Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 30: Sale Pitch (2)

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"Machop Bullet Punch!" Akel shouted as Machop's figure disappeared.

Machop reappeared in front of Larvesta and punched the pokemon with an unbelievable speed. Larvesta winced and was sent flying into the air. Lucius snapped out of his daze and hurriedly ordered Larvesta to use Flame Charge.

Flames coated Larvesta's body and crashed into the onlooking Machop. Larvesta then quickly backed away to gain some breathing space. Its speed has increased from using Flame Charge but Lucius knew that a simple speed boost wasn't enough.

Just as he expected, Machop look unscathed as Akel laughed: "You need to try harder than that!" He shouted.

Lucius clicked his teeth: "Ember!"

"Dodge it and grab Larvesta!" Akel ordered.

Machop rolled to the side as many small fireballs struck where it was previously standing. The fighting pokemon rushes towards Larvesta and captured the bug with its strong arms.

"Struggle Bug!"

Larvesta resisted Machpo's capture and bit the opponent's arm while thrashing wildly.

"Seismic Toss!" Akel ordered.

Machop gritted its teeth and endured the pain as the pokemon threw Larvesta to the ground. The pavement cracked from the impact and Larvesta suffered huge damage. The insect slowly stood back up and stared at Machop with a fierce gaze.

"Larvesta, are you okay?" Lucius asked.

Larvesta glanced at Lucius and nodded, it shrugged off the damage and let out a shrieking cry. Akel laughed: "Let's keep this up, Machop and I are just getting started!"

"Machop use Bulk Up!"

"Ma!" Machop yelled and tensed its muscles.

"Quickly, stop him with Ember!" Lucius shouted.

Larvesta spits out a flurry of tiny flames. The attack struck Machop's body, creating a small explosion. The smoke dissipated and Lucius was stunned that the move didn't do as much as he expected.

Machop's figure seemed to have grown bigger and its muscles became more defined than before. It took a step but quickly knelt down in pain. A flash of flames flashed on Machop's body as the pokemon suffered from the burn effect.

Lucius smiled as luck seemed to be on his side: "Bind Machop with String Shot"

"Dodge it!"

Machop leapt away and Larvesta's threads missed: "Ember while it's in the air!" Lucius shouted.

"Do you think it's that easy?" Akel questioned, "Scary Face!"

Machop glared at Larvesta and the pokemon flinched, stopping Ember: "Now let's finish this! Ice Punch!" Akel roared.

Blue light covered Machop's hands and the pokemon dived down. Machop arched its fists backward as it got closer and closer.

"Zen Headbutt!" Lucius commanded and Larvesta jumped into the sky.

Larvesta rammed its head onto Machop's fists as the two pokemon clashed. Both pokemon were unwilling to back down as Akel and Lucius held their breath. In the end, it was Machop that won the confrontation as Larvesta was sent crashing down to the ground.

Before Larvesta could recover, Machop smashed his Ice Punch into Larvesta's body. The bug pokemon couldn't hold on anymore and fainted. Lucius sighed and smiled sadly as Machop let out a victory cry and flexed its muscle.

Lucius picked Larvesta up and the pokemon woke up. It was in a daze and it couldn't believe its defeat as Lucius's words snapped Larvesta back into reality: "Don't feel down, you did a great job."

Larvesta's eyes glowed and the pokemon rubbed its head affectionately. Lucius chuckled and returned Larvesta back to its Pokeball while Akel did the same.

"Your Larvesta's strong." Akel praised.

Lucius laughed: "But seems like your Machop's stronger."

"Ha, that's true," Akel replied with a smirk.

Both men laughed once more as they glanced at the crowd. Suddenly, their surroundings erupted into cheers. The citizens applauded the amazing battle. Whatever they witnessed was way too exciting and couldn't be merely described with words. They couldn't even keep their eyes away from the battle, it was simply too thrilling.

The barrier vanished as Deoxys emerged between the two trainers.

'Great work, both of you will be thoroughly rewarded.' Deoxys's voice entered their minds as the two men chuckled.

"I hope all of you enjoyed this wonderful battle," Deoxys said with a loud voice as the crowd became silent.

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"What if I tell you it's possible to be like these two men here?" Deoxys asked rhetorically and the spectators' interest peaked as they gazed at Deoxys, waiting for an answer.

"Those amazing creatures are called pokemon," Deoxys brought out its own Pokeball and threw it into the air.

A cute yellow mouse appeared: "Pika!" The Pikachu cried out with joy and danced around.

Everyone was captured by Pikachu's cuteness, unfortunately, that moment was short as Deoxys immediately returned Pikachu back into the Pokeball: "However, pokemon aren't always used for battling, they're much more than that, they could be your forever companion, someone that will never give up on you and betray you." Deoxys lectured.

"So if you're interested, please visit the Pokestore to have your very own pokemon!" Deoxys announced and smiled at the crowd.

Everyone was even more captivated by Deoxys's smile as both men and women subconsciously blushed. Even Akel and Lucius averted their gaze and coughed awkwardly into their hand. Deoxys gave one last bow before instantly teleporting Akel, and Lucius away from the scene.

The crowd was slightly disappointed by the fast exit as they stared at the spot where Deoxys was previously standing. Soon they slowly returned back to their daily lives but the word pokemon was forever etched into their minds...


"That insolent b*tch..." Tommen growled in anger.

Since that incident at the Pokestore, Tommen couldn't get that scene out of his head. Every time he went out, the man felt like people were talking behind his back about that incident. After finding out Deoxys's connections, Tommen couldn't even afford to have his revenge in public. The man has even resorted to sending assassins. However, all the assassins took his money and ran away never to be seen again.

In actuality, the assassins didn't run away, they're all buried in Deoxys's backyard, but nobody will ever know...

Tommen slightly pulled back his sleeve, revealing the wrist that Deoxys have snapped. The wound was healed by priests however it wasn't mended correctly as his hand will now be slightly tilted permanently. Seeing this, the scowl on Tommen's face deepened and he threw the wine glass he was holding across the room.

The glass shattered, splattering the liquid everywhere. Suddenly, a shadow in the corner of the room seemed to expand as Tommen subconsciously backed away. The shadow grew in size eventually taking shape of a man.

The stranger was wearing a red cloak with a mask obscuring his face: "Do you want revenge?" The man asked.

"Wh...Who are you!" Tommen shouted.

"I asked do you want revenge?" The stranger asked once more, trying his best to not sound annoyed.

Tommen gulped as he was intimidated by the intruder. However the noble nodded to the questioning.

"Then I will help you...." The man declared.

Tommen's eyes widened as he stared at him suspiciously: "Why should I trust you?"

The stranger chuckled: "Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend." The man said.

Tommen's eyes lit up as the wariness slowly disappeared: "I see...." For some reason, he couldn't find himself being cautious of the intruder. Tommen wasn't sure if the man have cast some sort of spell on him but he was already too tempted by the man's offer.

"What do you want me to do..." Tommen asked with anticipation.

The stranger chuckled as he tossed a black dagger and book at Tommen. Both items looked demonic as the book's cover have a design of a skull while the dagger was crude with the remains of dried-up blood still on the blade.

"Stab that woman with the dagger and spill her blood onto the grimoire. That way her soul will be forever sealed." He explained.

Tommen slowly picked up the items as a malicious smile began to form on his face: "What should I call you... Friend?"

The man stared into Tommen's eyes as the noble instinctively felt a chill: "You will know once you succeed, don't disappoint me..." The man warned as Tommen sensed a massive amount of killing intent.

The noble was knocked onto his knees as he fainted. Watching, the man snortled: "Pig..." He muttered before leaving through the balcony.

The man appeared on a distant rooftop and stared at Tommen's mansion.  A figure approached the man from behind and knelt down: "Master....."


"Was it wise to give that noble the artifact?" The figure asked.

The man's face turned cold but it was hidden under his mask. However, his rage and killing intent subconsciously leaked out: "Are you questioning my judgement?"

"N..No master!" The servant quickly replied as his body trembled in fear.

Thankfully the chilling aura vanished: "Hmph, it doesn't matter whether the bastard fail or not, he just needed to bring the woman to us... Her body is a perfect vassal."

The man grinned: "Soon, this kingdom will be laid to rest and Ena's will rise!"

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