Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 31: Black Smith

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After the advertisement, Deoxys's sales soared, and the news of what happened spread like wildfire as citizens would enter to find out more about pokemon. Deoxys could see the shocks of bystanders as people exited the stores with their own pokemon. However, despite the spike in customers, there wasn't anyone memorable. Almost everyone that purchased from Deoxys couldn't afford expensive pokemon so the ones that were usually sold were common pokemon that could be found in most regions.

The types of people that bought from Deoxys the most were usually young children with their families. When Deoxys handed the children their own pokemon, Deoxys could see the happiness on their faces while the parents watched with love and affection.

Deoxys could only smile wryly at the scene as it watched with slight envy. It also wanted to be like them, someone Deoxys could shower with gifts. However, that jealousy immediately vanished as the pokemon believed that one day its dream could come to fruition.

Suddenly Ilulu's voice snapped Deoxys of its thoughts: "We ran out of pokeballs..." Ilulu called out as she looked at Deoxys with a helpless expression.

Deoxys frowned, it didn't expect the regular pokeballs supplies will be depleted that fast. It still has other types of pokeballs but Deoxys won't be selling them as they would be useless for the time being.

Deoxys could make more but its crafting speed won't be able to keep up. Compared to Pokeblocks which were created by mixing different berries and spices. Pokeballs needed many intricate parts that have to be assembled perfectly.

So, it needed a source to make the pokeballs for them: "Close the shop, for now, I will do something about it." The pokemon said to Ilulu who nodded.

Next Day...

Deoxys paid a visit to the Adventurer's Guild. The pokemon contacted Akel and inquired about its problem. Fortunately, Akel gave Deoxys the location of a blacksmith he deemed trustworthy and able to help with Deoxys's problem.

"This should be the place," Deoxys muttered and glanced up from the paper it was holding.

Deoxys was standing before a small simple building near the city's outskirts. Deoxys could see smoke coming out of the chimney and the pokemon opened the door. Upon entering, Deoxys saw rows and rows of weapons and armour.

Clouds of dust seemed to gather on some of the equipment, indicating their age. Nobody seemed to be greeting Deoxys and it could hear the faint sound of hammering deep within. Deoxys walked past the counter and went through the back door, revealing a smithing room.

There was a short figure wielding a hammer as he struck the molten hot metal.

'Dwarf...' That's the first thing that came into Deoxys's mind as it watched the man's work.

The dwarf had bulging muscles that couldn't be hidden under his clothes, he have a large beard and a bandana to cover his hair. The dwarf doesn't seem to notice Deoxys as he was too focused on his smithing.




The rhythmic noise of the hammer striking against metal creates a strange harmonious tone. Deoxys quietly waited for the man to finish. An hour later, the dwarf manages to create a straight sword blade as he grabbed the hot metal with his tongs before quenching it with mineral oil. A sharp hissing sound was made as the metal cooled down and he swiftly pulled it out.

He observed the blade before humming with satisfaction. He placed the blade on the anvil and let out a tired sigh.

"Hello..." Deoxys announced its presence.

The dwarf was startled as he jumped in fright. He accidentally smacked the blade high into the air as his face turned into shock and despair. Luckily, The blade froze in place as Deoxys caught it with psychic, it gently set metal down.

The dwarf hurriedly checked the blade before sighing with relief. He then turned to Deoxys with a scowl: "What ya want?" He said with a rough tone.

"I heard you're a good blacksmith," Deoxys remarked.

The dwarf shrugged, he went to a cabinet and grabbed a bottle of booze: "Look here lady, I don't do walk-ins," He said before taking a large sip of the alcohol: "No matter how much of a beauty you are." He commented while glancing at Deoxys from the corner of his eyes.

"Akel told me you're someone trustworthy," Deoxys explained.

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"Hoh? That man sent you?" The dwarf stopped drinking, "Seems like you're not some average customer then..."

"I want you to make something for me." Deoxys declared.

The dwarf sighed and shook his head: "Again, just because that geezer sent you doesn't mean I have to accept you know, I don't want money and I don't think you have anything that could...." He stopped talking when he saw the strange object in Deoxys's hand.

"What's this," He muttered under his breath.

"It's called a Pokeball," Deoxys explained as the dwarf analysed the sphere.

He messed with the mechanism for a bit: "What does it do?" The dwarf asked while fiddling with the latch of the Pokeball.

"It's a technology that stores and captures creatures called Pokemon," Deoxys said.

The dwarf was still confused as he flick open the latch. The ball bounced off his grasp and opened, a bright white light illuminated the room and a tortoise emerged: "What in the Grydia's name...." The dwarf muttered.

"Koal!" Torkoal cried out, announcing its presence.

The pokemon spew smoke from its nostril and glanced at the dwarf. The blacksmith stared at the ball in his hand with admiration: "Just from looking at what happened, whoever crafted this was way more skilled than me...."

"I was the one that made this Pokeball," Deoxys explained as the dwarf looked at Deoxys with shock.

"However, I wanted to have a contract with you. I will hand you the recipe for making these wonderful devices and in return I wi..."

"DEAL!" The dwarf shouted before Deoxys could even finish.

"Excuse me?" Deoxys uttered.

"I will do it, after seeing something this amazing, it will be a sin to turn down this opportunity and research this technology." He explained.

"I see, very well, don't worry, there will be a reasonable salary and I will also gift this Torkoal to you." Deoxys said, "This pokemon can be a great help on your smithing."

Torkoal proudly raised its head at the praise. Its shell glowed and small flames formed, increasing the heat of the room.

The dwarf smirked: "I will take it, anyway, may I know the name of my benefactor?" He asked.

"I'm Deoxys," Deoxys introduced itself and bowed slightly.

"Heh, Gareff at your service," Gareff said and held out his hand.

Deoxys shook it and gave Gareff the recipes for regular pokeballs. Gareff intently scanned through the paper with a wide smile: "This is really interesting! Give me a week! I can produce results then!"

Deoxys smiled: "Let's hope this business will be long-lasting."

"Agreed," Gareff replied.

Finishing its business, Deoxys teleported back to the store. Gareff was stunned by Deoxys's magic before bursting into laughter. He turned to Torkoal who was eating some coal in the furnace: "Let's get to work!"

There won't be anymore chapters next week as I will be pretty busy!

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