Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 20: New Quest!

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[3rd POV]

"To think something like this happened...." Akel sighed as his tone was full of disdain.

"What happened has happened, it's meaningless to be angered by it," Deoxys said: "Do you think the damages could be fixed?"

Glancing at the store, Akel scratched the side of his face: "It's possible but we have to replace most of the walls," he explained while pointing at the large holes: "But don't worry, the Guild will be paying the damage!" he said with a smile.

Deoxys gratefully nodded: "Speaking of, how's your Machop been? I hope it wasn't too much of a handful."

Akel smirked: "Quite the opposite, that little guy brought a lot of life into the Guild Building.", He took out his Pokeball and released the pokemon as Machop began to do some muscle pose to show off its strong body.

The Machop has visibly grown bigger, Deoxys could tell that the pokemon was treated very well as it was rare to see Machop this size. Deoxys nodded with satisfaction: "Machop seemed to be very healthy, and it won't be too far until it evolves."

"Oh ho? That's good to hear!" He said with a laugh, hearing Deoxys's explanation in the past, evolution for Pokemon was a pretty big deal, "Anyway, there's another reason for my visit, it's something I hope you and Miss Ilulu could do."

The guild master handed Deoxys a piece of paper. Deoxys scanned through the content, it was an escort quest that wanted Ilulu and Deoxys to travel to a town that was not too far from here...

"I apologise for the sudden notice but I hope you could help me out," Akel said with a nervous chuckle, "I had a lot of headaches trying to organize this."

"We can complete this, it's the least we could do, you're already helping us repair the shop." Deoxys replied, "However, I have never completed this type of mission before?"

Akel nodded: "The reason I choose you two was because of your strength, the person you will be escorting was very important and a few groups of adventurers will be joining as well."

"I understand, may I know the identity of the person we will be escorting?" Deoxys asked.

"The person you will be protecting is the Saint of the Church of Grydia...." Akel said.

"The Saint?" Deoxys repeated.

"Well not exactly, she's still a Saint in training that's why it's of the utmost importance to make sure she's unharmed, the church also makes sure that she remains safe as a paladin will be joining as well."

"Okay, we will accept it," Deoxys announced and Akel visibly relaxed, "When does it start?"

"The quest starts in two days, please be at the Guild Building in the morning." Akel explained, "By the time you return, your shop should be fixed and if things go well, you may even ascend to platinum rank."

Deoxys nodded: "Very well, we will meet then..."

As the main topic ended there wasn't much more to talk about as Akel purchased more Pokeblocks for Machop and left.

A few days later...

"Do we really have to go?" Ilulu yawned lazily as she strolled beside Deoxys.

"I have already agreed, it's too late to back out now..." Deoxys replied.

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"Can't you go alone? With your strength, nothing could harm that Saint," Ilulu commented.

Deoxys stopped and glanced at Ilulu, the dragon girl stared back with bewilderment. Deoxys grabbed Ilulu by both cheeks and observed her with a scrutinizing gaze: "As I thought, you've gained weight..."

"Um excuse me?!" Ilulu's voice cracked.

Deoxys shook its head: "You seemed to look bigger than before..." The pokemon poked Ilulu's stomach.

Ilulu's face flushed with embarrassment, ever since they started living in this kingdom, Ilulu often likes to go out and eat before sleeping for the rest of the day so it's no wonder that she became "bigger".

Ilulu awkwardly coughed into her hand" Well, doing some quests for exercise once in a while doesn't sound that bad."

Deoxys nodded with satisfaction as they continued their journey. They arrived at the Guild and Akel was already waiting for them. He welcomed the duo and requested for them to follow. Akel guided them to the back of the guild where there was a carriage and groups of adventurers waiting.

He gather everyone and cleared his throat: "Thank you all for the wait, as you already know, this is an escort quest and this woman here will be leading all of you." Akel said and pointed at Deoxys: "Any objections?"

Silence filled the space as nobody rejected them, most of these adventurers have already seen the power of Deoxys and Ilulu as they do not want to get beaten themselves. Seeing that there was no commotion, Akel nodded: "Okay, you should prepare to set off, I wish you all luck!"

The adventurer cheered as they went to do some last-minute checks on their equipment. Ilulu and Deoxys approached the carriage as the door of the vehicle opened. A young girl with blond hair in the style of a Bob-Cut exited the carriage. She has green eyes and a childish face while wearing a white priest robe and clumsily holding a long wooden staff.

Beside the woman was a tall young man wearing knight armour with gold outlines and symbols, there were two swords attached to his waist and he have a serious expression as he observed Deoxys.

"Good morning, my name is Deoxys and I will be the leader of the escort team." Deoxys introduced itself.

"Are you sure you're capable of protecting the saint?" The man asked.

"Alex!" The girl yelled: "Don't be rude!"

"But my lady, we need to make sure your safety is the utmost priority!" The paladin reasoned.

"There's no need for concern, I will make sure the saint will be kept out of danger," Deoxys said and unleashed a small amount of pressure directed at the paladin.

Alex's hand twitched as his palm felt moist from sweat: "A..Alright..."

"See! We will be fine!" The saint said, she took Deoxys's hand and introduced herself: "My name's Layla! Please take care of me!"

Deoxys was surprised by the girl's cuddly personality and nodded.

"Leader, we're all ready to set off!" An adventurer called out to Deoxys.

"Okay, please reenter the carriage, we shall begin shortly..." Deoxys said to the saint as the quest officially started.

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