Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 33: Chaos

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Deoxys immediately fired Psychocuts at the Lich and cultist leader. However, the Lich King held out its staff and blocked the attack. The cultist leader cackled at Deoxys's flimsy attempt at retaliation.

"There's nothing you could do to stop now, Lugella has fallen." The cultist leader declared and escaped through the shadows.

Deoxys scowled and rushes toward the Lich King. Purple fireballs revolved around the monster and the projectiles were launched at Deoxys in unison. Deoxys skilly dodged before landing a punch on the Lich King's body.

The undead was sent crashing out of the mansion and tumbling through the air. Deoxys flew after the monster, however, the Lich King recovered and fired a black beam. Deoxys defended itself with its arms, however, the power of the attack was overwhelming.

Both of Deoxys's limbs were destroyed but the pokemon regenerated in a blink of an eye. The Lich King watched with interest: "You're strange..."

The Lich King spoke with its raspy voice: 'You're alive but at the same time there's no heartbeat... What exactly are you?' It asked.

"That's none of your concern," Deoxys coldly replied

"Hmmm." Lich King grasped its skeletal chin: "You're correct, fulfilling my curiosity won't save you, my duty was to create death, and now that I have risen once more, death shall come."

The Lich King opened the grimoire and flipped through the pages. It held both hands into the air: "Oh my goddess, heed my prayer as death shall engulf this pathetic world!"

"Rise my creations rise!"

A huge magic circle covered the kingdom and the earth rumbled: "It's too late, I have succeeded." the undead said with a voice full of confidence.

Deoxys glanced down onto the streets and its eyes widened with shock. The pavements split open as thousands of undead monsters crawled out from the abyss.

People screamed in fear as they ran for their lives, everything was in chaos as skeletons, ghouls and zombies flooded the kingdom, bringing chaos into its doorsteps. Deoxys glared at the Lich King with anger, without hesitation the two beings clashed once more, using their all to end each other.

Meanwhile in the Palace.

"What's the meaning of this!?" King Arthur shouted with a frown.

"Undead have flooded the kingdom, the military and adventures are desperately holding them back, but I fear there may be too many of them," Cyrus muttered with a helpless expression.

Arthur clicked his teeth: "Prepare my armor, I'm going out to fight!" He announced with haste.

However, the door to the throne room bursts open as a knight frantically rushes in. He hurriedly bowed before the King and Royal Mage: "Your majesty I have something to report!"

"Speak," Arthur replied as the guard gulped.

"Currently, there was a woman battling a monster in the sky just above us!"

Cyrus and Authur frowned as they went to the palace balcony. There they witnessed an unbelievable scene, "Dear God..." Cyrus uttered, "That's a Lich, no a Lich King..." He said while staring at the skeletal mage.

However, what even shocked them more was the figure battling the Lich King: "It's Lady Deoxys!" Cyrus pointed.

Both seemed to be fighting on equal grounds and arrays of magic littered the sky. The colorful patterns of projectiles collided with each other and it reminded everyone of a beautiful light show. Cyrus and Arthur held their breath as they couldn't take their eyes away from the scene.

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"My lord!" The guard's words snapped them out of their daze.

"Assemble the knights guarding the palace! We will fight against the undead and bring peace to the kingdom once more!" King Arthur ordered, he glanced at Deoxys's battle one last time before leaving to equip his gear.

Meanwhile on the Streets.

"Don't give up, keep fighting!" Akel roared as he swung his war hammer in a wide arc. The skeletons in front of him shattered into pieces, creating a path for the adventurers.

"MAAA!" Akel wasn't alone as Machop fought alongside his master. The pokemon used Ice Punch, destroying the nearby undead.

Unfortunately, despite the powerful attacks, they still felt like they're aren't contributing much as undead continued to flood the street. All of a sudden the adventurers could see explosions in the distance and it was getting closer.

A short girl was spotted obliterating waves of monsters with a single kick: "Miss Ilulu!" Akel yelled with relief.

Ilulu nodded at the guild master as she bounced against walls like a deadly pinball, destroying the skeletons in her trajectory: " Miss Ilulu cleared us a path, now charge!"

The adventurers cheered as their attack became more ferocious. Akel grinned as he followed after them.




Loud footsteps can be heard behind Akel as he swiftly turns around. A large monstrosity emerged from the corner of the street as it slowly approaches Akel. The guild master scowled as the Adventurers slightly shivered.

It was a skeletal two-legged wing creature, with a long snout, sharp teeth, and two horns beside its reptilian skull: "Wyvern..." Akel muttered in shock.

A wyvern was smaller and weaker than a dragon, however, that doesn't make them less dangerous as they still have dragon breaths and can shred humans with their sharp claws. The undead wyvern let out a beastly roar as the adventurers shivered in their boots.

There seemed to be someone riding the wyvern and the stranger jumped down. The figure was wearing dark armor with a sword and shield strapped to its waist. The cloak the person was wearing was exposing its head, revealing its skeleton skull where its face was supposed to be.

The undead unsheathed its sword and pointed it at Akel, unleashing an intense bloodlust: "Guild Master..." The adventurers called out with concern.

"Go, I will fight!" Akel ordered and ushered the adventurers to keep fighting.

He readied his war hammer as Machop stood by his side: "What is your name warrior..." The undead asked while staring at Akel.

"Akel, Akel Levonn what's yours." He responded.

The undead knight shook its head and its body rattled: "It's been so long ago since I was reborn, I think my name is Caius...."

"Very well, Caius, today you will be put to rest by my hands!" Akel declared. Akel and Machop charged as they engaged the Undead knight and wyvern.

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