Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 36: Royal Dinner

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With Deoxys' victory, peace was brought back into Lugella once more. Almost everyone witnessed the large battle between the Deoxys and the Lich King. They watched with awe and they felt gratefulness towards Deoxys, the one that saved them all. Unfortunately, there were still some casualties but they all knew that there would be much more death without Deoxys's interference.

Other honorable mentions were the fearless Akel Levonn for defeating the powerful undead knight, Duke Redwall with his fiery flame magic, burning undead to crips, Adventurer Ilulu, destroying waves and waves of undead with her bare fists, and lastly the Saint for purifying the city of miasma with her divine powers.

Currently, Deoxys and Ilulu were invited for dinner with a royal family. For other people it may be the most incredible honor however for Deoxys, it only seemed like a mild inconvenience. The two non-humans sat across from the royal family and a large amount of food was placed before them.

Deoxys observed the royal family, sitting across them was the King, Queen, crown prince, and princess, "Good Evening, it was a pleasure to finally be meeting you two." King Authur greeted with a voice full of gratitude.

The king exerts a humble aura which gives Deoxys a feeling that the man was a natural leader and deserves the respect. Deoxys also noticed the human fighting alongside the soldiers during the invasion so the pokemon have a high evaluation of him.

"Greetings my name is Elaine, Authur has spoken a lot of praises about you." The queen said with a bright smile.

She has blond hair, blue eyes, and a beautiful face for her age: "Capsian, Alyssa, please greet our honorable guests." She said to the prince and princess.

Both of them stood up and bowed as they thanked Deoxys and Ilulu for saving Lugella. The two children resembled more like their mothers rather than the latter. Both have blond hair with a little tinge of brown and their blue eyes reminded Deoxys of the ocean.

Deoxys saw the prince staring, their gazes met and Capsian hurriedly averted his gaze from embarrassment.

"Please enjoy, this is the least I could do for this country's hero." King Authur said while gesturing at the food.

Ilulu glanced at Deoxys for permission and the pokemon nodded in response. The dragon girl excitedly dug into the pile of food, ignoring any common etiquette. Spectating this unfold, Deoxys sighed tiredly, and using telekinesis, the pokemon lifted up a spare napkin and wiped Ilulu's face.

Everyone watching was in awe at Deoxys "Magic" control. They were also moved by Deoxys caring behavior in looking after her friend. However, in Deoxys's mind, the pokemon was appalled by the dragon girl's shamelessness and was saving any amount of dignity its friend had left.

The dinner continued as people ignored the gluttonous dragon. "Is there something wrong?" Elaine suddenly asked when she noticed Deoxys wasn't eating anything.

Deoxys stared at the King and Queen: "I want information about the Cult of Ena."

Everyone froze as the atmosphere on the table became sullen: "What do you want to know?" Arthur spoke up.

"Specifically, the mystery of that man intrigued me and I wanted to know about their history and how they function."

Arthur sighed: "We haven't discovered much about them as most of their activity was still in the dark. They appeared around fifty years ago, we thought we have fully wiped them out but that seemed to be false."

"But you do have more knowledge?" Deoxys questioned.

The king nodded: "Currently, based on the latest information, there were five high-ranking members that controlled the Cult and they're called the Apostles. Each member possesses a certain blessing from the evil Goddess Ena that was based on a part of her body.

The known code names of the Apostles were:

The Hand

The Fang

The Vision

The Mind

and finally The Heart.

They each are very dangerous members that create chaos and worked behind the scene. The one that Lady Deoxys defeated today was Hand. There were multiple members with that title and they were considered the weakest, doing all the other Apostles' dirty works."The King explained as he took a big sip of his wine.

[A/N: Just think of Hand as the lower moons while the rest were the upper ones.]

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"I understand..." Deoxys responded with a hint of disappointment.

"I'm sure you will find more information at the church, from your status I believe they will happily assist you." Arthur hurriedly added to appease the pokemon's dissatisfaction.

Deoxys nodded and the king sighed with relief. But his face quickly became serious: "If you don't mind, can I ask some questions regarding Lady Deoxys?"

The pokemon nodded as Arthur took a deep breath: "May I inquire about Lady Deoxys's origins? You recently rise to fame with your interesting shop and you're also probably one of the strongest people in this world."

Deoxys wasn't worried about Arthur's question as he naturally have to feel suspicious about the pokemon's sudden arrival. Thankfully, Deoxys has prepared a reasonable answer: "I came from a foreign land far away from here, I typically live in seclusion but later came out of hiding to travel the world,"

Deoxys's answer seemed sensible yet vague at the same time and the king find it hard to get more details. When he asked where Deoxys exactly live, the pokemon easily responded with somewhere that wasn't marked on the map. When Arthur questioned Deoxys's strength, the pokemon replied that the condition Deoxys lived in was harsh and unforgiving, without such strength Deoxys could easily die.

Arthur sighed as he observed Deoxys. Everything about that woman seemed to be shrouded in mystery. He wanted to know more but it wasn't his right even if he was the king. Arthur was sure that if he pry further, Deoxys's mood would surly sour.

"Can I ask one last question?"

"Of course," Deoxys curtly said.

"What are pokemon? Why haven't we heard of them?" Arthur asked one of the most important questions of all,"

"It's simple, they were also from the land where I used to live, they are hidden from everyone and my purpose was to bring them to light. They are wonderful creatures that could be your comrade, partner, and lifelong companion. The world will be perfect if people and pokemon could live together as one." Deoxys answered.

"I see...." Arthur's brows relaxed, "Pokemon sure does sound amazing,"

"I assure you won't be disappointed," Deoxys replied with a smile.

Arthur chuckled and the dinner went without a hitch. Finally, the last purpose of this meeting arrived, Deoxys's rewards. The king set down his dessert spoon and looked at Deoxys: "I would like to make an offer to you." he proposed.

"I want to bestow a noble status for Lady Deoxys, specifically the duchess title," Arthur said.

The king's family was shocked beyond belief, nobody have ascended to the rank of a duke this fast as usually noble started from the baron rank and needed to accomplish something major to gain status. However, Deoxys's response surprised them even more.

"I refuse." Deoxys flat-out replied.

There was silence as people listened with disbelief. Has that woman really denied an offer from the king? But, they all knew that Deoxys probably be the only one able to do it and the pokemon got the power to back it up.

"This is really a big reward, won't you want it?" Arthur asked in a flustered tone.

Deoxys: "Denied."

Arthur: "Are you sure?"

Deoxys: "Positive."

The atmosphere seemed to turn heavy as the king pinched the bridge of his nose. His shoulders shook before bursting into laughter, this was the first time he have been rejected this harshly before and it felt fresh.

"Very well but it will still be extremely rude of me to not reward you for everything you have done. So how about....."


I hope you enjoy it!!!!

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