Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 19: What I want was a friend

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[3rd POV]

With Tommen gone, the crowd has begun to disperse and continued on with their daily chores. Deoxys walked to Alice and bowed: "Thank you for the help."

"It's nothing, we're glad to be able to help!" Alice said with a smile.

"Anyway, there's another reason for our visit, Alice quickly went into the leaving crowd and dragged out a girl about the same age as her.

The girl has short icy blue hair and blue eyes contrary to Alice's fiery red hair and red eyes. One side of her face was covered by her hair as she nervously hide behind Alice: "This is my friend Clara and she's interested in getting a pokemon!"

[A/N: FYI Clara looks similar to Rem]

Alice pushed Clara towards Deoxys as she anxiously fidgeted with her fingers: "H..hello, I...I'm Clara Isbert, it's really nice to meet you!" She yelped with a shy tone.

"Clara is a daughter of a Count, she's extremely shy but she's a good person!" Alice vouched for her friend.

"A..Alice!" Clara's face turned red from the comment.

Deoxys nodded and guided them into the store: "I apologise for the mess," Deoxys said as the room was messed up by the previous confrontations and needed to be cleaned.

"Heh heh, it's nothing..." Alice chuckled nervously as she glanced at the large human-shaped holes in the walls.

They walked towards the counter as Ilulu was waiting for them. Deoxys briefly checked whether Bagon received any injuries before asking Ilulu to organize the shop. The pokemon turned around and glanced at Clara.

"May I ask, why Miss Clara wanted a pokemon?" Deoxys asked.

"Um..." Clara averted Deoxys's stare as she felt too nervous to respond.

"This isn't a test, it's okay if you don't answer..." Deoxys reassured

Clara shook her head: "No, it's fine... The reason was...." Her face blushed with embarrassment as her voice cracked: "B..because..... because I want a friend...." She quietly muttered the last part.

"A friend?" Deoxys repeated.

Clara timidly nodded: "Other than Alice, I never had any other friends due to my shyness... That's why when Alice told me about pokemon. I realised this may be the chance to don't ever feel lonely again!" She said and took a shaky breath.

Hearing Clara's response, Deoxys gaze softened: "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's common for people to want pokemon as companions, please fill this form out and I will bring your  pokemon shortly."

"O..Okay!" Clara answered with excitement.

After hurriedly filling out the question sheet, Deoxys enters the backdoor as they waited. Clara couldn't stand still as she was extremely tense. It wasn't long when Deoxys returned and was holding a small animal resembling a white fox. The fox has six tails and three curls on its head.

Clara's eyes sparkled as she observed the pokemon in Deoxys's arms: "This pokemon here is called a Vulpix, specifically, an Alola Region Vulpix."

"Alola Region?" Leon asked with curiosity.

"Yes, some pokemon have different variants due to their habitats, however, they are still counted as the same species. For example, this Vulpix is an Alola variant, it's an ice-type pokemon. However, a normal Vulpix is actually a fire type."

Alice, Leon and Clara nodded in understanding as Deoxys sets the Alola Vulpix on the counter. The pokemon observed its new surroundings and felt the gaze of everyone. Its legs shook and the pokemon began to cry as it jumped back into Deoxys's arms.

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"I hope you don't mind that this pokemon was a bit shy," Deoxys said and gently stroked Vulpix's fur.

The pokemon seemed to calm down but it still warily watched the three strangers. Watching the cute fox, Clara felt a connection towards the Vulpix and she subconsciously reached out her hand.

The Alola Vulpix cowered as it tried to hide deeper into Deoxys's chest however Deoxys nudged Vulpix towards Clara. Vulpix closed its eyes in fear as it felt Clara's hand touching its head. However, to Vulpix's surprise, the girl's hand begin to gently pat the pokemon and Vulpix felt nothing but comfort.

Vulpix opened one of its eyes and Clara grinned: "Hey little one... My name is Clara..." She said with a warm tone.

"Pix?" Vulpix cried out and tilted its head.

Clara chuckled as she continued to pat the pokemon. Without her even realising, Vulpix somehow crawled into Clara's arms and it purred with satisfaction: "Vulpix..." Clara called out.

Vulpix looked at Clara and she gulped: "Do... Do  you want to be my friend?" Clara held her breath as she prayed and prayed.

"Vulpix!" The pokemon cried out and licked Clara's face.

"Really?! You agree!?" Clara yelled with shock.

Vulpix nodded as Clara hugged the pokemon tightly. Deoxys then handed Clara a Pokeball and the pokemon happily entered the ball. With a few shook, the Pokeball flashed, indicating the successful capture of Vulpix.

Clara held the Pokeball with awe as tears welled up in her eyes. Without hesitation, she tackled Deoxys and wrapped her arms around the pokemon's waist: "Thank you thank you thank you!"

Deoxys was caught off guard by the sudden physical contact. Deoxys froze as it stared weirdly at Clara before leaning down and hugging the crying girl.  Surprisingly, it doesn't feel weird and Deoxys could even say that it enjoyed this strange feeling. Without knowing, Deoxys's lips twitched, slowly forming into an arc.

"Woah..." Alice and Leon muttered in unison.

Deoxys glanced up and frowned: "What's the problem."

Alice shook her head: "It's just that Miss Deoxys looked very beautiful when she smiles..."

"I'm smiling?" Deoxys wondered out loud, it touched its face and was stunned to discover that it was indeed smiling.

'What's happening to me....' Deoxys thought, first with the perspiration on the eyes and now the peculiar movements on its lips.

'Unlike your original form, your human form was able to express your mood. It's how animals show emotions...' Mew said.

'I see...' Deoxys replied and slowly broke off from the hug: "Please take good care of Vulpix...."

"I will!" Clara wiped away the tears and replied with confidence.

She paid for the expenses and she released Vulpix. The pokemon joyfully ran circles around her and Clara giggled. With couple more exchanges, the three humans left. As Deoxys watched them leave, the pokemon unintentionally prodded its face.

'Showing emotions....' Deoxys wasn't sure how to feel about this. Normally, its original form was never capable of having these complicated facial features.

Deoxys also felt that by remaining in this human form, these emotions seemed to intensify to some degree. The pokemon sighed, it's useless to think about this.

Deoxys glanced at the destroyed store and sighed once more: 'Why am I exhausted all of a sudden....'

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