Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 43: A New Step

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Some months later...

"WOW thank you so much shopkeeper, I will take great care of Lillipup!" A young boy said with enthusiasm as he hugged the small pokemon. The boy ran out of the store as Deoxys watched with a smile. Suddenly, a notification sound rang in Deoxys's mind.

[Task: Grant 1000 people their own Pokemon!

Status: 1000/1000 COMPLETE!

Reward: Mass Pokemon Summoning and Pokedex]

"Ah...." Deoxys muttered.

"Did you say something?" Ilulu, who was sitting next to Deoxys asked.

The pokemon shook its head and refocused on the system screen. There was the sound of confetti celebrating Deoxys's achievements and Mew exited from Deoxys's core.

'Congrats!!!' The small pokemon yelled while flying around Deoxys happily.


The pokemon don't know what to feel. It has stayed in this world for almost a year now and Deoxys was accustomed to this new lifestyle. Eventually, this complicated feeling turned into a sense of accomplishment as it was one step closer to its goal.

Deoxys accepted the reward from the task and two panels appeared.

[Create Pokedex]

[Mass Summon]

'So it's not a crafting instruction?' Deoxys questioned.

'This place won't be advanced enough to use modern technology and it will be made through magic. Just like pokemon summoning, just assign a user, and I will do it for you!' Mew explained in a proud voice.

Deoxys: 'Then the mass summoning?'

'Not going to spoil anything but it's pretty amazing!" Mew responded mischievously: 'I suggest you do it at night though,'

Deoxys smiled wryly at Mew's childish attitude and the pokemon walked to the front door: "I will be going out a bit, " Deoxys said and swiftly left.

An hour later,

"Huh, can you say it again?" Arthur exclaimed

"Tomorrow, pokemon will be officially exposed to this country," Deoxys repeated, "I believe it's time, however, your assistance is required."

The king sighed: "What do you need me to do?"

"With the abrupt reveal of pokemon, pandemonium will be inevitable. The knights will need to be assembled almost immediately to restore order so any damages could be controlled to the best of our ability." Deoxys explained

Arthur frowned: "Then what happened if we didn't control it probably?"

"Death and destruction will ravage Lugella," Deoxys said seriously, "Pokemon are creatures that can benefit this country tremendously. However, they also deserve respect so the citizens need to be educated on treating pokemon correctly as soon as possible."

In just a few hours, Deoxys and Arthur discussed many topics regarding pokemon. They talked about their origins, benefits, and other miscellaneous things. Deoxys also taught the king various information on the best way to deal with wild pokemon and how to capture them using Pokeball technology.

By the end of their discussion, Arthur seemed to be more intrigued and excited about the prospect of pokemon. Deoxys thanked the king for his understanding and left to prepare for the final step.


"Where are we going?" Ilulu asked as they flew in the dark night.

Deoxys led Ilulu to one of the highest mountains in this kingdom and they overlooked the peaceful terrain: 'Mew what would I need to do?'

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'Simple, just press the button,' Mew replied and the screen reappeared before Deoxys's eyes.

The pokemon slowly interacted with the virtual panel and immediately felt a strange sensation. Under Mew's instruction, Deoxys exited its human form and levitated into the air. It brought its tendrils together and a white orb began to form between its limbs.

The white orb starts to glow as bright as the moon before firing a shiny beam into the atmosphere. When the orb stopped firing, it vanished and darkness sets in once more. There was silence as Ilulu and Deoxys waited.

Suddenly the world rumbled and the land starts to change, the earth starts to rise, creating mountains, land split open creating large lakes, and plant life start to grow at a rapid speed. Above Deoxys, a green portal manifested in the air. At first, it was one, now dozens were appearing by the second. Millions of shooting stars were fired out of the portals as and they struck the ground while traveling at the speed of light.

"It's beautiful..." Ilulu muttered.

The majestic shooting-star light show eventually ended. Deoxys scanned its surroundings and the life signatures boomed in numbers: 'It really happened, Pokemons have arrived...' Mew squealed with joy

However, Deoxys was brought out of its thoughts when its mind felt distorted. The alien's body began to contort and warp as the core struggled to keep its body composition in place. Deoxys felt tired and a system panel popped up.

[Warning, detected a severe loss in stamina, emergency hibernation will proceed]

'Ah... Ilulu I will leave it to you...'

"Huh? Wait what are you...." Before Ilulu could finish, Deoxys's body dissolved and its gem fell out of the air.

Ilulu was just able to catch Deoxys's core and she was greatly confused: "Phew... Um, what now?"

Next Day...

Inside Redwall's mansion, Alice yawned tiredly as she sat up from her bed: "Morning Charmander..."

"Char..." Charmander sleepily replied.

Alice slowly got out of her bed and approached her bedroom window. She opened the window and let out a satisfying stretch when suddenly.


A flock of birds flew past at a fast speed, catching Alice off guard and she screamed. She stumbled backward and stepped on Charmander's tail and the little pokemon screeched in surprise. They fall on each other as they blinked in disbelief.

"Those birds just then are larger than normal?"

Screaming and shouting could be heard outside as Alice hurriedly rushed back to the window. She saw maids and workers being harassed by many strange creatures as they run around, creating a mess everywhere.

"My lady, what's the matter!?" Her knight Leon bursts in when he heard his lady's cry.

"Leon, what is happening?" Alice asked and gestured at the chaos outside.

"Ah...." The knight muttered and smiled wryly: "It's still hard to believe but they're all pokemon, apparently pokemon have suddenly appeared all over the country..." He explained.

Alice: "Oh okay... HUH?!"

Somewhere around the country...

"HEY STOP EATING ALL MY CROPS!" A farmer shouted as he whacked a big fat Snorlax with his broom.

"KYAA not my clothes!" A woman screamed as a group of Sewaddle swarmed her favorite dress.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING??!!" An adventurer yelled while being chased by a group of Bedrills.

Not just in Ardes, everywhere in Lugella was suffering the same craziness. Everyone was terrified by these new animals while some were able to realize what they were. King Arthur looked at his kingdom from his balcony.

He exhaled: "So it all begins..."

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