Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 41: Pokemon that fits Royalty

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A few days later...

"Eat, it's healthy," Deoxys said while holding a spoon near Rubie and Saphir's faces.

"Nnnnn..." The children begrudgingly ate the vegetables

"You too, Ilulu," Deoxys ordered at the dragon who was suffering the same fate.

"You can't do this! I'm not your child!" Ilulu yelled while slapping the table, "No matter how much you explain it to me with these fancy words like Bo-ta-seum or an-ty-teoxa-donts or Vi-to-man! These orange sticks aren't food!!"

"It's Potassium, antioxidants, and Vitamin A" Deoxys replied.


"Eat. The. Carrots." Deoxys ordered with a cold tone. The dragon whimpered, she have no choice but to continue to consume the 'poison' or else suffer under the demon's wrath.


The bell Deoxys added to their store ranged, signifying someone's entrance: "Finish your food," Deoxys said.

The three groaned: "Bagon, watch over them for me," Deoxys instructed and the small pokemon saluted in response.

Deoxys left the kitchen and met up with three familiar people: "Good afternoon Lady Deoxys," Princess Alyssa greeted with a smile while Prince Capsian and Cyrus nodded.

"Good afternoon, I don't see any guards with you, wouldn't that be unsafe?"

"Don't worry, Sir Cyrus here was more than capable of keeping us safe and I don't think guards are necessary as crime rates surprisingly dropped to a very low level recently," Capsian explained.

"Is that so?" Deoxys answered before glancing at Cyrus: "How is the Abra?"

Cyrus smiled at the question: "The little guy's the perfect research assistant, calling the pokemon smart would be insulting its intelligence. As we speak it has buried itself in the royal library, refusing to leave until it has read everything."

Deoxys chuckled, "So, how can...."

"YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ilulu screamed as she rushed out of the kitchen and sprinted towards the front door, surprising everyone.

When her hand touched the doorknob, Ilulu's movement suddenly stopped and Deoxys caught the dragon with psychic. Ilulu desperately struggled but it was meaningless and Deoxys hurled her back into the kitchen before locking the door and barricading it with a bookshelf. Cyrus, Capsian, and Alyssa were left speechless as they heard Ilulu banging on the door and the sound of her cries.

"How can I help you?" Deoxys asked the three, ignoring its friend's suffering.

There was an awkward pause before Capsian spoke up: "We couldn't help but also be interested in those amazing creatures called pokemon," He said.

Alyssa: "Yes that's right, we saw some people with their own pokemon on the way here so shouldn't we have a pokemon as well?"

"I understand, then please fill out these forms and I will bring your pokemon shortly," Deoxys said and handed the prince and princess a sheet of paper.

Capsian was the first to finish answering all the questions while Alyssa was being more careful with her response. Deoxys took the survey before leaving to the back. The trios wait with anticipation, from what Capsian has heard, Deoxys would choose the pokemon that fit the person the most.

He was impressed with the daughter of Duke Redwall, who managed to get a fire-breathing lizard. The excitement of him receiving his pokemon kept him on his toes.

'A pokemon fitting for a prince...' Capsian couldn't help but grin at the thought, however, what he received was...


A giant redfish leaped out of its bucket and landed by Capsion's feet. Its gaping mouth gasped for breath and it flopped on the floor like a useless fish. Its soulless eyes look into the distance as it flailed around.

"W... what is this?" Capsian stuttered with shock.

"This is a water-type pokemon called Magikarp," Deoxys explained, "It may not look like much, but the pokemon will evolve into a formidable sea serpent-like monster named Gyarados,"

"Really?" The prince said as a slight amount of hope returned, "Will it really evolve into something powerful,"

Deoxys nodded: "Gyarados are extremely ferocious and powerful pokemon. In history, there were stories of Gyarados decimitaing villages and towns in a single night,"

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Now Capsian seemed to be in a better mood: "How do I get it to evolve?"

"By interacting with Magikarp every day, its growth could be assured, however, it will be difficult as its intelligence is extremely low," Deoxys said.

Capsian sighed: "Okay I will take it," Even if it was bad, his pride as a man won't allow him to refuse. Also from Deoxys's explanation, it will definitely get strong in the future.

He tried to pick up the large fish however, it slipped out of his arms and the prince was slapped in the face by Magikarp's tail and the pokemon dived back into the bucket.

"Pffft..." Alyssa couldn't hold in her laughter from her brother's humiliating display, no matter how she look at it, this Magikarp seemed like an ordinary fish that you could buy in the markets.

"Ah, I finished Deoxys!" Alyssa announced and cheerfully handed Deoxys the paper.

As Deoxys left, Alyssa giggled at Capsian's misfortune and the prince dejectedly poked the brainless fish: 'Whatever my pokemon is, it's going to be way cuter than brother's right? Right????' Alyssa thought to herself, oh how wrong she was...


The brown fish with blue fins flailed for its life and splattered water all over Alyssa. The princess has a stiff smile on her face and she stared at the even uglier fish before her. It was Capsian's time to laugh as he snickered at the even worse misfortune his sister received.

"This is..." Alyssa said with a flustered expression.

"This water pokemon is called Feebas," Deoxys explained, "It is considered one of the uglies pokemon,"

"O...Oh..." Alyssa muttered dejectedly. Just by looking at the pokemon's appearance, she felt that the nickname wasn't that far off.

"Fortunately, once this pokemon evolves, it was considered to be the most beautiful pokemon," Deoxys said.

Alyssa's eyes perked up: "One of the most beautiful?!"

"That's correct, it also has considerable strength that could be a valuable member of your team," Deoxys added.

Relief swept over Alyssa's body as she stared at the Feebas with a new light: "Okay, I will try, it shouldn't be that difficult right?" She said in an optimistic tone.

"It will be difficult, you have to make the Feebas believe that it's beautiful. There's another method but currently, that will be impossible to achieve."

"Ah..." Alyssa observered her Feebas and pumped her fists: "Yosh! I will take it! It will be a challenge but I believe I could succeed!"

Deoxys smiled: "I have faith in you,"

As prince and princess were trying to interact with their fish. Cyrus approached Deoxys, "There's also another reason that I'm here," He said and gave Deoxys a letter from the King.

Deoxys scanned through the contact and widened its eyes in surprise: "Arthur wants pokemon for the knights?"

"That's correct, do you think it's possible?" Cyrus asked.

"It is," Deoxys said while nodding, "However, I need a few days to prepare,"

"Of course," Cyrus smiled, "As long as it's manageable."

Deoxys and Cyrus further talked about the smaller details as Capsian and Alyssa put their pokemon in their pokeballs.

"No matter how many times you watched it, this device still amazes me every time," Cyrus muttered.

He seemed to be thinking to himself before turning to Deoxys: "Anyway, it's time for us to leave,"

"Ah Deoxys," Capsian suddenly called out to the pokemon.



In the end, Capsian wanted to say something but words can't seem to form in his mouth and they eventually left while Cyrus and Alyssa wondered what that was all about.

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