Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 39: Dealings in the Underworld

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In a more hidden area of the kingdom that one usually doesn't visit, inside an empty bar sat three people. A woman and two men sat across from each other holding a glass of wine in their hands. The woman have long red hair and red eyes, she wore a long-sleeved dress with a black shawl obscuring her face.

One of the men was tall and skinny and he seemed to be eyeing the ring the woman. Lastly, there was another man whose body was covered with muscles. There were also tattoos at every nook and cranny of his body which gives off an intimidating appearance.

At first, it may seem like a normal get-together however, it was anything but.

Each of those people was someone with formidable power in the underworld and describing them as weak will be a joke. They were the guild leaders of three of the most intimidating guilds in the underworld, the Thieves Guild, the Criminal Guild, and the Assassins Guild.

The Thieves Guild was an organization consisting of crimes with money and information gathering. With enough money, one can get information on anyone.

The Assassins Guild was for murdering and infiltration, they were the most common guild to be sought after if people wanted someone dead.

Finally, the Criminal Guild was a group of horrible people, as in the names. They do all the dirty works that the other two guilds don't do and their motto was, "With enough money, anything is possible." Thus, they're usually the more ruthless and barbaric guild.

Currently, the leaders were discussing a new variable that may change the underworld. The brand new presence of a certain woman.

"What the hell are we gonna do with her?" The skinny men asked, however, nobody knew the exact answer.

"Do we have information about that woman?" The other man asked as he glanced at the two.

"Unfortunately, we the Thieves Guild don't know much, all we know was that she showed up at this kingdom not so long ago and become an adventurer, she also built a shop that has been selling some strange creatures...."

"Oh? Seems like the Thieves Guild is losing their touch." The woman muttered.

"Hah? From what I heard some assassins from your guild were hired to kill her but all failed," He countered as the woman clicked her tongue.

"We won't fail this time,"

"And what makes you so sure?"

"Everyone will become defenseless when they let their guard down, no matter how powerful they are."


Suddenly, the door of the bar was blown off of its hinges. A woman was standing by the doorway, her jet-black hair flowed in the wind and her purple eyes shined in the dim lighting. She scanned the room before spotting the trio at the table.

In unison the leaders of the three guilds thought of the same thing: 'Oh sh*t, it's her...'

Deoxys slowly approached them as the crisp sound of its footsteps created an eerie feeling: "Is there something that you want?" One of the men hesitantly asked.

"Are you three the Masters of the Thieves Guild, Assassins Guild, and Criminal Guild?"

"Why do you care?" The woman anxiously responded.

"I see..." Deoxys muttered and the bar was instantly filled with the pokemon's killing intent.

Dozens of cloaked figures leaped from its hiding place and lunged at Deoxys. However, to the three's horror, their bodyguards were instantly killed when Deoxys fired a barrage of Energy Balls. Their blood flooded the floor, dirtying Deoxys's clothes. Deoxys scowled at its blood-stained dress, the pokemon now needed to clean itself before the children woke up...

The three figures froze in shock before suddenly grabbing their neck in pain. Deoxys lifted them high in the air using Psychic as they starts to choke from an unseeable force. Just as the guild masters thought they were going to die, Deoxys deactivated the psychic and they dropped to the floor, gasping for breath.

"What.... what do you want..." The woman said with difficulty.

"Name," Deoxys demanded in a cold tone.

The trios shivered and they answered one by one.

"Violetta of the Assassin Guild."

"Dion of the Thieves Guild."

"Borus of the Criminal Guild."

Deoxys nodded: "Starting from now, all three guilds will be under my rule."

The guild masters looked at Deoxys with disbelief. Anger flashed on Borus's face: "YOU ARROGANT Wh*RE!" He roared.

His muscle swelled in size and Borus's tattoos began to glow. Dion and Violetta grimaced, every time when Borus entered that state, he would destroy everything around him. They realized they may die as well if they don't escape as soon as possible.

Deoxys pointed its palm at Borus and just as the man's fist was about to reach its face, he froze. Deoxys cast Torment and Borus howled in agony as an unfamiliar pain assaulted his mind. Illusions of his death were played over and over again, suffering different scenarios, and every time he died, he would feel one hundred times the suffering.

It wasn't long until Borus became a foaming mess on the floor and he became broken from the torture. Deoxys scoffed and with a flick of its wrist, there was a loud snapping sound, and the man's neck bent at a strange angle. Borus left out a final croak before dying an excruciating death.

"I have no use for the Criminal Guild, any objections?"

Instantly, Violetta and Dion knelt down: "None, master," They were terrified of what happened, they have no idea of what Borus suffered through but they desperately didn't want to find out.

"Wise choice, as my first order, recall all current members of your guild and gather everyone." Deoxys ordered, the two didn't respond as they have bitter expressions on their face: "Why aren't you responding, are you two already acting defiant?"

"N... no!" Violetta hurriedly answered: "Please give us some time and we will prepare everything."

"Very well, don't fail me," Deoxys said.

Violetta and Dion carefully got up: "Your wish is our command."

A few hours later...

In an abandoned warehouse, every member of the Assassins Guild and Thieves Guild was lined up row after row and in front of them was a big stage. They were greatly confused about being suddenly recalled and told to wait here. Soon the warehouse door opened and three people entered.

They were surprised to see their guild leaders acting courteously and what was weird was the woman walking in front of them. When they arrived at the stage, Dion hurriedly grabbed a chair and placed it before the strange woman.

She sat down and her cold gaze sweeping through the entire warehouse: "Is this everyone?"

"Yes master," Violetta answered.

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'Master??' That's what everyone thought when they heard the leader of the Assassins Guild speak while kneeling like a servant.

"Starting from now, I'm officially disbanding the Thieves and Assassins Guild," Deoxys announced.

Murmurs spread through the crowd and they listened with disbelief. But what Deoxys said shocked them even more.

"I will be creating a new organization by combining both guilds, are there any complaints?"

"Who are you?" Someone in the crowd immediately questioned Deoxys's authorities.

"I am the Guild Master of the Assassins Guild and Thieves Guild, isn't that correct?" Deoxys said.

"Of course master," Dion and Violetta responded immediately.

"Now, if anyone of you wishes to defy me, do it now and I may be merciful. However, if anyone of you betrays me after this meeting, there won't be any mercy..." Deoxys said before watching with anticipation.

Sure enough, some members were glancing at each other before nodding. They stood up and brandished their weapons. They knew that Deoxys earned the position through strength when they analyzed the reactions their original guild masters showed. Therefore, they attacked strategically and pounced at the same time.

'Fools...' Violetta thought to herself as she watched the useless retaliation.

Deoxys easily caught them using Psychics. The attackers were stunned as their bodies wouldn't listen to their commands. Fear appeared on all of their faces: "Please spare...." They begged.

"Hmmm, to me, you all are just measly flies, I don't care what happens to you... However," Deoxys disabled Psychic, and they dropped to the floor, "Even the most useless items have some sort of use..."

"We apologize for our imprudent behavior," The attackers said while kneeling down.

Deoxys nodded: "All of you take these," Deoxys said and tossed a large number of poke balls at the crowd: "Starting from now, each of you will be assigned a partner."

Under Deoxy's watchful gaze, everyone hesitantly opened their given pokeballs.

Croagunk: "Gunk!"

Hondour: "Hon!"

Zubat: "Zuuuu!"

Countless pokemon's cries resounded through the warehouse room: "These pokemon will greatly assist you in your work, treat them well and they will do the same," Deoxys said.

Everyone seemed surprised by being gifted a pokemon. They have heard of these strange creatures from the rumors and were strangely excited at the prospect of owning these powerful animals.

However, Violetta felt slightly different as she stared at the Pawniard before her. The pokemon silently stared back at her and she felt alarmed by its creepy appearance: 'There's more than just giving us these pokemon, it's a gift but also a shackle... If we ever act out of line I won't be surprised if our own pokemon will be the one to end us....'

Violetta's face became grim and she felt like her fate was sealed. Now it's either follow orders or die. She was soon brought back to reality as Deoxys continued speaking.

"Now, as I said, the assassins Guild and the Thieves Guild will be disbanded in this kingdom and a new syndicate will be created."

"What will we now do?" Dion asked.

"I want all members that originally worked in the Thieves Guild to try and search for any information on the Cult of Ena. For the Assassins Guild, I want you all to remove the filth in this kingdom and protect it from getting dirty once more."

"Protect? Are we replacing the Kingdom's knights?" Violetta said with a frown.

"No, there are evil that even the knights won't be able to vanquish. All of you will be keeping this city safe in the shadows. For now, capture all the members of the criminal guilds, I prefer them to be alive but kill if it's truly unavoidable."

"I understand," Violetta replied, "Then may I ask, what will be our organization name?"

Deoxys pondered: "Our name will be called the Twilight Shield..."

[A/N: If someone got a better name please tell me!]

"Twilight Shield... The name sounds nice..." Dion muttered.

Deoxys nodded: "Each of you will be paid handsomely for your efforts, now go and I hope you won't disappoint me,"

"UNDERSTOOD" x50+, The members soon left, Dion also excused himself and he explained that they will begin the search for the Cult immediately. Only Violetta remained as she observed Deoxys.

"Is there something you want?" Deoxys questioned.

"Why did you let us live, wouldn't be better to kill us all?" She asked.

"If you all die, only another group will take your place, thus restarting the entire cycle." Deoxys answered, "Anything else?"

Violetta nodded: "I'm not sure the majority of them will agree on your orders. We have people that enjoy doing crimes in our guilds and they definitely won't be content with your decision." She explained.

"Then they will be the first one to go," Deoxys nonchalantly answered as its eyes turned cold and the pokemon glanced at Violetta, "How about you?"


"How am I supposed to know that you aren't one of those people?" Deoxys rhetorically asked, "Obviously you can't become the leader of murders through non-violent means."

"That's..." Violetta averted Deoxys's gaze from the questioning: "When you were born unprivileged, the only way to get out of it was through strength, and even if you escape from that hell, nothing good will awaits you and you have to hurt other people to not be harmed. I sometimes may feel guilty for my actions but it won't bring them back."

Deoxys smiled wryly and stood up: "Then if you serve under me then you may start to repay your sins,"

"I... I guess so..." Violetta responded in a daze.

"Report to me in a few days on your progress, farewell," Deoxys said before teleporting out of sight.

Violetta now was alone as she stared at the ground. The woman began to chuckle as Deoxys's words replayed in her mind and she thought it might not be so bad after all...

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