Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 17: Meeting with the Goddess

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[3rd POV]

"Hey, Deoxys, you okay?" Ilulu asked with worry as Deoxys didn't respond.

The pokemon was snapped out of its thoughts and glanced at Ilulu: "I'm a little exhausted." Deoxys lied.

"You may have used up too much mana," Cyrus explained and handed Deoxys a blue potion: "That's a mana potion it will help."

Deoxys stared at the vial in its palm: "Thank you, but there's no need for concern," The pokemon returned the potion back to the mage: "We will be leaving now, come back sometime and I will have your pokemon ready for you..."

Cyrus smiled" Very well, then I will see you then." He said and gave Deoxys a badge with a symbol of a dragon, the dragon's mouth was wide open and before it was a large star: "That's the badge for my house, by showing this it means that you will have the backing of the Aldrich family."

"Thank you," Deoxys said with politeness.

Cyrus laughed: "It's my pleasure, anyway, I will visit in a few days."

Deoxys nodded and they left.


A dark figure was seen flying over the city. The figure's speed was extremely fast, leaving a blur in the night. Deoxys arrived at the centre of the kingdom were a huge cathedral the building could be spotted.

There were guards planted at every corner of the church as the security was extremely tight. However, this was a simple matter for Deoxys and the pokemon used Hypnosis on all the guards in its path.

Eventually, Deoxys arrived inside the church, everything seemed normal with rows of long wooden chairs arranged on both sides of the room. At the other end of the room, there's a large marble statue of a woman.

Deoxys exited its speed form and analysed the statue: 'This is the Goddess Grydia...What now....'

'Place your hand on the statue...' The same ethereal voice resounded in Deoxys's head.

The pokemon hesitantly placed its tendril on the stone sculpture. Deoxys's surroundings seemed to transform as if the pokemon was forcefully teleported. Deoxys found itself in a plain grassland, time seemed to be different as a ray of radiant sunshine glimmered against the pokemon's body.

The clear blue sky brought Deoxys a sense of peacefulness and it stood there watching the sun: 'Focus, look what's in front of you...' Mew called out from Deoxys's core.

Deoxys listened to Mew's advice and saw a woman sitting at a small round table covered by a large parasol. The woman has long blond hair and pale blue eyes that reminded Deoxys of the ocean. The woman was wearing an extravagant white gown as she held her teacup in an exquisite manner.

Deoxys levitated towards the woman as the pokemon watched in silence. She put down her cup and smiled at Deoxys: "You may be wondering who I am?"

'Grydia, the Goddess of this realm,' Deoxys answered.

Grydia giggled: "Bingo! You must be Deoxys?"

The pokemon nodded as the Goddess observed the pokemon: "Oh? I didn't expect you to have a little friend?"

Hearing this, Mew exited Deoxys's core and flew around Grydia: 'You can see me? How?'

She chuckled: "I'm God after all...."

Grydia then glanced at the shapeshifting necklace around Deoxys's neck: "Ah... I haven't seen that item for a long time." Grydia muttered with nostalgia.

Grydia reached out her hand and touched the necklace: "Want to hear the story behind this artifact?"

Mew sat on Grydia's shoulder and excitedly nodded as the Goddess's smile widened: "There was once a pure white serpent living in a forest. One day, that serpent was hurt while defending its territory and that's when it encountered a man.

Instead of slaying the snake, the man shows her kindness and healed her injury. It was love at first sight, oh how much the serpent wished for just to be with that man..."

'Then what happened?' Mew asked.

"Well... The serpent prayed and prayed, hoping that its dream would be answered. That's when I give the animal that exact necklace. The snake wore the necklace and transformed into a human, she eventually found the man once more and they fell in love and lived happily ever after. Interesting story right?"

Deoxys nodded and the pokemon observed the necklace, fascinated by the history behind this jewellery: "It must be fate that it appeared in your hand." Grydia commented, "However from the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be able to disguise you perfectly..."

Deoxys agreed with Grydia's remark as the human form felt more like wearing a large blanket covering its body as everything felt artificial.

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With a wave of her hand, the necklace floated off of Deoxys neck as the jewel flashed a bright green light. The necklace turned into a radiant particle and flowed towards Deoxys's core. The pokemon's core absorbed the energy and Deoxys felt a change in its body.

Deoxys's figure began to transform as the pokemon subconsciously shifted to its humanoid appearance. A system message appeared before Deoxys's eyes, explaining the new skill.

[Skill: Shapeshift

Description: A skill possessed by strong none humanoid beings, allowing them to have a humanlike appearance combined with some of their original features. The skill could also be gained by offering a powerful relic or item with similar effects to the skill]

Deoxys observed its body with wonder. Everything felt so natural and real, Deoxys glanced at the sun as the sensation of the sunlight intensified...

Deoxys tugged on its clothing and could tell that the clothes were part of its body also. The pokemon lowered the dress collar, revealing the purple core embedded in the centre of its chest. Deoxys then looked at its arm as the pokemon focused and its limb shifted into blue and red tendrils.

Grydia giggled at Deoxys's reaction as the pokemon changed back into its normal form: 'Thank you for this gift, Goddess...'

Grydia shrugged: "It's the least I could do."

"You may be wondering why I wanted Pokemon in my world right?" Grydia asked.

'Because you're bored and want something interesting?' Mew responded with an innocent tone.

Grydia's smile twitched as she sighed tiredly and shook her head. Her carefree expression turned severe: "The seal on Ena is fading away."

'The second goddess?' Deoxys questioned.

Grydia nodded: "I'm not sure how long but I fear that my creations won't be strong enough to defend against the catastrophe."

Deoxys: 'Couldn't you fight Ena yourself, you're a god after all?'

There's a sad smile on Grdyia's face: "I have used most of my powers just to keep Ena sealed, I could barely interfere with my world anymore...."

"So I needed the help of pokemon, their strength was extraordinary and I believe they're the key to helping this world unite into one. That's why," Grydia stood up and bowed: "Please, as the Goddess of Taertarra, I request you Deoxys to be the guardian of this world!"

"I have no right on forcing you to complete this daunting task but if you agree, I will do everything I can to help you get your family back..." Grydia pleaded.

The pokemon stared at the Goddess in silence as if it won't know how to respond. Grydia hurriedly stood up and look at Deoxys with a flustered expression: "You don't have to agree now, but if you help, I will be forever in your debt."

'I need to think about it...' Deoxys muttered.

"I understand, thank you for taking the time to meet me," Grydia said with a smile.

Suddenly, the environment begins to change once more as Deoxys found itself back at the church. It quietly sneak out of the church and flew back to the store. The pokemon landed on the Pokestore roof, deep in thought. Deoxys transformed into its humanoid form and stared at the system screen

[Task: Protect Tertarra]

[Reward: Grydia's eternal gratitude]

[Accept? (Accepting a task will earn skill: {Grydia's Champion})]

Deoxys thought about what the Goddess had said. The pokemon opened its dimensional storage and took out the destroyed green core of its only family. After the battle with Rayquaza, the crystal was a fraction of what it used to be with crude edges and faint cracks.

Deoxys felt an excruciating sadness and the pokemon's soul ached. Deoxys frowned as the pokemon touched its eyes and was confused by why it was moist.

"Should I accept her conditions?" The pokemon whispered softly and caressed the gem with its fingers.

Deoxys knew it was going to be a very difficult task and it doesn't know if it was possible to defeat a God. Can Deoxys really do it? What if the pokemon fails? Worry has begun to grow in the Pokemon's soul from the numerous questions.

Suddenly, Deoxys felt a strange sensation from the broken core as if it was responding. The crystal shimmered a faint green light before dimming a second later. Deoxys doesn't know if the reaction was caused by the pokemon interacting with it or if it really was showing its will to live

No matter the case, a small amount of hope welled up in Deoxys's soul as the worries disappeared. Yes, it has to succeed, for the sake of its family, Deoxys will save this world.

"The moon's beautiful...." Deoxys commented as the pokemon brought the shattered core close to its chest and embraced it tightly: "Please get well soon, so you can see the moon too..."

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