Dark Hand of The Universe

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Old friend.

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Walking outside the generator room. The entire corridor is dark. I begin heading to the spaceship hangar. After a while I heard footsteps. Two people using their phone as a flashlight moving through the corridor. My body disappears into the shadow and moves behind the two people's shadow.


Without any hesitation, I come out from the shadow, while holding a dagger on both of my hands. The two people sensing something looked at their back, but it was already too late. I slash their neck, and both of them fall to the floor. Before the blood can touch me, I create a transparent shield. When the blood hits the shield, it begins to slide down. I don't want any blood and smell on me.


Walking through the corridor, I finally reach the hangar and use shadow movement to find a place to hide. The spaceship spotlight is on, because of that I can see around 30 stur and one human. The humans look like their accomplice.


If I use a gun, they might find out my location. Taking out my several daggers, I shrouded them with my vital energy. Throwing the dagger, the vital energy from the dagger is connected to my finger.


Controlling the dagger each of the dagger targets several people's necks.










Seeing their comrade fall down to the ground, with blood flowing out from the neck. The other terrorist begins to panic and shoot around the hangar randomly. I ignore the bullet coming out from their weapon and focus on killing. With enhanced sense I can see the bullet trajectory and create the transparent shield to protect myself.


The dagger keeps flying around them, using my finger to control them. My mind is still not strong enough to use telekinesis on multiple objects. That is why I use vital energy to control them. Moving my finger down, the dagger fell down from the air and killed several more people.


Seeing that one of the men shouted. "I see a flying dagger!"


The red hair stur, begin to sweat. The problem right now is that he doesn't even see the attacker. "Quick bring the hostage here!" His only hope is that the attacker is the human that comes to rescue the hostage.


Opening the spaceship door, few stur are guarding the hostage inside. After bringing the hostages outside the attack stopped. All of the stur and one human sigh in relief.


I look at the hostages, to see if my mother is among them. But what I see is a chubby man and other hostages. That means my mother is still inside the spaceship.


Suddenly I remember the chubby man is the Federation bank CEO of this planet and the other hostages beside him are the CEO and President of a company. All of them have influence on this planet.


The red haired stur pointed his gun at the chubby man's head. "surrender or I kill the hostage."


The chubby man, seeing the gun on his head, screams. "Wait don't, I still want to live!"


Ignoring the chubby man, the red haired chubby shouted. "I count until three. one. two!"

Seeing that I raise my hand like an orchestra conductor and begin controlling the daggers in the air. Ignoring the threats, I am preparing to attack.


"Three. You sure are stubborn!" The red haired stur pointed his gun to another hostage. Because the Federation bank CEO is more important than other hostages. But before he pulls the gun trigger.


One of the daggers pierced his hand. "Aaargh!" Holding his bleeding hand, he screams in pain. The gun falls down to the ground. The rest of the terrorist also experience something similar or die.






Multiple screams coming from the underground hangar.


The human accomplice quickly ran into the spaceship to escape. But a flying dagger pierce one of his legs, and he falls to the ground. "Aaargh."


I only left few terrorist alive, because I need to interrogation them later.


The sound of the spaceship engine can be heard. I look at the spaceship, it looks like they are trying to escape, but the hangar door is closed, the only way is to blow up the door.


Gathering all my dagger back. I use shadow movement to enter the spaceship. Inside I finally see my mother and the rest of the hostages.


The hostages, seeing a dark hooded figure wearing a gas mask, get scared. The stur that guarding the hostage saw that, without asking any question. Point their weapon at the intruder and open fire.


Multiple bullets come out from the assault rifles. I created a transparent shield around my body and moved in front of the hostages to protect them. Especially near my mother, taking out my two gun I begin shooting at the terrorist.


Scared, the hostages closed their eyes.


The multiple bullet hits my shield begins to slow down and fall to the ground. While the bullet that I shoot pierce their head.


The terrorist inside spaceship cockpit hearing the commotion come out and begin shooting.


Aiming my gun, I shoot few more time at the terrorists inside the spaceship. They fall down to the floor and die. All of them have a hole in their forehead. I take out my dagger and move near the closer hostage. The hostage seeing that became afraid.


I grab one of the hostages near me and the hostage screams. "Wait, don't kill me, I have a wife and children!"

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Ignoring him, I cut the restraints on the man's arm and proceeded to do that on the rest.


"Who here knows how to operate the spaceship?"


After a while a middle aged man raises his arm. "Me,"


"Okay, you find a way to open the hangar door after I turn on the electric generator back."


The middle aged man hurriedly nodded his head. After seeing the dark hooded figure kill the terrorist. It's better to just listen to him, if he wants to stay alive.


Looking at my mother to confirm if she is fine. I walk outside the spaceship and release the rest of the hostages.


The chubby man at first wanted to scold the dark hooded figure wearing a gas mask, but decided to keep quiet. Because when the terrorist wanted to kill him and being order to surrender. The dark hooded figure man ignored the terrorist threat and begin to attack.


Finishing releasing the hostage I drag the fainted red hair stur and human accomplice that is still holding his leg to stop the bleeding. I move toward the dark corridor and disappear from sight.


The hostage sighs in relief seeing the dark hooded figure is gone. After several minutes the light inside the underground hangar is turned on again.


The middle aged man found the button to open the hangar door and tried sending a signal to be rescued.


Far away from the terrorist hideout, I already stop the two-man bleeding and begin my interrogation.


After being torture by me, they both begin to talk.


What I found out that this operation has been organize by the human terrorist group name Dread organization. After finding out everything that I want, I take out my gun and kill them.


Looking at the moon I mutter "It's time to return."


Few hours later. I am tired from running and using my skill, although my stamina is stronger than that of a human using vital energy. I am still an apprentice rank, entering my room secretly, I take a shower and lay on my bed.


Finding the hostage will take some time because of the signal block, but I am sure the hostage has their own secret way to send for help. The reason I don't stay is because the military is near and I can't move as fast as a spaceship to return home in time.


While I am thinking, there is a knock on my door. "Young master good news, madam is safe."


Opening the door. I make a happy face. "Good, where is my mother now?"


"They are heading to Oakdale Hospital."


"Let's go."




Oakdale Hospital, my mother is sleeping right now, because she is tired.


A doctor, after checking my mother one last time, turned around to look at me. "Levi don't worry, your mother is fine."


"Thank you."


The doctor leaves the room. The doctor is one of my coworkers during my residency to become a doctor.


Looking at my mother's pale face, I feel a bit guilty, but I know my own limitations.


Suddenly the door room is open again. This time a middle aged woman with short black hair and athletic body enters the room and looks around with a worried face.


The middle aged woman looks at my mother. "How is Daisy?"


"She just needs a rest; can I know who are you?"


The middle aged woman looks at my face. "I am Daisy's old friend, who are you?"


"I am Daisy's son."


After a while she looks at me with wide eyes. The middle aged woman, the same height as me, quickly hugged me. "You are already grown up."


Because of the noise my mother woke up. At first she is confused, but when she looks closely, who is hugging me. Her eyes open wide. "Lydia, why are you here?"


Lydia looked at my mother. "I came to rescue you, but I arrived too late. Hahaha"

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