Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 37: Reward

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Next Day...

"The royal treasury is this way, please follow me." A butler said and Deoxys nodded.

They walked quietly as the man was too tense to make a conversation. His palms felt sweaty and he felt Deoxys's eyes peering into the back of his head. Behind him was probably this kingdom's strongest person that could obliterate this castle with ease and he does not want to be the person to instigate it if ever said event does happen.

"What's the matter?" Deoxys asked.

The man jumped a little before hurriedly replying: "N..Nothing..."

Deoxys nodded: "Is it rare for the royal treasury to be opened?"

He took a deep breath: "Yes, inside there were all the kingdom's wealth and many important artifacts that were at least a century years old. Naturally, it has to be well protected and stored away. So very few even witness the content within!"

"That does sound surprising..."

They eventually arrived at a giant steel gate with dozens of knights standing beside it. The butler walked up to one of the soldiers and handed him a letter. The knight nodded before taking off his gloves and cutting his finger with a knife. He lightly pressed his wounded finger on a compartment on the door and magic runes began to glow...

There was a loud clicking sound as the door automatically opened and they made way for Deoys and the butler: "I will be waiting here, please come out once you have selected an item." The butler replied.

Deoxys walked into the vault room alone and the door closed behind the pokemon: 'Woah...' Mew muttered as they stared at the pile and pile of treasures.

Gold and various coins filled the room to the point that it would be difficult to walk. Fortunately, a path was carved out of the quantity of gold, and Deoxys trudged through the room, where the more important and powerful artifacts were stored.

There were weapons, jewels, and other miscellaneous objects that piqued Deoxys's interest. Thankfully, Mew was there to appraise each object, and Deoxys was stunned by how obscured some of those descriptions were.

Suddenly the pokemon stopped on its track. Before Deoxys was a glass vial containing a strange golden liquid. Deoxys gently pick up the small bottom and shook it, the liquid splashed around and the gold colour shined under the light.

Deoxys read Mew's description and its eyes lit up

[Name: World Tree Sap

Description: A sap of the world tree that was worshipped in the elven forest and was gifted to celebrate the peaceful alliance between humans and elves. It said that the sap can cure any kind of fatal wounds or diseases that couldn't be cured using conventional methods. Some say that it could even cure death itself.

Suitable for catalyst.]

"I'm taking this," Deoxys announced.

'The description sure sounds useful, but it also sounds very important, would the king just give it to you?'

"Isn't that part of the deal?" Deoxys countered and Mew stayed silent.

When Deoxys showed the item it want to the king. He seemed a bit regretful of his decision but he convinced himself as might as well be put into use rather than let it rot in the treasury. So in the end, it was decided that Deoxys could keep the sap of the World Tree.

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As Deoxys was leaving the palace, the pokemon accidentally stumbled upon a familiar figure: "Good morning Prince Capsian." Deoxys bowed and addressed the prince.

The prince chuckled: "Ah Lady Deoxys, there's no need for this kind of formality, to be honest, we should be the one bowing to you." He said.

The two stared at each other as the hallway was filled with awkward silence. Capsian coughed into his hand: "Lady Deoxys, I hope you don't mind joining me for tea in the garden?" Capsian asked while trying not to look into Deoxys's eyes.

"I'm sorry, unfortunately, I have to decline. I have to check on my friend," Deoxys explained.

"Well Miss Ilulu sure drank a lot last night," Capsian said with a chuckle. He smiled wryly but he couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes, "I'm sorry for bothering you then..." He said and hurriedly walked past.

Deoxys watched the fading figure of the prince: 'That human seemed to be attracted to you,' Mew commented.

'That feeling will disappear overtime and it wasn't me that he was attracted to, it's this form.' Deoxys replied while flexing it's fingers. When Deoxys finally made it back to the store, there seemed to be some damage from the battle. The pokemon sighed, thinking that it needed to be repaired once more.

Deoxys went up the stairs to check on Ilulu, who was sleeping soundly with Bagon. The pokemon quietly shut the door to not bother its friend any longer. Deoxys entered its own room where the gems were resting on a desk.

It brought the World Tree Sap and asked Mew: "How do I use it?"

'Simple, since it's in a liquid form, just pour it all over the gem!' Mew responded.

Deoxys nodded and placed the two gems in a container before pouring the content in the vial into the box. For the first few seconds, there was no reaction. Eventually, the two gems began to glow brilliantly as the liquid seeped in.

The gems seemed to become brighter as more and more of the world tree sap were absorbed. Deoxys winced as the room was getting too vivid. Finally, the light began to dim as all the sap was absorbed.

The gems seemed to look shiner and more refined as the Ruby and Sapphire seemed to have gotten lighter in color, changing to a bright pink and pale blue-like color respectfully.

Deoxys stared at the gem and for some reason, it felt like it was calling to the pokemon. Deoxys subconsciously reach out to the gem. When its finger touched a strange phenomenon happened.

Deoxys felt disorientated as the gems absorbed its strength at a frightening speed... The pokemon wanted to retract its hand but it was finding it difficult to do so. Deoxys finally managed to pull its hand away and the two gems began to float in the air.

Particles and cells start to grow from the gem, forming the shapes of small humanoids. The cells transformed into skin and hair as Deoxys got a clear view of the two figures. They seemed to be human specifically at age four.

Their facial features became more defined with large eyes, small noses, and lips. One looked like a young girl and the other a young boy. The girl has bright pink hair while the boy has light blue hair which contrasts with the other. They gently floated back onto the ground before slowly opening their golden eyes.

The two children looked around before setting their eyes on the shocked Deoxys and their face lit up with pure joy and excitement.

"Mommy!" x2 the two children screamed.


I hope you enjoy

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