Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 11: The day where it all begins

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[A/N: Just a heads up, if anyone that hasn't realised it, Deoxys don't have a gender and when it speaks in its pokemon form I use' ' instead of " as the pokemon speaks through telepathy.]

The manticore roared as it swung its claws at Ilulu. However, to the monster's shock, instead of slashing her into ribbons, the beast's claws didn't even scratch her skin. Ilulu grinned as she opened her jaw, ready to kill the manticore with one bite.

Out of instinct, the manticore leapt away as Ilulu's teeth snapped at the air.

'Don't eat it, we still needed proof of the kill,' Deoxys said.

The dragon pouted but agreed, the manticore finally managed to gain some rationality as it observed the two beings before it. The monster realises these were no ordinary foes...

However, normal or not, they will die, the manticore growled as it charged once more. It darted past Ilulu and pounced at Deoxys who was at the back. The manticore aimed its scorpion stinger at Deoxys's chest.


Unfortunately, just like before, the attack barely left a dent. Manticore's instincts were screaming at the beast to get away from these two as soon as possible. Screw the cave, at least leave with your life!

Sadly, it was already too late as Deoxys cast Thunderwave. The manticore froze as complete paralysis kicked in. The beast collapsed onto the floor as its body twitched, it glared at Deoxys and the pokemon's arm began to flash.

'I hope your next life will be better....' Deoxys muttered and used Focus Punch.

The Manticore's head exploded, instantly killing the beast. The pokemon then cut off the giant stinger as proof before handing the rest of the body to Ilulu. The dragon yelped with joy and she cooked the meat with her fire breath before gobbling it all up.

{Task: Slay the Manticore!}

{Status: Complete}

{Reward: Employee System}

While Ilulu was enjoying her meal, Deoxys entered the Manticore's cave. There were piles of human bones, ranging from adults to even children. Deoxys was saddened at all the death and pains the monster caused.

Deoxys created a huge pit and placed the remains into the hole. It was the least the pokemon could do as it ventured deeper into the cave. Similar to Ilulu's home, there were countless treasures inside and Deoxys took all of them as they would be useless lying there and gathering dust.

'Let's go....' Deoxys said as the pokemon exited the cave.

They flew back to the city and disguised themselves back into their human forms. They entered the Adventurer's building, carrying the Manticore's stinger. Everyone watched with disbelief and respect at their powers as the people made a promise to not never piss off the two.

Deoxys knocked on Akel's office and he told them to come in. Akel thought that they were preparing to set off on the expedition but his eyes bulged out of his socket when Deoxys placed the stinger on his desk.

"Th... this is...."

"Yes, it's the remnants of the manticore, I hope you understand that we can't bring in the entire carcass." Deoxys apologised.

Akel was speechless: 'THEY JUST LEFT AN HOUR AGO??!?!'

"About our end of the deal..." Deoxys words trailed off.

"Yes yes, I was preparing it right now, I will have everything ready by the end of the afternoon...." Akel answered with soulless eyes.

Deoxys nodded as they left. Akel felt a headache coming in and groaned: "Just how strong are those two....." He muttered.

[A few hours Later]

As the sun starts to set, Akel finally has everything ready as he went to find Deoxys and Ilulu, who were waiting for him on the Adventurer's Guild's first floor. During their wait, Deoxys was quietly messing with the Employee menu that was added. Unbeknown to Ilulu, Deoxys already assigned her as a worker with the dragon's consent and now Deoxys needed to assign the store location before the system begin to function.

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Akel greeted Deoxys and Ilulu as he guided them across Ardes to the east of the city, they arrived at a two-story tall building beside a populated street.

Akel brought them inside: "How is it?" He asked.

Deoxys walked around the room as the pokemon closely inspects it. On the first floor, there was a large vacant room with a counter by the corner, the walls were built with display shelves for items. Behind the counter, there was a back door that lead up the stairs, a kitchen/dining room and the backyard.

On the second floor, there's a hallway where there were four bedrooms and a single bathroom. One of the bedrooms was a master bedroom where there was also a private bathroom.

In the middle of the hallway, there was a ladder that can be pulled down revealing an attic to store items.  The structural design was very simple but in Deoxys's opinion, it was perfect. It got everything the pokemon needed, even if there were some extra rooms, Deoxys doesn't care as it can be used for extra storage.

The pokemon won't be spending much time upstairs anyway as Deoxys doesn't need to sleep, eat or go to the toilet. So the main occupant of the second floor will be Ilulu only.

Deoxys went to the backyard and nodded in satisfaction, it was big and the pokemon could use it to grow berries for Pokeblocks, pokemon pen and even a battleground.

Deoxys looked at Akel and bowed gratefully: "This really exceeded my expectation, thank you."

Akel laughed: "No problem, I'm happy to help.", he said and handed Deoxys the document of the ownership of the building and their adventurer's badge.

"It must have caused a lot of trouble, next time if you needed help, we will happily be of assistance," Deoxys replied.

Akel's smile widened, to be honest, it was a little hassle to locate a building that suited Deoxys's requirement but it's all worth it if he could earn the support of two Diamond Rank adventurers! Even if the ranking said that they were gold, Akel knew their true strength.

"Wait before you leave, take this...." Deoxys said and took out a single Pokeball.

Akel raised one eyebrow as he received the ball and under Deoxys's instruction, he flicked the latch that locked the Pokeball in place. A white light flashed as it formed a small figure. The animal was bipedal with light grey skin and three yellow ridges on top of its head.

"Machop!" It screamed and flexed its two biceps.

"This is....."

"This is called a Machop and he's a pokemon. He will be a very great help and I hope you take good care of it." Deoxys said.

Akel was baffled as he stared at the ball and the Machop before him: 'Is this spatial magic??'

At this point Akel shouldn't even be surprised anymore, the two women have shocked him so many times in the span of a single day. He glanced at the Machop who was looking up at him with curiosity.

"Are these pokemon the thing your store will be selling?" Akel asked.

Deoxys nodded: "Yes, they are wonderful creatures that could change the world."

Akel grinned as the Machop was already growing on him and he patted the pokemon's head. The Machop was happy at the contact and cried happily: "Then thank you for the gift, I will take good care of this little guy."

Deoxys then handed him a box of Pokeblocks and an information sheet it have created about Machop. Akel took Machop back into the Pokeball, he gave Ilulu and Deoxys one final farewell before leaving, promising to come to return soon.

As Deoxys and Ilulu watched the distant figure of Akel, the pokemon was in a good mood: "So that's a pokemon huh...." Ilulu muttered.

Deoxys nodded: "Let's go, there's still much to do...." The pokemon ordered and Deoxys dragged Ilulu back into the building.

From then on, this day will be considered the birth of a new era...

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