Dark Elf In An MMORPG World

Chapter 9: Chapter 6: Lending A Helping Hand

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After jumping from atop the cliff I landed right in front of Alicia.

The moment I did so all eyes turned toward me.

"Who are you?" Alicia asked.

"An ally." I told her. "So just sit back and relax. I'll deal with the Lich and his minions." I told her.

"No." She said. "This is my fight." Alicia told me.

As she did so I gave her a pointed look out of the corner of my eye.

"Right, this is your fight even though it's obvious that Lich is just toying with you for its own pleasure." I told her.

"How did you-"

"-I was just passing by and happened to start watching the situation." I immediately told her. "Now like I said, stand down. I will handle this. Unless you are tying to get yourself killed. Well, are you?"

Alicia opened her mouth to protest, but then immediately shut it.

"That's what I thought." I said. "Now as I just said, stand down and leave this to me. Also don't worry, I'm not going to get killed nor will I let you die." I explained to her.

As I did so I saw the Lich grin out of the corner of my eye.

Smug bastard.

Time to teach this monster its place.

Turning fully towards the Lich I pointed Gram directly at it.

"Let's get this over with, I've got better things to do." I explained to the Lich.

As I did so it tapped the butt of its staff onto the ground.

When it did so the Skeletal Knights under its command started charging towards me.


Taking Gram I swung it, and as it did so the blade of the sword itself extended outward. Allowing me to cut down a number of Skeletal Knights in an instant.

Seeing this the Lich got a bit of a shocked expression on its bony face.

Not surprisingly at all.

Gram is no ordinary blade after all.

It's actually a cursed sword. By allowing it to consume my MP I can extend the length of Gram's blade however much I want. 

So long as I have MP of course that is.

But back to the main point.

No one but me will ever know the true length of Gram. Which I why I love the sword so much. I think its perfect for a Dark Knight like myself.

A few seconds passed before the Lich regained its composure.

Once it did it ordered the rest of the Skeletal Knights to charge at me all at once, while it prepared a magic spell.

Good plan.

But not good enough.

I swung Gram again, using its extended blade to cut down another mass of Skeletal Knights. I then charged forward and quickly closed the distance to the Lich, thanks to my speed.

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Then once I was close enough I activated the pinnacle skill of the entire assassin-class.


A powerful and swift-strike attack that basically kills anything without enough defense.

Which the Lich does not have.

Gram in hand I stabbed the bastard straight through the chest in one swift motion, getting rid of all of its HP.

Once this happened the Lich fell to pieces as did the Skeletal Knights. Since they were just summoned servants after all.

As soon as I made sure no monsters remained in the area I walked back over to Alicia, summoning a both an HP and MP potion from my items box as I did so.

"Here." I said, handing the two potions to her. The HP potion green and the MP potion blue prospectively. "Drink this. It'll restore your health and mana." I told her.

Taking the two potions from me the girl tore off their tops and then drank them down without any hesitation.

Giving me a nice view of her chest, whether she means too or not.

When the girl finished up she used a sleeve to wipe her mouth and then stood to her feet easily. Her various wounds having closed thanks to the HP potion.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem." I told her.

"So, may I have my saviors name?" She asked.

"Aelion Strax." I told her.

Since I feel using my avatar name is a much better option at this point than using my real world name. At least until I get more information.

"A pleasure to meet you Aelion. My name is Alicia Dumon." She told me.

Even though I already know that thanks to {Appraisal}. But if I said that she would definitely see me as suspicious which I do not want. Thus, I'll play ignorant.

"The same." I said. "So then Alicia, is there perhaps a town nearby?"

When I asked this she looked at me with a bit of confusion. "I take it you are not from around here?"

"No, I am not." I told her. "So if you could please help me out I would greatly appreciate it."

"Well since you kindly assisted me I think it's only right I return the favor." Alicia said. "Please follow me." She said.

Alicia then started walking, and I followed behind her.

We walked for 30 minutes by my count until eventually we ended up atop a hill.

As we did so I saw a walled city in the distance.

"Welcome to the city of Wishe." Alicia told me.

"Thank you." I told her.

As I did so the two of us started heading down the hill and towards Wishe.

Me with a soft smile on my face as we did so.

Since it looks my decision to save Alicia is paying off.

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