Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 47: First time out and Big Snake

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Today's the day when Alice could finally leave the kingdom and see all the new things out in the world. She was extremely excited but also nervous about what awaited her. She hurriedly checked her Redwall uniform and the strap of her scabbard for the hundredth time.

"Are you nervous?" Leon asked while securing the saddle for Alice's horse.

"A bit..." Alice said honestly, "Are you sure you're not coming?"

Leon shook his head: "I apologize, someone has to do your father's work and looked after the manor,"

Alice sighed, she knew that have always been the case, her dad wasn't really an expert in office work, and without Leon, they probably would've gone under by now…

Knowing that it was useless sulking, Alice calmed down and smiled wryly: "We'll see you in a few days," She quickly said her farewells as Leon still have work to attend to and went to her father's side.

"Are you ready?" Lucius asked.

Alice did one last examination of all the equipment before smiling: "Everything is good to go!"

Lucius nodded and mounted his horse, Alice also followed along and got on hers. She slowly guided the horse to the group of knights.

"Good luck Alice!" Clara said.

"I will pray for your success !" Layla added.

Her two friends cheered as they watched the group leave. Alice smiled and waved back before turning to Lucius.

"Alright let's go!" The duke shouted and flicked the horse's reins as they increased their pace.

Layla and Clara's figures become further and further away when they left through the giant gate of Ardes. As they exited, Alice took a deep breath of air and her smile widened, almost reaching her ears. Today will be her first mission and a new step toward becoming a magic swordsman.

On their journey, they spotted countless pokemon that took Alice's breath away. She already informed Lucius of Deoxys's warning so they respectfully watched the pokemon in the distance.




Alice merrily read out the names of all the pokemon they encountered, with each scan of her Pokedex, her eagerness to learn grows. Alice took a deep breath of fresh air as she felt the gentle breeze blowing her hair and the warm sun radiating off her skin.

She never knew the outside world was this beautiful. The mere thought of personally exploring this mysterious world in the future made her hands twitch with excitement.

"It's amazing," Alice muttered,

"Indeed, everything became much more bright and colorful when Pokemon arrived," Lucius explained.

Amidst their conversation, they heard a resounding howl not so far away and the sound of hooves echoing across the green plain. Everyone turned their heads and saw a large white horse with a horn on its head and flames as its mane.

Alice immediately took out her Pokedex and pointed it at the pokemon:

[Name: Rapidash

Gender: Male

Description: A fire-type pokemon. This Pokémon can be seen galloping through fields at speeds of up to 150 mph, its fiery mane fluttering in the wind.]

As Alice read out the information on her Pokedex, Lucius's eyes glowed with enthusiasm: "I want that..."

"Huh wait! Father!" Before Alice could react, Lucius was seen pursuing the galloping Rapidash with his own steed.

Lucius's horse sprinted beside Rapidash and the pokemon neighed in provocation. Rapidash's speed increases and starts to outrace Lucius's horse. The duke clicked his teeth and brought out his Pokeballs: "Go Larvesta! Combusken!"

The two pokemon burst out from their balls and halted before Rapidash and the horse dug his hooves into the ground, stopping with a screech. Rapidash angrily stomped the ground and observed his opponents.

With training, Larvesta has grown exceptionally and to Lucius's joy, Torchic also evolved into Combusken so he finally had a chance in defeating Akel.

"Combusken Sand Attack, Larvesta Bug Bite!" Lucius ordered.

Combusken kicked the ground, spraying dirt and sand into Rapidash's eyes. The horse growled in discomfort and was immediately met with Larvesta's Bug Bite. Rapidash opened his bloodshot eyes before dodging Larvesta's mandibles and tackling the bug with Quick Attack.

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"String Shot!" Lucius shouted.

Larvesta, who was knocked into the air, spit silk out of her mouth and tied Rapidash's legs together, stopping the pokemon in his tracks.

"Now Slash!"

Combusken charged and his claws shined a white glow. The pokemon swung at Rapidash and the horse screeched in pain. Rapidash was knocked to the ground and the pokemon desperately struggled to recover, however, Lucius was faster.

"Finish it with Double Kick and Zen Headbutt!"

Larvesta and Combusken pounced at Rapidash in unison. Rapidash screeched as the two pokemon's attacks landed. Lucius immediately threw a spare Pokeball at the weakened Rapidash and the pokemon was captured by the ball.

Lucius watched with anticipation as the Pokeball shook. Finally, it stopped, indicating the successful capture of Rapidash. Lucius grinned like a child and he picked up Rapidash's Pokeball. He got back on his horse and went back to the group.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't help myself, Lucius chuckled apologetically, "let's resume!"

Alice and the knights sighed tiredly but still continued their march. For the remaining of their days of their journey, Lucius tried to befriend the agitated Rapidash. Eventually, the pokemon accepted Lucius, and the duke starts to use the fire pokemon as his new mount. With his flame magic, the fiery mane on Rapidash won't affect him and he easily trained the horse.

The group eventually arrived at the dungeon where the Ancient Dragon stayed. Usually, the environment surrounding the dungeon should be fruitful and lively. The foliage and animals thrive from the mana that leaked out of the dragon but now it was quiet and the plants seemed to be not blossoming as in the past.

"Something's wrong...." Lucius said and he stopped the knights from advancing.

There was silence and everyone tensely unsheathed their blades, they nervously waited, ready to strike at the moment notice. Suddenly, the ground starts to rumble and a huge cavity was formed before them. A gigantic serpent burst from the earth and the monster let out a loud roar that shook the forest. The horses were frightened and everyone lost control of their rides.

"It's a Basilisk," Alice muttered with a pale face.

A merciless monster, it tends to kill its victim through constriction with its scaly green body or unleash an excruciating venom through its sharp fangs.

The monster must have taken over the empty dungeon and deemed it as its new home.

"Everyone fall back!" Lucius shouted.

However, before they can retreat scape, the Basilisk darted to their rear and blocked their only escape route. Behind them was the dungeon cave that wasn't fit for the horses, a tall cliff beside the cave, and the dense forest filled with the unknown. Luis clicked his teeth: "Seems like we have to fight,"

Everyone brought out their pokeballs and threw them toward the Basilisk. The knights have their assigned pokemon, Buizel, Aron, and Grolwithe while Alice has her Charmander and Starly, and Lucius with his Larvesta, Combusken, and Rapidash.

"Water Gun!"


"Flame Charge!

"Wing Attack!"

"Metal Claw!"

Orders after orders were given and the Basilisk suffered under the relentless barrage. The snake roared with rage and spit out a mouthful of acid.

"Ah Charmander get away!" Alice hurriedly yelled.

Charmander jumped out of danger and the putrid liquid melted the floor where the lizard was previously standing. The basilisk took this opportunity and rushed towards Charmander, the monster swung its whip-like tail.

Charmander doesn't have time to react and could only watch the tail approaching closer and closer. Suddenly, Starly appeared before Charmander and pushed his friend away. Basilisk's tail struck the bird's body and Starly cried out in pain.

"Starly return for now!" Alice said and returned Starly back to the Pokeball.

Lucius: "Alice watch out!"

"Huh?!" Alice look up and saw the Basilisk slithering straight at her.

The monster snapped its jaw, ready to eat her with one bite. Alice froze, and with the intimidating appearance of the large serpent, she was overtaken with fear and her legs refused to move.

Rapidash arrived in time and using Double Kick, the pokemon successfully drove Basilisk away. The serpent's face smashed into the ground, creating a large earthquake.

The floor Alice was standing on cracked and the stumbled backward: "WOAH?!" The earth splits apart and she loses her balance. Alice tripped and her worldview turned upside down as she fell off the edge.

"Char!", Charmander jumped after Alice and the two plummeted toward the bottom of the cliff.

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