Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 25: Friend

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"WOAH!" Layla screamed as she lost balance and the rhino shook her off with all its might.

She was sent flying a few meters into the air before crashing down with a thud. Layla groaned in pain from the fall. Watching this, Deoxys hurriedly smashed the rhino onto the ground and Rock Smashed the animal on the head.

The beast's movement showed signs of slowing down and Deoxys fully knocked the beast out with a rock to the head. Deoxys changed back into its human form and ran to Layla's side. The girl have crash-landed pretty hard and blood was running down her head from a large gash.

Deoxys knelt down and gently rested Layla's head on its lap pokemon used heal pulse on her body. Layla's wounds started to heal and her eyes opened as the girl gasped for breath.

"Deoxys?" Layla called out and Deoxys's shoulder relaxed.

Layla quickly scanned her body before smiling: "Wow, thanks Deoxys, I'm all alright now."

Deoxys nodded but still worriedly checked her body anyways. It finally calmed down when the pokemon was sure that Layla wasn't hurt anywhere else.

Layla giggled at Deoxys's behaviour as the pokemon frowned: "What's the matter?"

"No nothing," Layla said with a smile: "You seemed like someone who will be a great mom."

Deoxys's shoulder trembled: "Do you really think that I'm a good parent?" The pokemon hesitantly asked and stared at Layla with anticipation.

Layla passionately nodded: "Even if you don't know it, you're a really kind and caring person." She praised, "I believe that you will be a wonderful parent!"

"I see..." Deoxys's gaze softened: "That meant a lot, friend." The pokemon replied with a small smile.

Layla beamed with joy at finally being called a friend. However, she sensed a small amount of sadness leaking out of her friend but she kept her mouth shut to not anger Deoxys again.

Deoxys set Layla down comfortably and walked back to the unconscious animal. The pokemon also used Heal Pulse on the rhino. The beast woke up not so long after and it returned back to its docile and gentle state.

Layla patted the rhino and the animal licked Layla on the face as if thanking them for freeing from its berserk state before returning to the cave to rest. Deoxys held the dagger and ran its finger along the dagger, the entire weapon was jet black and the blade was in the shape of waves with some unidentifiable language carved into the metal.

"Layla, do you have any idea what this is?" Deoxys asked.

Layla shook her head: "I have never seen things like this before but I'm sure that this was the cause of the rhino's rage. I could even sense the miasma oozing out of the dagger at this moment." She replied, "However, maybe Alex will have some idea?"

Deoxys agreed with Layla's suggestion and they decided to return back to the town. Layla begged to not fly gain so Deoxys used Teleport and they arrived in a flash. Unfortunately, teleporting was just as worse and Layla became extremely sick and dizzy.

When Layla recovered, they went to look for the young paladin, eventually locating him back at the inn.

"Hmmm..." Alex picked up the dagger and analysed it: "This is the language of the evil ones...."

"Language of the evil ones?" Layla repeated.

"As you know, the language we used for spells and magic scroll allows us to transmit mana into the scroll, that's how we use magic. However, for this, the letters on this blade channel pure miasma. "

Alex explained as his expression darkened: "This must be the work of the cultists that worships Ena."

"Cultists....." Layla muttered with shock, she heard about them but she still doesn't have a deep understanding of this topic. Alex informed her that it was something she will be learning in the future and Layla calmed down.

"To think there were still cultists left, I thought the church wiped them out years ago..." Alex said, "Then that means they must have chosen this town for sacrifices, that would explain the disappearance.

Alex also told the two that he had investigated the disappearance and there seemed to be a pattern in the disappearances as it happened every fourth night.

"That's horrible...." Layla uttered.

Alex nodded: "Coincidentally if the pattern was correct, tonight will be the night the cultists will strike again. I wasn't sure before but after seeing this dagger then it's certain the Cult of Ena was behind this."

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"Then what do we do?" Deoxys asked.

"We will attack tonight, during midnight we have to secretly search for the cult members and hopefully one could lead us to their hideout. We will deal with them all there." Alex proposed.

The three agreed with the plan and they're prepared to solve the root of the problem tonight.....

A few hours later...

Inside one of the rooms, Deoxys was sitting on the bed as Ilulu burst in with a grin: "The drinks humans called alcohol taste so good!" She exclaimed.

However, Ilulu suddenly stopped when she saw what Deoxys was doing. Her friend was holding a weird green crystal and Deoxys was whispering something to the gem. Deoxys haven't noticed Ilulu's loud presentation and the dragon girl sneakily sat beside the pokemon.

"Watcha doing?" Ilulu whispered.

Deoxys finally noticed Ilulu's presence and its eyes widened with shock. The pokemon instantly hide away the gem but the sad expression on its face lingered.

"Hey what's wrong?" Ilulu asked with concern, "If it's that human bothering you again, do you want me to kill her?"

Deoxys frowned and flicked Ilulu on the forehead: "Don't start killing on a whim."

"I'm not though, aren't friends supposed to look out for each other? That's just my way of caring for my friend!" Ilulu declared with pride as she confidently smacked her chest.

Deoxys smiled wryly: "Thank you but it's not because of Layla and treats people more humanely next time..."

Ilulu pouted and lay on the ground as she stared at the ceiling: "In my opinion, what I'm doing was already merciful enough. Humans will destroy anything that they even deemed even so slightly as a threat so I'm following their mindset I guess...."

Deoxys couldn't refute Ilulu's response as the two sat there in silence: "So, what's that green rock? Seems like you were talking to it earlier?" Ilulu curiously asked.

"It's fine if you don't tell me though." She hurriedly added.

Deoxys shook its head and sighed. There wasn't a good reason for it to hide from Ilulu as the pokemon took out the fragmented green crystal: "It's something that mattered the most to me. However, it also represented my failure, my weakness and my uselessness...."

"Oh..." Ilulu muttered, sensing Deoxys's depressed tone.

Deoxys subconsciously tilted forward and its chest was slightly exposed, revealing the circular purple jewel embedded at the centre. Ilulu glanced at the gem in Deoxys's hand and the one in its body as she instantly pieced two and two together.

"I'm sorry," Ilulu apologises.

Deoxys nodded while staring at the broken crystal: "I have waited for longer than I could possibly count. The day it was born may be the happiest moment of my existence. For the first time ever, I thought that I don't have to be alone anymore, finally, the empty void in my soul could be filled."

"But just as soon as it arrived, it was taken away from me..." Deoxys spoke the last sentence with so much hatred that it might be as well spitting venom, "I couldn't do anything... I'm not even strong enough to have revenge...."


"I should have been the one that died that day...."

Suddenly Ilulu pulled Deoxys into an embrace, hoping to comfort the pokemon. Ilulu's neck was stained with Deoxys's tears as it wept silently. The dragon girl always views Deoxys as a calm, calculative and powerful individual. However, right now all she could see in Deoxys was someone drowning in a sea of despair.

After a few minutes, Deoxys stopped and its eyes were reddened from the crying: "Hey, next time you got the chance to take revenge, I will help you out!" Ilulu said.

Deoxys nodded before smiling wryly: "Thank you Ilulu, you're a great friend."

Ilulu grinned, displaying her razor-sharp teeth: "No problem! Now let's go hunt some cultists!"

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