Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 29: Sale Pitch

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[3rd POV]

Back at the Pokestore, Deoxys was waiting patiently at the store counter for potential customers. Surprisingly, the number of sales has been more than Deoxys expected. Well, Deoxys haven't expected much in the first place.

Most commonly, some people will be turned down by the prices of the Pokemon but sometimes the citizens were able to afford it thanks to them picking some ordinary species. Deoxys thought that maybe it was time to tune down the prices. With Layla and the Redwalls, Deoxys has already more than enough income for the time being.

Deoxys stared at the screen from the corners of its eyes. It's the mission that Mew has given the Pokemon during the opening of this store:

[Task: Grant 1000 people their own Pokemon!

Status: 268/1000

Reward: Mass Pokemon Summoning and Pokedex]

Thankfully, with the Demi-human village, Deoxys manage to reach over a quarter of the desired numbers. Sometimes Deoxys still wondered how they were doing, the pokemon will occasionally imagine what will happen if it just stayed.

However, there's no use thinking about it now, Deoxys believes that won't be their last encounter and they will surely meet again. While thinking, the door to Deoxys's opened and two familiar figures appeared.

"Good morning, Lucius, Akel." Deoxys politely greeted the two regulars.

"Ah morning, we're just in need of more supplies," Akel casually responded.

Deoxys nodded and placed two bags of premade poke blocks on the counter: "By the way Lady Deoxys, I was wondering if it's possible to have more than one pokemon?" Lucius asked out of the blue.

"It is possible, for pokemon battles, I have originally planned for trainers to have a team of six pokemon."

Akel grasped his chin with a thoughtful expression, "That does sound more interesting if you think about it, that way, the outcome of the battle won't be one-sided if the opponent doesn't have a great match-up with your pokemon." He analysed.

Lucius's eyes lit up: "I see, then what should I do to add another member to my team?" he asked.

"I have already gained enough information from the first survey, just inform me that you wanted to have a second pokemon and I will arrange it for you."

"Hoh, then I hope it's not a bother then," Lucius said, he glanced at Akel but the Guild Master shook his head.

"I'm not looking for another one at the moment, I want to finish training Machop before focusing on a new pokemon."

"I understand." Deoxys replied before turning towards Lucius: "Please wait, I will bring your pokemon shortly." Without further ado, Deoxys exited through the back door.

The two men have always wondered what mystery Deoxys do in the back. However, they didn't have the time to create more theories as Deoxys reappeared with a new pokemon in its arms. The pokemon looked like a small bird covered with orange feathers. It has short stubby wings with yellow feathers on top of its head.

"Chic?" The pokemon cried out as Deoxys set it on the counter.

"This pokemon is called Torchic, and it's a fire-type pokemon." Deoxys introduced.

"Another fire type?" Lucius muttered with astonishment, however, he doesn't think it was necessarily a bad thing.

As a magic user that was proficient in flames, having a full fire-type team was a tempting thought. Suddenly the Pokeball in Lucius's pocket began to vibrate and Larvesta exited the ball out of its free will. The bug observed Torchic and the bird pokemon flinched when felt Larvesta's intimidating gaze scrutinizing it.

Larvesta seemed to be eying Torchic up and down, before nodding with approval. It let out a low growl before reentering its own Pokeball. Lucius chuckled, he was happy that Larvesta approved of Torchic as he held out his hand.

The duke patted Torchic on the head: "Okay I will take this pokemon."

He paid for Torchic which cost way less than Larvesta: "Thank you for the purchase, however before you leave may I have a request."

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"I want to advertise my establishment and will you two be able to assist in this matter?" Deoxys asked.

Lucius smiled: "It will be an honour,"

"Lucius right, you have made a great contribution to the Adventurer Guild it was natural for us to pay back the favour!" Akel answered.

Deoxys nodded and the pokemon starts to unravel its plan.

In the city square. People were bustling around as they do whatever they needed to do. Akel and Lucius were seen standing amongst the crowd of people. They covered themself with a brown cloaks to hide their identities and got into positions.

Akel and Lucius spotted Deoxys not so far away, as they nodded at each other. The two men. immediately threw away their cloak, slightly frightening the people around them.



They bellowed and the bystanders subconsciously made way for the two men.

Akel: "Today's the day."

Lucius: "We settle this."

They stared at each other as silence ran through the entire city square. The citizens recognised the identity of the Duke and Lugella's Guild Master. Were they going to fight here?! That's what everyone thought at the same time.

Whispering erupted in the crowd as they watched the two. Lucius and Akel stared at each other with a calm faces, however deep inside, both men felt like they were going to die from embarrassment. Lucius took a deep breath: "I challenge you to a pokemon battle!"

"Very well I accept! Prepare to get defeated!"

The people watching don't understand what a pokemon battle was but they expected Akel and Lucius to pull out their weapons. Fear ran through their faces at the thought of two powerhouses clashing in the centre of the city.

However, what happens next wasn't what they expected. Lucius and Akel took out their pokeballs and simultaneously threw them into the air. Machop and Larvesta glared at each other while oozing fighting spirits.

"I will warn you one last time, you can back out now and you can keep your dignity!" Akel smirked.

"Even if I lose, I still get to have hair." Lucius countered and pointed at Akel's bald head.

Akel felt a sharp pain in his heart and he saw the mischievous smile on Lucius's face. The Guild Master gritted his teeth: 'Even if this was all an act, this b*tch really just made it personal.'

Even the spectators winced from the duke's verbal abuse: "I see.... then let all these citizens be the witness of your defeat!" Akel shouted.

As if right on queue, Deoxys who was among the crowd cast a large barrier surrounding the two men. The barrier was made from a multitude of Light Screens and Reflect that will minimise the damage.

Seeing the barrier, Akel's smile widened: "Do not fear, this barrier is perfectly safe, please watch our duel!" He announced before unstrapping his giant war hammer on his back. He swung the hammer at the dome, creating a large shockwave.

The crowd instinctively closed their eyes in fear but they were surprised that there wasn't even a crack in the barrier. They all felt relief as curiosity washes over them at the so call Pokemon Battle. They have never seen those two strange creatures before and were interested to know what the two men will do with them.

The creation of the barrier also meant the start of their pokemon battle. However, Lucius felt nothing but wary of the Machop in front of him. He and Larvesta have been training and he knew his pokemon's strength was better than average.

Unfortunately, Akel's Machop was the same as well, no, the Machop may be way stronger than his Larvesta. What Lucius lacked was experience, he have heard that Akel have been really strict with his training and even brought Machop on some monster subjugations.

Watching Lucius's cautious behaviour, Akel snorted: "If you're not going to move first then I will! Machop use Bullet Punch!"

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