Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 48: A Horrible Tumble and a Kind Stranger

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"AHHHHHHH!!!!" Alice screamed as she fell down the cliff.

Her eyes widened with fear and she couldn't imagine her death.

"Char!" Hearing a familiar cry, Alice noticed Charmander falling above her.

Alice's face turned white and she instinctively reached out and tightly embraced the pokemon before curling into a ball. Her body crashed against the rugged wall before snagging on some tree branches. Alice desperately grasped for any stable holdings.  However, everything breaks at the touch. She fell to the ground and slid down on an inclined plane.

Alice shrieked and slide into a foliage of thorny vines and bushes, leaving cuts all over her body. The horrible experience finally ended when the slope reached a tilting point, launching her back into the air. With a loud Thud, Alice slammed into the muddy floor, knocking the air out of her lungs.

Alice groaned and she felt pain all over her body. She looked at Charmander in her lap and exhaled with relief when she saw that the lizard was unharmed.

"Ah Charmander, you're safe..." Alice muttered.

"Char!" Charmander cried out with worry and licked Alice's face.

With Alice's biggest worry gone, exhaustion assaulted her mind and she swiftly went unconscious.

"Char! Charmander!" Charmander desperately tried to wake Alice up.


The bushes surrounding Alice and Charmander shook with vigor. The pokemon flinched and he frantically pleaded for his master to open her eyes.

"Gobu gobu gobu,"

Emerging from the bushes were a group of goblins. They spotted Alice and Charmander as their excitement grew. Drools dripped down from their lips and the goblins raised their weapons and charged.

Out of options, Charmander pounced on one of the monsters and used Slash.

The goblin's makeshift weapon instantly broke under Charmander's claws and blood ruptured from the goblin's stomach, fatally wounding the monster. Charmander looked back and saw the rest of the goblins ignoring their dying teammate and approaching Alice.

Charmander roared and rushes into the group, biting and clawing any enemy that got too close.


Suddenly, Charmander felt a sharp pain in his back when one of the goblins struck the pokemon with a wooden club. Charmander was sent crashing into a tree and whimpered pitifully. the pokemon slowly stood up, he ignored the burning pain and growled.

The goblins hobbled toward the pokemon and Charmander was surrounded. The monsters gobbled with each other, discussing the best way to cook Charmander, not considering him a threat at all.

The fire lizard felt humiliated, and while everyone else was getting strong, he was still the same little Charmander. Every time he loses a battle, Alice will always comforts him and now, his weakness will kill his master!

Charmander gritted his teeth and let out a raging cry: 'get stronger... Get stronger... GET STRONGER!!'


A white light enveloped Charmander and the pokemon starts to morph and swell in size. The light disappeared and Charmander's new form was revealed.

"CHAR!!!!" Charmeleon roared and the pokemon felt a burst in strength.

The goblins screamed back and waved their weapons around, trying to act intimidating. Charlemelon's eyes turned red and a suffocating aura surrounds the pokemon. Chameleon snarled with rage as all rationality left him.

With one final howl, the pokemon used Outrage.


"Keep searching!!" Lucius shouted.

They have successfully repelled the Basilisk but which results in the disappearance of his daughter. Anxiety filled the duke's heart and he desperately ordered the knights to continue the search.

"My lord, it won't be safe traveling in this weather," One of the knights said when they saw the large dark clouds approaching, "We should search for Lady Alice once the rain settles."

Lucius clicked his teeth in anger. However, no matter how much he wants to go look for Alice, the knight was correct: "Fine..." He hissed

They nodded and the knight left to relay the orders. Lucius clenched his fist at his helplessness: "Stay safe..." He murmured.

Back in the forest.

Alice slowly opened her eyes and the first thing that she felt was coldness. She shivered and find herself drenched with mud and rain: "How did I get here?"

Currently, Alice was in a small dark cave. The sound of a deafening thunderstorm could be heard outside. She slowly gets up but immediately fell onto the ground and grasped her leg in agony. Alice took off her right boot, revealing the massive purple bruise on her ankle. When Alice touched the wound, the sharp stinging sensation made her instantly retract her hand.

Thankfully, it doesn't feel like it's broken but there's no way for her to move anytime soon. Alice tightly covered herself with her coat and tried to preserve any amount of heat she have left. Tears subconsciously welled up in her eyes, she was cold, injured, and scared, Alice wanted to see her friends, she wanted to see her dad...

Suddenly, Alice's eyes widened: "Charmander, Charmander!" Alice remembered that Charmander was with her before she when unconscious but her pokemon was nowhere to be seen.

The ground beside her seem to move and a large reptilian creature unfurled himself from a pile of dried leaves. It has red scales, a cream-colored underbelly, blue eyes, a long snout, and a large flame on its tail. Alice was frightened when she saw the scary monster. However, Alice froze when she stared into its eyes.

"Charmander?" She called out hesitantly,

The pokemon gently licked Alice's face and she giggle: "Ah stop it," She said and carefully pushed Charmeleon away: "Oh my, Charmander you've evolved."

The pokemon nodded and Alice took out her Pokedex.

[Name: Charmeleon

Gender: Male

You are reading story Deoxys in a Magical world! at

Description: The evolution of Charmander. It is very hot-headed by nature, so it constantly seeks opponents. It calms down only when it wins.]

"Cool..." Alice muttered before coughing uncontrollably.

She winced and touched the right side of her stomach. Alice looked at her hand and her palm was soaked with blood. Alice life up her shirt, revealing a large bleeding gash that ve been opened from the fall. Alice dug through her pockets and brought out a shattered glass vial with yellow liquid. She sighed, this was the only potion she had with her and the rest was in the supply carriage. Alice tear her shirt into a makeshift bandage and wrapped the fabric around her wound.

Thankfully, Alice didn't lose Starly's Pokeball and she let the pokemon out for comfort. When Starly appeared and saw Alice's condition, the bird cuddled against Alice and cooed with concern. Charmeleon also leaned in and used his flames to warm Alice up.

"Thanks..." Alice muttered weakly.

She rest against Charmeleon and groaned in comfort. Alice slowly closes her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Alice's breath was starting to get weaker and her body temperature became colder. Charmeleon was getting more anxious by the second and he turned to Starly.

"Char... (We need to save master,)"

"Star! (B...But how?!)"

"Charmeleon... (The queen can help us....)"

"Starly?! (Will our request even be considered?!)"

"Char Charmeleon, (We need to try,)"

Starly nodded and hopped out of the cave. He spread his wings and glanced at Charmeleon: "Starly Star, (Keep her safe, I will return as soon as I can!)"

Charmeleon agreed and Starly swiftly flew away...

A few hours later...

Alice slowly opened her eyes: "Ah so it wasn't a dream..." Alice muttered when she realized she was still in the cave.

Alice checked her wound and was relieved that the bleeding have stopped. She still felt extremely cold and uncomfortable but Alice knows that she should be okay in the being.

"Char..." Seeing Alice awake, Charmeleon relaxed and hurriedly approach her.

Charmeleon held out his hand, revealing a large berry. Alice saw the tiny cuts all over the pokemon's arms and she felt ashamed that Charmelon was hurt while trying to get her food. She stared at the fruit with a complicated expression, Alice glimpsed at Charmander and the pokemon was staring with anticipation.

Alice slowly ate the berry and smiled wryly: "Thanks Charma... Charmeleon, it's delicious,"

Charmeleon let out a low growl and lay down beside her. The pokemon brought his tail close and used the flame to keep Alice warm. She grinned and gently stroked Charmeleon's back.

"Ah, where's Starly?" Alice asked with concern and she observed roaring rain.

Charmeleon grumbled and Alice could understand that the pokemon was telling her not to worry: "Well he be okay?"

Charmeleon nodded and together they watched the heavy storm.


Thunder flashed across the sky and the bright light momentarily blinded Alice. Once her eyes regained focus, she saw a strange being levitating at the entrance of the cave. Alice's eyes widened and she stared at the being as alarm bells rang in her head.

The being was red with blue and black stripes on its upper portion. Two tendrils ran down each of the creature's sides and what Alice was unnerved by the most was its featureless face except for its emotionless eyes.

The creature floated towards Alice, who flinched: "S..stay back!" She warned.

Charmeleon appeared between them, Alice thought that her pokemon was going to fight. However, the small dragon lowered his head in submission as if bowing toward this creature Alice hesitantly pointed her Pokedex at the being, and what she received shocked her.

[Name: ??????



Alice was baffled by the gibberish she received. The only perceivable words were Ruler and Pokemon, which was something that sent chills down her spine. Before she knew it, the unknown creature was now face to face with Alice and it reached out with its tendrils.

She felt the pokemon's tentacles wrapping around her body and was lifted into the air. To Alice's surprise, the being cradled her in its arm as if she was being treated like a baby. A pink glow emitted from the pokemon's tentacles and Alice felt a comfortable warmth transmitting into her body. Her injuries began to heal at a rapid pace and she soon regained her lost strength.

Alice stared at the creature while it was tending to her wound. She could see the gentleness in its eyes and Alice felt at ease.

'Rest now child...' A strange distorted voice entered Alice's mind. It was as if there were multiple people speaking at once.

Alice oddly finds the voice familiar, albeit ever so slightly. However, she has to put that thought away for now as her eyelids start to droop. It wasn't long until Alice finally went back to sleep.

Deoxys nodded with satisfaction and turned to Charmeleon: 'Your master will be proud,'

"Char, (Thank you, your highness,)"

Deoxys dug through Alice's belongings and returned Charmeleon to the Pokeball. Starly has also been put back into his ball and Deoxys placed them back into Alice's pockets. The pokemon already located Lucius's group and teleported close to them. Deoxys quietly leaned her against a tree and made a loud noise. Before the knights turned away, the pokemon teleported out of sight.

"Alice!" Lucius shouted with relief and sprinted toward his daughter.

He hurriedly checked Alice's body and embraced her tightly. The duke smiled softly and caressed her face. He carried Alice in his arms and shouted to the knight: "We're leaving! Now!"

Deoxys watched in the distance and hummed with contentment. The pokemon observed the group one last time before leaving.

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