Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 24: Town and Local Guardian

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The group arrived at the town in the evening, the atmosphere seemed odd as the streets were barren and people hid in their homes. Deoxys drove the carriage to a nearby inn and it would be their temporary home for the rest of the mission.

As Deoxys was organising their supplies, Layla approached: "This place felt weird...." Layla commented.

Deoxys faintly glanced at the girl before nodding. Silence resumes as Deoxys finally finished stacking the crates with Psychic: "Rest now, we will begin investigating tomorrow...." Deoxys said and walked off.

Layla felt dejected but also happy at the same time, this was the first time Deoxys talked to her after that incident so she thought that she was making some progress...

As Layla walked towards her room in the inn, someone called out to her: "Hey you..."

She turned around and saw Ilulu approaching her: "Ah Ilulu-san what..." Layla's words were suddenly cut off as Ilulu grasped her up by the throat.

"Ilulu-san!" Layla yelped in panic.

The dragon girl glared at the human: "What did you do to Deoxys?" She interrogated.

"What do you mean?" Layla uttered with bated breath.

Ilulu let go as Layla dropped onto the floor: "After that night, Deoxys has been acting strange. What did you do!"

"I don't understand," Layla replied, Deoxys warned Layla to not talk about what happened so she has to keep her promise.

"Tsk, don't lie to me, you better watch your actions," Ilulu warned "The only reason that's stopping me from tearing your heart out of your chest was because of Deoxys, so know your place human..."

Ilulu's eyes seemed to glow in the dark as red scales grew from her body. Layla's eyes widened with shock: 'She's not human either!'

"Hmph, I won't be this merciful next time..." Ilulu declared coldly and left.

Layla rubbed her sore throat and slowly stood up. Despite what happened, Layla couldn't bore hate towards Ilulu for caring about her friend. This made her want to help Deoxys more, in the end, there was no point standing idly in the hallway and Layla went to bed.

Next Day...

Layla woke up late in the morning, after sleeping outside for a few days, she had missed the feeling of a soft bed. Layla yawned and walked downstairs, she then spotted Deoxys talking with an old man.

Deoxys saw Layla and beckoned her over as the girl sit beside the pokemon: "This person here is the mayor of this town." Deoxys said and gestured at the old man.

"Good Morning." He kindly greeted her.

Deoxys nodded: This person here is the Saint, she's the person I.."

"Hello, I'm Layla and I'm Deoxys's friend!" Layla interrupted Deoxys and held out her hand as the mayor shook it with a laugh.

Layla grinned at Deoxys who frowned in return: "Anyway, may you explain your current situation?" Deoxys asked.

The mayor's expression darkened: "It happened not so long ago, at first, there were reports of hearing strange things at night but now there were people suddenly disappearing." He said with a sigh: "Everyone's on edge and we all think was due to a curse because we have angered our guardian...."

"Guardian?" Layla asked.

"Aye... We believe our guardian was a gift from the Goddess herself. It watches over us and stopped monsters from entering this town through the forest and in return we offer it food. However recently, the guardian hasn't been responding and some monsters have gotten close to our walls. We believed that we have angered Grydia-sama, and we beg for forgiveness from the Goddess however our town worsened by the day.

The mayor sighed: "We're also not sure how long till the monsters started a full assault. We wanted to investigate however the forest was simply too dangerous for us."

"Then we will help investigate then!" Layla proposed, she glanced at Deoxys who nodded to Layla's suggestion.

The mayor's expression brightened exponentially: "Thank you, madam, if you need anything, please let me know." The mayor soon left as the two watched him leave.

"Let's go."

"Now!?" Layla exclaimed.

"Yes, just the two of us will be enough, Ilulu was still sleeping and your paladin said that he will be investigating strange phenomena in the town."

"O...Okay." Layla felt a bit uneasy at the mention of Ilulu's name but still agreed with a smile.

The two walked silently and they arrived at the border of the forest: "That's so far away...." Layla muttered as she saw the mountain in the distance where the supposed guardian lives.

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The mayor have already informed them beforehand that the distance was quite large but it was still surprising witnessing it with their own eyes: "It's going to take too long to walk Deoxys-san!"

"Then we fly," Deoxys replied.

Suddenly Layla's feet began to lift off into the air: "Huh wait KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA."

Using Psychic, Deoxys and Lalya soared into the sky as they fly towards the mountain like a missile. Layla screamed the entire way as they landed at their destination: " next time!" Layla yelped.

Deoxys glanced at Layla with eyes full of amusement, it then observed their surrounding. They were at a bottom of a cliff where a large cave was constructed into it. There were some stone pillars and tables with bowls containing fruits and a pathway leading to this cave.

Deoxys nodded, knowing they were in the right place: "Um so what now?" Layla asked out of curiosity as she stared into the cave, she wondered what kind of creature this "Guardian" was...

Deoxys picked up one of the fruits in the bowl. It arched its arm back and threw the berry into the cave. There was silence before they heard a SPLAT sound and a low angered growl.

Layla looked at Deoxys with disbelief and the ground starts to tremble. A four-legged beast exit the cave. It has two large horns on its face and a huge grey body covered in a thick hide that resembles armour.

"Armoured Rhino...." Layla muttered with a dumbfounded expression.

The monster was known to be gentle and docile. However once angered, the beast will destroy everything in its path. There were stories of Armoured Rhinos obliterating villages with their large muscular body.

The rhino's face was covered with the juices of the fruit Deoxys have thrown and it glared at them with rage. However, what was strange about the beast was that its body was covered with scars and its mouth was spewing a black-like smoke.

"It's infected with miasma..." Layla muttered with shock.

"How do you know?" Deoxys asked.

"We priests are good at detecting traces of Miasma and that rhino was covered with it."

"What do we do to fix this?" Deoxys asked.

"There should be a source of Miasma poisoning but let's knock it out first!" Layla declared.

Deoxys nodded and transformed into its speed form. It suddenly appeared behind the beast and crashed into the rhino using Extreme Speed. The animal was sent flying through the air.

The rhino smashed into the ground and Deoxys used Psychic to lift up the debris around them and launched it at the beast. The rhino roared in pain as the rocks struck its body. However, thank to its toughness, the rhino managed to withstand Deoxys's barrage and recovered.

It angrily shook its body and spotted Layla in the corner of its eyes. The animal roared and charged towards her. Layla cast light magic to defend herself but the beast weaved through the spells and their distance shortened. Layla panicked and her legs froze in fear.

Seeing this, Deoxys rushes to Layla with the intent of saving her. The rhino's horns collided with the side of Deoxys's body before the pokemon could grab Layla and escape. The power of the attack was unexpected and a large chunk of Deoxys's waist was missing.

"Deoxys-san!" Layla yell out with worry as she saw Deoxys's injury.

'Focus, one moment of hesitation will cost you your life.' Deoxys replied as the wound healed.

Layla nodded dejectedly however her eyes suddenly lit up and she pointed at the beast: "Deoxys-san look!"

Deoxys glanced at where Layla was pointing, at the back of the rhino, there seemed to be a strange dagger made of obsidian embedded deeply into the rhino's rear: "I can sense miasma coming out of that knife!" Layla exclaimed.

Deoxys nodded: 'I will hold the beast at bay while you pull out the weapon.'

"Nn! I won't let you down!" Layla said with determination.

Deoxys dropped Layla and dashed towards its opponent. It transformed into its defence form and stopped before the Rhino. Deoxys's body suddenly dawned a metallic coating as the pokemon used Iron Defence and Gravity on itself.

The ground Deoxys was standing on cracked and dented from the sudden increase in weight. Deoxys gestured at the rhino to attack and the beast roared in a challenge. It charged and smashed its head into Deoxys's body.

However, to the rhino's shock, Deoxys didn't budge and the beast felt like it was fighting an unmovable mountain. Deoxys's tendrils wrapped around the rhino's body and the animal was restrained in place.

Layla took this opportunity and climbed onto the rhino's back. Her fingers wrapped around the handle of the dagger. Layla held her breath and pulled with all her strength. The rhino growled from the pain as it began to struggle and kick wildly.

Layla wrapped around the beast's body and she firmly latched on in fear. Layla winced and continued to pull before finally, the dagger became loser and loser, with a huff, Layla successfully pulled the dagger out of the animal.

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