Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 35: Skeleton Begone!!!!

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'Impossible, how is this woman able to achieve this level of power?' The Lich King thought to himself as it cast a barrier just before a Dark Pulse struck its body.

The monster summoned a group of large skeletal birds and commanded them to attack. The birds screeched loudly and divebombed towards the pokemon. Deoxys wasn't ever so slightly fazed by the sudden increase in opponents and created a multitude of Energy Balls.

Deoxys sent the Energy Balls at the Lich King's minions as the spheres crashed the birds with great force. The undead monsters squealed in pain before exploding into pieces. Deoxys then burst through the cloud of smoke and fragmented bones, rushing toward the lich.

The Lich King blocked as Deoxys's fists smashed into his staff. Staring into Deoxys's face, the pokemon's eyes were devoid of emotions and it unnerves the lich. Deoxys pushed itself against the staff and an orb of energy gathered at its chest.

Before the Lich King could react, Deoxys hurled the Psycho Boost at the monster and created a gigantic explosion that shook the entire kingdom. Deoxys knew that won't be able to take down the Lich and the pokemon was greatly annoyed by the monster's tenacity.

Deciding to try and end this fight more quickly, Deoxys closed its eyes and entered a meditative state. Deoxys used Meditate and its strength increased. The pokemon then relaxed and lightened its body as Agility activated, increasing its speed. Finally, Deoxys's thoughts became clear and Calm Mind's effects boosted its attack power even further.

As Deoxys finished with the preparation, Lich King emerged from the debris. Red orbs manifested in the undead's eye sockets and the monster glared at Deoxys with fury: "You shall pay..."

Magic power gathers around his body as the monster fired a beam of light into the sky, "Veil of Darkness!" Lich King chanted.

The sky darkened as if the sun have gone down. Purple smoke filled the air and Deoxys felt that the Lich's King's strength has soared. Suddenly a status window appeared before Deoxys's eyes.

[Warning! You're suffering from Miasma Poisoning.

Description: An area full of toxic miasma, harming any life within the vicinity. Health and power will decrease when remained in this condition!]

Deoxys frowned and the pokemon felt a small prickling pain all over its body: 'I will try and help you fight this poison but the only way to fully cure it was to kill that undead!' Mew explained.

'Understood.' Deoxys calmly replied.

'You need to hurry, the people down there probably won't be able to last long in this condition also!' Mew added as panic sets in its voice.

Suddenly Grydia's symbol on Deoxys's palm flashed a brilliant white light. The miasma surrounding Deoxys began to purify and the pokemon were relieved of the miasma poisoning.

'I can't let you fight alone, I can't do much but I will help!' Grydia's voice rang inside Deoxys's head.

Deoxys nodded as strength began to return back into its body and the pokemon flew towards the Lich King while breaking the sound barrier. Deoxys caught the lich by the neck as the monster gasped.

Deoxys glared at the monster while continuously punching its face. The Lich King's skull rattled like an uncontrollable maraca and the lich roared with rage: "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS HUMILIATION!"

The Lich King knocked Deoxys away with its staff and a magic circle appeared before the monster: "CHAIN LIGHTNING!"

A large thunderbolt shoots out of the staff. The spell traveled a lightning speed and Deoxys quickly used Protect. A rectangular transparent shield blocked the attack and Deoxys gritted its teeth at the tremendous power.

The barrier starts to crack and the lightning completely destroyed Deoxys's defense. The spell landed and Deoxys winced from the pain. Thankfully the cell in its body begins to rapidly repair as Deoxys's charred body regained its vibrant luster.

"Die!" The Lich King roared and pointed its hand at the air, "I summon thee! My dragon!"

A huge magic circle covered the city and a large monster slowly emerged from it. The dragon was nothing but bones with small amounts of rotten flesh still sticking to its body in some areas. Like all dragons, it has sharp teeth, a reptilian skull, and two large wings on its back. However, this dragon was much bigger than Ilulu's dragon form and it lacked legs as the monster reminded Deoxys of a flying snake.

Without waiting for the dragon to fully leave the summoning circle, Deoxys fired Shadow Balls at the monster. The Dragon roared in pain as its bones cracked from the attack. However, contrary to Deoxys's expectation Dragon shined a strange light and its injury was healed.

"HAHAHA, Do you think it's that easy to take down my greatest creation!? I have used the bones of an ancient dragon, there's no way someone like you could win!" The Lich King laughed like an insane person.

The dragon opened its jaw as black smoke leaked out of its mouth. The monster unleashed a deadly breath and Deoxys dodged the trajectory of the attack. The breath struck a tall building in the distance and the structure showed signs of rusting and erosion before collapsing.

The undead dragon began to charge up another breath as Deoxys rushes towards the monster. Deoxys flew along the dragon's slender body and the pokemon drove its hand into the monster's bone.

Using its speed, Deoxys cut along the dragon, splitting it in half. But, black-like tendrils shot out of the dragon's corpse and interlocked with each other. The bones reattached, undoing the damage Deoxys have created.

Once the dragon healed, it roared with rage and Deoxys created distance with its enemy. Saying that Deoxys was annoyed right now would be a mild statement as the pokemon was infuriated. It hated fighting in its human form as Deoxys found the body to be impractical, it couldn't shift back to its normal appearance without the risk of being seen, unless...

Deoxys's brain went on overdrive and in the span of one second, it scanned for any intelligent lifeforms within the diameter of 1000km. When the pokemon discovered an area where there was the least amount of risk of getting discovered, it gestured at the dragon and the Lich King to follow before flying away.

The Lich King knew that it may be a trap, however, Deoxys was too much of a variable to its plan so the undead have to kill Deoxys right here, thus, the Lich commanded the dragon to follow.

The monsters fervently gave chase as the battle became an intense cat and mouse. Deoxys stopped when they arrived at a plain flat field where forests and farmlands could be seen in the distance.

When the undead arrived, the Lich King said with a voice full of confidence."Running away won't delay your death."

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Deoxys stared at the Lich in silence. The undead flinched as it felt a feeling of unease. The Lich King doesn't understand why the anxiety in its soul intensified, however, it soon will...

Deoxys skin tone changed into a strange color its body become stretched out. Deoxys transformed into a creature the Lich King have never seen before: "So this is your true form... But even so, it won't be enough to defeat me!"

The lich ordered the dragon to attack as the skeletal beast rushed toward Deoxys. The pokemon transformed into its speed form and with the additional buffs, Deoxys seemingly vanished in a blink of an eye.

Deoxys reappeared behind the dragon, the pokemon instantly shifted into its attack form and the gem on its chest began to glow. A brilliant laser fired out of Deoxys's chest and the Hyper Beam pierced the dragon as if its tough bones were butter.

Pieces of the dragon fell from the sky and Deoxys pursed the bone segments before destroying every ounce of it through Giga Impact. The Lich King's jaw opened wide with shock as the undead finally realized that the being in front of it was something it couldn't possibly imagine being equal to...

Their gazes met and the Lich King was brought back to reality. The monster weaved its staff and desperately fired spells. However, none of the attacks even reach Deoxys and the Pokemon retaliated with a Psycho Boost.

Without the restriction of staying in a human physique, this Psycho Boost was much larger and more intimidating than its previous ones. The Lich King could feel the immense pressure extruding from the gigantic energy orb. The Lich instinctively knew that one skill alone could destroy several of the undead dragons with ease.

Deoxys launched the Psycho Boost toward the Lich King. The undead could only watch as the ball traveled closer and closer. There's nothing it could do, the undead doesn't have the time to dodge nor have the capability to defend.

The Psycho Boost crashed into the Lich King as the monster howled in agony. Rage flashed in its eyes: "Heed my words, I will be back!" The monster screeched.

However suddenly, the pain intensified and the lich trembled with shock. The attack seemed to contain an extraordinary amount of holy power and the move has begun to damage the soul. It's okay to lose a body however, without a soul, there's no way for the Lich King to ever return to the mortal realm, or even exist.

As the monster was suffering, it seemed to see a figure of a woman, the woman gazed at the lich with an emotionless face as it touched the skeleton's chest. The pain increased to an unbelievable amount as the monster's being was starting to melt away.

'Leave and never come back...' Grydia's voice resounded in its mind.

"This damn goddess!!! CURSE YOU!" The Lich wailed.

With one final scream, the monster's body withered into ashes before finally disappearing. What was left was the corpse of the fat Tommen who dropped to the ground. Deoxys watched the scene without an ounce of pity. The pokemon destroyed the body of the noble before returning back to the city for cleanup.

Back in the city.

Akel and Lucius breathed heavily as they leaned against each other. Both of them were sitting on the crushed pile of bones of the undead knight and wyvern as wounds littered their bodies: "Just like old times eh?" Akel joked.

Lucius rolled his eyes and grumbled: "Shut it, let me rest..."

They saw Ilulu approaching them with a bored expression and Bagon following close behind: "Geez, you guys got this injured after fighting that?" She said and kicked the skull of the wyvern.

Bagon seemed to be agreeing with her as the pokemon messed with the pile of bones. Akel and Lucius stared at Ilulu with irritated expressions. However, they don't have the energy to rebuke her so they could only sigh with annoyance.

In another part of the city...

"Impossible! How?!" The cultist leader muttered with shock as he watched the miasma in the sky begin to dissipate.

He groaned in pain and clutched his chest as he staggered across a random alley. The sacrifices to summon Lich King weren't enough and he even used a part of his soul for the summoning. However, feeling this burning pain meant that the Lich King have been defeated.

Who would've thought that one of the ancient calamities, The Lich King, would be defeated almost as soon as it was summoned? He knew that the Lich King wasn't in its most powerful state but it shouldn't be killed this easily!

"There you are..." A chilling feminine voice said from behind.

He swung around and Deoxys was standing before the man, observing him with a cold expression. The cultist cursed and attacked with hidden daggers. Unfortunately, Deoxys easily disarmed him and drove its hand into his chest.

He coughed a mouthful of blood as Deoxys pushed his cold body away: "It's over, you have lost..."

The cultist collapsed before chuckling: "Do you really think so? Just because I failed that doesn't mean the others will, we have been waiting, the Cult of Ena was already deeply enrooted into this world, it's not possible to extinguish us all..."

"Yes, I may have failed, but enjoy it while you last as this was only the beginning....." The man spoke his last breath and he died...

Deoxys stared at the cold corpse: "Then we would be ready," It replied to the dead body before leaving the scene.


Wow, this is a pretty long chapter :)

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