Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 26: Cultists

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[3rd POV]

Deoxys was seen standing on a rooftop and the pokemon quietly scanned the town. It was midnight and the hunt for cultists had already begun. The mayor has been informed of the plan and he was told to act discreetly to avoid the cult's suspicion as the adventurers were secretly waiting in different areas of the town to try and catch the enemy red-handed.

Deoxys don't know what to feel about what happened with Ilulu earlier, the sadness in its heart still remained but somehow Deoxys also felt a strange sense of relief as there was someone that listened to its troubles.

'Hey, I can always talk too alright?' Mew's childish voice sounded in Deoxys's head.

'Thanks, Mew, in the future, let's find a way so you could materialise physically.' Deoxys suggested.

'That sound's nice.' Mew purred with joy.

Suddenly, a short figure with wings landed beside Deoxys: "Are you sure there are cultists?" Ilulu asked, her feet dangling from the roof as her bright yellow eyes gazed at the streets.

"They will come sooner or later..." Deoxys patiently replied.

After waiting for more than fifteen minutes, they finally spotted some movements. "Ah, they looked suspicious..." Ilulu pointed into an alley where there was a group of five people covered in cloaks and their faces were obscured by an emotionless white mask.

"Seems like they're the cultists that humans were speaking about." Deoxys concluded, "Keep one alive."

"Only one?" Ilulu asked for confirmation.

Deoxys nodded and Ilulu's smile widened: "Okay don't take back your words!" Ilulu said and like a dog being freed from its leash, Ilulu disappeared in a flash.

In the alley, the five cultists were on the prowl as their leader ordered more sacrifices. They have been doing this for some time now and it became a part of their routine. The cultists cast a curse on the town's "guardian" and made the foolish inhabitants think that they have angered their Goddess by spreading some rumours.

"How long do we have to stay in this town?" One of the cultists questioned.

"Shut it, master said that we will finish the ritual soon however, with the recent arrival of the Saint, things have become troublesome." The leader of the group answered.

Suddenly a girl with short pink hair appeared in the middle of the group, catching them off-guard. Ilulu's hands grew into massive draconic claws as she slashed the stomach open of one of the cultists. She then instantly pounced on the second person closest to her as Ilulu bit into the man's throat and tore a large chunk of flesh off of his body.

The remaining three instantly created distance and they were still in a state of shock. Ilulu giggled and observed them with a bright smile, the cultists felt chills in their spine as the girl's reptilian eyes gazed at them.

She leisurely licked the blood on her claws with a face full of relish: "Deoxys-san said only one of you needed to live. But it's sooooo hard to control myself when I'm surrounded by nothing but prey..."

The cultists didn't say anything and equipped themselves with swords. They hurriedly buffed themselves with simple body-strengthening spells and prepared for the dangerous battle. Ilulu brandished her claws and dashed towards the group.

The cultists swung their swords as Ilulu jumped onto the walls before landing on one of the human's backs. Her hand pierced through the cultist's chest and gauged out his still-beating heart.

She tossed the organ away and smiled at the last two cultists. They were terrified of the monster before them and their body trembled uncontrollably. Ilulu's pupils darted between the two as she chooses which human should die.

At this moment, the cultists gathered their courage and let out one desperate charge. Ilulu lunged and decided to attack the one on her left. She crashed into the human like a cannonball. The man's ribs were instantly broken and he heaved for breath. However, before he could register the pain, Ilulu ripped the head clean off of his shoulders.

The last member of the cult dropped his sword. He ran for his life but a sharp pain assault his legs and he collapsed. He looked down and almost fainted when he saw his feet were bent at a strange angle as the head Ilulu thrown rolled beside him.

"I'm done!" Ilulu announced to the sky.

At this moment, Deoxys teleported onto the scene. The pokemon saw Ilulu sitting on the Cultists while smiling with anticipation: "Couldn't you do this a bit cleaner?" Deoxys asked.

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Ilulu shrugged: "Well it's their fault for having so much blood in them!"

Deoxys chuckled and patted the dragon girl's head as she let out a small satisfied growl. Deoxys then glanced at the human Ilulu was sitting on. Deoxys knelt down and stared into his eyes.

"I...I won't tell you anything!" The man exclaimed.

"You don't need to..." Deoxys replied and grabbed him by the face: "Hypnosis."

The man struggled and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He was completely hypnotised and Deoxys began to interrogate the man, asking for things like their numbers and hideout location. After finishing, Deoxys ended his misery by using Thunderwave and concentrating the small jolt of electricity before firing directly into his brain, killing him instantly.

Deoxys then took out a white glass ball and handed it to Ilulu. She transmitted her mana into the ball as Layla's image appeared: "Layla we have found and defeated what we believe to be the group of cultists" It then showed Layla the white masks they were wearing.

"Yep that's them alright, but still, you caught them that fast?!" Layla uttered with admiration.

Deoxys nodded: "We have also found the location of their hideouts, gather everyone and we will meet up there," Deoxys glanced at the huge mess Ilulu made: "But first I got something to take care of..."

"Heh heh, sorry." Ilulu laughed apologetically.

30 minutes later...

"Is everyone here?" Deoxys asked.

"Don't worry we're all here Deoxys-san, we will start on your orders!" Layla reported while saluting.

Deoxys nodded with satisfaction. The group of adventurers were currently surrounding a decently sized building at the corner of the town. From the information Deoxys gathered, the cultists purchased this building beforehand and only started recently using it.

The main hideout was located underneath the building and Deoxys could tell that there were more than twenty people currently inside. Decoys looked at everyone and they all have stern expressions (except for Ilulu) as they clenched their weapons tightly.

Deoxys struck the door with its palm and the door was blown off its hinges, all the adventurers stormed the building at once as they clashed with the cultists inside.

"To the basement!" Alex shouted as they pushed through the waves of armed guards.

While downstairs, a man wearing a red combat-type robe and a mask with black markings. He held the dagger menacingly as he prepared the sacrifices for his Goddess. Suddenly, the basement shook and a large ruckus was happening above.

The man sighed: "Useless, how are you all eligible to worship our Goddess if you couldn't even do your job right?!" He snarled at the low-ranking members behind him.

At this moment, the trapdoor leading to the basement exploded into pieces as adventurers came gushing in. The cultists desperately fought back but they were immediately defeated by Deoxys.

The man clenched his fist in anger and took out a scroll: "Stop!" Layla shouted as she attacked with light magic.

He flicked his cloak as the light magic was destroyed with ease. the stranger Spun around and threw two throwing knives at the saint. Deoxys held out its arm and the projectile bounced off of its skin: "Who are you," Deoxys questioned.

The pokemon could tell that man was the strongest out of all the cultists in this room. He chuckled and opened the magic scroll: " Soon our Goddess will rise again, and bring you all to despair...."

"Damn it wait!" Alex charged at the man with his sword drawn.

However, before the paladin could reach him, he tore the scroll in half and a magic circle appeared beneath his feet. With a flash, the cultist teleported away and escaped from their grasp...

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