Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 9: Adventurer’s Guild

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"Wake up...." Deoxys nudged the sleeping figure of Ilulu.

Morning has arrived, Deoxys has spent the entire night reading everything in the library and it's time to set the pokemon's plan into fruition.

"Just five more minutes....." Ilulu whined in a half-asleep state.

Deoxys patiently waited for five minutes but when the time passed, Ilulu asked for more. This went back and forth until Deoxys's patience reached its limit.

"Dream Eat...."

"Okay Okay, I'm awake!" Ilulu's eyes snapped open and hurriedly sat up. She will do anything to avoid going through the Dream Eater Experience again...

The two exited the library as Deoxys led Ilulu around the city. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at a large-sized building

"Here we are...." Deoxys muttered.

The building was three stories tall with a triangular roof and a chimney. It looked like a normal building other than the loud commotion inside and the wooden sign on the top of the entrance with the words: "Adventurer's Guild."

"Adventurer's Guild?" Ilulu muttered as her eyes widened: "Wait this is the headquarter of those annoying people that stole my sleeping time!"

Rage flashed in her eyes but it disappeared with a single glare from Deoxys: "We're not here to cause destruction, we're more so registering."

"Why??" Ilulu questioned.

"To achieve my goal, we will need identification, we either have to go to the local government building or here. Registering as an adventurer was much easier and gives us more freedom." Deoxys calmly answered.

"What's your plan?"

"You will see...." Deoxys said as the pokemon entered the building.

Ilulu pouted, she find it hard to have a conversation with Deoxys while in their disguised form. Deoxys was basically showing no emotions at all as the pokemon always has a blank face as if it's wearing a mask...

As soon as they enter, the sound of laughing and shouting blasted them in the face. The sound quieted down however as the people inside so the two. Everyone seemed to be whispering to each other but Deoxys ignored them and calmly went to the front desk.

Deoxys and Ilulu don't have to wait long as it was their turn: "Hello! How may I help you today?" An energetic Dog-like Demi-human greeted them, her tail wagged excitedly of greeting newcomers.

"We like to register as adventurers..." Deoxys calmly replied.

"HAHAHA, girls like you wanted to be adventurers? As if you could do anything!?" A voice sounded behind Deoxys and Ilulu.

Ilulu and Deoxys frowned as they turned around and saw a man wearing an average adventurer's gear with a metal chest plate, boots and a sword strapped to his waist. The man eyed Deoxys and Ilulu's bodies as he smirked.

Ilulu's anger was slowly rising while Deoxys wasn't aware of what the human was doing: "Thank you but this is none of your concern." Deoxys responded as the alien glanced back at the receptionist.

The man scowled: "Hey I'm still talking to you!" He angrily yelled at Deoxys.

"You're still here?" Deoxys asked.

In Deoxys's mind, it was a perfectly normal response but the man took that the woman was looking down on him. It didn't help with Deoxy's emotionless face and dull tone as the adventurer became even madder.

The spectators watching the scene sighed, that snobby man has a reputation for having an arrogant temper as he likes to flirt and harass women. They knew sooner or later he will cross the line and be found as a rotting corpse in the morning.

"You b*tch, know your place!" The man angrily shouted as he raised his fist.


Before anyone could register what was happening, the man was sent flying across the room as his body smashed into the wall: "Watch your tone, insolent insect." Ilulu growled.

Everyone felt excruciating pressure as the adventurers shivered in their seats. Ilulu couldn't control her rage anymore as she was going to kill that man. Suddenly a more extreme pressure diminished the previous one, some adventurers couldn't handle it anymore and fainted.

"Ilulu behave...." A feminine voice echoed throughout the room...

Ilulu glanced at Deoxys who was glaring at her and Ilulu could tell that the pokemon was not pleased with her stunt: "Sorry..." Ilulu apologised as she don't want to know what happens when Deoxys was angry.


On the top floors of the Adventurer's Guild, a giant man was sitting at a desk writing some documents. He has a large muscular body, a brown beard and a bald head. The man was the Guild Master that looked after this adventurer's guild. He was minding his own business until suddenly he felt a huge suffocating feeling.

His hands started to sweat from the nervousness but what shocked him was another pressure that completely overwhelmed the first one: "What is this...."

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The Guild Master was appointed based on their strength and sense of justice. However, the man felt powerless feeling this intense oppression. Thankfully, the pressure disappeared and the man sighed in relief. He hurriedly rushed out of his office to locate the source as the man need to determine the person's identity.

Back at the counter, Deoxys's pressure disappeared and the pokemon glanced at the receptionist: "About the registration."

"Y...Yes! I will get everything ready!" The receptionist yelped but a huge man stopped her.

"No need, I will be handling this one Nykka," The giant man declared.

"Guild Master?!" The receptionist named Nykka yelped in surprise.

Deoxys and Ilulu stared at the giant man as he told them to follow. He guided Deoxys and Ilulu down a set of stairs and what awaits them was a massive underground training room.

Tons of weapons were stacked neatly against the wall and there were large cages in the centre of the room. "My name is Akel and I'm the Guild Master of this guild." Akel introduced himself.

"We want to apologise for the damage my friend has done," Deoxys said.

"Heh, it's fine, anyway, I will be your examiner for your adventurer's exam. So have you ever used a weapon before?" Akel asked.

Deoxys and Ilulu shook their heads as the man frowned: "I see, then please pick your preferred weapons and you will be fighting the monsters in the cage. Your rank will be based on your skill in this small battle."

'They were this powerful but have no experience? That doesn't make sense...' Akel thought to himself.

"What are the ranks?" Deoxys asked.

"Starting from Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and all the way to Diamond. There are three stages for each rank stage three being the lowest while stage one is the highest." Axel responded in a professional tone as if he had repeated the same things thousands of times, "Copper rank is akin to the strength of a common citizen and Diamond were people that have the highest respect as their strength were unrivalled."

"Okay go quickly choose a weapon and tell me who will be going first," Axel said.

"I will go first!" Ilulu said excitedly, "I don't need any weapon, I will just use my fists!" She said with pride.

"Are you sure?" Axel asked with disbelief.

Ilulu nodded and Axel pulled a lever by the wall. Unbeknownst to Deoxys and Ilulu, Axel decided to use the strongest monsters that this Guild currently possesses as he wanted to truly gauge the strength of the two women. Axel knew that it was the best way and he could easily kill the monsters if things have gone south.

The cage opened and a creature made of rocks walked out. A shiny blue core was embedded in its chest as it stumbled towards Ilulu.

"This right here is a golem, it's a monster that's slow but with high defence, please defeat it" Axel explained.

Ilulu smirked as she instantly appeared in front of the golem and with a punch the monster exploded into a million pieces: "Done!" Ilulu said as Axel dropped the clipboard he was holding.

"So I pass right?" Ilulu asked.

"Y...Yeah..." Axel muttered in shock as he pulled on the next lever.

Deoxys light praised Ilulu as they switched spots: "I'm ready..." Deoxys announced.

"Um right...." Axel said as he pulled on the next lever.

The adjacent opened and a large brown humanoid stumbled out as it roared. Its body was covered in fur as two large horns protruded from the side of its head. The creature's head resembled a bull as it wore a loincloth to cover its privates.

"This here is a minotaur, it's a strong and powerful beast that kills anything that it sees. Please defeat the monster in the most efficient way," Axel announced warily, watching the minotaur's every move.

The minotaur spotted Deoxys and charged. However, Deoxys wasn't fazed even the slightest as it used Psychic to control all the weapons in the room as it float around gracefully. With a slight motion of Deoxy's fingers, the weapons launched themselves at the minotaur.

The minotaur was immediately sliced, slashed and hacked into multiple meat chunks. What was left of it was an unidentified pile of gore. Axel gulped at the display of power as he could tell that Deoxys wasn't using its full strength yet.

The minotaur was captured with the effort of a group of silver and gold ranks adventurers. Even if it became weaker due to containment, the monster was still very powerful and shouldn't be underestimated. Despite all that, Deoxys killed it with a flick of a wrist.

"I hope we have met your expectation..." Deoxys said.

'How high do you think my expectation is!!?! That's a goddamn minotaur for f*ck sake and you killed the thing as if it was a lowly goblin!?!' Akel screamed in his heart as he took a deep breath to calm down.

"You two please follow me...." Akel murmured as he couldn't take it anymore while Deoxys and ilulu glanced at each other and thought that they have done something wrong.


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