Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 23: Befriending a monster

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Deoxys don't know what to do. It weaved around in the air as Layla fired countless Light Beams. The pokemon realises that Layla wasn't part of the attack but an accidental witness and doesn't want to hurt her as the young saint wasn't a bad person.

'Maybe just run away?' Mew suggested.

'But how would I explain when I return back to the campsite.' Layla must have realised Deoxys was missing and Layla must be searching for Deoxys.

Suddenly, Deoxys accidentally flew into one of the light beam's trajectories and the pokemon quickly braced for the impact. However, to its surprise, an insignia appeared on Deoxy's core, it was Grydia's symbol as it glowed a bright white light.

The laser beam was deflected and Layla gasped. She saw her Goddess symbol on the creature's chest. Light magic was a type of magic that have contain the power of the Goddess, it could be used to heal and purify any evil things in this world.

However to have Grydia's insignia...

Layla dropped her staff as questions filled her mind. Why was Grydia's blessing given to a monster that murdered humans!?

The creature approached Layla as she backed away with fear. They stared at each other as the monster suddenly transformed into a human figure. Layla's jaw dropped to the floor: "D...Deoxys-san?!"

Layla's mind became dizzy as she couldn't handle the shock and fainted. Deoxys caught the fallen Layla and placed her against a tree. Deoxys then sighed and looked at the litter of the corpses. The pokemon used Psychic to lift up all the body parts and threw them into the river.

Deoxys then cast a small Rain Dance to wash away the blood. Not soon after, Layla woke up with a groan: "Where am I..."

When she glanced at Deoxys, the recent memories flowed into her mind. Her eyes widened and hurriedly retreated away.

"Are you okay?" Deoxys asked.

Layla flinched and nodded subconsciously. There was silence as Layla fidgeted and nervously asked the most important question on her mind: "Deoxys... Are you human?"

"Does it matter if I'm human?" Deoxys asked rhetorically.

"That...." Layla doesn't know how to respond.

"To answer your question, I'm not human," Deoxys teleported in front of Layla as its eyes glowed a blue hue, "What will you do now?"

Layla whimpered as she cowered from Deoxys's imposing figure: "Please.... please don't eat me, I don't taste good..." She muttered.

Deoxys was caught off guard by Layla's comment. The pokemon's body trembled and Deoxys covered its mouth with its hand as its lips formed an arc. For the first time ever, Deoxys laughed and the pokemon was surprised by this sudden impulse in its body. It wanted to stop but the girl's words kept replaying in its mind.

"I...I don't eat people..." Deoxys responded.

Layla seemed relieved and blushed with embarrassment. Suddenly, Layla noticed the tattoo on Deoxys's back palm, "If you have Grydia-Sama's blessing, why... Why did you kill all those people? Aren't you suppose to be good!?"

Layla was at a loss, she don't understand, Grydia was supposed to be a kind Goddess, why would she give her blessing to someone that committed murder?

"What do you think the world would be like if Grydia made it so that there was always peace, no matter what," Deoxys asked.

"Th...Then it would be a paradise wouldn't it?" Layla answered hesitantly.

"But would you truly be free? That's why the world was like this. There will always be war when people could make their own choices, just like these adventurers, they decided to attack me and they paid the consequences..." Deoxys lectured.

"But I don't want war... I want everyone to live, even if they're bad..." Layla mumbled.

"Then get stronger so your words will mean something, prove to everyone it could happen. That's my purpose in this world, the inhabitants need to get stronger, for what's about to come." Deoxys said.

Layla was curious as to what Deoxys was talking about but she felt like it was something that she shouldn't know. 'To get stronger...' She thought.

"Wh...What now?" Layla awkwardly asked.

Deoxys stood up straight: "Forget what you saw happened today,"

"Wait, then what about the group of adventurers?! How would you explain their disappearances!?" Layla uttered.

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"Hmmm," Deoxys stopped and pondered Layla's question: "I will just tell them they attacked me while I was trying to wash myself and died for it"

"EHHH?! Will they even accept it?!" Layla yelled.

"They will have to," Deoxys nonchalantly replied and continued walking back to camp.

Layla hurriedly ran after the pokemon as she quietly walked behind Deoxys. The girl was nervous about Deoxys's true identity, but she started to believe that Deoxys don't have any ill intent. After all, if Deoxys wasn't good then she won't be alive right now.

"By the way, Deoxys-san..."

Deoxys turned its head and glanced at the young saint: "I'm sorry for attacking you with light magic."

"It's a normal response given what you saw, don't think too much of it," Deoxys said.

"Then, can you still be my friend?" Layla asked.

"Why's that? You saw what happened yet you still want to be acquaintances?" Deoxys replied.

Layla nodded: "They attacked you first, so it's self-defence right? Besides, I felt that Deoxys wasn't really a bad person... Despite how gruesome your methods are..." she muttered.

"Interesting...." Deoxys leaned closer and observed Layla: "For a human, you're too innocent, this world is cruel, you won't survive if you're this soft and forgiving." Deoxys reprimanded and nudged Layla on the chest.

"Let me ask you one more time, why would you want to be friends with a monster?" Deoxys interrogated.

Layla gulped and averted her gaze: "It's because I felt that you were sad..."

Deoxys face contorted into shock and flinched. Not noticing Deoxys's expression, Layla continued to speak: "For some reason, I was born with an ability to gauge people's emotions, it's not much but I could generally detect how they're truly feeling. When I looked at you, I sensed a tremendous amount of sadness and loneliness within your soul that it felt suffocating."

"Your judgement seemed to be incorrect," Deoxys rebutted.

However, Layla shook her head: "My instinct never lied to me before," She defended herself.

"I said you're wrong." Deoxys's tone turned cold and the pokemon suddenly found the girl's pure personality to be quite irritating.

Layla stood her ground: "I'm not wrong and we both know it! I know what it's like to be lonely so I want to make you feel better again!"

Suddenly, the trees beside her were cleaved in half and Layla felt a chill as Deoxys glared at her, "You know nothing about me... Give up, no matter what you do, it couldn't fix what was lost."

"I know that I myself won't able to help much, however, I'm satisfied even if I alleviate a small amount of sadness in your heart Deoxys-san!" Layla said.

"You humans sure like to pry into other people's affairs," Deoxys remarked.


"It's not supposed to be a compliment...."


The two silently stared at each other. Deoxys gaze wavered and the pokemon sighed: "Do as you wish..."

Deoxys turned its back on Layla and resumed its walk back to camp. Layla quietly followed close behind, she won't know what Deoxys's current expression but the saint knew that Deoxys wasn't in a good mood.

The rest of the walk has been uneventful as they arrived back at their camp. Deoxys told Layla to go to bed and the girl complied. Deoxys spent the rest of the night thinking and before the pokemon know it, morning came.

Deoxys assembled everyone and explained the death of the adventurers last night. Thankfully, nobody questioned anything as they were aware of the personality of that group and the mission continued.

For the rest of the journey, Layla tried to make a conversation with Deoxys but the pokemon ignored her as the girl have gotten on Deoxys's nerves. Ilulu was also starting to get worried as Deoxys refused to respond to her as well. This goes on for a few days until the group of adventurers finally arrived at their destination...

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