Death Bothers Me!

Chapter 30: CHAPTER 30: The Bloody Market

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Harvey reached the nearest market in the city. The market was very busy and the people were bustling. Stalls and market sections were full of goods. So, Harvey went to the vegetable market and then bought it there. He was amazed by the large eggplants in one of the stalls so he decided to buy it for an eggplant omelet. The vendor was a man in his fifties and uttered with a teasing smile, "Young man, you love eggplants? You buy that much, huh?" Harvey frowned as if he maybe

misunderstood what the man said. In his mind, this man had another meaning for about talking eggplants. This may be a dirty word but since the man was just asking so he replied, "My mother loves eggplant omelet so I treat her with it." The vendor giggled and then said, "Oh." Then the man placed the two kilos of eggplant in the plastic bag and then gave it to Harvey.

Harvey walked through the narrow alley in the market and then went to the meat section. The environment in the meat market was stinky not because of the meat but of the gutter. The meat vendors wearing aprons introduced their meat to each customer. Then when Harvey found a good meat price in one of the stalls, the woman vendor was left speechless. Harvey stared at the woman

when he saw that her eyes were pasted on his back. She saw an angel again. Harvey demanded, "Miss, I want to buy these pork ribs." The woman ignored him so Harvey decided to find another stall. When he turned back, he saw Zion's physique behind. The man was still wearing that black leather that revealed his milky skin. His hair covered his forehead which gave him a beautiful look. Harvey moved sideways to avoid Zion and then rushed away.

"Miss, how much per kilo?", Zion who was ignored by Harvey, just decided to buy the meat since Harvey didn't buy it anymore.

The woman was petrified and then stuttered, "Ummm...Young man, for handsome like you, I will give it free then."

Zion smiled and then replied, "Madam, I will buy it. Give me one kilo of pork ribs."

"Young man, why did that boy who was just there rush suddenly?", the woman noticed Harvey but unconsciously ignored him.

"Oh, that man is my boyfriend. We had some troubles so he is still pissing off.", Zion replied joyously which made the woman vendor speechless. The woman can't say a word after hearing Zion. So, she just replied, "Oh", then gave the bought meat to Zion.

Harvey went to the mall and then relaxed in a massage booth. He wanted to rest for a while after running that suddenly. He seated on a massaging chair and then soothed himself. He closed his eyes and then took a nap for a while. His mind was wandering and thinking about why Zion was following him. After a few moments, there was an alarm ringing loudly. Harvey on his nap suddenly wakened and then he saw that the mall that was bustling turned into haunting silence. So, he removed his feet from that massaging couch's foot and then stood up. He looked around and at the ground floor when he witnessed the platform below turn into a mass grave. There were a lot of corpses and some were already decaying. It was no longer the mall. What he was standing at was now the death grave so he flexed his body towards the elevator to escape. Harvey assumed that the elevator was still working since there was still electricity. He clicked the button when he noticed that numbers above 13 and 666. His body became stiff after seeing that curse numbers.

"Death already bothers me so why I am still afraid after that crazy experiences before.", Harvey mumbled and didn't fear anymore. So, he entered the elevator and then clicked on button 2 since he was on the fifth floor. Inside, he wasn't cautious and unconcerned anymore. He didn't care if there is a ghost there since he can't escape. He just closed his eyes and then calmed his mind. He was just alone in that enclosed room and at any minute something will happen. After a while inside, he noticed that the elevator was stationary and not moving. He sensed that there was wrong so he quickly opened his eyes.

The elevator turned red as it was spread with blood. Harvey was taken aback and his fearlessness before was losing again. His heart beat rapidly and his knees trembled too. The screaming of ladies can be heard anywhere inside. "Help me, help me, help us." Harvey stepped back after hearing that wailing. There was nobody here except Harvey. "People killed me. Help us." That piercing cry hurt Harvey's ears so he instantly covered his ears. "Who are you?", he asked while his hands were in his ears.

"Help us. They killed us."

"Who killed you?", Harvey posted a question.

"They killed us. We can't help ourselves anymore.",

The elevator's door opened suddenly after it had been stuck. Outside, Harvey's eyes widened when he saw that ladies wearing white gowns, and their faces were covered with veils. They looked like brides at a wedding but, it was no longer imposing a happy marriage, those white gowns were muddy as they were being shoveled from the ground. Harvey can sense that these monsters before him were connected to the netherworld. So, he laughed loudly, "Brides?"

"Help us, nobody wanted and they abandoned us.", the ghost brides screamed.

Harvey was still laughing for nothing. In his mind, this could be his last laughter anymore so he must cherish it. Even though he might look crazy but there he didn't care anymore. This world was no longer the reality so he can do whatever he wants. People will not judge him here. He laughed and laughed crazily while the brides before him were still crying and screaming. The environment was still red and scary but Harvey was no longer paying attention around.

On where Harvey was acting stupid, Zion was already there standing and watching the man. He saw Harvey who was laughing madly and Zion's face twitched. He can't believe that Harvey was having a big laugh too.

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Harvey didn't notice him so he approached and then spoke, "My boyfriend is having fun, huh? It is a shame for me that my boyfriend becomes mad." Harvey heard Zion and then paused for a second. His mind was telling him that Zion saw him. So, he quickly calmed himself and then rolled his eyes, "Yeah. I am already mad so stop pissing me off here. If I will be irritated maybe, I will eat you."

The ghost ladies who were still wailing noticed another person so they quickly raised their hands to attack the person before them. Harvey who was still inside was shocked when the ghost bride will going to attack him. Zion can't move on from Harvey's words so he jested without caring that the ghost brides, "I will love it if you eat me. You can taste my whole body then." Harvey froze and maybe hadn't listened anymore after seeing the ghost ladies who were slowly attacking him.

Harvey knelt on that elevator's floor and then hunched his body. He had no time to play around. Zion was still fooling around, "Girls. My boyfriend is sulking." Sulking at your ass. The ghost ladies became motionless after Zion uttered. Those fierce nails turned soft and the veils that covered their faces faded revealing that faceless face. Harvey who was still on the ground and coiling his body in fear, sensed that the atmosphere became silent. So, he looked up to check when he saw that the ghost brides were having no face. Suddenly, his face sweated violently that earlier was a dry face.

Zion said, "They can't see you."Harvey who was still in shock slowly straightened up and then moved outside that elevator. He cautiously tiptoed to avoid that ghost brides' attention.

Zion saw him so he extended his arm and then instructed Harvey, "Hold my arms." Harvey was hesitating decided to grip Zion's arm. In his mind, his bravery earlier will always end up nothing after that real horror. His body will always be defeated by his fears and his mind will not work properly.

"Harvey, are you okay?", Zion asked seriously.

"I want to go back.", Harvey was trembling while finishing his talk. Zion observed Harvey who was breathing heavily so he flexed his hand and then hugged Harvey behind. Harvey was panting and his mind was blank. Maybe, he didn't even notice that Zion was already embracing him tightly. His stare was on that ghost ladies' back. He wanted to be as brave as this person behind him but he can't do it.

Harvey thought that a man must be brave and willing to face his fear but then there he is fearing. Zion's arms were still wrapping around Harvey's waist and then comforted him, "Don't be afraid. Nobody can hurt you anymore. I will live forever for you." Harvey closed his eyes and then slowly replied, "I love you."

The ghost brides before them shook violently and then screamed, "Death." Those faceless brides faced them and then attacked the two with their sharp nails. Those ghosts were very fast that quickly grabbed Harvey's arm but Zion was still there so he removed his arms from Harvey and then raised his anklet into the air. Those haunted hands slowly dispersed, the fleshes slowly turning into bits of the ghost ladies' bodies. "Death. Death." Harvey stepped back and then moved when he bumped into someone behind.

His mother was there glaring at him and then screeched, "What takes you so long? I am waiting for how many hours but then you still not back yet. I hate people like you. If I don't like it, I will kill. Death will kill. Hahaha."Harvey's mother was no longer his real mother so Harvey tried to push her to the ground. But, his mother seems intangible, it was just suspended in thin air. Harvey was taken aback so he stated, "Devils will be punished by God. So, get away from us, you're not my mother anymore."

That ghost Harvey's mother bellowed, "Death. Death." While the ghost brides vanished into thin air after Zion rose his anklet. Zion quickly grabbed Harvey and then said to Harvey's ghost mother, "The netherworld will welcome you. So, rest in peace." The ghost who was floating quickly twitched her body and then screamed, "I will haunt you forever. You will suffer death and despair." That body shrank displaying that molded muscles and bones. It was like a ball of body parts. There was still a sound from that body ball in the ground, "Death." Zion kicked that body ball and then it rolled towards the elevator.

Harvey was surprised when Zion did that to his mother's body. But, it was no longer his mother anymore so he shouldn't worry that much. Zion stared and smiled at him, "Our mother had now in peace. So, calm yourself. I am just kicking that monster. She was not your mother anymore." Harvey nodded and wiped his sweat. Zion gazed at him and then uttered, "I will live in the real world.", then he held Harvey's face and kissed Harvey's lips. Harvey was no longer resisting and his body didn't move. Maybe, it was no longer that stolen kiss. Then Harvey said, "I wanted you to live." Zion smiled and then told him, "I will."

That red hole suddenly appeared in front of them, Harvey held Zion's hand and invited, "Let's go.

Mickey is very worried now."

Zion smiled and then replied, "You go first. I will follow you."

Harvey didn't understand so he interjected, "We can jointly enter that hole. So come with me."

Zion was very silent and didn't utter any replies. Harvey noticed him so he asked, "What's wrong?" Zion's tears suddenly fell and he answered, "I can't bring my soul back."

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