Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 12: First Customer!

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[3rd POV]

[A Few Days Later, Somewhere on the North side of Ardes...]

"Fire Bolt!" A young teenage girl shouted as she fired an arrow made of flames at a man dressed in iron armour and cape. The man was in his twenties with brown hair and a handsome face.

"Wing Slash!" The man shouted as his sword glowed faint green and he cut away with the magic attack.

As soon as he did so, the woman charged and swung her own weapon. However, the man easily parried the assault and knocked her backward.

"Smart move my lady, unfortunately, you have to do better than that." The man commented.

"This is only the beginning!" The woman yelled as they continued the spar.

"Fire Bolt!" The woman said once again.

The same fire arrow manifested out of mid-air and fired towards the man. However, the exact scenario played out as he dispelled the projectile with ease.

"Flame blade!" The girl shouted as her sword suddenly became coated with red hot fire, "Fiery Steps!", her speed became faster as flames appeared on her soles.

The girl aimed for the man's chest but he deflected the blade and sidestepped to her blind spot. She react but the man grabbed her wrist and twisted the sword out of her hand as he performed a low sweep to swiftly brought her to the ground.

The girl tried to get up but the man placed his blade close to her neck, eventually, she sighed and surrendered: "You're too strong Leon..." The girl complained.

"I have to be strong, after all, I'm my lady's personal knight," Leon replied and he held out his hand to help her back up.

The girl in question was called Alice Redwall, she's the daughter of the Duke, Lucius Redwall, they're a noble family specialises in fire magic. Just like his father, she has fiery red hair, scarlet-red eyes, and a small nose and mouth. Her goal was to be like her father, a strong magic knight that protect her country but before that, she have to get stronger.

[A/N: The best way to describe her appearance I guess was similar to Eris Boreas Greyrat from Mushoku Tensei]

"Your magic power has improved but seems like you've been neglecting your sword techniques lately?" Leon asked.

Alice huffed and became flustered as she knew he was right. Leon chuckled and handed her a towel

"Hey Leon, can we tour around the city today?" Alice asked as she wiped the sweat off her face.

"But my lady, don't you still have some study that needed to be done?" Leon asked.

"Don't worry, I will finish it when I get back!" She replied with a carefree tone.

"Very well," Leon bowed and went to prepare a carriage.

[An hour later....]

Currently, Alice was sitting in a small white carriage as she watched the waves of people through the window. She likes to observe the passersby, especially the adventurers as Alice looked forward to the day when she gets to fight monsters.

Suddenly, a peculiar store caught Alice's eyes as she ordered Leon to stop the carriage, it was a simple two-story building but the thing that piqued her interest was the name of the store.

"Poke-Shop...." Alice muttered, the name seemed strange and what was weird was the symbol of a ball in a red and white pattern beside it.

"Let's go in," Alice said with curiosity and Leon nodded as he parked next to the sidewalk.

As soon as they opened the door, they were met with an empty room, there was nothing that was on display Leon and Alice were greatly confused. They saw a pink hair girl sleeping by the counter as drool was threatening to spill out of the side of her mouth. Alice walked towards the counter and gently shook the girl on the shoulder.

"Mm?", the girl woke up as she sleepily glanced at Alice and Leon: "Who are you guys?"

"This is a shop right?" Alice asked.

"Oh yeah," the short girl yawned: "Deoxys, there's people!" She yelled loudly.

The back door opened as a black hair woman entered: "Welcome, I'm the owner of this establishment. You may call me Deoxys" She introduced herself.

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"Um... What are you selling?" Alice asked as she glanced at the empty shelves.

"We're selling, amazing animals called pokemon," Deoxys explained.

"Pokemon?" Alice muttered as the name was similar to the name of the store, "What are they?"

"They are powerful companions that will fight alongside you and become your closest friend. Deoxys then gave a short explanation of the creatures known as Pokemon

Alice's seemed to be very interested: "Creatures that could use magic and fight by your side..." What Deoxys said appeared to be too good to be true: "So where are they?" Alice asked with a doubtful tone.

"Please first write down your personal information on this piece of paper, based on your answer, I will get the most suitable pokemon for you," Dexoys replied and seemingly pulled a piece of paper out of thin air.

"Wait, my lady, this seemed suspicious," Leon said warily and slowly rest his hand on the sheath of his sword, "I have never even heard things called pokemon before and I don't recall there's a store like this."

"We recently arrived in this city, we even have Adventurer's Badge to prove our identity," Deoxys calmly reassured the knight.

"Relax Leon, these questions aren't that personal anyways," Alice said as she borrowed a pen from Deoxys.

The questions were pretty standard such as name, age, what they like, dislike etc. When Alice finished, Deoxys looked at the paper and nodded: "Please wait for a few minutes," Deoxys said and went through the door behind the counter.

After a few minutes went past, Deoxys returned while holding a small orange creature in its arms. It was an orange lizard with a creamed-coloured underbelly. There's a small flame at the end of the lizard's tail that burned brightly.

Leon and Alice were speechless as they stared at the small fire on its tail.

"This pokemon here is called a Charmander. It's a fire-type pokemon, the flame on Charmander's tail represents its life force. " Deoxys explained and placed Charmander on the counter.

"Wait doesn't it mean that if the flame extinguishes, it dies?" Alice asked with a worried tone.

"There's no need for concern, the fire can't be extinguished through normal means as it's special. It only represents how healthy the Charmander is." Deoxys eased her panic.

Alice nodded in understanding, she stared at the lizard in front of her and one word comes to mind, 'Cute.....'.

"Can I touch it?" Alice asked with hesitation and the woman nodded.

Alice delicately  reached out her hand and gently patted Charmander on the head: "Char!" The pokemon cried out happily and willingly rubbed its face on Alice's hand.

"Wow...." Alice muttered, "How much does it cost?" She asked.

"This Charmander cost about one platinum coin." Deoxys chimed in.

"My Lady, do you think Lord Redwall will approve this?!" Leon asked.

"It's fine, what's the worst father could do?" Alice answered.

"But still one platinum....." Leon muttered with disbelief.

The currency in this world was one hundred copper coins equal to one bronze coin, one hundred bronze coins equal to one silver coin, one hundred silver coins equal to one gold coin and finally, one hundred gold coins equal to one platinum coin!

Commoners typically made about ten gold coins per year and Leon himself made up to one platinum coin a year! This lizard in front of him cost his entire year's worth of salary...

"Deal!" Alice said without hesitation as she took a single platinum coin from her purse, she had already fallen in love with Charmander and there's no turning back now!

Alice slowly picked up Charmander and hugged it as the pokemon felt very warm. Deoxys handed the girl something called Pokeblocks which was what Charmander eat and a general care sheet.

"My lady, it's time to go," Leon said as he looked out the door and the sun was already setting.

"Oh yeah!" Alice grabbed everything while hugging Charmander by her chest.

"Thanks, Miss! I will take good care of this cute lizard!" Alice exclaimed with excitement as she ran out the door with her knight...

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