Demon of Lust : Asmodeus

Chapter 5: CH 5

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Demon of lust? As in one of the deadly sins? asked Jun curiously


“Yes, I am one of them. I am the demon of lust, Asmodeus. You see the image on that ceiling it’s from the time of great war between demons and angels. In that war I lost all my men and I was gravely injured at that time. Other demons who were under me took advantage of the situation and attacked me. I killed them all but it also cost me my life. So, before dying I poured my memories and my power into this weapon and whoever is worthy to wield it will also receive it.”


“Worthy?” Jun asked


“Yes, whoever has very high lust like me will likely become my successor.”


Jun was puzzled by this, "why me then? I never had a lustful desire. I've never been with a woman plus I never saw someone with lust. So, why did it choose me"


Asmodeus after listening to Jun’s question laughed


Ha-ha. Lust is usually thought of as intense or unbridled sexual desire, which leads to fornication, adultery, rape, bestiality, and other sinful sexual acts. However, lust could also mean simply desire in general; thus, lust for money, power, and other things is sinful. In your case it was power.


There were many questions Jun wanted to ask but he was more excited about the weapon he received, "will you teach me how to wield that weapon of yours?


Asmodeus smiled, “It's not something that I can teach you. For me, it works by my will, it'll be the same for you too but with your current level you will only hurt yourself. When you will be deserving it'll act on its own. Until then, focus on increasing your power.”


Like a curious cat, Jun asked “how will I increase my power if I cannot use mana?”


Asmodeus disappeared from the centre of the hall and appeared near his throne. He sat on his throne, and with a big smile on his face he replied,


“By your desire and lust, you will gather more demonic energy. The more you have the desire for money, power, and sex the more you will become strong. You have to train your demonic energy, learn how to cultivate and control it. That demonic energy will help you heal your mana heart and eventually you will unlock the weapons and my powers full potential. For now you are borrowing the demonic energy from the weapon but you have to collect demon energy to refill the weapon’s energy.”


All of a sudden, the world around Jun and Asmodeus started to collapse.


“what’s going on?” Jun panicked


Asmodeus smiled at him, “it’s time for you to leave this place.”


“Wait, I have so many questions to ask wait…...” Jun ran towards Asmodeus but the more he tried the more distance between him and Asmodeus increased.


Asmodeus was getting farther and farther away from Jun. Asmodeus looked at Jun and smiled, “the kid doesn’t even know his own desire…………that is for now. Lets see if he will be able to handle the desire for power and women once he taste it.”




When Jun opened his eyes, he found himself in a glass tube with a blueish green liquid, while he was submerged in that liquid. The first thing he did was take a good look at his forearm. He took a sigh of relief as the tattoo as still on his arm that means the place where he went to was not a dream. He tried to look outside through the cylindrical glass tube but due to water colour it was hard for him to figure out what was outside the glass tube. He felt a weird sensation behind his ears. When he touched it, he realised that those are gills that are helping him to breathe underwater.




The door of the room opened and an old lady came in. she closed the door and started cleaning the room. When she moved close to the cylindrical glass tube her eyes meet with Jun’s eyes. From outside, the old lady could clearly see Jun but he could only see blurry image of woman. The old lady always thought that the man in the glass tube was dead and someone close to mistress and that was the reason she was preserving the body of the young man but when her eyes met his, fear took over her and she screamed,


“Ahhh… H-he is alive.”


She left ran to her mistress while leaving the door open.




“M-m.. mistress, t-that……man……...alive.” the maid was breathless as she pointed her finger up.


The sun was away and frost came from the lake, and darkness sank down from heaven. There was a beautiful lady sleeping peacefully in her bed while cradling a pillow to her chest. That beautiful woman was none other than the mistress of that maid.


Her sleep was disturbed by the maid's cry.


She slowly began to sit up, with her eye opened she looked at her maid. She tied her hair and crawled out of her warm bed. She stood in front of the maid and asked her in a nonchalant voice, “what happened?”


Looking at the maid frightened face and her finger pointing up she understood it was related to the man in cylindrical glass tube.


“You can leave for today.” She ordered the maid and walked past her. She moved towards the door and just as she was about to open the door, she looked back and warned, “make sure that no one know about that man.”


Jun was struggling inside the glass tube; he tried his best but couldn’t escape. While struggling to get out he saw a figure walking inside the room.

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The mistress snapped her finger and all the water inside the glass tube was drained out. Jun who was floating in the water fell down. When he stood up, he was surprised to see a lady standing in front of him.


She has a face of an angel, green hazel-coloured eyes so deep like oceans of wonder, her caramel-coloured hair tied made her beauty radiate even more. She was wearing black bra and panty and it was covered by a black lace robe. Jun couldn’t avert his eyes away from her as he was captivated by her beauty.


With a serious expression she asked, “What are you?”


Jun was completely mesmerized by her beauty that he didn’t even listen what she asked him.


“I asked what are you?” He woke up from his stupor and concentrated on her.


“Me? What kind of question is that? Can’t you see I’m a human just like you.”


“Do you think this is a joke.” She was angry, she waved her hands which caused the gills on Jun disappear and water started rising in the glass tube.


“Wait miss why are you doing this?”


The level of water was increasing very fast. Jun being panicked by this started punching the glass. The punches were pretty much useless as the space inside the glass tube was not much and due to that he wasn’t getting the momentum. Even after punching there was not a single crack on that glass.


The water level was close to Jun’s chin. He took a deep breathe to prepare himself as water was going to be completely filled in that glass. He kept on punching the glass. It was getting harder from him the longer he stayed in the water.


“No, I won’t die here. I will survive no matter what.”


Jun was very close to death, his eyes were slowing closing that’s when he heard, “you idiot, focus……I will give you access to my power, it will be hard to control with your level and it will probably hurt you so bear with it.”


“Help……… m-me”


“Only you can help yourself Jun. It’s all up to you now.”  


Jun close his eyes and calmed himself. He felt a new power surging in his body.


Out of nowhere his hands were on fire. When he opened his eye, the mistress standing there was little overwhelmed by the power that was releasing from his body. In his right eyes there was an inverted pentagram instead of pupil.


He gathered all his might and punched. The glass tube shattered and Jun fell on the ground coughing and gasping for air.


There was a surprised expression on the mistress’s face. She was feeling quite good about this, she found a diamond in the rough. When Jun saw her, he completely lost his composure and attacked her but she performed a sidestep to the left and easily avoid the punch. Jun quickly changed his centre of gravity and performed spinning kick to her face. The kick connected clean and the mistress was sent flying through the wall.


Jun took advantage of this situation and decided to run but before he could move, he felt a chilling sensation in his legs.


“Shit.” His legs were completely frozen due to ice. Before he could destroy those ice with his fire an ice spear penetrated his shoulder.


“Ahh……...fuckkkkk” he screamed.


















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