Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 15: Royal Meeting

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[3rd POV]

"Take this!" Alice shouted as she smashed her blade against a wooden dummy, "Now Charmander use scratch!"

Charmander leapt towards its target as the pokemon slashes at the same dummy: "Great! Now Ember!"

"Char!" Charmander spit out a small fireball and the mannequin was instantly lit on fire as the wood crackles under the intense heat.

"Finally Dragon tail!" Charmander, the tail was covered in a green aura as the pokemon swung its long fiery appendage.

The target exploded into a million charred pieces. Charmander looked at Alice with pride and she happily hugged Charmander.

The maids watching on the sidelines applauded as they were impressed by the pokemon's power. After Alice and Lucius received their pokemon, the workers eventually got used to the pets as they even find them adorable.

"You're getting stronger, in time, we will show those two..." Alice muttered with a salty expression.

Ever since Lucius received Larvesta from Deoxys, the duke's been insufferable. He absolutely adored the bug pokemon. To the point that Larvesta was currently living a better life than the queen!

"I will show him that my Charmander is the best!" Alice promised as she angrily chew on the towel she was holding.


Lucius was in the royal palace as he requested a Dominus Multum.

It's a special gathering of the King and the high-ranking dukes and duchess to discuss an important situation happening in the kingdom. He entered the throne room as everyone was waiting for him, the duke calmly walked up to the throne where there sat a middle-aged man about the same age as Lucius.

The man have brown hair and a beard as he wore a robe made of rich and exquisite materials. A crown dawned on the man's head as he stroked his beard in a wise manner The king's name was Arthur Remford, he was a respectable king that looks after his people and his main priority was the protection of the citizens living in Lugella.

"Duke Redwall greet your majesty," Lucius said as he bowed, he also briefly bowed to the nobles sitting at a long table next to the throne as common courtesy.

Arthur smiled: "Ah Lucius my friend, may I ask the purpose for today's meeting?"

Lucius straightened his posture and begin to tell the tale of pokemon, repeating Deoxys's lecture. Everyone was shocked as they have never heard something like this before: "Sir Lucius, we knew you're not one to lie but may we still see some proof?" One of the dukes asked.

Lucius nodded as he took out the Pokeball from his pocket. He opened the ball as Larvesta appeared. The sound of gasps echoed throughout the throne room as they observed the bug. Larvesta wasn't disturbed by the stares as it happily climbed on top of Lucius's head and rest there.

"So it really was true," Arthur muttered, "however, we still have to be careful as if we approached this situation carelessly we may potentially raise destruction."

"These creatures' strength was extraordinary and if they get into the wrong hands...." Arthur said with concern, "May I ask where you found out about Pokemon?"

Lucius sighed: "In fact, there's a store in our city that was actually selling these creatures as pets...."

Everyone frowned: "Shouldn't we shut it down as this would be very dangerous?" One of the nobles asked with concern.

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"That's another problem, the owner of the shop was strong and it's best if we not upset her..." Lucius explained.

"How powerful to be exact?" The king questioned.

"The woman excels in magic and has the strength to rival a diamond rank adventurer," Lucius said and there was a complicated expression on their face, "Thankfully, she doesn't have any ill-intent towards us as her goal seemed to be to only sell Pokemon."

"I see...." Arthur replied.

The situation has become more complicated than he thought: "Someone bring in Cyrus please." The king requested.

One of the knights on guard saluted and left the room. A few minutes later, a young man with long silver hair, wearing a blue robe and holding a long staff walked in.

His name was Cyrus Aldrich and he was the royal mage in this country, a rank given to the most potent magic user that only follows the order of the king. He has an extraordinary amount of mana and was able to use more than one element and even cast spells made of pure mana!

Cyrus bowed as he arrived next to Lucius. The King gave out a brief explanation of his purpose before deciding on the mage's task. "I want you to investigate these creatures called Pokemon and that mysterious shopkeeper, careful she was a very strong magic user," Arthur said.

Cyrus's interest was piqued: "Oh, may I ask how powerful was her magic?" He asked and glanced at Lucius.

"I haven't seen a lot to fully grasp her strength but she has demonstrated the usage of healing magic."

"That's amazing indeed." Cyrus's eyes lit up, and even he couldn't perform healing magic, he simply have to meet her!

"That is all," Arthur said as Cyrus decided to visit the store tomorrow, the rest of the meeting went without a hitch as everyone asked more questions about Pokemon and Lucius responded as best he could.

Next Day...

Deoxys patiently stood by the counter as the pokemon reflect on the pokemon battle between the Redwalls. Lucius has shown the talent of being a strong trainer while Alice still needed some training but Deoxys believes that she will be powerful in the future as well.

Ilulu sighed: "So boring...." the dragon girl groaned and rest her head against the counter.

Deoxys ignored her as Ilulu pouted: "C'mon, let's do something fun!" Ilulu urged, Mew who was resting in Deoxy's core was also getting reckless and the pokemon sighed.

"Patience, I predict something interesting will happen soon."

"How can you wait so long?!" Ilulu asked with curiosity.

Deoxys shrugged, the pokemon have searched and waited for decades just to find its kin, waiting for a few hours was nothing. As Deoxys estimated, the door to their shop swung open. A man wearing a brown cloak entered, he removed the hood, revealing his long silver hair and young face.

"Good morning, is this Lady Deoxys's store?"

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