Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 13: Why is That Bug Better Than my Pokemon!

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[3rd POV]

Later that night... In Redwall's Mansion

"KYAAAAAAA" A high-pitched scream could be heard in the middle of the night, alerting everyone in the mansion.

"What's the matter!" Leon said as he rushes to the location and saw a frightened maid, holding a broom defensively.

"T..there's a monster in Lady Alice's room!" The maid exclaimed.

Leon peaked his head around the door and saw Charmander sleeping on Alice's bed. He sighed and calmed the maid, explaining that it was their Lady's new pet. At first, there was a look of disbelief on the maid's face but she stopped making a fuss and continued her duty. After all, the Charmander looked pretty cute when she observed it more clearly.

"What's with the commotion?" A deep voice asked as a tall man with red hair and sharp features walked down the hallway.

"Master Redwall!" Leon called out with respect as he bowed.

"I told you countless times to call me Lucius," The duke said with an exasperated tone as if they have this exact conversation countless times, "Anyway, what's wrong?"

Leon stood up and scratched the back of his head: "You see....."

[20 minutes later....]

Alice finished bathing as she happily skipped back to her room. As she entered, Alice froze when she saw Lucius sitting on a chair with Charmander beside him "F..Father?!" she yelped

Duke Redwall picked up Charmander and stared at Alice: "You got a lot of explaining to do young lady."

'Crap, I forgot to tell him!' Alice had too much fun playing with Charmander that she completely forgot about it.

"First of all, why do you have a monster as a pet?" Lucius asked as he glanced at the pokemon.

"It's not a monster, they're called a pokemon!" Alice corrected.


Alice nodded: "That's what the shopkeeper that sold Charmander told me!" Alice hurriedly retold the same story that Leon told Lucius.

"Do you want to come with me tomorrow? I needed to ask some questions on the care sheet Mis Deoxys gave me for Charmander." Alice asked with sparkles in her eyes.

"Hmmmmm...." Duke Redwall, 'Leon's right, that black-haired woman was indeed too suspicious, I have never heard of such things as Pokemon.'

Leon also told him that the shopkeeper has an Adventurer Badge which means that they shouldn't be a spy. In the end, Lucius agreed to go with his daughter in the afternoon while he will be paying a visit to the Adventurer's Guild in the morning. He was familiar with Guild Master Akel and he could help him investigate the woman.

[Next Day....]

"Greetings Nykka, is Akel here?" Duke Redwall asked the Dog-Demi-Human receptionist.

"L..Lord Redwall!" Nykka yelped as her tail twitched, "Um, Guild Master is in the underground training room at the moment but..."

*Boom* Suddenly the entire Adventurer's Guild shook and Duke Redwall rushes down the stairs.

There he saw Akel fighting a small grey humanoid: "Hahaha, very good, now punch again!" Akel shouted.

The grey creature's muscles tensed and let out a devastating strike. The Guild Master blocked the attack with his giant war hammer and stumbled back from the force: "Well done!" Akel praised.

"Ma!" The creature yelled happily and flexed its strong arms.

Akel spotted Duke Redwall and gestured for the creature to stop: "Ah, Redwall, what brings you here?"

"What are you doing, and what is that thing?" Duke Redwall questioned.

"This is a pokemon, Machop and he's my partner, we're currently training," Akel explained.

"So you got a pokemon too?" The duke muttered and he told Akel about his daughter.

"Oh ho, so even little Alice got a Pokemon as well!" Akel laughed.

Duke Redwall then asked about the creatures known as Pokemon and the mysterious shopkeeper. Akel himself doesn't know much but he said that Pokemon were creatures with extraordinary strength and high intelligence.

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"For the shopkeeper, her name is Deoxys, I'm the one that carried out the Adventurer exam." Akel said, "However be careful, the Gold rank was just in the name that woman actually as the strength of a Diamond Rank Adventurer...." He whispered.

Duke Redwall's eyes widened in shock and thankfully Akel assured him that she meant no harm: "It's fine, since you're here, I recommend you to get a pokemon as well! They're simply wonderful!"

The duke sighed: "I will think about it...."

Akel grinned, he still hadn't told his friend about the device known as Pokeballs yet as he wanted him to discover it himself: "Anyways I'm going to continue to train! We should grab a drink together!" Akel said and waved the duke goodbye.


Deoxys was cleaning the counter as Ilulu was stacking items on the shelves. Suddenly the door opened and two people entered the store: "We meet again Miss!" Alice said and she approached Deoxys with Charmander in her arms.

"I do hope you're taking good care of Charmander."

"Mhmm, Charmander is very happy, isn't that right?" Alice asked Charmander and the pokemon joyfully licked her face.

Deoxys nodded with satisfaction: "So what's the purpose of your visit?"

Alice looked up at Deoxys: "My father here is interested in pokemon."

"I see...." Deoxys said and stared at the red-haired man.

"Are you here to purchase a Pokemon?" Deoxys questioned.

Duke Redwall was silent before eventually nodding. Deoxys handed Lucius a similar piece of paper asking him to fill it out. Alice had already told him the process and as Lucius was slowly answering the question, deep in his heart, he felt slight excitement.

He had seen the strength of pokemon and the duke was impressed by the small dragon her daughter received. Lucius anticipated what kind of Pokemon he will get as if he was a child receiving gifts on his birthday.

When Lucius finished, Deoxys took the paper before going to the back of the house. The two nobles waited for a couple of minutes before Deoxys finally returned while holding what seemed to be a worm.

Deoxys placed the large worm on the counter, Duke Redwall examined that creature, realising it was actually a caterpillar. The bug's head was covered with a white mane with eight red horns protruding from the side.

"This pokemon here is called Larvesta and it's a fire-type and bug-type pokemon," Deoxys introduced.

Its bright blue eyes glowed as it stared at the duke. Alice snorted as she can't help but giggle. She imagined her father will be mad that he got a bug but to her surprise, the complete opposite happened: "I will take it...."

Lucius doesn't care about the appearance instead, he could sense something in the pokemon's eyes. He sensed a blinding fighting spirit as the insect in front of him will do anything to be the best.

"You want to be strong right?" The duke questioned as Larvesta's interest was piqued, "Join me and I could help you become the strongest."

Larvesta looked at the man in front of it before nodding in affirmation: "The pokemon will cost three platinum coins."

"Three? Didn't my daughter pay for one platinum coin?" Lucius asked.

"Correct, the reason it's more expensive is that Larvesta is a much rarer and more powerful pokemon than Charmander. However, its growth rate was much slower compared to a Charmander but it will be worth it overall."

Duke Redwall was satisfied and he paid the three platinum coins without a second thought. Alice pouted as Deoxys compared the bug to be stronger than her Charmander!

Deoxys handed him some Pokeblocks and the information on Larvesta. Alice then also proceeded to ask some questions about the care sheet that she received. Lucius was also paying attention as he want as much information as pokemon as possible.

"Wait my Charmander won't stay like this forever?" Alice asked with shock, she want her Charmander to stay adorable forever...

"That's right, eventually, with enough strength, a pokemon will evolve as they gained more power and change into a new form. In Charmander's case, its final evolution is called Charizard and it resembles a dragon."



The two Redwalls thought that Deoxys was messing with them but Deoxys said that it was nothing but the truth. Now Alice's mind changed as she daydream of owning a giant dragon!

"What's the fastest way for Pokemon to grow!" Alice shouted.

Deoxys: "The only way was for the pokemon to get stronger via training. The best way to train a pokemon was to have something called a Pokemon Battle."

"Pokemon Battle?" x2

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