Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 28: Rivalry

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[3rd POV]

"Miss Saint, what are we doing here?" Alex asked with a perplexed tone as he followed behind Layla.

They were currently in a training ground located near the palace that was specifically used to train the guards. There were already numerous knights training fervently, however, when they saw Layla and Alex on the sidelines, they subconsciously doubled their effort on their training, hoping to impress the Saint.

Layla smiled mischievously at Alex: "For training of course!"

"Don't we have a small training ground in the church?" Alex replied.

It's too small and my training was more on the physical side..." Layla responded mysteriously.

Alex was greatly confused by this: "My Lady, is this some sort of rebellion phase? Workers have reported hearing strange noises in your room and sometimes your clothes were all torn into shreds."

Layla flinched and blushed with embarrassment: "I'm perfectly fine!" she argued.

"You also seemed distracted lately after visiting that female adventurer and I heard you have spent a great amount of money recently," Alex added.

"I have a reason for that!" Layla yelled.

"It's okay to be acting out sometimes but please don't go too far. The pope was just worried and we all think the one-week house arrest was an eligible punishment." Alex nonchalantly uttered but he stopped when the paladin saw Layla's threatening gaze.

Alex realises if he said anymore, Layla would've smashed her staff into his face. She took a deep breath to calm herself. Layla dug through the small satchel she brought with her and took out an odd-looking sphere.

She nodded to herself before throwing the ball into the air. It opened and there was a flash of light and a strange four-legged creature appeared. Alex was dumbfounded as the creature ran towards Layla and started chewing her robe.

"Deino stop! I'm running out of clothes!" Layla whined as she nudged the pokemon on the head.

The pokemon stopped and looked up at Layla with a disappointed look: "What is that thing...." Alex muttered in shock.

"This is my pokemon!" Layla proudly explained and patted Deino on the head.

"Okay enough talk, let's try what Deoxys told us, Deino use Dark Pulse!" Layla shouted as she pointed at a wooden post in the distance. Deino arched his head backward and fired a black beam. The beam struck the target, creating a large explosion.

The fence post completely disappeared. Watching this scene everyone at the training ground froze and watched the pokemon in a daze. The knights felt chills as they have thoughts of what will happen if the Dark Pulse was aiming at them instead.

"Saint this is..." Alex exclaimed.

"Ku Ku Ku isn't he wonderful!" Layla boasted while furiously patting Deino on the head.

Alex was speechless as he don't know how to respond. However, before he could say anything a new voice called out to Layla in the distance.

"WOW, you got a pokemon too!" A girl with red hair ran up to Deino and observed the pokemon curiously.

The girl looked up at Layla and suddenly became flustered: "Ah sorry about that, my name is Alice Redwall and I also have a pokemon!" Alice threw out her own Pokeball and Charmander emerges.

"Char!" Charmander greeted everyone.

"He is so cute!" Layla praised, but she suddenly felt someone hitting her leg.

Deino was staring at Layla and growling with dissatisfaction: "haha, you're pretty cute too." Layla said and the dragon nodded proudly.

"My lady, please stop running off on your own!" A knight shouted as he sprinted towards Alice.

"Sorry Leon, I got too excited because this girl has a pokemon as well," Alice explained.

Leon glanced at the girl as his eyes widened. He hurriedly bowed: "I pay respect to the Saint!"

Hearing this, Alice's eyes also widened and Layla blushed: "You can just call me Layla..." She said, "What are you doing here?"

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"For training with Charmander of course!" Alice announced: "I already destroyed all the things in my mansion's training ground so I came here!"

"Wow, you're Charmander must be strong..." Layla muttered with admiration.

Alice nodded: "Then Layla, do you want to have a pokemon battle!" She loudly declared.

"Pokemon battle?" Layla uttered, Deoxys have explained the premise of a pokemon battle to her before but she thought that Deino may be still too young for it to start battling yet.

However, Deino willingly stepped up as the pokemon snarled at Charmander. The pokemon roared in challenge and stared at Layla with anticipation. Seeing Deino's determination, Layla nodded: "Okay, let's do this!"

Alice grinned, this will be her second pokemon battle, and this time she and Charmander were ready. Despite this, Layla wasn't going to back down, she had thoroughly studied the information in Deino's care sheet Deoxys had given to her and memorised all of the pokemon's skills.

The other people give the two space as they're curious as to what was going to transpire.

"Okay, we're going first! Deino Focus Energy!" Layla ordered.

Deino roared as a faint white light coated its body before vanishing: "Charmander, stop him with Dragon Tail!" Alice shouted.

Charmander rushes towards Deino and its tail glowed a green hue.

"Dark Pulse!" Layla countered.

Deino reacted and fired a massive dark beam towards Charmander. The fire pokemon swung its tail and collided with the attack. Both moves deflected each other, creating a large explosion.

"Dragon Breath!" Alice yelled.

Charmander burst through the clouds of dust and spew out green air. Dragon Breath struck Deino and the pokemon cried out in pain.

"Quickly use Bite!" Layla hurriedly commanded.

Deino unhinged its jaw and clamped down onto Charmander's arm. It then threw Charmander onto the ground and the pokemon winced.

Alice frowned: "Counter with Ember."

Charmander gritted its teeth and shoot out a multitude of small fireballs. At their range, the Ember was impossible to miss and all the fiery projectiles crashed into Deino: "Finish it off with Dragon Tail!" Alice yelled.

Charmander swung its tail as Deino was sent flying across the field: "DEINO!" Layla shouted with a face full of concern.

Deino's body crashed into the ground, the pokemon slowly got back up before immediately collapsing and fainting. Layla ran towards her pokemon with worry, Deino woke up and let out a dejected cry.

"It's okay," Layla reassured, "We lost this time but next time we will win!" She announced.

Deino stared at Layla with awe before the pokemon started to chew her robe for comfort. Alice approached them with an apologetic expression: "Sorry about that."

Layla shook her head with a smile: "You won fair and square, we just have to try harder next time!"

Alice chuckled: "If it makes you feel better, the first battle we lost was to a caterpillar."

Hearing this Layla laughed: "That sure sucks."

Alice laughed along with her: "Yep."

Suddenly they heard people clapping as the knights that were spectating give them a round of applause for the amazing scene they just witnessed. They never knew there was something so amazing called Pokemon and watching the two battle has been extremely refreshing.

Layla and Alice smiled at each other, they promised that starting today, both will get stronger and continue to have pokemon battles as a long-lasting rivalry has bloomed.

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