Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 32: It’s a trap!

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After a week, Gareff successfully recreated the Pokeballs. Deoxys was very satisfied with the results as the sale of Pokemons continued to rise. Many people Deoxys was familiar with come to congratulate Deoxys's prosperity.

Things were going well until one day, Deoxys opened its Pokestore and found a letter outside. It opened the envelope and was surprised by the content. It was that noble Tommen and apparently, he wanted to 'reconcile' with Deoxys and hoped the pokemon could have lunch at its mansion.

'This is definitely a trap...' Mew pointed the obvious.

Deoxys nodded and crumpled the paper before throwing it into a nearby bin: 'What will you do?' Mew asked.

"I'm going."

'What!? Didn't I say it's a trap!'

Deoxys shrugged: "It's best to go, might as well get this all over with."

If things turned south, Deoxys won't even hesitate to kill that man. Who cares if he's a noble, a corpse will only be a corpse and that's how Deoxys sees it.

'Fine...' Mew grumbled, knowing that Deoxys won't change its mind.

An hour later...

"Ah welcome." Tommen greeted as he sat opposite Deoxys.

The atmosphere was tense as nobody said a word. Deoxys stared at Tommen with a cold expression as he chuckled awkwardly. He shrunk under the gaze and felt a choking pressure leaking out of the woman sitting across him.

His clothes and hair were all disheveled as if he have been through a lot of stress: "Ugh I want to apologize for my actions..." Tommen uttered as he stifled a groan.

"I see..." Deoxys responded.

Tommen slightly frowned: "That's why I want to make amends, so please enjoy." He gestured at the table as butlers and maids hurriedly brought plates of meals with a nervous look.

Deoxys sighed: 'Mew, do I even have the capability of eating?' It asked.

Just because now Deoxys has a mouth, that doesn't mean it has every other organ to be really "alive".

'Maybe??' Mew answered with a questioning tone, 'Wait, you're not gonna eat it, are you? It's poisoned! Didn't you hear me!?'

Deoxys ignored Mew before picking up the fork and knife, carefully slicing a piece of meat, and bringing it close to its face. Deoxys observed the food, it doesn't look like there was anything strange added to it. Deoxys sighed and hesitantly placed the food in its mouth.

As expected, the pokemon couldn't taste anything as it lacked taste buds. Deoxys carefully chewed before swallowing, it felt the food entering its body and was instantly converted into energy. Deoxys suddenly detected a strange substance that refused to be turned into energy, its body safely deconstructed the material and through analysis, Deoxys assumed the matter to be a paralyzing neurotoxin of some sort.

'There's definitely poison but it's strangely weak.' The pokemon explained.

'Tsk, you're just too strong....' Mew rebutted

Deoxys wiped its mouth with a napkin and pushed the plate away: " Poisoning your enemy's food is a cowardly method."

Tommen's lips twitched: "What... What are you talking about? I didn't poison your food." He denied Deoxys's claim and feigned ignorance.

"Lying is beneath you," Deoxys replied coldly.

Tommen trembled and the fat man felt suffocated as Deoxys unleashed a huge amount of killing intent: "Wait..."

"Unfortunately, the poison wasn't strong enough," Deoxys explained before standing up.

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"I can explain!" Tommen pleaded but Deoxys shook its head.

"There's nothing to explain," Deoxys flicked its wrist and with a loud crash, the whole table was thrown to the side.

When Tommen truly realized that there was no way out, in one last desperation, he unsheathed the hidden black dagger that was given to him and lunged. Deoxys kicked Tommen in the stomach and the fat noble was sent sprawling across the room.

Suddenly dozens of black figures burst through the window as they surrounded Deoxys: "Cultists...." Deoxys muttered, seeing their black cloaks and white masks.

They equipped themselves with ritual daggers and pounced in unison. Deoxys teleported away from the entrapment and appeared beside one of the cult members. The pokemon swung its arm and shattered the cultist's spine, killing him instantly.

"To think you're collaborating with the cult, I've lost the last ounce of respect for you," Deoxys muttered while glaring at Tommen.

Tommen yelped and placed his back against the wall in fear. The wall behind Tommen seemed to darken and a cult member wearing a unique red cloak emerges from the wall. Deoxys scowled: "So you're behind this..."

The cult leader chuckled and pointed at Deoxys: "Kill her."

All the hesitation in the cultist's eyes vanished and they rushes at Deoxys: "Yes kill her!" Tommen cheered however his face contorted into pain as the cult leader knocked him out with a chop to the neck.

He dug through Tommen's pocket and brought out the grimoire. The leader opened the book and watched the battle with anticipation. The fight was reaching its climax as corpses littered around Deoxys's feet.

Having enough of the pests, Deoxys lifted the remaining few weakened cultists into the air with Psychic and clenched its fist. Their body exploded from the immense pressure as blood rained down from the ceiling.

"HEEEH" Tommen woke up and screeched in fear.

Half of the room was colored red with blood as the fat man struggled to hold in his vomit: "This is unexpected." The leader muttered as he sighed.

Deoxys frowned before firing an Ice Beam at its enemy. The cult leader dodged and Tommen screamed as the Ice Beam barely misses him. The cultist disappeared in the shadows and materialized behind Deoxys.

He stabbed his dagger with blinding speed. Before Deoxys could turn around, the cult leader plunged the dagger into Deoxys's heart and twisted. Black-like markings began to travel along Deoxys's body and the cultist smiled with victory as he prepared for the ritual using Deoxys's blood.

However, no blood came out of Deoxys's wound as the pokemon pulled the knife from its body. The wound healed immediately and Deoxys glanced at him with a cold expression. Realization dawned on the cult leader as he grasped his face and laughed: "So that's how it is..."

"You're never human, to begin with..." The cult leader muttered before cursing.

"Huh, what's happening," Tommen asked with bewilderment as the cultist approached him.

"Plans changed."

"Hey what are you doing?!" Tommen shouted as the cultist lifted him up by the collar.

He didn't respond and swiftly thrust his dagger into the fat noble's throat. There was a wet gurgling sound as Tommen choked on his gore. The cultist used the noble's blood to write something on the grimoire.

Deoxys attempted to stop him but it was too late as the book began to glow an eerie purple light and floated off of the cultist's hand. Tommen's body also floated beside the book and a large black gunk emerges from the grimoire and consumed the corpse.

Deoxys frowned and watched cautiously, the black liquid eventually disappeared and what remains was a skeleton. The skeleton gently glided down and a purple extravagant robe covered its body. The undead flexed its hand and a black staff made of strange monster bones manifested in its palm.


The skeleton stared at Deoxys and the pokemon sensed a massive amount of bloodlust. The cultist laughed with joy: "I present you the Lich King!"

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