Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 22: Throwing out the trash

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[3rd POV]

As it was time to sleep, Deoxys proposed that it would keep watch. Despite people's protest as they thought that the power Deoxys showed today consumed a lot of energy, however, the pokemon insisted.

There were mainly two reasons that Deoxys wanted this role, first was that the pokemon wasn't capable of sleeping and it could restore energy by simply staying still. Second, Deoxys wanted to remove a couple of threats that reside in its group.

As everyone went to bed, Deoxys stood against a tree and kept watch, after patiently resting for an hour, it was time. Deoxys began to slowly wander off far away from the camp as the pokemon arrived at a river bank with an open clearing.

Deoxys stood by the river and waited, suddenly, a dozen tiny Cutiflies, being led by a single Rimbombee flew towards Deoxys. Deoxys held out its hand and the Rimbombee sat on its finger.

"Are the Sweet Scent spread throughout the forest?"

Rimbombee cheerfully saluted while nodding. Deoxys smiled and patted the Rimbombee on the head: "Thank you, I hope you and your friends have fun in this new world..."

Rimbombee cried out with glee and it called to its friends as they flew into the distance, exploring their new home. As Deoxys watched them leave, its expression turned cold as it detected some familiar life signatures.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the pokemon heard footsteps approaching its location. The presence stopped as they hid behind the trees as they were lured by the Sweet Scent to make sure that they were fully tracking Deoxys.

"Stop wasting my time and come out," Deoxys called to the presence hiding in the forest.

The pokemon heard chuckling as five people exited the forest, three of them were armed with swords while the remaining two have bows. As expected, it was the suspicious group of adventurers. The group leader was that annoying person that harassed Ilulu and himself in the guild. Deoxys never got his name not that it matters anyway...

The adventurers were grinning maliciously as they eyed Deoxys's body: "You have made a fool out of me back then, but now you will pay..." He announced.

"However, since adventurers have always been a tiring job while won't you entertain us a little?" The man said why staring at Deoxys with eyes full of lust.

"What do you think the others will say about this?" Deoxys asked for their sake.

They all laughed: "There's a saying, what happens in a quest stays in the quest."

"Humans...." Deoxys muttered before sighing: "Sometimes I wonder what will the world be like if they don't exist..."

"The hell is this B*tch talking about?!" One of the thugs shouted.

Deoxys: "Mew...."

'Yeah yeah, I'm on it...' The little pink pokemon replied as a screen appeared before Deoxys's eyes.

[Task: Defeat the thugs!]

[Status: 0/5]

[Reward: 10 pokeballs, 20 random berries!]

Deoxys nodded with satisfaction and its hand blurred, before the humans could even realise what was happening, Deoxys was suddenly holding the head of one of the archers.

The humans gasped with shock as the body of their friend collapsed. Blood spurts from the clean-cut wound, dying the ground red. They felt a sense of intimidation from Deoxys as the group began to hesitate.

"C..Charge!" The leader yelled.

They were hesitant as they rushes Deoxys at once. Deoxys aimed its palm at the adventurers and used Dark Pulse. A black beam fired out of its hand and crashed into one of the adventurers. The man screamed in pain and his body began to decay rapidly.

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The archer fired his arrows as Deoxys easily avoided the projectile. It used Psychic and caught the flying arrow before launching it back at the archer. The arrow struck the man in the chest and he gasped for breath before dying.

The remaining two adventurers closed the distance with Deoxys. They swung their swords as Deoxys leaned back and dodged smoothly. Its arm glowed and Deoxys smashed its arm into one of the man's necks. His neck snapped as he couldn't handle the force of Brick Break.

Now, the only person that was left was the man that started all this mess. Deoxys looked around but couldn't spot him until it felt something stabbing into the pokemon's back. The man used some sort of spell to hide in the shadows before emerging in an ambush.

The sword went clean through Deoxys's stomach and went out from the other side: "Take this!" He yelled with pride.

However, to the man's confusion, Deoxys didn't react to the fatal wound. Its body suddenly began to change. The man tripped backward and his butt hit the ground as he watched with terror.

The human no the creature before him showed its true monstrous form. Deoxys reached for the sword in its chest and pulled it out. The wound healed almost instantly and Deoxys threw the sword aside.

"W...Wh.What are you??" The man muttered with fear as Deoxys slowly floated towards him.

'I am Deoxys....' A distorted voice entered his head and his face turned pale, 'Now goodbye...'

Hearing this, his eyes widened: "W..Wait! Spare me, I will never speak of this event!"

Deoxys: "What happens in a quest stays in the quest

"But..." Before the man could even finish, Deoxys killed him with a Psycho cut and his body split in half.

Corpses littered around Deoxys as the scent of blood drifted in the air. Deoxys received the reward for completing the task as it shook the blood that splattered onto its body.  As Deoxys was observing the aftermath, suddenly, a white laser shot out of the forest.

Deoxys flew high into the sky as the laser beam missed and melted a tree in the distance. A young girl with blond hair walked out as she pointed her staff at Deoxys. Layla held the staff shakily as she nervously watched the powerful being in front of her. Her clothes were muddy and her face was full of fear.

She fired another holy beam and Deoxys avoided the attack with ease. Deoxys's eyes turned cold: 'Layla... Is she also a part of the ambush?' Deoxys thought as it felt sad.

Deoxys grew a favorability towards the girl, mainly because of her kindness and pure-hearted personality that she showed on the journey. But was everything a lie? Deoxys felt betrayed as it felt anger rising up.

However what the young saint said next dispelled that thought: "W...Who are you! What did you do with Deoxys-san!" She screamed.

A few minutes earlier...

Layla couldn't sleep, this was the first time she have been this far from the city. She was scared by the thought of monsters attacking during the night. Alex suggested guarding her tent but she quickly denied that idea as she doesn't want to be a burden.

Things should be fine right? Deoxys was protecting them after all and her strength was something she couldn't fathom. However, that still doesn't make her heart at ease. Eventually, she exited her tent as she wanted to find Deoxys who was still on watch. However, she couldn't find her anywhere, as Layla walked around the camp, there was a weird scent that attracted her towards the deep dark forest.

Her body subconsciously followed the scent as her clothes became dirty from the exploring. Layla then heard some sort of commotion not so far from here and she quietly followed the sound.

Layla peeked over a tree and witness something that shocked her to the core. An alien creature was surrounded by the corpses of adventurers. Layla wanted to scream but covered her mouth, fearing getting discovered.

She knew these dead people and worries filled her mind. Was Miss Deoxys among them? Layla knew that Deoxys wasn't at camp does that mean they have battled with that creature?

Layla couldn't spot Deoxys's body anywhere and hopefulness fill her heart, maybe Deoxys got injured and was hiding? That means she must be somewhere close and the monster was looking for her!

Layla nodded with determination to save her new friend as she cast a light beam at the monster...

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