Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 38: Children

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The two children tackled Deoxys and they rubbed their faces on the pokemon's stomach. Deoxys was still in a state of shock and couldn't register the sudden turn of events. The alien stared at the children clinging to its waist.

Thankfully the children were magically clothed with white linen shirts and pants. Similar to Deoxys, they also seemed to have the gems embedded in their chests which was the only way to indicate that they weren't human either. Deoxys recalled the children calling it their mother and the pokemon frowned with disbelief.

"Mommy?" The girl called out when she noticed Deoxys's complicated expression.

Deoxys was snapped out of its daze and looked at the girl: "I'm not your mother." Deoxys flat-out replied.

Immediately, the two children froze and they stopped hugging Deoxys. They stared at Deoxys as tears welled up in their eyes: "Y...You're not?" The boy asked as he stuttered.

Deoxys shook its head and with the sound of glass breaking, the children's hearts shattered. Tears pour out of their eyes like a never-ending waterfall as they cried. They cried and cried as the children's eyes become swollen, further showing their sadness.

'That's kind of mean of you...' Mew muttered.

'Then what should I do?' Deoxys asked with exasperation.

'Well, they're yours aren't they? That must have been the thing Grydia been talking about.' Mew pointed out, "Besides, I analyzed them, their body structure was very close to yours.'

'What do you mean?' Deoxys questioned.

'Their body also mainly consists of cells created from the crystal in their chest. Their core was their brain and they should also be able to regenerate any lost body mass as long as the core wasn't damaged. However, their body structure wasn't as sophisticated as yours and this is their only form. They're still highly intelligent though...' Mew lectured.

Deoxys remained silent as the pokemon watched the children weep. Deoxys felt guilty and it doesn't know what to believe. if what Mew said was really true then...

Deoxys slowly wrapped its arms around the crying children and they flinched at the touch: "Do you want me to be your mother?"

They looked at each other and nodded.


"Because Auntie Grydia said that the one who wakes us up will be our mommy." The girl murmured.

"What if I'm not the one that woke you up?" Deoxys questioned with a frown.

"Impossible! You have to be our mommy! We can feel it!" The boy shouted with confidence.

Sure enough, Deoxys could also detect its own psychic energy flowing in their bodies, supporting the boy's claim. Left out of options, Deoxys sighed: "Do you two have names?"

The children shook their heads: "Could mommy give us a name?" The girl asked with hesitation.

"Okay...." Deoxys replied and they stared at the pokemon with expectations: "Your name will be Rubie and you will be Saphir..." Deoxys said to the two children.

[A/N: I like to make it nice and simple if anyone has name suggestions tell me]



The two children mumbled their own names and giggled to themselves: "Do you like the name?" Deoxys asked.

Rubie and Saphir nodded with wide smiles on their faces. They hugged Deoxys with all their might while laughing with happiness. Deoxys felt a strange warmth, the pokemon stood up and gently held their hands.

As Deoxys held their hands, Rubie and Saphir's thoughts were transmitted into the pokemon's mind.

'Mommy gave us cool names, she's awesome...'

'Mommy is holding our hands, she's so kind...'

Rubie and Saphir stared at Deoxys in admiration. The pokemon was stunned by the children's opinion of itself, after staying in this world, Deoxys doesn't consider itself to be kind as many people were killed by its power,

Deoxys knew that there will probably be more death later on in the future. However, these children's innocent praise greatly improved Deoxys's mood. For some reason, Deoxys felt that all the violence was worth it if the pokemon will continue to receive these children's praise.

The pokemon starts to see Rubie and Saphir in a new light and Deoxys subconsciously smiled: 'My own children....' Deoxys thought while patting their heads.

Deoxys picked up Rubie and Saphir, the pokemon carried the two children, and exited the room. They stumbled upon a drowsy Ilulu, the dragon girl yawned as her hangover was still in effect. When she saw the two children, she stared at Deoxys for an explanation.

"This is Rubie and Saphir, they're my children."

Ilulu's brain couldn't register Deoxys's words. Eventually, she ruffled her hair: "I'm too sleepy for this, I'm going back to bed...." Ilulu said and went back to her room.

"Mommy I'm hungry..." Rubie muttered and cutely tugged on Deoxys's sleeve.

"Do you two need food?" Deoxys asked with surprise.

Saphir and Rubie nodded.

'Unlike you, their body still needs to eat and sleep. They required the energy to maintain their human form.' Mew explained.

Listening to Mew's explanation, Deoxys brought the children outside and they walked down the streets. During their tour, countless people noticed Deoxys as they cheered. A large crowd gathered around Deoxys as the citizens applauded and tried to thank the pokemon for saving the city.

"Brother brother, mommy is very popular huh," Rubie whispered to Saphir,

"Of course, it's mommy after all!" Saphir replied as if it was an obvious answer.

Deoxys felt slightly disturbed by Rubie and Saphir's one-sided praising. However, the pokemon also felt happy and its steps slightly lightened. On its tour, Deoxys visited countless food stalls to satisfy Rubie and Sahpir's hunger. Surprisingly, Deoxys managed to purchase the food for free as all the owners wanted to repay Deoxys for its act of protecting them.

Deoxys accepted the free offers with a flustered expression and the pokemon's opinion of humans improved. The pokemon also purchased some extra clothes for the children. Strangely, watching Rubie and Saphir dancing in their new clothes, Deoxys felt peaceful and smiled at the sound of their laughter.


Rubie and Saphir rubbed their eyes as they lay on the bed: "Sleep now..." Deoxys ordered and draped the cover over their body.

"What is it?" Deoxys asked when it noticed Rubie and Saphir looking at the pokemon with hesitation.

"Can you sing us a lullaby?" Rubie asked while shielding the lower half of her face with the bed cover.

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"Why?" Deoxys said with a frown.

Rubie flinched and averted from Deoxys's gaze: "Because we heard that other mommies sing songs to their children...."

Deoxys: "From who?"

"The nice auntie at the clothing said that she sang to her children,"

Saphir and Rubie felt nervous under Deoxys's silence. Eventually, Deoxys sat on the bed before sighing: "Okay..."

Rubie and Saphir eagerly crawled to Deoxys's sides and rest their heads on Deoxys's lap. The pokemon cleared its throat. Deoxys only knew one song that it remembered deeply. It was during Deoxys's search for another one of itself, the pokemon was starting to lose hope and that's when it heard it, a beautiful melody that stopped Deoxys in its tracks.

Deoxys approached the source of the sound and saw a small pokemon wearing black-like clothing, a pale white face, blue eyes, and a headpiece on the side of its face. The pokemon's long green hair flowed in the wind and it sang with passion.

Deoxys subconsciously emerged from its hiding place, frightening the creature. Fortunately, Deoxys befriend the pokemon and it sympathized with Deoxys's sadness. That pokemon could probably be called one of Deoxys's first true friends and it would happily sing for the alien.

Deoxys enjoyed the pokemon's songs and the tune greatly boosted Deoxys's confidence. After staying together for months, Deoxys finally continued its search for its family, and Deoxys never saw its friend ever since.

The pokemon could still remember their interesting conversations in the past as if it was yesterday...

[Flash Back]

In a forest, Unova Region...

'Friend, why do you sing?' Deoxys asked as it sat beside the small pokemon.

"Mee! (Because singing is fun!)"

'Is that so?' Deoxys muttered while staring into the distance.

"Mel Meloetta... (I guess singing can also help in many ways as well. Singing makes you feel good and you can sing to release any pent-up emotions that couldn't be expressed through words. Songs tell people about their stories and the most beautiful song was a song that was sung from the bottom of their hearts...)" Meleotta explained.

'I see... Singing sure sounds nice...' Deoxys commented.

They sat in silence as they enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere of the forest. However, Deoxys suddenly broke the silence: 'I will be leaving soon...'

"Mel?! (Eh why?!)"

'These few months have been extremely enjoyable but I have to keep searching, I can't bear the thought of giving up after looking for so long, I hope you can forgive me.' Deoxys apologized.

Meleotta smiled wryly: "Meleotta, (There's no need to apologize, it's something you have to do, after all, I hope you can find your family,)"

"Thank you," Deoxys couldn't express with its lack of facial features however the alien sounded relieved and joyous.

"Mee, (Before you go, may I sing one last song for you?)" Meleotta asked.

Deoxys: 'I would love that.'

[Flashback ended]

That last song that Meleotta sang for Deoxys was one of the best Deoxys have ever heard. That song was still vividly in its mind. Now that Deoxys finally have a voice, the pokemon wanted to respect its friend.

Deoxys opened its mouth and gently sang:

"???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???? ????????????????????????????

???????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????

???????????? ???????? ????????????'???????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????

???????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ????????????????

???????????? ????????????????????????

????????????????, ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ?????????????????????

???????????????????? ???? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ????

???????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ????????????????, ???????????? ????????????'???? ???????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????

'???????????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????? ????'???????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????,"

Its soft voice resounded through the room as the music was filled with Deoxys's emotions. The song was like a beautiful story and the children listened intently as they were in a trance from the melody.

"???? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????????????

????'???????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????????????'???? ???????????????????? ???? ????????????????????????

????????????????, ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????

????????????????, ???????? ???????? ????????????????????????, ???????? ???????? ???????????????? ????????????????????,"

[A/N: Credits to Amalee for Isabella's Lullaby from The Promised Neverland.]

Eventually, their eyelids began to droop and they yawned. The children finally fell asleep and they snored quietly. Deoxys stopped and smiled wryly. It thought that its tone was off but Mew assured Deoxys that it was pretty good.

The pokemon caressed Rubie and Saphir's faces. Their eyebrows furrowed and they instinctively grasped Deoxys's fingers. Feeling the touch of Deoxys's hand, Rubie and Saphir smiled comfortably as they drifted back into sleep. Deoxys watched Rubie and Saphir's peaceful expressions and the pokemon still finds it hard to accept that these were its children but a part of Deoxys already has.

But if they were, Deoxys would not fail this time. Thinking about this, Deoxys's expression darkened, it slowly sat up from the bed as the atmosphere became ominous. Its previous kind smile was nowhere to be seen and Deoxys was now unleashing a quiet murderous intent.

As its first act as a "mother," Deoxys need to make sure that Rubie and Saphir stay safe, and thus some nuisance may need to be dealt with.

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