Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 45: Defeating the Arrogant Dragon

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'You're stepping out of line,' Palkia growled.

'I'm merely stating my concern," Rayquaza stated, 'Isn't that right?' The dragon glanced at the rest of the legendary pokemon.

'Each of us was given an essential role by Arceus. However, I don't understand why a being that was made accidentally can order us around?' Rayaquaza said.

Dialga snarled, 'Are you defying brother's wishes?'

'It's natural that only the strongest are worthy enough to stand at the top. This has always been the rule, ' Rayquaza slyly responded.

Dialga's patience was at his limit and he wanted to do anything to show that green snake his place. However, Deoxys held out its hand and Dialga reluctantly backed down: 'Then all I have to do was prove myself worthy?'

'Sister...' Giratina lowered her head and quietly whispered to Deoxys: 'You don't have to fight, we have already accepted sister as the leader, it will be a pointless battle.'

Deoxys shook its head: 'This means everything to me, please don't intervene,'

Giratina nodded and returned to its original position. Deoxys felt a tingling sensation when Giratina expressed her concern. However, this wasn't their fight: 'So I have to show you?'

Deoxys began to levitate to Rayquaza's height, and the pokemon's surroundings began to warp as the alien unleashed its full Psychic might.

'What power....' Lugia muttered with awe.

The dragon smirked and let out an intimidating roar before soaring into the air. Deoxys chased and fired an Ice Beam, and Rayquaza skillfully dodged and sprung around.

He opened his jaws and an orange light formed in his mouth. Rayquaza used Hyper Beam and Deoxys transformed into its speed form. The alien easily escaped the laser beam as the attack struck the ground and the earth melted under the immense heat.

Deoxys rushed towards Rayquaza and smashed Brick Break into the dragon's skull. Rayquaza roared in pain and swung his tail in retaliation. Deoxys entered its Defence Form and Rayquaza's Dragon Tail smashed the pokemon back into the ground.

'Still rash and arrogant like always....' Ho-oh commented on Rayquaza's behavior.

"Mel...(Deoxys be careful...)" Meleotta said and clasped her hand together in prayer.

'Oh? you're are really concerned for your friend,' Ho-oh exclaimed while glancing at Meleotta: 'Kindness like yours is rare to see these days...'

Meleotta's lips twitched and she smiled stiffly at the bird's praise. Ho-oh's relaxed attitude slightly ease Meleotta's worry but the anxiety still remained as Meleotta refocused back on the battle.

Deoxys emerged from the crater and shook off the debris on its body. Rayquaza roared and blasted another Hyper Beam at Deoxys's location. The alien immediately teleported from danger and reappeared in the dragon's blindspot.

Detecting its presence, Rayquaza promptly redirected the Hyperbeam toward the alien. Deoxys cast Protect and a transparent rectangular barrier blocked the devastating laser. Knowing that Rayquaza's Hyper Beam can definitely destroy the shield, Deoxys tilted the barrier at a slight angle, diverting the laser and causing the earth to be split cleanly in half.

With the Hyper Beam safely deflected, Deoxys counter-attacked with Psycho Boost and a huge multi-colored orb manifested between its tentacles. The pokemon hurled the deadly sphere at Rayquaza and the dragon don't have time to avoid the attack.

The Psycho Boost landed and Rayquaza howled in agony as he felt his scales being flayed from his body. Rage builds up in Rayquaza and he went mad from anger. He was supposed to be the one to show Deoxys its place but why was he getting beaten?

Rayquaza charged and tried to rip Deoxys into pieces with his teeth. The alien transformed into its attack form and wrapped its tendrils around Rayquaza's head, locking its jaw in place.

[A/N: Have people seen a picture of a giant squid vs a sperm whale with he squid wrapping around the whale's head? Well it's something like that,]

Deoxys charged a Hyper Beam of its own and Rayquaza's eyes widened with shock. He thrashed his head widely, struggling to break free of Deoxys's grasp. Fortunately, Rayquaza managed to escape from Deoxys's restrain, unfortunately, the pokemon unleashed the Hyper Beam in time and struck Rayquaza in the side of his face.

The dragon screeched, he felt the intense heat of the Hyper Beam as his face burned. Rayquaza finally lost all reasoning and his agonized scream filled the air.


Deoxys wasn't disturbed by Rayquaza's intense killing intent and calmly analyzed its opponent. Unbeknownst to Rayquaza, Deoxys's anger was way more fierce and suffocating that the alien felt like it was going to burst at any moment. However, Deoxys made sure that the anger will only be fuel, not something that will cloud its mind.

Deoxys quietly stared at Rayquaza and a rainbow light colored engulfed him. The dragon reemerged in its new form: 'Mega Evolution...' Deoxys thought with disdain while Rayquaza flew around as if boasting about his new power-up before lunging at his enemy.

Deoxys evaded and Rayquaza's Dragon Claw barely missed its body. However, Rayquaza instantly swung around and sank his teeth into Deoxys's legs and the dragon tore Deoxys's limbs from its body. Deoxys's legs regrew almost immediately and the pokemon retaliated with an Ice Beam, freezing Rayquaza in place.

However, the ice prison shattered with ease as Rayquaza broke free and Deoxys responded using Zap Cannon. Rayquaza felt the convulsing electricity travel through it's long body and he writhed in suffering. The dragon instinctively reached for Deoxys and snathed the alien with his talons.

The statics coursing through Rayquaza's body also traveled towards Deoxys and they both spasmed from electrocution. Rayquaza tossed Deoxys into the air and slashed the alien with a combination of Dragon Claw and Shadow Claw.

Unfortunately for Rayquaza, Deoxys regenerated from the wounds in a blink of an eye and the pokemon blasted the dragon away with Energy Balls.

Rayquaza eventually adjusted itself in the air as he glared at Deoxys. Blood trickled down his cracked scales and half of his body felt numb.  Rayquaza attempted to move his left arm but the pain forced him to stop.

Rayquaza doesn't understand why, or how did Deoxys reach this strength. His draconic pride wouldn't allow him to admit it but Deoxys was definitely way more powerful than him. Rayquaza growled, even thinking about it disgusted him, what was he thinking, he will always be the strongest!

Rayquaza roared and soared into the air into the clouds. Deoxys watched warily and Rayquaza was spotted diving toward Deoxys at a velocity that almost matched the speed of light. Deoxys countered with Psycho Boost and the pokemon once again fired the massive psychic orb toward Rayquaza.

Suddenly, to everyone's surprise, Deoxys's Psycho Boost exploded mid-flight and transformed into dozens of small pink meteors. The meteors left behind a brilliant orange light, creating a scene that one simply described as awe-inspiring.

'That's Judgement,' Palkia mumbled with wide eyes

'How is sister able to use brother's move?' Dialga asked.

Giratina shook her head, the pokemon doesn't understand how Deoxys was able to use something that only Arceus could. Currently, all she felt was pity for Rayquaza as there was no way for the dragon to win now...

However, the dragon pushed on, unperturbed by Deoxys's strange attack. Rayquaza's Dragon Ascent smashed into the barrages of meteors, generating a massive explosion and the world quaked under the shockwave. Latios hurriedly cast Protect to stop the blast wave from blowing everyone away.

When the dust settles, everyone saw the bloodied dragon laying on the ground and Deoxys standing on top of him. Deoxys was also stunned by its powerful attack. However, it doesn't care as all of the pokemon's focus right now was on the pathetic figure of Rayquaza.

Watching Rayquaza gasping for life, something seemed to finally snap and hatred finally exploded inside Deoxys. Without hesitation, the pokemon punched the dragon in the face.








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Deoxys screamed in rage and continuously pummel the dragon. Rayquaza lost his green luster and his body was covered with bruises and blood. The only point that indicated that Rayquaza was still alive was his heaving chest. Rayquaza stared at Deoxys with fear as all the previous arrogance and pride completely vanished.

The beating finally stopped and Deoxys regained its rationality. The pokemon thought that there was satisfaction in having revenge but now, all it felt was emptiness.

Deoxys slowly lowered its raised fists, torturing a bastard dragon couldn't bring it's child back. It could only continue its mission. Mew appeared beside Deoxys and gently patted its shoulder: 'Are you okay?'

Deoxys nodded, it have lost the will to keep attacking Rayquaza and stared at him with disgust. 'Don't show your face ever near me again...' Deoxys said and left, leaving the unconscious pokemon to its business.

Deoxys faced the rest of the pokemon: 'If there was anyone that still has complaints, speak up now...'

The pokemon looked at each other...

Latios/Latias: 'We have no objection,'

Diancie: "Dian... (Your wish is our command...)"

Kyruem: 'Being a leader is not my style,'

Lugia: 'I greet the queen...'

Ho-oh: 'It will be a pleasure working with you,'

The three Legendary Beasts: 'If Ho-oh-Samma agree, we shall also,'

Lake Guardians: 'Queen...'

Jirachi: "Rachi, ('I don't mind,)"

Celebi: "Ce Celebi, (No Objection,)"

Meleotta: "Me! (You will do great!)

Victini: '"Tini, (I'm a bit sleepy, but I don't really care who's leader,)"

Creation Trio: 'We're glad that sister will lead us,'

Xerneas: 'I accept your rule,'

Cecilia: 'I have no complaint,'


Each pokemon voiced out their opinions one by one and Deoxys relaxed: 'Thank you for understanding, I won't let you all down.'

They nodded and with the meeting over, everyone began to leave. The land became peaceful once more if ignoring the huge apocalyptic wasteland that was made as the aftermath of the battle. All that remained were Deoxys, Meleotta, and the unconscious Rayquaza. With the other gone, Meleotta happily went to Deoxys's side.

"Otta! (Long time no see!)" She said to Deoxys.

Deoxys transformed back to its human form and hugged Meleotta tightly. Meleotta was surprised by Deoxys's transformation but she ignored it and returned the embrace.

"Where will you be staying?" Deoxys asked.

"Mel..... Meleotta? (With you obviously... Can I)"

Deoxys chuckled: 'Of course, I missed you, my friend,' Suddenly the pokemon suddenly stopped smiling and gazed into the distance: "Come on out,"

There was silence until finally, Violetta's figure appeared in front of Deoxys and she knelt down: "Why did you follow me?"

"I apologize, I saw master leaving the city so I followed out of curiosity," Violetta replied.

"I see..." Deoxys muttered.

Deoxys sensed that she wasn't lying and the pokemon sighed as Violetta flinched: "How much did you witness?"

Violetta starts to tremble uncontrollably and she was petrified with fear. The menacing presence of all the creatures that gathered, the battle with the green dragon, and Deoxys's true form. It took Violetta's entire willpower to not piss herself and scream in madness.

She gulped: "I saw things I shouldn't see, please show mercy," She begged.

Deoxys stared at Violetta and hummed: "You know my secret, wouldn't it be fair to reveal yours?"

The woman froze in shock before hesitantly nodding. Violetta's appearance began to change. Her skin tone changed from white to dark and her hair changed from fiery red to silver.

The most prominent change was her long ears and the existence of her burn mark running down the side of her face: "Dark Elf," Deoxys muttered, "The race that was shunned by the world."

"Y...Yes..." Violetta answered and she anxiously tried to cover up the severe scars. She nervously glanced at Deoxys's reaction but the pokemon's lack of emotion scared her even more.

"Okay, you may go," Deoxys replied.

Violetta's eyes widened: "You're letting me go? But I'm a Dark Elf!"

"So?" Deoxys responded with confusion.

'What the hell do you mean so??' Violetta thought and she shut her mouth.

Deoxys slightly shrugged: "Your past is none of my business and I don't discriminate against species," Deoxys explained: "Goodnight,"

The pokemon held Meleotta's hand and together they teleported away. Violetta was left stunned and she felt a sense of deja vu of being left alone once more in the cold dark night.

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