Demonic at Heart

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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     When the morning came around Alnueava had was a cold shivering mess but an alive one. She only got up once the sun was fully out.

     'Well, nearly freezing to death is at least a more pleasant experience than nearly boiling to death.'

     Standing up she continued to walking down the stream. Most of her body is some shade of red but the tips of her fingers and toes are a pale purple along with her ears. 

     Eating the last of the goblin meat wasn't pleasant but it did its job. She needs to find more food soon. But she doesn't have the strength or stamina to hunt.

     She has the basic things needed for a trap around but before she does that she needs a place safe from the elements tonight. She can't feel the tips of her toes at all and if she has to go through another night like last night it might not just be her toes she can't feel. 

     So she keep walking. No matter how hungry or tired she got. There was no sound of singing, only the squishing of wet leaves and crunching of frost under her feet. She couldn't tell how far she had walked. 

     Eventually she found a spot. It was a good one too, a large hole in the ground. Long enough to lay in and was deeper in one end then the other. The higher end you could stand in and you would still be waist deep. 

     Looking to the sky, she still had an hour or two left. So she gathered wood from a dead tree nearby. The wood was wet but it was better then nothing. She tried looking for dead grass or something dryer but no luck. 

     Grabbing all the leaves she could she went back to her hole in the ground. Grabbing the driest wood she could find and a small stick she started rubbing them together. 

     Her hands were in pain and the wood wouldn't light but she didn't give up. Even when the sky turned a dark red she keep going. Her hands were bloodied and the temperature was starting to drop but she kept rubbing those sticks together. 

     Finally, she saw a spark. And a few sparks turnd into a flame. She dried the leaves next to the fire. She started working on her traps using the string and some sticks. She only made one before she collapse from sleep deprivation and exhaustion. 

     When she woke, the fire was out and it was midday. Looking to her hands. She saw they were covered in dry blood but the very tips of her fingers looked like open blisters and she could tell bits and pieces were missing but they at least looked better than her toes. 

     She got up and brought arm-fulls of wood to the pit and made a small roof with the longest ones. Whenever her feet touched the ground they throped with pain and she had to be careful when she picked up wood so it didn't touch the tips of her fingers. 

     She set the trap a short walk from her camp. She found some type of small black berries on short bushes. She didn't recognize them but decided to take a chance. Grabbing a few she popped them into her mouth. They were nice and bitter-sweet, they were good. While she was up she also drank some water. 

     She put more of the berries into her pocket and walked back to her camp. Sitting in front of her dead fire she used the dried leaves to start it once again. 

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     It was late at night when she heard it. A frantic squawking and the sound of wings flapping. When she got to the trap she saw a large bird but this time she could tell what it was, a duck. 

     When she tried to go near it it started charging at her and trying to bite her. Whenever she actually got hold of it it would break free from her grip. 

     "I wish you would just die!" She said it out of frustration. Frustrated about the situation, how much pain she was in, how hungry she was and tired she felt.

     But then it just stopped. It stopped squawking, it stopped flailing around, it stopped. But it didn't last long. It soon started its fight against the trap once more.

    "*sigh*... I don't even know what I expected. " She turned back and walked to camp. Hopefully she would be able to get it when it tired itself out.

     Leaning against the dirt walls of her pit. She watched the fire's coals crackle and burst. She ate more of the black berries and because they hadn't done anything to suggest they were poisonous she has all her coat pockets filled with them.  

     She hadn't realized before but there's only one moon in the sky. That's when she realized she may not be in the same world as before. In her last word there were three and a half moons. 

     Bet your wondering about the half moon, huh? Well that came about because some wizard's dream had always been to blow up all of the moons.

     'Hummm~, I'm gonna miss that crazy old bat.'

     Also, because of the moons it was always to bright to see the stars. 

     'But I will say they are pretty.'

     The night had always been bright but she must say, she liked the darkness. 

     'Though I guess there's always the possibility that that someone got rid of the other moons. I wonder what that old buger would -or did- do if he found out.'

     She could almost forget what she had gone through for a second. She'd already gone through so much in just a few days. It was time to get some sleep though, as her eyes were starting to feel heavy.

     'Damn humans sleep a lot.'

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