Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 18: Trouble

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[3rd POV]

A few days later...

"In conclusion, I believe Miss Deoxys meant no harm and she would willingly help the kingdom if the situation arises," Cyrus reported to Arthur.

Besides the mage was a yellow bipedal animal with pointy ears and a snout. It have a brown chest as it was wearing armour and the pokemon floated beside the mage with its eyes closed.

"Abra...." Abra cried out as it yawned and gently tugged on Cyrus's robes.

"I see, that's a relief then..." Arthur chuckled.

In the end, the king decided to leave the Pokestore alone but also have people observe the store. The information discussed in the meeting was never revealed as only high-ranking officials would ever know. They wished that some uninvited wouldn't people go and bother Deoxys, however, their worry came true nonetheless.

A day later...

Deoxys was standing by the counter while watching Ilulu toying around with a blue reptilian pokemon with three grey ridges on top of its head. The Bagon was a gift from Deoxys as the dragon girl was bored easily and having her own pokemon could entertain her. Deoxys observed as Ilulu raised a piece of meat above Bagon's head as it tried to get the food.

Ultimately, Deoxys agreed to Grydia's request, the pokemon glanced at its palm where there was a tattoo of the Goddess's insignia, it was shaped like a long sword with wings attached to its side. Deoxys was wary of the tattoo at first but eventually accepted it.

The pokemon still doesn't know what the power holds but Deoxys will find out sooner or later. Suddenly the door to the shop opened and a lean man dressed in butler attire entered: "Good Afternoon, how may I help you?" Deoxys asked.

"On the behalf of Vis Count Tommen, we wanted to purchase your shop." The butler got straight to the point and tossed a small sack filled with coins onto the counter.

Deoxys's eyebrow furrowed: "May I hear the reason?"

"My lord wanted to expand his business and this is the best area, so we wish to buy this place, you will need to make a decision by tomorrow. However, I expected you to be the intelligent type then you should make the correct choice." He said with a trace of arrogance.

Deoxys's frown deepened as the pokemon grabbed the bag and gave it back to the servant: "I decline your offer,"

"Excuse me?" The butler said, "Do you really think it's a wise choice to deny a lord's offer?"

"Is this a threat?" Deoxys said as they stared at each other.

"This place is not for sale nor it ever will be." Deoxys's tone was firm, "If we want to further dig into this topic then I expect your 'lord' to come here himself."

The butler scowled: "Hmph, seems like my judgement was wrong, you made a mistake refusing Lord Tommen's orders..." Without a second waste, the butler left.

"What was that all about?" Ilulu asked.

Deoxys shook its head, the pokemon hoped that was the end but it knew that the trouble was far from over...

Sure enough, when tomorrow came, a group of people entered the Pokestore. In the middle of the group was a large 'round' man with a brown moustache and the same butler from yesterday. The rest of the people were wearing weapons and armour with shrewd expressions on their faces, guarding the duo.

The fat man observed the shop and sneered. This time, it was Ilulu and Bagon at the counter as the girl faintly glanced at the group before refocusing on her pokemon. The large man and the butler were annoyed with being ignored.

"As expected of this rundown store, even the workers here have something wrong with them." The fat man commented.

"Huh, what is that supposed to mean?" Ilulu frowned as she stared at the group of people.

"You heard me, I said there's something wrong with your brain." The man replied.

Ilulu's fingers twitched as her pupils briefly transformed into slits before changing back. All the guards suddenly felt a slight unease as there was a sudden pressure in the room. However, the butler and the fat man weren't able to detect any of this as they continued their scolding.

"What's wrong with my brain?" Ilulu questioned.

"This person standing before you is the great Viscount Tommen!" The butler reprimanded, "You should've realised it by now if you're smart enough!"

"Huh, you're a noble?" Ilulu exclaimed.

"That's correct, I will overlook your stupidity if you kneel and apologise right now," Tommen said with an arrogant tone.

"Aren't you a bit too chubby to be a noble?" Ilulu asked with a frown.

Her only experience with these noble humans was with Cyrus and Lucius and in Ilulu's opinion, they looked strong and capable so she assumed that only a powerful human could be noble but the one in front of her seemed out of shape.


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"You b*tch..." Tommen muttered with anger: "Arrest her!"

All the guards unsheathed their swords as they slowly approached Ilulu. Bagon jumped between them as the pokemon roared and waved its arms around, trying to look intimidating. The guards stopped as they warily stared at Bagon.

"What are you waiting for? Just kill that lizard!" Tommen shouted.

Hearing this, Bagon snarled and pounced at one of the guards. However, due to its young age, the Bagon was still inexperienced as the pokemon was smacked away by the guard's fist and the pokemon crashed into a shelf.

The guard raised his sword as he was going to finish the deed, however...


All guards were blasted out of the shop, leaving human-shaped holes in the wall. The backdoor of the Pokestore opened and everyone spotted Deoxys as a chilling aura spread around the room.

Deoxys arrived next to Ilulu as the dragon girl was already standing on the counter as she let out a beastly growl. Ilulu's teeth became razor sharp and her nails turned into claws as she was fully prepared to tear those living garbage into confetti.

What's holding Ilulu back was Deoxys's pressure. She realises Deoxys was more enraged than ever as sweat dripped down her back. Deoxys glared at the perpetrators as its eyes glowed a blue hue.

Deoxys raises one of its fingers as the two humans began to levitate, the pokemon was going to  crush the humans into red fine mists with its Psychic but it suddenly heard Mew's voice

'Calm down, don't kill them, it will ruin if you do... Bagon didn't suffer a large injury so please relax!'

Deoxys gritted its teeth and nodded as it used Calm Mind. Deoxys's mind became clear once more and with a flicking motion, the two men were thrown out of the store. Deoxys walked out as a crowd gathered around from the commotion.

" dare!" Tommen shouted as his face was red with rage: "Do you know who I am? I'm Viscount Tommen!"

"A noble?" Deoxys tilted its head: "You seemed too fat to be one, but you're telling the truth..." Deoxys muttered.

"You....." Tommen clenched his fists, however, what Deoxys do next made him pause.

The pokemon took out a medallion from its pocket and presented it to everyone: "This establishment is under the support of the Aldrich Family, so by attacking us, that means you're also attacking them." Deoxys announced.

Everyone stared at the medallion in shock. Whispers resounded through the gathering of people as Tommen was fish-faced: "Al...Aldrich?"

"Impossible... Impossible... Impossible!" Tommen yelled, his mind full of anger, creating delusional thoughts: "That must be fake! They won't sponsor a random commoner like you! That's treason!" He shouted.

The Viscount glanced at a sword beside him and he grabbed it: "I WILL PERSONALLY EXECUTE YOU!"

Everyone gasped as he charged, Tommen clumsily swung his sword, aiming for Deoxys neck. However, his arm froze just before the impact. Deoxys's face was full of coldness as the onlookers subconsciously took a step backward.


Tommen's wrist snapped from Deoxys's psychic power as the fat man howled in pain.

"Hey what's going on here?!" A familiar voice exclaimed.

Alice and her knight Leon pushed through the crowd and were surprised by the scene. Tommen saw this as he clutched his broken wrist and crawled towards them: "Ah the Redwalls, please help me, this criminal has attacked us out of nowhere and she's dirtying the Aldrich Family's name!"

Looking at Tommen's pathetic state, Alice frowned: "Um who are you?", she glanced at Leon for help but he shook his head as the knight was confused also.

"Good afternoon Lady Alice, what brings you here?" Deoxys asked.

"Ah hi, Miss!" Alice said as they completely ignored Tommen: "We heard that Mr Cyrus started sponsoring this shop so my dad wanted to do the same. Now officially, the Redwalls will also be backing your store!" She declared with pride.

"By the way, who's this guy?" Alice said and gestured at the crying fat man beside her.

Deoxys gave a brief explanation as Alice and Leon's expression darkened. They stared at Tommen with faces full of disgust and he yelped under the intense gaze.

Leon: "You have tarnished the honour of every nobleman in this country..."

Alice: "I suggested you leave now and never show your face here again..."

Tommen gulped as shakily stood up and hurriedly sprinted away at a speed unbefitting his physique as his followers ran after him...

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