Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 42: Pokémon and Eccentric Knight

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A week later,

The date for the knights to receive their pokemon has arrived. Deoxys closed the shop to stop any outside interference and the pokemon patiently waited for them to visit. Sure enough, after 10 minutes of waiting, the door to the Pokestore opened and a man and woman entered.

The man has blond hair, green eyes, and a chiseled face, and his appearance was what people usually think of when they said the word "Knight". The woman was shorter than the man with long silver hair going down to her waist, her blue eyes seemed to be observing every inch of this store while giving out a serious aura.

"Greetings, welcome to the Pokestore," Deoxys said to the two knights.

The knights were quiet as they stared at Deoxys. The man was particularly gazing at Deoxys's face and he froze. Suddenly he rushed towards Deoxys and leaped over the counter. The man speedily grabbed Deoxys hand and the pokemon was highly disturbed by his actions.

The only thing that's stopping Deoxys from wiping him off of this planet was his lack of killing intent. However, what he said next made Deoxys regret not killing him.

"Marry me!!!!"


"Ah, your majestic purple eyes that seemed to be full of wisdom, your long silky black hair that further defined your appearance, and your beautiful face that could rival the Goddess!" The man praised as he stared into Deoxys's eyes.

Deoxys cringed at the man's words. Seeing Deoxys's frown, his smile widened: "Ah, you're even beautiful when you're scowling!" He shouted.

From the corner of the room, Saphir and Rubie's heads peeked from the back doorways and they stared at the interaction between the man and their mom.

"Brother brother, what is that human doing?" Rubie whispered,

"Sister sister, in this world we call people like him perverts," Saphir explained,

"Ah, brother you're so smart!" Rubie complimented,

"No, mommy is the smartest!" Saphir replied.

"Yes, you're right!" Rubie added as they shifted their conversation to Deoxys, unaware their mother was about to commit bloodshed.

The man was still holding one of Deoxys's hands and the pokemon's other hand seemed to glow a purple light. Deoxys was prepared to stab Poison Jab into the man's neck soon but thankfully he was saved when his coworker hurriedly grabbed him by the back of the ear and pulled him away.

"I sincerely apologize for my captain's behavior," The female knight said as she looked at the man like a bug.

"Why! Every time I met a beauty you stopped me from confessing my love!!" He screamed.

The girl blushed and averted her gaze: "Focus on your mission... Idiot..." She quietly murmured the last part.

Deoxys secretly deactivated the Poison Jab and sighed. The two knights quickly regained their composure as they stood with their backs straight and their heels touching.

"I'm Eugene, the captain of the knights!"

"And I'm Kali, the vice-captain,"

Both knights bowed in unison: "We were here due to the order of the king,"

"I understand, please wait here and I will bring the items shortly," Deoxys replied before leaving.

Deoxys returned carrying a tray with three poke balls. It set the tray down before staring at the two knights: "I have carefully chosen three different types of pokemon, each of them can complete a specific set of roles. I recommend that each member of the knight pick one of the three pokemon of their choosing."

"Is that so? May we see the three options?" Eugene asked.

Deoxys nodded and picked up the Pokeball to the left. Deoxys opened it and a strange four-legged creature with plates of armor covering its body. The pokemon's blue eyes showed a curious nature and observed everyone.

"This pokemon is named Aron and it's a steel-type pokemon. Aron has metal armor covering their body making them extremely tough," Deoxys explained before pulling out a dagger.

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To the knights' disbelief, Deoxys stabbed Aron with the sharp dagger. A loud Ding sound reverberated through the room and the blade of the dagger snapped in half. There wasn't even a scratch on Aron's armor and the knights were deeply impressed by the pokemon's defensive capability.

"Their diets consist of metal and they use the metal they have eaten to evolve and repair their armor," Deoxys said and fed the broken dagger to Aron.

Eugene especially seemed to be deeply impressed with Aron and he excitedly looked at the two other pokeballs. Sensing Eugene's enthusiasm, Deoxys opened the Pokeball in the middle.

An orange canine leaped onto the counter and let out a growl. The pokemon raised its head with pride while happily wagging its fluffy tail.

Deoxys patted the pokemon before introducing it to the two knights: "This pokemon is called Growlithe and it is a fire-type pokemon."

"These pokemon have an extreme sense of smell, once it picked up a scent, Growlithe will never forget it, making them excellent trackers. They are extremely loyal to their companions and wouldn't hesitate to risk their own lives to protect them, this characteristic makes the pokemon a perfect partner," Deoxys said.

Now it was Kali's turn to be impressed and her ears perked up at the description. Finally, they set their eyes on the last Pokeball and listened with anticipation.

Deoxys opened the last ball, revealing an orange otter with two tails, blue fins on its arms, and a yellow collar around its neck.

"This pokemon here is called Buizel, they are a water-type pokemon. Their tails acted as propellers, allowing them to travel at a fast speed in the water, they are also very agile on land and are the fastest out of the three, making them good for knights that relied on speed." Deoxys said.

Eugene and Kali thought about the information that Deoxys presented as they observed the three pokemon resting on the counter: "They will be perfect," Kali commented and her captain nodded.

"We will take them," Eugene declared.

Deoxys nodded: "Please informed your knights of the choices and gave me a list of how many pokemon I should prepare,"

"Very well," Eugen said and held out his hand: "Pleasure doing business,"

Deoxys happily shook the captain's hand: "Ah before you leave, do you want to choose your pokemon right now?" It said and gestured at the three pokemon.

Kali and Eugene looked at each other and nodded: "Okay, we will take you up on the offer,"

"Ladies first," He said to Kali, who snorted in response.

She approached the pokemon and eventually slowly reached out toward Growlithe. Kali liked the appearance of the fire pokemon and listening to Deoxys's description, further deepened her resolve to pick Growlithe.

Kali's hand rubbed against Growlithe's soft fur and the pokemon happily leaped into her arms. Eugene chuckled and he walked towards Aron: "Say, little guy, wanna go with me?"

Aron quietly stared at the man before nudging his head against Eugene. The captain laughed and he tried to pick Aron up. However, his eyes widened at the weight of this small pokemon and he almost accidentally dropped Aron: "Yep we're gonna do just fine,"  he said with bated breath.

[A/N: Aron weighs around 132.3 lbs. or 60.0 kg]

With their pokemon chosen, Kali and Eugene returned their partner back to the Pokeball. They waved goodbye to Deoxys and left the store.

"With our mission done, hey what about it, want to go get a drink?" Eugene asked.

"Do I have a choice? If I don't go, you will go harass women again," Kali said with a sigh.

Eugene ignored his vice captain's comment and grinned. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder: "Alright drinks were on me today!" He shouted, "Miss Waitress wait for me!!"

Kali blushed from the sudden contact, she  punched Eugene in the ribs, and the knight bend over in pain, "Why won't you look at me like other women...." Kali muttered.

"Huh did you say something?"

"I said that you better get yourself under control before I find you in a cell for being a creep!" Kali screamed and stormed off with Eugene hurriedly chasing after her.

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