Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 21: Journey

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[3rd POV]

The group sets off at noon as they exited the city and began travelling down the dirt path. Deoxys and Ilulu were sitting in the driver's seat as the pokemon held the reins. At first, the horses were agitated by Deoxys and Ilulu's presence but soon calmed down when Ilulu promised that she won't eat them.

Deoxys looked around and analysed each adventurer. Akel has assigned around thirty adventurers to this mission and they seemed to be decent enough strength, however, there's one adventurer that caught Deoxys's eyes.

"Hey, Deoxys is that..." Ilulu whispered and pointed at the same adventurer.

In fact, Deoxys remembered now that it was the same man that has bothered them during their registration as adventurers. The man was also staring at Deoxys as he averted his gaze and said something unintelligible to a few adventurers beside him.

Deoxys frowned but ignored their mumbling as it have to focus on driving the carriage: "It's kind of boring..." Ilulu complained.

They heard knocking on the side panel of the carriage as Layla's face appeared: "So, what makes you guys adventurers?" She asked out of curiosity and to kill time.

Ilulu shrugged: "No particular reason...."

"We only needed identification and it's the most convenient way," Deoxys replied.

"Eh, then why are you guys participating in this quest?" Layla said with surprise.

"The Guild Master personally asked us to ensure your safety," Deoxys said.

"Ah... I...I see.." Layla muttered.

"By the way, what are we doing anyway?" Ilulu asked out of the blue.

"I was also curious, Akel said that you have the details," Deoxys added.

"Oh! We will be visiting a local town that's a few days away from here. Apparently, a curse has been set on the town so it's our job to remove it!" Layla said with pride.

"I understand." Deoxys nodded.

Suddenly Deoxys's brow furrowed as it picked up some strange life signatures approaching them from all directions. Sure enough, the adventures at the front stopped: "Incoming!" They shouted.

The bushes on the side rustled loudly and dozens of green creatures burst out of the forest. Some were small while others were as tall as the humans as the monsters brandished wooden clubs and crude knives.

"Goblins and Hobgoblins..." Ilulu said with annoyance.

Deoxys recalled seeing these monsters during the defence of the Demi-human village. Layla has a fearful expression, she has always lived in a city that was protected by large walls and it's the first time she saw monsters.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Deoxys reassured and all the adventures got ready for battle.

"Okay, let's do this!" Ilulu said as she put on a pair of gloves Deoxys purchased for her.

One of the goblins charged but Ilulu suddenly appeared in front of the small creature. With a punch, the monster exploded into blood and gore. All the monsters froze as the adventurers used this chance and rushed them.

As the battle begin, Deoxys flew onto the top of the carriage: 'Sunny Day....' A bright orb that looks like a miniature sun formed in Deoxys's hand.

The pokemon raise the orb to the sky as the heat and sunlight in the area increased: 'Solar Beam...'

A yellow beam shot out of Deoxys's hands as the laser cut down anything in its path. Anguish howls could be heard as the monsters melted from the Solar Beam. With a single attack, half of the army of monsters perished and what was left was the scent of cooked flesh.

The remaining goblins screeched in fear as they instantly ran away. The adventurers cheered as Layla ran out of the carriage with Alex chasing after her: "You two were awesome!" She praised Deoxys and Ilulu.

Ilulu smiled proudly and Deoxys reminded the saint to help heal the injuries. Deoxys heard a faint grumbling and saw that suspicious adventurer glaring at them before wandering off with the rest of his group.

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"What's with him?" Layla asked and Deoxys shook its head.


At night everyone set up camp, Ilulu and Deoxys sat with Layla and Alex. The paladin seemed to have warmed up with the two as he saw their contribution to the battle. As they talked, Deoxys noticed Ilulu have an anxious expression.

"What's wrong?" Deoxys asked.

"Mmm... It's just should I have left Bagon at home. He doesn't like being in a Pokeball so...."

"We will be back in a few days anyway, the little guy could handle it, we've prepared berries to remember?" Deoxys said in a calm tone.

"But what if people break in?" Ilulu uttered.

"Even if they did, I have already set up precautions so there's no need for concern," Deoxys replied non-chantly.


At the Pokestore, three cloaked figures could be seen standing on the rooftop, they locked picked the second-story window and entered one by one. They were paid by a certain noble to break in and assassinate the two women living in this building.

However,  they soon realises that the inhabitants weren't in the building and they quickly grouped up on the first floor.

Assassin 1: "I found nothing...."

Assassin 2: "Same here,"

Assassin 3: "Tsk, search for clues of their current whereabouts," He ordered.

"Kyu kyu...."

"Huh, what's that!" The three assassins brandished their daggers as they stood warily.

Suddenly, a strange doll that was resting against the top shelf fell down onto the floor, causing the assassins to flinch slightly. They soon relaxed as one of the assassins picked up the doll. The doll was made from an old yellow cloth. It has a pair of straight ears with black tips at the end. Two red circles at the cheeks and crude dark swirls as eyes.

There's a wooden tail attached behind the doll, all in all, it has an unsettling appearance, "Let's get out of here, this place doesn't feel right." The assassin called out as he also spotted a stone with a crack running down the middle that was placed at the corner of the shop.

"Kyu..kyu.." The doll in the assassin's hand squirmed as it seemingly came to life.

Its eyes glowed and the man felt that the monster was staring into his soul. Before he could scream, a shadow-like claw slashed the man in the throat.

Blood splattered everywhere as the remaining two assassin's watched with shock. They heard something moving behind them as the rock shook and expel a purple fog. The purple fog formed a spiral as a pair of large green eyes appeared, illuminating the darkness.

"Toooomb..." A large black blob formed in front of the creature and it fired at its enemy.

The Shadow Ball struck an assassin in the chest, killing him instantly. The last assassin dropped his knife and his face was full of horror: "Please wait..."

The two monsters slowly approached him as he begged for mercy but it was useless and he was killed with another Shadow Ball. Once the assassins were taken care of, more ghost pokemon appeared as they diligently cleaned up the corpse and blood.

Mimmikyu and Spiritomb nodded with approval as they returned back to their original position and everything was instantly cleaned up. The other ghost pokemon finished and hurriedly hid in the shadows as Bagon arrived at the first floor while holding a small oil lamp.

The tiny dragon thought that it have heard commotion downstairs but everything was the way it should be. Bagon tilted its head, maybe it was just a sign telling the pokemon that it was hungry. Bagon shrugged and wobbled towards the kitchen as the pokemon happily had some late-night meals, completely unaware of what transpired that night...

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