Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 10: Offer

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[3rd POV]

"You two follow me..." Akel said with a grave tone as he led Deoxys and Ilulu into his office.

'Did we fail?' Deoxys asked Mew.

'I don't know. Maybe you didn't kill it fast enough?' Mew responded.

As Akel gestured at the two chairs across his desk as the three sat down: "About your adventurer registration....."

"If it's money, there will be no issue," Deoxys interrupted Akel and said.

"No no don't get me wrong," Akel quickly replied with a polite tone: "It's just that the power you two displayed can rival that of a high platinum or even a low diamond rank adventurer," Akel said nervously.

"Then what's seemed to be the problem?" Deoxys questioned,

"You see, a Guild Master doesn't have the power to immediately grant adventurer a Diamond Rank as the highest I can assign you is gold three." Akel apologised sincerely as he tried his best to not offend Deoxys.

"Understood, a diamond rank will be unnecessary, we will happily accept any rank you granted us," Deoxys answered.

Akel sighed in relief as he took out two documents, he informed Ilulu and Deoxys to fill them out. It was simple paperwork as they just have to put down their names and etc. When they finished, Akel examined the information and frowned: "So your name is D..eo..xys?" He asked just to make sure.

Deoxys nodded: "It's foreign." the pokemon lied and Akel nodded in understanding.

'Wouldn't be better to use an alias?' Mew questioned.

'No point, nobody knew me in the first place. It will only cause trouble in the future....' Deoxys answered.

"Very well, Miss Deoxys and Miss Ilulu, you two are officially Gold Three Adventurers!" Akel cheerfully exclaimed.

The Guild Master was ecstatic as he knew the true strength of these two women. This country lacked the strength of Diamon Rank Adventurers as they only have one. However today two more powerhouses have been added! Akel couldn't help but daydream about the prosperity of his country.

"Thank you," Deoxys said and bowed at a slight angle.

"By the way, I hope this question isn't too personal, what's your goal of registering as adventurers?" Axel questioned.

Ilulu's ears perked up as she was also curious about Deoxys's "Grand Scheme".

Deoxys shrugged: "I wished to purchase an infrastructure in this city but we required identifications, thus we decided to apply to become adventurers,"

"Huh, what do you mean?" Akel was extremely confused.

"We needed citizenship and becoming adventures are the easiest method, we won't be completing any tasks," Deoxys said.

Axel's dream started to crumble: "Wait, so you did all this just to buy a building?!" He almost screamed.

'What logic is this!? After this demonstration of power, all they want was to buy a house?! What a goddam waste of talent!'

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"Anyway, it's time for us to leave." Deoxys and Ilulu stood up.

"Wait!" As they were about to exit the office, Axel stopped them with a shaky breath: "How about we have a deal?"

"Explain," Deoxys ordered.

Axel started to sweat as he chuckled nervously: "You want a building in the city right? I could help you get one that will suit your needs but in return can you complete one quest for us?" He asked with hope.

Deoxys was silent as it thought about the offer. In truth, Deoxys don't really know how to purchase a property but if the Guild Master could help the pokemon, then it doesn't seem like a bad deal: "What's the mission?"

Axel celebrated in his mind as he cleared his throat: "I want you two to slay a manticore."

"Manticore?" Deoxys repeated.

"Yes, a few weeks ago, a manticore was spotted in the east of this country near a rural town. The monster has been causing a lot of trouble and has been a major headache. I have sent out groups of adventurers but the manticore seemed to be too powerful as the team were killed." Akel said in a sad tone.

"I will greatly appreciate it if you could deal with the situation, with your strength, it shouldn't be too difficult," Akel explained.

Deoxys was silent: 'It read about the monster in one of the books and the monster's strength should be weaker than Ilulu.'

"Very well, we will deal with it," Deoxys accepted the offer.

"Thank you, I will prepare your request shortly, I should have everything by the end of today," Akel said with a happy smile.

Deoxys nodded as the two left, a message appeared before Deoxys's eyes:

{Task: Slay the Manticore!}

{Status: Incomplete}

{Reward: Employee System}

Deoxys was intrigued by the reward as the pokemon felt that it's the offer wasn't as bad as it thought.

"I wonder if a Manticore will be tasty or not?" Ilulu mumbled as the two left the city.

They found a secluded spot and transformed into their original form as they flew to the appointed destination. Deoxys and Ilulu eventually arrived at the last seen location of the Manticore.

There were signs of battle with faint traces of explosive damage, blood and broken weapons/armour. Ilulu could detect the scent of the Manticore and they slowly tracked the beast. The two reached a dark cave by the side of a cliff and Ilulu was sure that the Manticore was hiding in there.

Deoxys nodded and fired a single shadow ball into the cave to lure out the creature. They heard something roar in pain as a huge feline monster rushes out. The Manticore resembles a giant lion with flaming red eyes, pair of dragon-like wings and a scorpion tail at its back.

The huge stinger was dripping some green liquid that melts the floor. The shadow ball seemed to have struck the beast in the chest as that area showed signs of decay in flesh. Rage filled the Manticore's eyes as it lost all sense of reasoning.

The monster roared at the intruder and charged, not realising its fate...

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