Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 27: A Saint’s Companion

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Next Day:

"Thank you so much for your help!" The mayor thanked the adventurers gratefully as he bowed to Layla and Deoxys.

In that one night, the cultists residing in this town have been fully wiped out, except for that mysterious man who escaped using a teleport scroll.

"It's our job, your town should be safe now," Layla said with a smile.

The old man smiled back as he beckoned a guard-forward. The soldier was holding a small wooden box and he held it towards Layla: "This is the reward for saving our town." The mayor explained.

However, Layla hurriedly shook her head: "I didn't do much, it's all thanks to Deoxys's help so please reward her instead." She said.

The mayor nodded as the guard gave Deoxys the small wooden box. The pokemon opened the lid and revealed a large ruby and sapphire gems. Strangely, there was also a note stacked underneath the two jewels.

"Hmmm, I don't remember putting that there..." The mayor commented when he saw the paper in the box.

Deoxys frowned and picked up the note. Other people beside Deoxys peeked at the content and there was a confused look on their faces: "What language is that?" Ilulu asked.

Deoxys observed the paper and its eyes widened. The symbols were something Deoxys was familiar with. The alphabet consists of strange lines and punctuation marks and the most noticeable feature was the black dot drawn in the middle of each letter, resembling eyes.

Deoxys: 'Mew...'

'Yeah, I'm surprised as well, that's Unown letters, but what's it doing here?' Mew asked.

Deoxys was also intrigued, thankfully, the pokemon understand the language and read it intently. The letter wrote:

"????????????????????, ????????????????????????! ????????'???? ????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????, ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???? ????????????????????????????. ???? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???? ????????????. ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????, ????????'???? ???????????????????? ???? ???????????????????? ????????,  ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????.

???????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????????!"

"Woah Deoxys do you understand what it said?" Layla asked.

Deoxys nodded: "It's an old language, however, the person didn't write anything meaningful so it's not something you should be worried about."

The pokemon obviously not going to tell them it's from the Goddess they worship. Even if Deoxys did reveal it, the writing style doesn't give off the feeling that it was written by an omnipotent being.


"ACHOO!" Grydia sneezed while spilling her tea everywhere: "Whose bad-mouthing me all of a sudden! Anyway, I hope Deoxys like my gift." The Goddess muttered with a giggle.

Back at Deoxys.

Deoxys gratefully accepted the gifts and thanked the mayor who laughed. The group of adventurers finally left and returned back to the city. When they arrived at Lugella, Guild Master Akel awaited their return, he awarded Deoxys and Ilulu platinum ranks. Deoxys told Akel about the adventurers that the pokemon murdered. Guildmaster sighed and apologised for being ignorant of the tension between the two groups. He reassured Deoxys that it attacked in self-defence so it was justified and there won't be any charges.

They also said goodbyes to Layla and Alex who went back to the church. Surprisingly, Deoxys invited Layla to visit sometimes and the girl beamed with joy. When they arrived at their store, Deoxys nodded with satisfaction as everything seemed brand new and the damages were all repaired. Even the clouds of dust on the floor were cleaned.

"Bagon!!!!!!!" Ilulu shouted as the tiny dragon leapt into her arms: "You're so brave being alone and I hope you didn't overeat while we're gone!"

Ilulu carried Bagon upstairs as Deoxys went to the corner and picked up Mimmikyu: "Are there trespassers?" Deoxys asked.

The doll came to life and reported everything that transpired in the past few days: "I see good work." Deoxys praised and placed Mimmikyu back, not before feeding all of the ghost pokemon some poke blocks. Finally, with everything settled, Deoxys reexamined the two large gems that were gifted by the mayor.

'Can you tell what's special about this?'  Deoxys questioned Mew.

'Give me a sec, let me appraise it...'

A status window appeared before Deoxys's eyes:

[Name: Ancient Gem (Ruby)

Status: Unawakened

Description: An ancient valuable jewel, counterpart to Sapphire, has been absorbing the mana for eons. It has been tampered with by the Goddess of this world and true potential will be unlocked once a powerful catalyst was used.]

[Name: Ancient Gem (Sapphire)

Status: Unawakened

Description: An ancient valuable jewel, counterpart to Ruby has been absorbing the mana for eons. It has been tampered with by the Goddess of this world and true potential will be unlocked once a powerful catalyst was used.]

'I'm amazing right?' Mew praised itself as Deoxys nodded along.

Deoxys set the gems down, it was intrigued by the term: "Unawakened". However, it's impossible to solve the mystery at this current time. The pokemon don't have anything that could be described as a powerful catalyst so, in the end, the pokemon placed the two gems in one of the rooms Deoxys sometimes used when it wants to be alone.

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A few more days later...

"Good afternoon Deoxys!" Layla greeted happily as she entered the store.

Deoxys smiled wryly and greeted back before frowning at Layla's clothes. She wasn't wearing the usual priest robe but a commoner dress with a cloak obscuring her body: "Why are you dressed like this?" Deoxys questioned.

"Oh, this?" Layla spun around and laughed nervously: "With the rediscovery of the cultists, the church has been going crazy. I have been extremely busy so I quietly sneaked off to get a break."

"But isn't it unsafe?" Deoxys asked and the pokemon couldn't hide its concerned tone.

"Don't worry about me Deoxys! In fact, I'm probably in this Kingdom's safest place right now!" Layla joked.

Deoxys sighed as Layla curiously explored the store: "Wow, what is it that you sell here?"

"I'm selling creatures called Pokemon."


Deoxys nodded and took a deep breath.

One lengthy explanation later...

"I want one!" Layla yelled, after hearing Deoxys's lecture, the girl was hooked as she want to have one of those awesome creatures.

Deoxys gave Layla the question paper: "Please answer these truthfully."

Layla instantly started filling out the questions at a speed that was inhuman. After she finished, Deoxys took the paper and read it thoroughly. Deoxys's eyes glowed with amusement when it saw the pokemon that was assigned to Layla by Mew's system.

"Very well, I will bring in your pokemon shortly."

"Okay!" Layla chirped as Deoxys went through the back door.

A few minutes later Deoxys reemerged and a small quadrupedal pokemon was following beside it: "What's that, it looked strange..." Layla muttered.

The pokemon was blue in colour covered by black fur all over its body other than its mouth with six red dots around its neck with a small horn protruding on top of the pokemon's head. The pokemon stumbled clumsily as it bites everything in its surrounding.

"This pokemon here is called Deino, it's a Dragon and Dark Type," Deoxys explained, "These species are blind at their first stage of life and the only way it could perceive its surrounding was through taste and smell."

"Wait Dark type?" Layla exclaimed: "That sound ominous?" As a light magic user, typically Dark Magic was the very opposite, however, the pokemon before Layla was a dark type: "Isn't dark meant that it's evil?"

Deoxys shook its head: "Typings don't determine the personality of pokemon. There's never such a thing as bad pokemon, it all depends on how they were raised."

"Oh okay..." Layla replied.

Hearing Layla's voice, Deino approached her curiously. It sniffed Layla and it opened its wide jaws and bit her dress: "Aw wait don't eat that!" Layla exclaimed.

However, the Deino ignored her as it chewed on the corner of her clothes with a comfortable expression. She nudged Deino who shook its head and gnawed on the fabric harder

Layla sighed as if giving up which causes Deoxys to chuckle at the girl's misfortune. Layla ignored the sticky saliva that was soaking her clothes, she slowly held out her hand and patted Deino's head.

Feeling Layla's touch, Deino let out a happy growl and Layla's smile widened: "How much is this little guy?"

"This pokemon will cost approximately five platinum coins." Deoxys shamelessly declared.

"Five plat...." Layla choked on her words. As a saint, she always has a lot of money but she is typically frugal and doesn't buy things that she doesn't have an important value.

This would be the first time she ever spent this much money and just thinking about it made her mind dizzy: "I understand your thought, however, this pokemon will grow up to be extremely powerful."

"I see...." Layla muttered, she looked at Deino's face who was also looking back at her. With this first meeting, the small dragon has somehow found a place in Layla's heart.

Layla took a deep breath: "Okay I will take it!"

Thankfully, she brought a lot of money with her and she paid reluctantly. Deoxys also gifted Layla a Pokeball and she captured Deino without a hitch. Suddenly the door to Deoxys's shop burst open and a dishevelled Alex entered.

He frantically scanned around the room and located the shocked Layla: "My Lady you're not supposed to be here! The church was in chaos because of your disappearance!"

"Oh uh..."

Before Layla could make up an eligible excuse Alex grabbed her wrist and dragged her out: "You got a lot of explaining to the pope." He said with a sigh.

Hearing this, Layla gulped in fear at the amount of scolding that awaits her. She hurried her pace thinking that maybe getting back faster will alleviate a little bit of her punishment: "I gotta go! I promise to take care of Deino, goodbye!!!" Layla yelled as she sprinted down the crowded streets and the tired paladin chased after her.

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