slowly and steadily completing the rest of the magic circle.

After a few seconds, when the magic circle was completed, surrounding geo elements started gathering toward it. A massive dark-gold meteorite emerged out of the magic circle.

While developing this magic, Sirius thought of using his mana as a catalyst to gather the surrounding geo elements. This would help reduce the mana cost and increase efficiency.

When the ten-meter-long meteorite appeared on the ceiling, it cast its shadow on the ground.

Without the slightest pause, the meteorite fell towards the black wyvern, trapped by his previous magic.

Looking at the battle from a distance, Ryuu twitched her mouth after witnessing this.

She looked at the majestic meteorite falling with colossal momentum and stepped back subconsciously. Although this attack was not enough to kill her, she didn't want to risk it.

Not far away, the scar-faced man who recovered after taking the elixir took a deep breath in silence. He never expected his benefactor to have such powerful magic.

He knew he was no match for Sirius with just a single observation.

'The masked woman and the boy with the spear are definitely high-level adventurers!' The scar-faced man immediately concluded.

He felt lucky to encounter them. Without them, he would undoubtedly die in the hands of the monster.

They were not the only ones present. Many adventurers have secretly arrived in this place and were watching the battle in silence. They were bewildered and amazed after witnessing Sirius's magic.

'That boy is definitely a higher-level adventurer. A rookie could never cast such powerful magic….' All of them thought so immediately.

The meteorite didn't give others any time to express their emotions. After just two seconds, it had already descended to the ground, hitting the black wyvern.



A dazzling light flashed, and a loud explosion sounded accompanied by a painful wailing of the monster.

Even bigger than the black wyvern, the meteorite engulfed it entirely and suppressed its struggles and wailing.

The ground where the explosion occurred cracked into multiple rifts. The scattered dust and gravel covered the explosion site.

After some time, the dust and debris subsided. Sirius looked at the place and found the black wyvern petrified with multiple wounds on its body. Even though it was near death, it still had a ferocious expression. If looks could kill him, Sirius would have long been dead.

"Just a little more…" Sirius muttered while trying to stand up. His face was ashen due to mental overdraft. He was also almost at his limits.

The last attack consumed almost all of his mana. Therefore, he doesn't have much mana in his body. It was difficult for him to sustain the magic "The Arrival of Silver Star barely!".

The previous meteorite was not genuine, only a collection of geo elements. Therefore, it can't maintain its shape for a long time.

After landing on the ground and hitting his enemy, the meteorite will explode, deal geo damage, and petrify his enemy for some time.

The petrification will restrict his enemy for quite some time, making them unable to move, achieving a crowd control effect.

Therefore, the current black wyvern is at its final breath. Sirius only needs to deal a final blow to eliminate it.

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Chapter 54

"Hah…" Sirius panted and felt fatigued all over his body. Even with such conditions, he still slowly approached the petrified black wyvern.


The virtual constellation disappeared, and its effect was taken over by petrification.

The monster felt restrictions in its movement and let out a terrifying roar, warning him not to get closer.

It looked like an enraged beast trying to defend its territory. It would attack him crazily if he ignored the warning.

Unfortunately, Sirius was aware of the situation, completely ignored its roar, and moved closer to it step by step.

He dragged his spear to the ground. There were still some traces of starry-blue fame around the spear's tip which burnt the ground.

"It's time to say goodbye…." After saying this, Sirius squeezed out all his remaining strength and stabbed the wyvern's chest with his spear.


When the black wyvern faced Sirius's final attack, it began to whimper and struggle wildly.

Every living creature is instinctively afraid of death.

Although the monster has low intelligence, they can still burst out great power under the threat of death.

The black wyvern stimulated all of its potentials to turn around to escape the attack. The tip of his spear didn't hit the target and submerged into the ground.

Then the black wyvern swept its scaly tail toward the exhausted Sirius the next moment.


His mental exhaustion caused this negligence, and the staggered Sirius instantly regained his composure.

When he felt the incoming danger, he instinctively lowered his body to dodge the attack.

However, he lost his weapon in this process. There was no time for him to pick it up.

The distance between Sirius and the black wyvern was unprecedentedly close.

The monster gave a vicious grin and gathered flames into its mouth, trying to die with him.

"! Can't you just die easily!!"

Sirius, who thought the battle was almost over, shouted in anger. He wanted to end this fight as soon as possible.

He gathered all the remaining starry-blue flames in his hand. A silver-blue halo emerged in his hand, and he pressed it toward the throat of the black wyvern.

An eight-pointed magic circle was completed within a few seconds.



A loud sound of explosion occurred, and the ground shook violently.

A starry brilliance engulfed the monster. The faint blue flames devoured the injured wyvern and instantly disintegrated it into black ashes.

With Sirius as the center, the explosion's aftermath spread dust and flames toward the surrounding.

As the caster, Sirius was not affected by the aftermath of his attack. Countless subtle light spots gathered around him to protect him from the explosion.

But the explosion's shockwave still blew him away, and he fell to the ground, gasping for breath. The previous attack drained him all of his strength.

"Are you hurt, Sirius-san?" As soon as he fell, the masked Ryuu came to him, squatted down, and asked with concern.

"Hah… I feel like I'm dying." Sirius gave out a weak reply.

"Since you are well enough to reply, it's good…." When Ryuu heard his reply, she rolled her eyes.

Actually, there was some truth in his answer.

Sirius was mentally exhausted at this moment. Even with his skills, it would take some time to fully recover from this state. He felt like staying up for several days and nights without sleeping.

Therefore, he lacked focus and concentration. All he could do was vaguely sense his surrounding.

Although he was sitting on the ground, he couldn't feel the weight of his feet.

Ryuu observed his situation for a while and found no noticeable trauma in his body. But, his face was abnormally pale.

'It must be mind zero.' Ryuu quickly determined his condition.

Mind Zero/Down is a condition when an adventurer empties out their mental energy/mana.

Then, she rummaged through his backpack and picked up the elixirs.

There is a cost to using magic. Activating and using magic requires mana or mental energy compared to stamina.

But just like how physical strengths have limits, mental capacity also has its own limitations.

The consequence of exhausting one's mental energy is, at minimum, dizziness and, at worst, losing consciousness.

It is very dangerous for adventurers to faint inside the dungeon. Therefore, they make sure to not bottom out their mana supply.

But, Sirius's situation is rather forced or inevitable.

After all, fighting against a monster stronger than him is not without any cost.

Using such powerful and wide-ranged magic cost him a lot of mana and drained his mental energy.

Ryuu uncapped the vial and handed the elixirs to Sirius.

"Thanks, Ryuu-san." Sirius raised his head and gulped down the content inside.

After taking two elixirs, Sirius finally managed to recover some strength. His pale and bloodless face started becoming better.

'Sure enough, elixirs are life-saving consumables….' Sirius couldn't agree more with this fact.

He felt relaxed and comfortable all over his body after taking the elixirs. Elixirs are really worth 500,000 valis.

"The fight is over…."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"Do you know which Familia that guy with the spear belongs to? His magic is awesome..."

"Don't look at me. I don't know either."

"I bet he must be from some big familia, I wonder what his alias is."

"I agree with you."

Many adventurers witnessed the battle from a safe distance. Therefore, they started discussing after the fight ended with Sirius's victory.

Although they wanted to be the ones to battle the black wyvern, none of them disturbed the fight. They were amazed to see the previous battle.

"Damn, it looks like we wasted our time for nothing."

"Haha, do you think you can take down the black wyvern like that blond guy? If you are not convinced, why don't you fight against the guy?"

"Hey, you bastard, do you want me to die? I was just complaining. Please give me some face."

"Heh, is your face worth anything?"

Many adventurers felt fortunate to witness the battle. After seeing it, they recognized that they were no match for the black wyvern. It could quickly kill them all.

The black wyvern was way stronger than a regular level 2 monster, but it was amazing it was still defeated by Sirius alone.

Words are not enough to describe their amazement and complexity of mind.

In fact, many adventurers could intervene during the battle before.

But none of them chose to do so because there is an unwritten rule among adventurers.

When a monster is born in the dungeon, whoever discovers it first gets to crusade against it.

Of course, if the first person cannot defeat the monster, the others can intervene.

Most adventurers follow this rule and hate those who don't.

After all, nobody likes their prey to get robbed.

Although the black wyvern was not discovered by Sirius first, the first discoverer couldn't defeat it. Therefore, he can legitimately take over the battle.

The other adventurers were one step behind Sirius, so they chose not to intervene and patiently waited for their turn just in case.

But, when they saw such a giant meteorite fall from the ceiling, it scared them quite a bit.

Therefore, they kept their distance and watched the battle from far away.

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Chapter 55

When the adventurers saw that the battle was over, they sighed in regret. Today was an unfortunate day for them. After wasting so much time, they gained nothing.

Therefore, most of them started leaving the area because they wanted to fight some monsters to make up for their losses.

Some adventurers were even eager to bring the news of the successful solo crusade against the black wyvern back to the surface. After all, gods and goddesses are always eager for information like this.

Afterward, many people visited the adventurers guild to inquire about Sirius. But that is all in the future.

Now Sirius was supported by Ryuu and came to a relatively safe area. He laid down and rested against the dungeon wall.

After a few minutes, the rescued scar-face man approached them with a hesitant look on his fierce-looking face.

"What's wrong?" Since he didn't hide his expression, Sirius quickly noticed something wrong.

When the man heard his inquiry, his hesitant expression became determined, and he bowed down toward Sirius.

"Sir, thank you for saving my life. I will definitely pay for your elixir. My name is Nick, and I'm from the Ganesha Familia. Here is my familia badge…."

Sirius looked at the badge engraved with the elephant's head on the man's hand with a weird expression.

Does he need to kneel as thanks?

Or is there something wrong with this guy?

Sirius understood his intention and shrugged off his shoulders helplessly.

"Okay, I understand your intentions. I accept your thanks. Remember, I'm from the Loki Familia. You can come to the Twilight Manor for payment later."

Even after hearing this, Nick had no intention of getting up.

"Ugh… please, I have another request. Can you give me some healing potions? My companions desperately need them." Nick slammed his head down on the ground and begged.

"???" Sirius was stunned after hearing this and looked at the kneeling figure in a new light.

Since he was close to the entrance of the tunnel, he could see another adventurer not far away from Nick. Sadly, the adventurer was in a coma and badly injured with multiple wounds on his body.

Sirius remembered this was the warrior who dared to swing his sword at the back wyvern before and swatted by the monster.

The state of this warrior is terrible and needs urgent treatment. It's not an exaggeration to say that he was dying.

'No wonder Nick knelt all of a sudden. He's a pretty good guy, even with such a fierce face. God Ganesha is blessed to have them….' Sirius felt a little emotional after realizing this.

Therefore, he put his hands into the backpack, took out some high potions, and gave them to the kneeling Nick.

"I don't have any elixirs left. But these high potions should be able to stabilize the condition of your friend. Remember to bring him back to the surface as soon as possible." Sirius didn't forget to advise him.

"Eh?" When Nick heard his reply, he hurriedly grabbed the potions and felt grateful.

"Thank you very much. I, Nick, remember your life-saving favor, Sir..?" Nick didn't know Sirius's name.

"My name is Sirius Starr. And, don't forget you owe me a total of 600,000 valis. Remember to pay it back." Sirius sighed and reminded him. He was not a saint and helped everyone for nothing.

Nick carefully held the potions and looked at Sirius gratefully, "Thank you very much, Sirius-san. I will give you the money when I return to the ground."

"Please excuse me now. My friend needs my help…." After saying this, Nick hurriedly ran to his companion and fed him the potion. After spraying more potions on the body, he pulled his friend back from death.

After some time, Nick pulled his injured friend to thank Sirius when he woke up.

"Thank you for saving me, Sirius-san." The injured adventurer also felt grateful to Sirius.

Sirius didn't have any ulterior motives for saving their lives. Since he could easily save them, so he rescued them.

"I accept your thanks. Don't forget to pay me back." The only thing Sirius hoped was that they would remember to pay back the money.

The two made a vow to repay it soon and showed their familia badges again. They feared that Sirius would not believe them, so they even showed him falna on their back.

A somewhat abstract elephant head on their back verified their claims to be a part of the Ganesha familia.

Nick and his companion did this to dispel Sirius's worries, fully showing their sincerity.

As for the fact that Sirius was a member of the Loki familia, they easily believed it.

After all, there is no benefit for Sirius to lie about his familia.

After some pleasant conversations, Nick and his companion said goodbye, left the area and headed back to the surface.

"Thankfully, I bought other potions along with three elixirs. Otherwise, I would have nothing left…." Sirius sighed with hands on his head. Now, he only had a few high potions and high magic potions.

"Do you regret giving them?" Ryuu, who was beside him, asked him.

"Regret? Nope. Speaking of which, maybe I made some profit. I bought three elixirs for 1,200,000 valis. So, I made around 100,000 valis in profit."

"If I looked at it this way, it doesn't feel too bad. I gained the favor of Ganesha Familia and made some extra money." Sirius was still very optimistic.

"..." Ryuu, who wanted to comfort him, fell silent. After hearing his weird reasoning, she also agreed with his views. There was nothing wrong with this logic.

In the past, Sirius also made some weird reasonings in the tavern, making all of them bewildered.

Although she felt something off, she couldn't find the problem in his words.

Therefore, she felt confused and annoyed after hearing his logic.

After resting for some time, Sirius put the magic stone dropped by the black wyvern into his backpack.

Although he could get rewards from the guild after successfully crusading against the back wyvern, he didn't want to miss out on some extra money.

'It's a pity that there were no drop items.' Sirius thought with some regrets.

Then, he carried his backpack and stood up. He held his spear and was ready to walk.

"Have you recovered so soon?" Ryuu was impressed by his recovery time.

'Mind Zero/Down' is not a state that can be eliminated so easily. Although he had taken two elixirs before, he should not recover so soon.

"I haven't recovered fully. But I have rested enough to walk. Therefore, I will depend on you for my safety, Ryuu-san." Sirius gave her a bright smile making Ryuu a bit flustered.

Instead of resting on the dangerous fifteenth floor, they should endure some difficulties and reach the eighteenth floor.

Since Ryuu was a veteran level 4 adventurer, it was easy for her to reach the eighteenth floor even with him as a burden.

Therefore, Sirius had this simple idea. After all, he can't rest well knowing a monster might pop out from anywhere.

"Alright then." Ryuu felt his trust and gave him a nod.

'It feels good to be trusted' Ryuu couldn't help but smile under her mask.

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