Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 44: Ruler of the Strong

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Deoxys found itself on the familiar grassland. Sure enough, a few seconds later, a crazy Goddess pounced onto Deoxys: "WAAAH Why didn't you visit me!!!!" She cried.

The pokemon peeled Grydia from its body, 'I was busy,' Deoxys explained,

"Lies! Exactly five days ago in the afternoon, you have only one customer visit your store! Before you said anything, your dragon friend went out to eat and the children were taking a nap so you're definitely not busy!" The goddess countered.

Deoxys: '.....'

The pokemon then noticed another presence watching them, it turned its head and saw Arceus: 'Please act like a God, you're embarrassing all of us,' He said exasperatedly.

Gryder's face reddened with shame and quietly muttered a sorry.

Arceus then turned to Deoxys: 'We meet again, by completing the summoning process, I was able to converse with you ever so briefly so please listen,'

'Pokemon will be a big change to mortals' lives so the mass summoning will only be for this country you're currently in, I have made sure that the pokemon won't travel across the border to create unnecessary trouble.'

'However, they still need to have someone to rule over them,' Arceus raised one of its hooves and pointed at Deoxys: 'That would be you,'

'Can't you manage it?' Deoxys asked.

Arceus shook his head: 'There can't be two gods in the same world,' he said.

'But why does this world have both Grydia and Ena?' Deoxys questioned before staring at the aloof goddess.

'It's because they were a split between a single god, two different personalities,' Arceus explained, 'For my case, I created my brothers and sister, and I shared my powers with them but they're not truly gods...'

'So will you accept?' Arceus asked.

Deoxys nodded and Arceus hummed satisfyingly. He let out a screech as Deoxys began to feel power and strength being pumped into its body. A system screen appeared:

[Skill: Arceus's Champion transformed into Progenitor of Pokemon

Description: The first pokemon that arrived in this world! With the blessing of Arceus, other pokemon will have deep respect and loyalty towards you. However, the skill may be stolen.]

'Why can the skill be taken?' Deoxys asked.

'Remember, you didn't only summon normal pokemon, deities, and guardians I created will also be brought into this world and not all of them will accept your rule,' Arceus explained, 'They are mere clones but also possess the same amount of power and memory of their precursors,'

'So "That" will also be here?' Deoxys questioned and anger briefly flashed in its eyes.

Arceus doesn't need to ask who Deoxys was referring to and the God nodded: 'I won't stop you for your revenge. However don't let the hatred overcome you," He warned.

Deoxys nodded and Arceus's body began to glow, forming small particles: 'Ah it's time for me to leave... I believe in your success and I'm excited to watch your growth,' and with that, Arceus left.

With Arceus gone, Deoxys turned to Grydia, who has been quiet all this time: 'I still haven't thanked you for the gift, Rubie and Saphir's existence brought joy to my heart.'

"You're welcome!" Grydia grinned with pride: "It was really difficult to make them similar to you. Do you even know how sophisticated you are? Rubie and Saphir are a brand new race and they're the only one of their kind! I call them the Crystallites!"

'And for that, I'm eternally grateful,' Deoxys muttered,

"Then hang out with me more often, I'm so bored over here!" The Goddess pouted but the wide smile on Grydia's face betrayed her.

Deoxys nodded as its own body also began to glow: 'Seems like it's my time to leave as well...'

"Good luck Deoxys! I will be cheering for you!" Grydia waved and the pokemon left her domain.

Back in the real world...

The first thing Deoxys finds itself on was a bed with Rubie and Saphir at its side. The children embraced Deoxys tightly and they seemed to be asleep. Sensing Deoxys's presence, the children soon opened their eyes.

Immediately, they spotted Deoxys looking at them and they were surprised: "Mommy!" They screamed and their hug tightened: "Mommy is so mean, she slept for a week, leaving us all alone!" Rubie said with a choked voice.

"A week...." Deoxys muttered in shock,

Deoxys was snapped out of its daze when it heard Saphir and Rubie's crying. Deoxys's eyes softened, and the pokemon felt horrible watching them weep. Deoxys sat up before returning to its human form. It wrapped its arm around the children and brought them close to its chest. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you all alone,  would you forgive me?"

Rubie and Saphir slowly nodded and Deoxys gently wiped their teary faces: "You two were very brave for being alone all this time, I'm proud of you,"

Rubie and Saphir's lips twitched at Deoxys's compliment: "R..really?" Saphir asked.

Deoxys nodded and the children puffed up their chests with confidence: "Y...yes we're very brave! Does that mean mommy will reward us?!" Rubie said with hope.

Deoxys laughed and patted their heads: "Okay, is there anything that you want?"

"Hnnnn," Rubie and Saphir pondered thoughtfully, they then smiled cheerfully at Deoxys: "Anything that mommy gives us would be awesome!"

"Is that so?" Deoxys stood up and carried the children downstairs before looking out the store window.

What greeted Deoxys was a beautiful sight. People walk around as flocks of Starly, Pidoves, and Pidgeys fly over them. Rattata and Pachirisu ran down the streets. Purrloins and Mankeys played with each other on the roofs while young children fed them.

"Mommy?" Rubie called out when she noticed the large smile on Deoxys's face.

Deoxys shook its head, it was extremely happy with King Arthur's immediate actions and seemed like the citizens have managed to quickly adapt to their new neighbors. Walking through, people and pokemon alike greeted Deoxys in a respectful manner.

'The skill seemed to be working,' Deoxys thought to itself, but it might change soon. If Arceus was correct, some pokemon may not accept its rule so Deoxys needs to show its strength and gain their approval either by words or force.


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Deoxys was at a plain field as the grass swayed from the night breeze. The moonlight illuminated the land, creating an exquisite sight. Even now there were groups of nocturnal pokemon playing in the distance.

'Hey isn't this a bit too risky?' Mew asked.

'Do you not trust me?' Deoxys replied.

Mew: 'I do but it's still worrying, we don't know how they will react,'

'Then I need to show them that I'm suitable,' Deoxys said.

The pokemon flew into the air and gather all its psychic energy. Deoxys let out a loud distorted cry and scaring all the other pokemon in its vicinity, the psychic energy expanded to each corner of the country.

'It's done....' There was silence and Deoxys felt nervous.

*Badump Badump Badump*

Sounds of hooves could be heard and the creature making the noise was traveling toward Deoxys at a fast speed. An elegant stag-like pokemon with beautiful rainbow gems on its antlers burst out from the forest. The pokemon stopped and stood up on its hind legs before stomping the ground and shaking its head.

'You called and I have answered, Xerneas said in a dignified tone.


Two small dragons traveled in pairs, one colored red, and one blue. They fly through the sky like jets, tearing the clouds in half. The dragons gracefully landed beside Xerneas: 'Big Brother, is this where the signal came from?' Latias asked.

'Yes, please behave,' Latios hushed and eyed Deoxys.

Next, the earth split open, and a beautiful small pokemon covered in pink diamonds emerged. Surrounding the pokemon was a group of Carbinks and they act like guards, warily observing everyone else.

"Cie... (Greetings everyone...)" Diancie's muttered in a soft voice and bowed in a perfect posture, befitting of a princess.

Above them, a part of the sky became bright as if a patch of the world became day. A large bird with red and white feathers dived down before landing gracefully. Instantly, three large dogs appeared behind the bird and lowered their heads in respect.

'You've called us young one?' Ho-oh's chuckled and looked at Deoxys amusingly.

As the number of pokemon increases, they all voice out their thoughts while warily watching the others.

Victini: "Tini? (I'm hungry, do you have food?)"

Kyreum: 'Interesting, how interesting!'

Lugia: 'I hope this won't become dangerous,'

Cresselia: 'A lot of domineering presences are here...'

Hoopa: "Pa? (You guys look cool, wanna play?)"

Zygarde: 'The plants and creatures here are unlike anything I've seen,'

Mewtwo: 'Where are we? Why did you summon us?'

Thunderous: 'Why are you here?'

Tornadus: 'I'm about to ask the same thing.'

The two guardians glared at each other. However, the hostility stopped when the third guardian spoke up: 'Quiet you two,' Landorus grumbled. The earth pokemon don't want his siblings to create trouble since he was the only one that realized that they were not the strongest there.

More and more powerful figures arrived one by one. Some ignored Deoxys's calling and some weren't able to attend. Deoxys felt a particular gaze and turned its head, the pokemon saw Meleotta, she remembered Deoxys, and meeting her friend once more filled her heart with joy.

Meleotta waved and Deoxys's mood increased drastically. The small singer wanted to leap into Deoxys and hug her friend but under a serious atmosphere, she restrained herself.

Finally, three portals manifested behind Deoxys and three large creatures emerged. Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina stared at Deoxys in silence, until finally, Giratina spoke up.

'Brother has informed us about you, we will help you... Sister,' A feminine voice entered Deoxys's head.

Deoxys nodded and turned to the crowd of monsters: 'Arceus has given me the role of keeping this land peaceful, I want all of you to respect his wish and allow me to govern this world.'

All the pokemon were silent and they digest this information. They can detect Arceus's energy flowing within Deoxys so they knew that it wasn't some blind claim.

'What kind of leader will you become?' Lugia suddenly questioned with a wary gaze, 'If my child will be harmed because of your incompetence, you shall feel my wrath...'

'It will never be my motive to rule with an iron fist. Pokemon should be free and have their own choice on who to follow,' Deoxys immediately responded and then spoke privately to Lugia through telepathy: 'As a fellow mother, you have my word

Lugia's eyes wavered and the dragon thought about Deoxys's statement. Eventually, it slowly nodded and calmed down.

'Is there anyone else?' Deoxys asked.

'I REFUSE!' A thunderous roar pierced the skies. A long green dragon flew down from the ether and glared at Deoxys with rage: 'Someone like you aren't fit to rule us,'

Deoxys glared back and all the suppressed painful memories resurfaced. A huge amount of rage and hatred sprouted from in its heart as the pokemon stared at its most hated enemy: 'Just as I thought you won't appear...'

Rayquaza snorted and bared his razor-sharp teeth: 'Only the strong will fit to be king and you're nothing but!'


I hope you enjoy,

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