Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 46: Pokedex and the Traumatization of a Sly Fox

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A few days later...

With the introduction of pokemon, the citizens were in chaos as wild pokemon harassed their daily lives. Thankfully, King Arthur swiftly controlled the scene with the Knight Order. Deoxys's secret organization, Twilight Shield, has also dealt with people who tried to do crimes in the midst of the riot.

After a few days gone by, people began to accustom to the lifestyle of living with pokemon. Some were able to adapt to the new inhabitants while some even befriended them. Compulsory Education facilities were immediately created to teach people the knowledge of pokemon.

Because of this, the kingdom becomes more cheerful and livelier than before. Laws were also implemented that wanted people the rules of living with pokemon. Under Deoxys's orders, people that were caught abusing and smuggling pokemon could be punished by death. However, the king reasoned that it may be too extreme so it was dialed down to lengthy jail time and hard labor.

People were stunned by this strict law, but none complained because of their respect towards Deoxys and the King. Another large change was the world itself, people discovered new mountains, valleys, forests, rivers, and lakes magically appear in a span of a night.

This relit the adventurous spirits in adventurers and they couldn't wait to go out to explore the new world. However, they were forced to remain in the guild because of the danger of the unknown and could only move under the Guild Master's command. Thus, the people's new life has begun!

In the Pokestore...

"Wow, she's so beautiful!" Layla and Alice praised as they litsened Meleotta sing.

"Her name is Meleotta, please treat her well.." Deoxys introduced its friend to the two girls. They happily shook hands and greeted each other: "Meleotta do you mind go entertain Rubie and Saphir?" Deoxys asked softly.

Meleotta eagerly nodded and she elegantly escaped up the stairs.

Alice suddenly said, "Ah Deoxys, take a look at this!"

She brought out a Pokeball and opened it: "Starly!" A bird with grayish and brown feathers landed on her shoulder: "I caught this guy in our yard, isn't he cute?" Alice beamed with joy and looked at Deoxys with expectation.

The pokemon smiled wryly: "Congragulation, you're now one step closer on being a strong trainer,"

"That's awesome," Layla praised: "I think it's time for me to get a pokemon as well, is that okay for you Deoxys?"

Deoxys nodded. It exited through the back door and  swiftly returned carrying a black fox with red accents: "This here is called a Zorua, and it's a dark type."

"Another dark type? I'm beginning to see a pattern here..." Layla muttered.

"Rua?" Zorua jumped out of Deoxys's arms and quietly observed Layla. The fox walked around and slowly sniffed the young saint.

Suddenly the pokemon leaped into the air and a white light coated its body. When the light dissipated, Zorua transformed into a perfect version of Layla and the fox excitedly spun in circles. Layla's jaw dropped to the floor and Deoxys's chuckled at her reaction.

"Zorua's ability allowed the pokemon to transform into another form to disguise itself. Watch out, this particular one like to play pranks using their disguised forms." Deoxys warned.

Sure enough, Zorua was tugging on her clothes before reaching toward her own chest. Clone Layla squeezed and fondled her breast in a curious manner. Watching her own body getting touched like this, Layla's face flushed with embarrassment.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" Layla screamed.

To her horror, Zorua stopped touching its chest and was about to lift up the hem of its priest robe: "KYAAA STOP!!!"

Hearing his master's cry, Deino emerged from the Pokeball and tackled Zorua out of its transformation. The fox snickered and looked up at Deino, who was taller than her: "Yeah scold her Deino!" Layla cheered.


Deino opened his wide jaw and swallowed Zorua whole, leaving the pokemon tail hanging out of his mouth.

Layla's happy expression crumpled: "SPIT IT OUT SPIT IT OUT!!!!!!!" She smacked the back of the tiny dragon's head and Deino launched Zorua out of its mouth with a speed of a cannon ball.


Zorua hit the wall while covering in saliva, with a plop, the disheveled fox dropped to the ground. The pokemon trembled in terror, deeply tramatised by what just happened. Layla sighed and gently lifted Zorua up. She already got used to Deino's saliva and held Zorua without a second thought.

"It's okay," Layla patted the small pokmeon, "Deino won't hurt you, right?"

She held Zorua towards Deino and the pokemon screeched in fear before fainting. Layla was in disbelief as she captured the pokemon with a Pokeball: "Just take my money...." Layla groaned and she paid Deoxys the cost for Zorua.

"What are you looking at?" Layla asked with a small hint of malice when she saw Alice trying very hard not to laugh.

"By the way Deoxys, I have good news!" Alice said with her eyes sparkling and attempted to lighten the atmosphere: "I can finally accompany my father on an expedition!!"

"Oh? Where are you going?" Deoxys asked.

"Do you know of the ancient dragon that lived in a very old dungeon not so far from here?"

Deoxys shook its head and Alice hurriedly explained: "There was an ancient fire dragon that lived in the dungeon, countless brave adventurers have tried to conquer the dragon but they all fell to the monster's flames! However, just so recently, we found out that the dragon has miraculously disappeared and all the treasure disappeared! Apparently, there was a super huge battle that occurred so we need to investigate it."

'That's Ilulu isn't it?' Mew wandered out loud.

Deoxys also have the suspicion and the pokemon further confirms it with Alice's story. However, even Deoxys was occasionally neglecting the fact that Ilulu was a terrifying dragon that have been alive for centuries and not a lazy woman freeloading in its shop.

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"Isn't that dangerous?" Deoxys asked.

"It should be fine I think since the dragon has already disappeared. Also, my dad is strong and we have countless powerful knights with us!" Alice reasoned.

"Is that so? However please take these," Deoxys took this opportunity and placed countless vials on the counter: "They're health potions I made with various herbs, they were specifically created for pokemon but they will also work for people as well, simply apply to the wounded area and it should take effect almost immediately."

With the arrival of pokemon, Deoxys naturally made potions for trainers. Through experiments and testing, Deoxys managed to create its own recipes using natural materials in this world that healed injuries at a great speed. Different grades of potions were also constructed, each with stronger effects using rarer materials.

Mew wanted to hand Deoxys the recipe through a mission reward, however, now that it got time, the alien's curiosity and hunger to learn stopped Mew from doing so.

"Thanks!" Alice said excitedly and reached for the potion.

"It will cost 2 silvers each," Deoxys interrupted with a smirk.

Alice's hand froze and stared at Deoxys with a dead-panned expression. She sighed and still bought the potions anyway because of how important they were.

"Also please be careful, specifically the wild pokemon," Deoxys explained.

"Eh why? Pokemon seemed so friendly!?" Alice and Layla tilted their heads.

"Remember this, unlike the pokemon living in this kingdom that got used to people's presence, wild pokemon are animals that won't hesitate to attack when threatened. They are more powerful and dangerous than monsters so treat them with caution."

"Ah okay," Alice said and she felt nervous.

"Don't worry, if you're respectful then things should be fine," Deoxys said with a smile, "Oh wait, I forgot, please also have these,"

Deoxys placed a thin weird rectangular metal with a glass plane built on top of it. The magic language was inscribed onto the back of the metal plate: "This is a Pokedex, it is a type of encyclopedia on every known pokemon."

Layla and Alice's eyes widened at Deoxys's explanation: "All the information on pokemon??" They repeated.

Deoxys: "Starting from now, every customer will be given one of these upon purchasing a pokemon, for the device to function, please place a drop of your blood onto the back of the Pokedex."

Alice nodded and picked up the small knife Deoxys set on the table, however she stopped and stared at the shopkeeper: "This is free right?"

"Since you already purchased Charmander, there will be no charge,"

Alice smiled and pricked her finger with the dagger. Her blood dripped onto the Pokedex and the magic runes glowed. The light dimmed and Alice picked up the Pokedex.

"Now point the Pokedex on Charmander," Deoxys instructed.

Alice followed Deoxys's guidance and the glass plane lit up. Information began to appear on the Pokedex,

[Name: Charmander

Gender: Male

Description: A fire-type pokemon. The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions. The flame wavers when Charmander is happy, and blazes when it is enraged.]

"Wow so cool!" Alice exclaimed.

Layla also received a Pokédex of her own and scanned her Deino and Zorua:

[Name: Deino

Gender: Male

Description: A dark and dragon-type pokemon. When it encounters something, its first urge is usually to bite it. If it likes what it tastes, it will commit the associated scent to memory]

[Name: Zorua

Gender: Female

Description: A dark-type pokemon. To protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon.]

"This is truly amazing..." Layla muttered in a state of shock.

Deoxys nodded: "Please informed others to collect their own Pokedex,"

"Will do!" Alice said with a smile, she looked at the clock on the corner of the shop and her eyes widened: "Ah I needed to go prepare now for tomorrow, see you in a few days!" Alice said and left while dragging Layla with her.

Watching Alice leaving, Deoxys suddenly felt a slight unease but the pokemon shook off the feeling: 'Things should be okay...' It thought.

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