Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 16: Magic vs Pokemon

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[3rd Pov]

"Good morning, is this Lady Deoxys's store?" The young man asked.

"Yes, I'm the owner of this establishment, may I ask how you know me?" Deoxys replied.

"Ah, I'm just a fellow adventurer that heard of your name from the Guild Master."

Deoxys frowned, the pokemon could tell that man was lying. Deoxys was cautious as there's no reason to lie about your identity unless it's because of something suspicious: "Please tell me your real identity or else I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense as Deoxys and Ilulu warily eyed the stranger. They could tell the human was strong, well by human standards anyway.

The young man stared at Deoxys before laughing, he unveiled his hood, revealing his long silver hair and handsome face: "You got me, my name is Cyrus Aldrich, the royal mage working for the king. Duke Redwall was the one that told me about you." Cyrus introduced himself and bowed.

Deoxys expression returned back to normal: "I see, then are you here to purchase a pokemon?"

"Unfortunately, that wasn't the case," Cyrus said as his tone get serious, "Let's get straight to the chase, what are your true intentions?"

Deoxys went quiet as the pokemon ponders what he meant: 'The guy wants to know whether you're friend or foe.' Mew explained.

Deoxys nodded in understanding: "I have no intention of harming the kingdom as my purpose was to only spread the culture of pokemon."

Cyrus observed Deoxy's facial expression and the mage secretly used magic to detect the amount of mana in her body. However, to his shock, he couldn't detect any.

There were two scenarios that led to this result, first, the shopkeeper doesn't have the capability to use magic or Deoxys was so powerful that he don't have the skill to grasp her strength. From what Redwall told him, it seemed to be the latter.

In actuality, Deoxys don't have mana because it's not from this world but Cyrus doesn't know that...

Eventually, Cyrus sighed: "Very well, I have to believe you for now."

"Is that all?" Deoxys questioned.

Cyrus chuckled: "Actually, I heard you're a skilled mage, I was wondering if I could have a magic duel?"

Deoxys thought about the offer before shaking its head, "That sounds interesting but I have to wholeheartedly decline," Deoxys responded and bowed politely.

"Are you sure, don't worry, we won't be doing anything that severe," The mage said: "We will be doing the duel at our mansion and your friend could watch while being served with food."

Ilulu's eyes lit up when she heard there was food and she grasped Deoxys's wrist: "We have to go!"

Deoxys was stumped by Ilulu's gluttonous behaviour as the pokemon wasn't sure. Seeing this, Cyrus decided to make a bet: "Then how about this, if you win, I will buy a pokemon."

"What if I lose?"

"Hmmm, good question, how about this, if I win then you will join the ranks of a mage that works for the kingdom."

Deoxes stared at the man and considered his condition. It analysed that it was extremely unlikely for Deoxys to lose but it was still wary: "If I win you will purchase a pokemon and I wanted your sponsorship for this shop."

'Why would we need sponsorship or whatever?' Mew asked and was confused.

'I read the title of a Royal Mage means a lot in this kingdom, it will be beneficial to have his backing.' Deoxys said.

"Oh?" Hearing Deoxys's condition, Cyrus smiled: 'Basically if there's trouble then she wants the problem to be my responsibility?'

He chuckled, Cyrus have truly underestimated the woman's intelligence but this became much more interesting! "Deal!" the mage said without hesitation.

Cyrus lead Deoxys and Ilulu out of the shop as they strolled around the city. The trios eventually arrived at a large exquisite mansion. Deoxys and Ilulu were stunned by the luxury as Cyrus gave them a house tour with a proud look. They finally arrived at a training field behind the mansion.

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Ilulu sat on the sidelines as she was served dozens of different types of food. Her eyes sparkled as she devoured the meal like a vacuum cleaner and cheered Deoxys on.

"What are the rules?" Deoxys questioned.

"Simple, you win when your opponent surrenders or loses the capabilities to fight," Cyrus explained.

Deoxys nodded and one of Cyrus's subordinates announced the duel had officially begun. At first, Deoxys seemed to be standing on the field in a daze as it wondered how much power this human could handle.

Taking this opportunity, a long projectile made of water appeared beside the mage: "Water Spear!" Cyrus shouted as the projectile launched itself at Deoxys.

Deoxys used Protect as the spell collided with an invisible wall. The pokemon then used Rock Tomb as large boulders manifested on top of Cyrus. The rocks fall towards the mage and he hurriedly cast a barrier made of pure mana to defend from the attack.

However, Cyrus lost sight of Deoxys as the pokemon used Teleport and arrived behind him Deoxys's arm dawned a white light and it shattered the mana barrier with Brick Break.

The mage hurriedly retreated as sweat dripped down from Cyrus's head as he severely underestimated Deoxys's power: "Earth Wall!"

A massive wall made of the earth emerges between Deoxys and Cyrus as the Royal Mage tried to gain distance. Unfortunately, Deoxys's hands dug through the defence and tear the wall open.

'She's physically strong as well!' Cyrus exclaimed.

Before Cyrus could recover, Deoxys lifted him up into the air with Psychic. The mage tried to break free but he was shocked that he was being suppressed without much effort. Deoxys pointed at Cyrus as the sky darkened and the pokemon cast Thunder Bolt.

Lighting began to strike the ground in front of Cyrus and the Thunder Bolt slowly approached him in a line. Cyrus knew if he get struck by the attack, the damage may be detrimental and he struggled like a fly caught in a spider web.

However, it was useless as the Lightning was gradually approaching: "I...I surrender..." He responds with gritted teeth.

The ThunderBolt stopped and the sky returned back to normal. Deoxys deactivated Psychic as Cyrus collapsed onto the ground. He never even stood a chance to show off the rest of his arsenal as he was defeated within minutes.

"A..amazing..." Cyrus muttered.

All the spectators except Ilulu were shocked. The dragon girl already knew the result as humans were no match for her friend. Cyrus smiled wryly: "It's my loss."

Deoxys nodded and approached Cyrus: "Now my end of the deal...." The pokemon said and handed Cyrus the pokemon question sheet. The mage chuckled and sighed tiredly as he filled everything out.

"By the way, are you sure you don't want to work for the kingdom? You can receive many benefits!" Cyrus proposed.

Deoxys looked at the man, and shook its head, "I have to reject your suggestion. But if this country was ever in danger, I will gladly offer my strength."

Deoxys doesn't like the idea of working under anyone, just like every other legendary, the pokemon prefer to be free and not tied down to anywhere. Even if it was conspiring the people to be pokemon trainers themselves.

"I see," Cyrus said with relief.

Deoxys told Ilulu to finish eating as they were going to return soon. However, suddenly, everything seems to slow down as the world around Deoxys turned a grey hue. Time seemed to freeze as Deoxys looked around with alarm.

'Mew what's happening.' Deoxys demanded.

'I don't know....' Mew's replied with a confused tone.

As Deoxys was warily watching its surrounding, an ethereal voice entered its mind: 'Go to my statue in the centre of the church at midnight, I want to speak with you...'

Deoxys tried to locate the speaker but to no avail as time unfreeze. Everyone watched the alarmed Deoxys with bewilderment: "What's wrong?" Ilulu asked.

Deoxys took a deep breath and shook its head. Whoever the voice was, Deoxys have to be careful...

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