Demon of Lust : Asmodeus

Chapter 4: CH 4

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During the night time Jun began his journey with his female companion. Everything was going perfectly as planned.


When he reached at the other side of the sewer, he saw some people waiting there for him. He saw there was two men who were wearing white colored coat.


That man asked Jun’s female companion, “Is he the one?”


“Yes, he’s the one.” she replied with no emotion.


Before Jun could even understand what was going on,




He was hit on his head with a metal rod. His vision started to get blurry and he lost his consciousness.


''What happened? Where am I?''


Jun's mind was confused beyond belief. He knew that this was not the place he belonged to. He had a feeling that something happened to him and somehow, he came to this weird place which was dark but one thing that stood out in this place was a gate in front of him which was so large that Jun couldn’t even see the top of that gate.


Jun reached out to that gate and pushed it. Surprisingly the gate began to move, which shocked Jun because he never thought such a big gate could be opened easily by him without any trouble.


“No kidding! Have I gotten strong?” Jun thought to himself while looking at his hands with disbelief.


When the gate completely opened, Jun saw a whole new city behind it. He understood that he was standing at the entrance of the place but this place was not the middle part of the kingdom because he heard the rumour that there were people in the middle part of the kingdom who wear expensive dresses and there were many beautiful buildings but in front of him was a barren land without any life.


It was a deep place with no end like a bottomless pit. It was engulfed in darkness with no lights to laminate the place. It was surrounded by lakes of fire burning eternally. The light from the burning fire is not adequate to laminate the bottomless pit, which is pitch dark. The only structure that Jun could see in this place was an abandoned palace. Even though the palace was abandoned, it still had a majestic aura to it. 


“Come to me.” Jun was startled by a beautiful voice.


“Huh, w-what was that voice?” Jun thought to himself


The voice that Jun heard was that of a woman. It was very beautiful and charming voice that could captivate any being in this world. At first, Jun thought he was blessed to hear that voice but slowly he realized that his body was moving on his own and he couldn’t control it. It was getting harder for him to control his body.


“Come closer.”  the voice again called Jun. This time, he unconsciously started walking in the direction of that voice. His body was not listening to him. He knew everything that was happening around him but he couldn’t control his body.


Jun started walking towards the abandoned palace. As he entered the palace his body made a right turn, from there he reached corridor which was connected to the hall of the palace.


Currently, Jun was standing in the middle of the hall.  


It was an awe-inspiring hall. He looked up at the ceiling which was around hundreds of meters high.


On the ceiling, there was an image of demons and angels killing each other.


What stood out the most in that image was the seven young warriors who were different from those regular demons in the image.


Those young warriors were giving Jun the feeling of majestic beings. Jun never thought that just an image could make him feel like this.


“Look at me I' am here.” Again, Jun heard the same voice.


He was surprised to see a ruby rod beside him. It was a four-foot rods that had an opaline tip looking like a clawed fist clutching a skull and a jagged bottom that looked like the rod was actually part of something bigger and snapped off from that bigger something. They were covered with good deities' and celestials' names, all spelled in reverse and sullied with black blood.


“If you choose me as your weapon then all power that is sealed within me will be yours.”


When the ruby rod called Jun to claim it and received its power, he ran toward it without even thinking for a second. He needed power. In his whole life, he has felt helpless many times and he didn't want to feel like that again.


He quickly grabbed the ruby rod, and as soon as he touched it, a dark energy was released from the ruby rod. Jun felt a liquid trailing out of his nose.


He moved his hand to check what it was and he noticed it was blood.


However, the colour of the blood was black and it has a very bad stench to it.


A few seconds later, blood started trailing from his eyes too.


Jun started to panic and a weird sense of weakness submerged his body then,



"Ahhh..." Jun shouted at the top of his lungs.


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His bone started cracking. Unable to withstand pain Jun fell to his knees but he didn't let go of the ruby rod.


Tears started to fall from his eyes. The power released by the ruby rod was too much for his body, his body couldn't absorb that much power. His bones kept breaking and repairing. Horns started to grow on his head. The skin on his back was tearing itself and a dark red coloured wings started to grow on his back. His nails were growing in size and his height increase up to 9 feet.


Suddenly, the rod from his hand disappeared and with that his long nails, horn and wings also disappeared. It continued for 4 to 5 min




After enduring hellish torture, he tried to stand but his legs were shaking too much.


"If you can't endure that much, what will you do in the future."


Startling Jun a voice called out to him from the front.


He raised his eyes to look in front.


A strong and attractive young man with shoulder-length black hair, fiery orange-yellow eyes like burning embers, black draconic wings, and ram horns. He was sitting on the throne with his one hand on the armrest while his head was resting on his arm.


"Who is he?" Jun thought to himself


He didn't say anything to Jun, he kept staring at him with a smirk on his face.


Seconds passed and that young man was still staring at Jun's face.


Jun thought he should be the one to break the silence, "Hey, what is this place?"


The young man stood from his throne and suddenly the distance between the young man and Jun decreased. In less than a second, that man was now only a few inches away from Jun.


This happened so fast that Jun felt scared and almost as a reflex Jun threw a cross punch at that man's face.


What shocked Jun more was that his punch went through the head of that young man.


"You can't hit me or touch me; this is just a small part of my memory that I place in my weapon."


Mentioning the weapon Jun remembered about the ruby rod, he checked his hand and found that the weapon was gone from his hand. Seeing this the man laughed,


"Look at your forearm dumbass"


Jun saw a tattoo on his forearm. It was a tattoo of chain weapon where it has sharp tail like dagger on one end and on the other side was red colour skull. He glanced at the man and then at the tattoo.


“What is this tattoo and where is that weapon?” he asked the man.


“That tattoo on your forearm is the weapon. This weapon originally belonged to me but now its yours.” He replied without any emotion.


"If you are the previous owner of this weapon then you must also know how to wield this weapon. I mean how can I use a tattoo as a weapon. Before it was in a shape of rod and now a tattoo it’s pretty much useless."


Listening to Jun’s words the young man roared in anger


“How dare you call my weapon useless? Do you even know who I am?”


"I know who you are. Those dragon-like wings and those horns, your eyes and you also resemble that man. You are one of those seven warriors on demon side so I am sure you are a commander or one of the kings of demons.”


Listening to Jun's reply the young man raised his eyebrows,


"Good you are not as useless as I thought, yes I am one of the prince of demon. People know me by the DEMON OF LUST.”












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