Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 40: All you need was a battle to boost your confidence!

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A few days later...

"KYAAAAAA THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alice and Layla screamed as they pinched Rubie and Saphir's cheeks.

The two children whimpered uncomfortably. However, they endured because Deoxys was watching: "Please restrain yourself..." The pokemon said.

"But they're just way too adorable!" Alice whined and hugged Rubie tightly. The other people with Alice couldn't help but agree.

Today, Clara, Layla Alice, Lucis, and Akel went to visit Deoxys. They wanted to congratulate Deoxys's victory and to use the training field but were surprised to find out that the strongest shopkeeper was also a mother. Alice finally let go and Rubie dashed towards Deoxys. The children shyly hide behind their mother and with one last sneaky glance, they escaped upstairs.

"Wow to think that Deoxys have children, are you married?" Clara curiously asked.

Deoxys shook its head: "Saphir and Rubie don't have a father,"

"Ah sorry," Clara apologized and everyone misunderstood Deoxys's words. Their respect for Deoxys grew even further when they found out Deoxys was a single mother.

"By the way, Mrs. Deoxys, have you heard what happened recently?! Alice suddenly said, "Apparently, this morning, probably a hundred criminals were found tied up and placed at the knight's barracks! It sounds unbelievable but it's real!"

"Is that so?" Deoxys answered, genuinely surprised. The pokemon thought that Twilight Shield would take longer. On the first day after the meeting, a third of the member was purged so Deoxys don't have many expectations.

"Anyway, come on Layla, we have to train hard so our pokemon can evolve too!" She said and dragged Layla to the pokemon field in the backyard.

Deoxys smiled wryly at the girl's enthusiasm before facing the other group: "How may I help the rest of you?".

"Ah I'm thinking of getting another pokemon, now that Machomp has evolved, I think it's time," Akel said.

"Very well, please wait here," Deoxys replied before leaving.

Deoxys soon returned while holding the hand of a small blue canine: "This here is Riolu, and it's another fighting type pokemon."

Hearing its name, Riolu eagerly jumped onto the counter with impressive acrobatics. The pokemon then did some shadowboxing to present its skills.

"Hoh? Another fighting type? I will gladly take it!" Akel shouted with a smile, "Hey there little guy," He said and patted Riolu's head.

"You want to get strong right? I can make it happen! So how about it, want to join me?" Akel held out his hand.

Riolu cheered before happily shaking Akel's hand. The guild master grinned and captured Riolu with a Pokeball: "Ah, speaking of I forgot to give this to you and Ms. Ilulu." Akel said as he took out two badges.

It was light blue in color with the symbol of the Adventurer Guild. The badge seemed to be made of very tough metal and the craftsmanship was exquisite: "Congratulation on becoming Diamond rank adventurers!" Akel announced.

Everyone was surprised by the sudden announcement but they have already expected this kind of result and they congratulated Deoxys on the achievement

Deoxys observed the badge before storing it away: "I forgot to also reward you for the help on the store." the pokemon explained to the two men, "So please take these,"

Deoxys brought out two pokeballs. However contrary to the ordinary pokeballs that everyone was familiar with, this Pokeball was colored white with red markings along the hinges: "Please take these Premium Pokeball,  you can replace them with your current one."

Under Deoxys's instruction, Akel and Lucius destroyed Larvesta and Machoke's Pokeball before recapturing them with the new Premium balls. They have smug smiles on their faces as they quite like the design of this special Pokeball.

[A/N: The design will still be based on the Hisuian Pokeballs but with the colors and markings of a premium ball.]

Lucius and Akel then also went to the training field and only Clara was left: "Are you not going to join them?" Deoxys asked

Clara was currently holding her Vulpix in her arms as the fox happily licked her face: "I'm okay, I don't want Vulpix to battle because I can't bear the thought of her getting hurt," Clara explained with a sad smile: "Besides, I think that I will probably be horrible at it..."

Deoxys: "Don't worry, that's a common concern for every trainer,"

Clara: "Really?"

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Deoxys explained: "Everybody hates to lose. However, both sides will grow no matter the result and through battles, the bond between pokemon and trainers will deepen tremendously."


"Pokemon are also creatures that have innate desires to compete. They enjoyed battling and thrived to get stronger. However, it's best to ask your pokemon first before deciding."

"Ah okay..." Clara nodded and looked at Vulpix, "Do you want to try battling?"

Vulpix tilted her head, albeit ever so slightly, Clara could clearly see the flames of the fighting spirit burning in Vulpix's eyes. Clara smiled and patted her pokemon, "Okay, I want to try,"

Deoxys smiled, "Very well, do you want to have a battle with me?"

"Eh? With Mrs. Deoxys!" Clara yelped and sounded quite nervous.

"Don't fret, I will use a pokemon that's around Vulpix's level. Just have fun and even if you lose, you can learn something from it.

"Then it would be an honor!"

Deoxys nodded and the pokemon led Clara to the backyard. There were attacks flying everywhere but Deoxys managed to contain the destructions using barriers. They arrived at the corner of the large yard where there was a vacant space.

A Pokeball magically appeared in Deoxys's hand: "Are you ready?"

Clara nodded: "Go Vulpix!"

Vulpix excitedly landed on the ground and growled at the alien. Deoxys smiled before tossing its own Pokeball. "Ra!" A small humanoid white pokemon with green hair appeared.

Deoxys saw Clara's tensed expression and chuckled: "There's nothing to be worried about, relax and let's have fun,"

"Nn!" Clara slapped herself and focused: "Okay let's do this, Vuplix let's try Powder Snow!"

Vulpix sent out a cold gust of wind at Ralt and the psychic pokemon dodged. Clara carefully watched Ralt's every move and prepared for Deoxys to yell out a command. However, out of her expectation, Ralt cast a move on its own, leaving Clara stunned.

Ralt used Confusion as a small pink telekinetic light traveled toward Vulpix: "Quickly dodge it!" Clara warned as Vulpix barely escaped.

Ralt then let out a charming cry as Vulpix felt a stinging headache. The little fox tumbled onto the ground and its clean white fur was dirty with dust as the pokemon suffered from the Disarming Voice.

Clara glanced at Deoxys who has her eyes closed and was seemingly in a trance-like state. Everyone else also stopped training to watch the battle as they were intrigued by Deoxys's actions.

"Why isn't Deoxys saying anything?" Alice asked out of curiosity.

"From the looks of it, Deoxys was still giving some kind of command," Lucius analyzed while Ralt perfectly dodged Vulpix's scratch.

"Do you think we can do that too?" Layla muttered as she stared at her Deino while trying to telepathically speak to it.

Lucius shrugged, not knowing whether it was doable or was something that only people at Deoxys's level could accomplish. Finally, the battle ends when Ralt casts Hypnosis on Vulpix and the fox fell asleep.

Clara rushes towards Vulpix to check on the pokemon's condition and she exhaled with relief when Vulpix was snoring soundly in her arms. Deoxys opened its eyes and put Ralt back into the Pokeball.

"That was a good fight," Deoxys complimented.

"But we only have been on the receiving ends of the attacks though...." Clara mumbled.

"That's natural because I have a lot of experience. You just need to keep practicing and you will get stronger before you know it," Deoxys explained.

Others also said some words of encouragement to Clara who blushed at being in the spotlight. She smiled wryly: "I... I will work hard..." Something seemed to be lit within Clara's heart and determination filled her eyes. Unbeknown to everyone, that was the day the person known as the Ice Empress was born.

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